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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20171227 01:30:00

sky. the rocket launch that mesmerized millions. and the confusion, chaos and crashes it caused. and good evening and welcome to "world news tonight." i'm tom llamas, in for david. and we begin with that deadly winter wallop, striking the day after christmas, as millions of americans travel for the holidays. snow falling from coast to coast. eye-popping accumulations in parts of pennsylvania and upstate new york. more than 50 inches in some spots. and it's not just snow. wind chill alerts in 20 states. this time lapse video from duluth, minnesota, where temperatures hit 21 degrees below zero. causing steam and fog to rise from lake superior. treacherous driving conditions tonight. four killed in one interstate crash in kansas. slow going from the great lakes through the northeast. and a frightening moment at boston's logan airport, when a jetblue passenger plane skidded out after landing in slick conditions. airline delays stacking up tonight as that arctic blast moves east. abc's alex perez gets us started in hall hamburg, new york. >> reporter: tonight, with millions on the roads, the lake effect snow machine is shattering records and grinding travel to a halt. the city of erie, pennsylvania, declaring a snow emergency. crews unable to keep up with the nearly four and a half feet of snow that fell in just 36 hours. overnight, dozens of cars spinning off highways and these drivers backed up for miles on interstate 90 outside of town. that lake effect snow leaving buffalo buried. whiteout conditions all the way to kalamazoo. that snow fueled by bone-chilling air, causing car wrecks in kansas, where at least four people died after sliding off the road. in the northwest, icy roads causing pileups. in oregon, one driver injured. >> lost control. did a 360, hit a car on the next lane and ended up here. >> reporter: meanwhile, parts of the northeast are digging out after getting blizzard conditions for christmas. white-knuckle travel from maine to massachusetts, where there was thundersnow. >> thundersnow! >> reporter: and winds gusted to 65 miles an hour, knocking this beam off the sagamore bridge and knocking out power to thousands. at boston's logan overnight, flights were delayed for hours, and one almost didn't make it. >> we started spinning and spinning and spinning. >> everything's fine. we just skidded on the ice. >> reporter: passengers evacuating onto the icy tarmac and onto shuttle buses after a jetblue plane from savannah spun all the way around. thankfully, no one was injured. >> and alex perez joins us live now, just outside of buffalo. alex, it's hard to make out what's behind you, because everything is frozen and they're expecting even more snow? >> reporter: that's right, tom. it's hard to believe even staring right at it. take a look behind me there. this is lake erie back there, and the water coming up to the shore here basically freezing solid. that's a bench underneath there. aaa says they're getting about 100 calls an hour for help, and it's not over just yet. they're expecting more snow, about a foot more of snow just south of here in the next 24 hours. tom? >> incredible amounts of snow and incredible images. all right, alex, thank you. and that arctic blast likely will be dangerous. wind chill alerts in 20 states. some 45 million americans feeling the cold. let's go to abc news senior meteorologist rob marciano with more. rob? >> reporter: good evening, tom. right now, in the least amount of daylight and the most amount of cold all year long and those zero degree temperatures scooping up that relatively warm water of the great lakes and dumping it east of cleveland, south of buffalo, north of syracuse and northern michigan. another one to two feet, as alex mentioned, on top of the four and five feet they've seen. so, some stunning totals comes in the next 24 hours, for sure. wind chills, as you mentioned, 20 states in the frozen zone. look at these numbers, in chicago tomorrow morning, going to feel like minus 14. but by thursday morning, even colder across the east coast. boston will feel like minus 16. 5 in philadelphia. single digits all the way down into the carolinas. that cold air sits in place right through the new year, with multiple opportunities of snow and ice. tom? >> we're going to have to brace for this winter. all right, rob, thanks so much. next tonight, to florida, where president trump is spending the holidays away from the white house. the president playing golf today at one club bearing his name. trump also on twitter, taking aim at a pair of favorite targets of 2017 -- the ongoing russia investigation and the fbi. abc news's kenneth moton is in west palm beach. >> reporter: president trump today spotted on his trump international golf course, through the trees in his signature red make america great again hat. on christmas, the president said he'd be back at work today. he's also back on twitter, responding to a fox news report about that now infamous dossier, alleging links between the trump campaign and russia. >> the dossier we have long known is bogus. >> reporter: the president tweeting, "wow. dossier is bogus. clinton campaign, dnc funded dossier. fbi cannot, after all of this time, verify claims in dossier of russia/trump collusion. fbi tainted." the most salacious parts of the dossier have not been corroborated, and it's unclear what role, if any, it has played in the fbi's broader russia investigation. for weeks, the president has been attacking the fbi. >> well, it's a shame what's happened with the fbi. >> reporter: here in mar-a-lago, president trump also taking aim at fbi deputy director andrew mccabe, accusing him of bias during the hillary clinton e-mail investigation, after an ally of clinton's donated to mccabe's wife's political campaign. at the time, mccabe consulted fbi ethics officials about the donation. the president asking on twitter how mccabe could be, quote, given $700,000 for wife's campaign by clinton puppets. the administration defending the president's attacks on fbi leadership. >> he's making the point that we need to make sure there's no bias, and i think there's serious concerns about whether friday night sky. >> wow, what is that? >> reporter: the sight so mesmerizing that some motorists couldn't keep their eyes out of the sky and on the road. >> oh! [ bleep ]. >> this guy's not paying attention. >> reporter: and even after those three cars crashed, the narrator in this video barely skips a beat, he just keeps talking about that shape in the sky. >> wow. what is that? >> reporter: the rocket's unusual, whale-shaped contrail feeding a frenzy. >> if you're wondering that bright thing in the sky was the missile launch. >> reporter: and so many were wondering. >> no, dude, what is that? >> reporter: so many didn't get the message that the hash tag aliens trended on twitter. calls flooded tv stations with ufo sightings. and the man who created the mess? elon musk jokingly capping it this way -- "nuclear alien ufo from north korea." now, the next falcon-9 launch isn't until later next month. we're not sure it will be quite as spectacular at the last one, but the california highway patrol hopes that this time, all these motorists will keep their eyes on the road. tom? >> drivers be warned. all right, matt, thank you so much. there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this tuesday. an apartment inferno. was this blaze caused by a toy battery in the process of charging? plus, the sharp jump in flu cases. what's ahead, and how you can stay healthy. and these two men, best friends for more than 60 years. the secret they never knew, revealed tonight. with us. revealed tonight. stay with us. david. what's going on? oh hey! ♪ that's it? yeah. ♪ everybody two seconds! ♪ "dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance..." through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald's helps more people go to college. it's part of our commitment to being america's best first job. ♪ the market.redict but through good times and bad... t. rowe price... ...we've helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. i just drank tons of water a proall the time, it was never enough. my dentist suggested biotene. my mouth felt more lubricated. i use the biotene rinse and then i use the spray. biotene did make a difference. [heartbeat] you are loved uh oh...a painful sore throat? not now. take cépacol instamax. look! unlike regular cough drops it contains 2 max strength pain relievers and cools in seconds. bye bye sore throat. take cépacol instamax. and carmax will hold it for you up to seven days, for free. you come in when it's convenient i know this because i'm from seven days in the future. now don't be frightened, seven days in the future is a glorious place. after all you had two good hair days in a row... perfect. right out of bed. and this car you reserved on is still being held for you, for free. pretty sweet. or as we like to say from seven days in the future... ah...we still say pretty sweet. it's basically the same. next, to the growing worries about the flu. we've been telling you about the cdc's warning, high influenza-like activity in ten states now. and many christmas celebrations spoiled by sickness. here's abc's linzie janis. >> reporter: tonight, the flu virus on a rampage. and the number of cases could skyrocket. >> went to the doctor and got tested, i felt like i had a sinus infection. >> reporter: vince blea and his son both suffering from the flu. the pair spent christmas quarantined in bed, away from their family. >> it's the best thing for everybody. >> reporter: they didn't get flu shots. doctors say getting the shots could have helped, but this year's vaccine has been disappointing. >> this year's flu vaccine may be only 10% effective. better than 0%, but still very, very poor. >> reporter: according to doctors, the virus can exist in the air three to six feet away from an infected person. ten states already exhibiting high flu activity. mostly in the south and southwest. with the peak of the misery expected sometime in the coming weeks. tonight, doctors warning, it's not just the vulnerable who are at risk. >> sometimes, the flu really affects people who have no underlying medical condition, who are young and healthy. and those patients can get very sick and can die of influenza complications. >> reporter: tom, doctors say people should still get a flu shot, because if you get the virus, it could lessen its potentially deadly impact. tom? >> linzie janis for us. linzie, thank you. when we come back, the popular christmas eve fireworks tradition taking a dangerous turn. where this happened. plus, the 20-year veteran flight attendant with one way to make holiday travel enjoyable. ♪ if only in my dreams >> not bad. the reason why she sings, when we come back. hy she sings, when we come back. moking with chanti. i tried, um, cold ey. i tried the patches. i was tired and i was fed up. i wanted to try something different. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. compared to the nicotine patch, chantix helped significantly more people quit smoking. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be life-threatening. stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. tell your healthcare provider if you've had depression or other mental health problems. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. the most common side effect is nausea. i'm finally free of smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. i'm finally free of smoking. us lives here. where we can be surprised by others. and ourselves. for a better us, support to your local y today. do i use that'sthat wgood for my teeth? 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[heartbeat] essential for vinyl, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. a must for vinyl. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". would people make fun of you a little bit? you can be honest. >> you know, i think people are going to make fun of you just a little bit. >> reporter: do you think people think if you're meditating that you're going to kind of go soft a little bit? >> hey. i would say yes. >> reporter: i get it. i used to worry that meditation would diminish my edge in the hard-charging world of tv news. people who take cholesterol-lowering drugs -- then i had a panic attack, live on "good morning america." but it's too early to prescribe statins slowly for cancer production. i found that meditation boosted my edge, making me more focused and less yanked around by my emotions. studies suggest meditation can help people in high stress jobs, literally rewiring your brain. now jeff and i are on a mission to make the practice more accessible with our new book, "meditation for fidgety skeptics." >> the area that we're in, it's known for illegal activity, primarily with drugs. >> reporter: while sergeant johnson is skeptical, we gather his colleagues, many of whom have embraced meditation. >> i'm a tiny officer. so, when i show up to scenes, it's essential that i'm calm, my mind is in the right place and i'm able to talk to people. >> reporter: at a time of tension between officers and the community, they say meditation helps them manage stress on the job and not take it home with them. by the end of our visit, sergeant johnson is convinced. dan harris, abc news, tempe, arizona. >> we thank dan for that report. his book went on sale today. thank you so much for watching. i'm tom llamas in new york. i'll see you right back here tomorrow night. for david and all of us here, have a great evening. good night. night. what looks like just another day of slow traffic is actually a hero's farewell. we have team coverage on the chp officer whose life was lost on christmas eve. >> we're not only tracking warmer weather, but the chance for some wet weather to return in the forecast. the details ahead in accuweather. san francisco got a christmas present of sorts with the opening of this shiny new bus stop. i'm jonathan bloom with the beginnings of the new sales force transit center. cannabis confusion, from buying, to smoking to driving. what you can and can't do. when recreational marijuana becomes legal january 1st. >> it chokes me up, it's heart breaking. >> it's the story of a heart breaking traj by. you're watching a chp escort killed on christmas eve. >> officer andrew camilierri


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