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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20160607

constitutional right is subject to reasonable regulation. >> "hannity" starts right here, right now. welcome to "hannity." tonight while the left-wing media, they're focused on donald trump's comments about the judge that is presiding over the trump university case, what they should be be talks about is the growing anti-american, pro-mexican violent left-wing agitators now causing havoc outside of all of trump's rallies. now just last thursday, donald trump supporters in san jose, california, were harassed, beaten, assaulted and had eggs thrown at them while leaving a rally. take a look. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> hey, hey. >> don't you [ muted ]. don't you put your hands on my -- >> get away from me. [ yelling ] >> walking out? >> walking out with our trump sign, he grabbed my trump sign, started following me saying i was a racist and stuff. >> what you just saw is far from an isolated incident. now, similar protests have broken out all across the couny outside trump rallies resulting in clashes with the police, injured civilians, damaged property and much more. all carried out by left-wing agitaag agitators, many of whom cloaked in the mexican flag. what's behind these violent protests? why is this story overlooked by the mainstream media? joining with us reaction, editor in chief of lifezette, laura ingraham, and former presidential candidate, fox news contributor herman cain. i want to go back to this video. i want to talk over it. you have this incident, you have women being punched, in this particular case a woman is surrounded by a mob. see, again, they're coming out of a trump protest and you've got all these people confronted. you see a lot of mexican flags in the audience. in the case of this woman, a guy being attacked, why, just because he went to a trump rally. see this guy ends up bleeding because he got coldcocked from behind. look at this poor woman, standing right there in a lobby. nobody is helping her. if you look around the crowd, she has mexican flags thrown in her face, you got people inside. nobody stepped in to help this woman. you know, we could talk all we want, laura, about, you know, in this particular case, they're going after this poor guy in the red shirt. she's running for his life. and then the media, of course, follows with their cameras but nobody stops him. american flag is being burnt. here's the question, laura. all of this is happening, but yet the media all they wanted to ask all weekend, all day long today was, oh, donald trump's comments about a judge that, frankly, seems to have some radical associations. >> sean, what's obvious here is that the media, they will not cover a story, certainly not fairly or adequately, if it cuts against their narrative. now, what has their narrative been about immigration? immigration is always good, illegal or legal, because it's the great melting pot. this is the great diversity. they're citizens on everything except a piece of paper. we've heard all of these otrope during the amnesty debate. we've heard crime isn't coming into the country, these are patriotic american kids except for citizenship formality. in many cases, that is not true. in fact, what we're seeing on streets of california is thuggery. the left would call it a hate crime, sean, if these types of crimes were committed against any minority group that was considered protected, whether they be hispanics, of course, other minorities, maybe gay americans. i would be leading the charge if that was a hate crime, okay? >> yeah. >> well now, it's, well donald trump is creating the environment that is fomenting this violence. hillary clinton said that three days ago, sean. she blamed him for the violence. now, we know if the shoe were on the other foot, this would be a massive story. they would never let it go. but because there are many white people who are attending these rallies, a lot of them like trump, a lot of minorities there as well, though, i understand from people who are inside, that this violence is not only accepted, but many cases it's excused and even validated by media that hates trump and frankly despises the supporters. they deserve what they got. >> herman cain, tammy bruce had a good point, make no mistake this this is not organic, this is not happening naturally, this is the result of leftist organizing and even paid stooges, she says. breitbart reported this is all astroturf, you know, professional liberal leftist agitators, black lives matter, mo, larossa, union groups and others. really it's a democratic party treei i trying to foment this type of violence and hatred but the media ignores it. why? >> they ignore it because the incidents in san jose, you know, protesters, peaceful protesters don't bring eggs to a peaceful rally. and they don't start throwing punches. this is a mountain that the media wants to ignore. what he said about this judge is a mole hill they want to turn into a mountain. why? the never-trump crowd couldn't stop trump. all of the other negative advertising and negative perceptions for the last eight months couldn't stop trump. the only thing they have left is violence to try to blame trump for it and violence to try to make it seem as if all people of hispanic descent are against trump. that simply is not true. they call my show, call laura's show. they're trying to create the perception he's inciting this violence. in fact, we believe that it's backfiring. some people are saying, this makes them support trump because they can see through the media hip pypocris hypocrisy. >> you know, all of this has to do with comments. people don't want to look at the fact, laura, i sat through an intelligence briefing. i was told in a seven-year period of time in texas, alone, 625,000-plus victims of crime in texas, alone, by illegal immigrants including murder, including rape and all he's saying is control the border. all he's saying on muslims is if the national director of intelligence, fbi director, assistant fbi director, special envoy to defeat isis and house homeland security chairman all say isis will infiltrate the refugee population. until americans are safe, we will stop that program. that, to me, on both issues seems reasonable. why are some people reacting this violently to what seems to be a reasonable position? >> notice what's not being done over the last week, and i think trump's campaign is working on getting its footing as well on this, but what is not happening? hillary cannot point to a successisac successful track record as secretary of state, sean, can't point to a growing, thriving economy despite president obama's absurd appearance in indiana claiming no one had anything to worry about, got the jobs report that showed a measly 38,000 jobs were created. a failed muddled foreign policy, we have no economic recovery to speak of. we have tens of millions of americans out of work. they shifted to, well, trump is inciting violence, trump's a racist, trump hates women, trump hates hispanics and all hispanics hate trump. >> that's all you've heard about in the mainstream media, though, laura. >> sean, it shows you the power of the substance behind trump's campaign. questioning globalization, the results to the american people, trade deals and immigration. these are powerful issues that are drawing people from a cross section of america. the democrats are panicked right now. they are panicked despite hillary probably wrapping this up, there's a lot of discontent among the democrats. republicans have to stay on message here. focus on what these people have tried to do, but what the plans are for the future. exposing hillary all the way. the corruption at the clinton foundation. what you said about the for-profit cash cow that the clintons got from that so-called university. these are winner topics. just have to stay focused on that. all the rest of the stuff is going to play out the way it should. >> herman cain, is what we're watching a preview of coming attractions with the conventions? >> yes. because especially at the republican convention, you're going to have much more violence like this. why? they are desperate as laura said. they have no other alternatives in order to be able to distract and disrupt the donald trump momentum. it's not working and it won't work. that's why they're resorting to violence and i do believe it's going to be more upcoming attracti attractions, but more of the american people, correct thinking people, sean, are waking up to these tactics of the media and the left and it's not going to work the way it may have worked long time ago. >> all right, guys. thank you both very being with us. coming up next tonight right here on "hannity" -- >> they're thugs and they're agitators. they're bad people. i think they're sent by the democrats. >> so who are the violent left-wing agitators outside of these trump rallies and how should police deal with them? sheriff david clarke, sheriff joe arpaio will join us next. plus the old mainstream media, all they want to talk about today is trump university and the lawsuit and trump's comments about the judge presiding over the case. monica crowley, tucker carlson weigh in. we'll tell you about bill clinton's $16.5 million payout to his university and the controversy there that the media ignores. straight ahead. constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief oa skin transformation that rivals the leading department store moisturizer. revives skin to fight 7 signs of aging. with olay, you age less, so you can be ageless. this is a fox news alert. i'm kelly wright. big news tonight for presidential hopeful hillary clinton. according to the "associated press" delegate count, she now has commitments from enough delegates to become the presumptive democratic presidential nominee. according to "ap," mrs. clinton has 1,812 pledged delegates from primaries and caucuses as well as the support of 571 superdelegates. that brings her to the magic number of 2,383 delegates. the campaign of her rival, bernie sanders, releasing a statement saying, "it is wrong to count the votes of superdelegates before they actually vote at the convention this summer." word of clinton reaching the threshold comes ahead of tomorrow's nominating contests in six states including california and new jersey. tropical storm colin lashes the gulf coast with high winds and heavy rains. the storm is expected to make landfall any moment near the big bend area. florida governor rick scott declaring a state of emergency there and is warning people to take this storm seriously. >> we have the risk of tornadoes, lightning, hail, rip currents. all these issues. we have storm shelters ready if we need them, but every person in our state needs to follow this and be prepared. >> be prepared and take it seriously. the national hurricane center says colin is packing max sustain winds of 50 miles per hour and could bring up to 8 inches of rainfall in some areas. the mother of a boy who full into the gorilla exhibit at the cincinnati zoo won't be charged. an ohio prosecutor says he won't press charges because she could not have prevented the incident. to save the 3-year-old, a special response team shot and killed the gorilla, harambe. that's a look at news this hour. i'm kelly wright. we take you back to "hannity." for all your headlines, log on to people are burning our american flag. they're thugs. >> what is your message to the people committing acts of violence? >> i would be very strong if i were the police. i think sheriff joe arpaio would not let a thing like that happen. the people that are causing that problem, they're not my people. they're people that are outside, they're thugs and they're agitators. they're bad people. i think they're sent by the democrats. >> you have evidence of that? >> well, they have the bernie signs. got a lot of bernie signs. >> so they're bernie supporters it? >> they got bernie signs, the same signs they use at their rally. >> donald trump over the weekend talking about the violence left-wing agitators outside his rallies. joining us with more reaction to this growing unrest, milwaukee county sheriff david clarke. maricopa county sheriff, joe arpaio. when you see, sheriff clarke, the san jose mayor actually blamed trump for the violence, but yet all these groups seem very well organized, very well prepared for violence. you know, that poor lady surrounded by guys with mexican flags throwing an egg right in her face, nobody protecting her, and getting in people's grill. you know, look at this poor guy got hit from behind. he's bloody and bleeding li ini. then the mayor blames trump. that to me is an orwellian spin if i've ever seen one. what's your reaction? >> well, this is premeditated organized violence. these are rye rot makers that show up at these events. what the may wror said was obviously ridiculous. sean, what i'm ticked off right now, why attorney general loretta lynch has not dispatched the fbi and dispatched lawyers from the civil rights division to investigate and prosecute and identify people who are using the same type of tactics that were used in the jim crow south to frighten and intimidate blacks from participating in the voting process? that's why this is done to strike fear and intimidation in the hearts of these people who want to come and hear the candidate of their choice. this is constitutionally protected. this is a civil rights violation. and they're entitled to that same equal protection under the law as anybody else or any other protected class but it appears to me that the united states department of justice doesn't care what's happening because these people are white and they're trump supporters. >> what's your reaction, sheriff joe? >> well, you know, i've been with the donald trump on many rallies. there are few demonstrations here and there inside. it was taken care of. but i'm a little concerned about what's going on now. i think it's going to get worse. and this -- >> yeah, but sheriff joe, you know how to handle it. you don't back down. you don't blame the people that are going to a peaceful political rally. in these cities, they're blaming the people attending and justifying the violence. >> well, maybe i've had a little experience the last eight years with thousands of people demonstrating against me including sharpton with thousands and thousands, but that was a little different. now we have the presidential candidate, lot of people don't like him. i kind of feel for his safety. i'm an elected delegate. so i'll be watching his back when i'm in cleveland. but i think it's going to get worse. cops -- i'm not going to criticize the police department, but you know what, when you go destroying police cars, they should be in jail. so i don't know what's going on in that san jose down there, wherever it was -- >> what happened -- >> action has to be taken. >> it wouldn't happen in your jurisdiction. >> no, they'd be in jail. >> you know, let me ask both of you this question. >> in jail. >> remember radical angela davis from the 1960s? she actually says urging people to do whatever is necessary to stop trump. now, sheriff clarke, if somebody where you live in the county where you're the sheriff made a comment like that, would you visit that person? that sounds like a death threat to me. >> well, you know, you want to be reasonable about this, but you look at the intelligence, you look at the information then you look at the tactics. what you do is you start monitoring social media because there's a lot of buzz in terms of this organized violence on social media and you want to disrupt and interrupt it. identify the people involved in it when they show up with these -- spotters in this situation. like joe said, sheriff arpaio said, you can't blame the front line officers. they're under orders to be passive. it didn't work with the riots of the '60s. they tried that tactic. it failed miserably. job one is to protect job and property. when you see people outwardly attack like that, they have visual evidence, they should be down there putting those stills up on the news, broadcasting it and putting up rewards for the identity of these perpetrators like when some idiot put bacon on the door land l handle of th mosque. the fbi put up a rewan -- >> we told these groups, sheriff arpaio, for example, in baltimore, in ferguson, we had videotape of lot of people breaking a lot of laws. they never used the videotape to arrest all the people that were involved in the violence and the burning and all this stuff that went on. so we let people get away with this time and time again. aren't we sending a message, i guess it's okay? >> yeah -- >> sure, we are. that's why it continues to go. that's why it continues to grow and it will continue to escalate as long as they're given the signal that the police are going to be passive in it. it's no slap at the police, it's the organizers, the police administrators putting these flawed plans together allowing cops -- >> they're letting them get away with it. >> let me -- let me tell you. i've been through a lot of these demonstrations. what really burns me up, i know it's the 1st amendment, is burning our american flag. my birthday is tuesday, flag day, june 14th. by the way, donald trump has the same day, born the same day. i'm going to do something about our flag. you'll see on tuesday what i will say about the american flag and do something about it. >> i've never seen more mexican flags than i see at these rallies. >> when you start a fire -- when you start a flag on fire in a crowded area, that's careless handling of burning materials so you don't go after the 1st amendment protected act of burning the flag, but there are other statutes that can be employed to arrest people and that's not what's being done. there's no creativity when it comes to prosecution. like i said, i think there's some voting act rights violations here. >> i think it's a good point. >> again, doesn't seem to be any interest by the attorney general's office to do anything about this. >> thank you both for being with us. appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up, the mainstream media is up in arms over comments donald trump made about the judge presiding over the trump university case. we'll check in with monica crowley and tucker carlson. also bill clinton, did you know this, he made $16.5 million to be specific for a for-profit university that also has issues. why isn't the media reporting that? we'll explain the case to you more, straight ahead. 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i think that probably would have been the smarter way. >> wrote an op-ped for the "washington post," he said an independent judiciary is extremely important but that value is not the only one in play here. and i think this was important, tucker, there are real legitimate concerns about a conflict of interest, about whether or not recusal would have been appropriate for this judge in this case based on his stated agenda and associations, no? >> yeah. according to monica, monica totally won me over on that. trump didn't at all. trump muddied it, confused it, embarrassed him. to me, someone who's pretty sympathetic to a lot of the themes he's been raising here, i mean, look, to the extent he talks -- as he said himself tonight, he seems to have sobered up for a moment, if he talks art the economy, immigration, death of the middle class, the tragedy of obamacare, what open borders are doing to the country, he wins, beats hillary clinton for sure. if he continues to talk about himself, trump university, mexican judges, he loses. it's really that simple. not about what reporters want to talk about. he's the presidential candidate. he can talk about whatever he wants. >> there also is this double standard. think about this. >> there is. >> remember, monica, when judge sonia sotomayor talked about wise latino, wasn't there an inference there that her ba background, her diverse background would be a plus, advantage, would offer perspective she wouldn't otherwise have or the criticism to clarence thomas, the horrible names that he was called because he didn't fit into the mold that would add the perspective that liberals wanted. >> right, okay. yeah, of course. what we're seeing here now is sort of a reversal of what the left has shoved down our throats for decades which is white judges and white juries can't be fair, right, they can't be fair if you have an african-american or somebody else of color standing trial, they can't be fair. that's the assumption that the left has operated and shoved down this country's throats for a very long time. in fact, the u.s. supreme court has eight members now with the death of scalia. 7-1 with clarence thomas abstaining just said an african-american male should be able to revisit his death penalty sentence because the jury was all white. this just happened out of georgia, okay? this is what's happening in reverse. donald trump then can't do the reverse. he can't raise the idea that, perhaps, because this man is a mexican heritage or because he has this political ideology, he can't be fair to donald trump, somehow trump is not right for raising that question. >> you're making such a smart point, and it's impossible to disagree with it and with the larger point that the left only has power because of its relentless race baiting, scaring people into voting, they claim the other side hates them based on the color of their skin. the question, take three steps back, do you want to live in a country where people of a certain race are only able to interact and judge those of a certain race? no, you don't. you want to object that way of thinking and at least believe in the possibility of a colorblind society where people are judged based on what they do and say rather than their genetic -- >> on this issue of immigration, if you're a member of not the national council of la ras rossa, they have a history and association with helping illegal immigrants, that to me seem s like you have a conflict. i would ark you need some type of objectivity. >> that's totally fair. say that. say that. don't get off into this garbage about his parents. what is that? here's the risk. the risk is comments like that delegitimize the l which is that unrestricted -- >> he's wrecking the case sp what you're saying? he should have articulated it differently? >> he should also be making a broader case about the judiciary in this country. he should be saying, look, we have x number of country who are bias, if you elect me president, i'm going to make sure the federal judiciary starting with the supreme court is stocked with conservative judge so we don't have this kind of issue. >> stay right there. when we come back, monica and tucker will stay with us. we have a "hannity" investigation. you will not hear this in the mainstream media. bill clinton, i bet you haven't heard this, he made millions of dollars, $16.5 million, as a matter of fact, for a for-profit university and, by the way, there are many complaints about this university. and also tonight -- >> hillary clinton wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. wants to abolish it. abolish it. >> donald trump, he's been warning that hillary, in fact, does want to abolish the 2nd amendment. wait until you hear what she said about this weekend about your 2nd amendment rights. stacey dash, eric guster are here to weigh in as we continue tonight here on "hannity." when you booked this trip, you didn't know we had hundreds of thousands of places to stay all over the world. or that we searched billions of flights to get you here. a few weeks ago, you didn't even know where here was. now the only thing you don't know, is how you're gonna leave. expedia. technology that connects you to the people and places that matter. nobody's hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? 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>> there are two parts to this. number one, bill clinton and by extension hillary clinton made $16.5 million from laureate education. a for-property educational organization. >> there were five separate -- this is according to cnbc, tucker -- five separate affiliates, by the way, charging $60,000 tuition. a lot of topple schools don't charge that amount of money. >> no. >> i'll read from cnbc. "critics of laureate's walden university in minnesota claim professors were inaccessible, that the continual delay stretched out the time meaning the money that the kids had to end up paying to earn an advanced degree. and students filed lawsuits against walden, the laureate university affiliate, hoping to make a class-action suit in this case. now, considering that sounds exactly like what the allegations are against trump university, where's equal coverage? >> look, if you're a for-profit university, number one on your to-do list is to make sure that you get the left to stop criticizing you. for-profit universities have been a target for a long time of democratic politicians and so what's the fastest way to stop criticism? buy off your critics. $16 million. the question for hillary clinton, what exactly did he do to earn $16 million in four years? let's be precise here. >> lost its accreditation. for example, chile has national accreditation, and cited low graduation rates, sharp increase in student enrollment without faculty members keeping pace and it's clasic behavior of students cutting cost to increase revenue and took away accreditation in certain blazes. >> a couple countries on this list, bill clinton's face is plastered all over ads for laureate education. like brazil, where for-profits are illegal. what are they doing -- >> you're talking about very poor people bamboozled in thinking their lives are going to get better and milking them dry. >> always claiming that we shouldn't turn education into a commodity, well, here it is. the more important thing, too, i think is the chairman of laureate education, a guy named douglas barker, has very close ties to the clinton global initiative and you know who else is a donor to laureate? george soros. >> oh, isn't that great? >> tangled web. >> sounds like one big happy family. here's the challenge, though. so trump maybe should have handled this issue of explaining how the judge has bias, his connection to la raza, what we mentioned the last segment. the media doesn't ask clinton these questions. i had to literally hand feed george stephanopoulos the one question about bill ayers in the 2008 election cycle. nobody else in the mainstream media ever asked the question. >> so if you -- i just got finished reading today's pool report, a report of the mainstream news organizations that are covering hillary clinton, she just did an availability in los angeles, you should see the question, literally the question she was asked today, an hour ago, were so much softer than the questions that, say, miss america gets right after the swimsuit portion of the competition. >> you mean like how are you going to get world peace? >> yeah, no, but how does it feel to be on the cusp of victory? what's it like to be the first potential female president? like, why are you so great? honestly, can you answer that? questions like that. >> tucker, why are you so great? i just want to know. good to see you both. thank you. >> thanks, sean. coming up next tonight right here on "hannity" -- >> hillary clinton wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. wants to abolish it. abolish it. >> donald trump, he's warning americans that hillary wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. you won't believe what she said about your right to bear arms and the 2nd amendment over the weekend. we have the tape and get reaction from stacey dash and eric guster as we continue. i'm mary ellen, and i quit smoking with chantix. i always came back to smoking. i was absolutely frustrated, absolutely. i did not think chantix would work as well as it did. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. i did it. i quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. this clean was like - pow. everything well? 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that it's not linked to service in a mill limilitia? >> for most of our history there was a nuanced reading until the late justice scalia and no argument until then that localities and states and the federal government had a right as we do with every amendment to impose reasonable regulation. >> all right. joining us now, trial attorney, political commentator eric guster, and the author of the brand new book, i had the distinct honor and pleasure of writing the forward it, "there goes my social life: from clueless to conservative." our friend, stacey dash is back. by the way, love the cover. your new haircut, that looks nice. >> is that illegal now? >> it's not. it's fine. >> you know, you talk a your life, the tweet that changed my life. you are a black american and you are a conservative. you even say you have a whole chapter in the book about how black americans should be republican. >> yes. >> all the time. now, if i live in a neighborhood like chicago, maybe predominantly black neighborhood and there's so much violence, i think i'd want a weapon to protect my family. >> they do. they do want weapons and they have weapons. nobody's going to take their weapons. trust me. in anyone tried to take someone's weapons in the hood or ghetto, they would shoot them dead. >> you look at, for example, memorial day, eric.3 >> look at the violence in chicago. out of control violence, people dead, 60 people shot. i'm thinking this is obama's hometown, he barely talks about it. he mentioned it twice. >> he mentioned it more than twice. >> three times, maybe. let's talk about the violence at donald trump rallies. >> we went through that. >> so glad you went there. you know? >> the trump rallies are the most-violent political rallies of our time. >> why do you think that happens? >> he's inciting it. >> he's inciting it? okay. if that is the case who incited the violence at kanye's concert last night? >> those are people in the streets that wanted to get into the concert. >> oh, i see. >> what is amazing about this, i've got video of all of these people, we have a woman that is surrounded by an angry mob, with mexican flags pelting a woman with eggs. another image of a woman being punched in the face. another image of a guy being punched in the face. another guy being chased by a mob. somehow, you want to turn this into donald trump? no. these are the people on your side. these are the people supporting hillary, bernie and leftist organizations and radical move ones of the world. really? do you support that? nobody stood up for that lady. >> that should not happen. it happens a lot on the trump supporters. >> we will not be bullied. >> there is a bully. >> no. we defend ourselves. you're not going to bully us. we're not going to be bullied. >> trump supporters have better things to do with their lives, this is like an organized mob showing up and getting more violent by the event. >> right. >> where does it end? >> i think it ends once he wins the presidency. that is when it ends. >> why do you think if you look at all of the people now out of the labor force and in poverty, 4 million american americans on food stamps, these statistics show it's overwhelmingly minorities that voted for obama that are worse off. why did 90% of the black vote and a high percentage of the hispanic vote go for democrats who make things worse for minorities? . >> i don't think they understand the correlation between politics and their every day life. and that is what i hope to show in my book. >> what happens for you you say from clueless to conservative. you say every minority in america should look at those and they'd be a republican. why isn't that happening? >> no one goes into the ghettos and talks to them. no republicans. rand paul, that is one person. we need more people. >> we believe in their god given potential. >> right. you go down there and you do it. i know someone who did it in afghanistan. he changed a complete village that is a democratic village that will not be overrun by isis. they're civil, nonviolent people now with educations, and god. we can do it here in america. >> this would have been the year. >> our -- >> i want to counter something stacy said. this would have been the year the g.o.p. could have gotten minority votes. >> we're going to get them. >> no, you're not. >> well, i'm part of a campaign and it is going to happen. >> this simply won't happen. this would have been the year but they have a krd that is -- >> are you getting less dates? >> no. it's hollywood. less jobs. >> so less work. >> yes. yes. >> thank you. >> when we come back. a very important question of the day, straight ahead. stay with us. the lexus gs f sport. because the ultimate expression of power, is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20160607

constitutional right is subject to reasonable regulation. >> "hannity" starts right here, right now. welcome to "hannity." tonight while the left-wing media, they're focused on donald trump's comments about the judge that is presiding over the trump university case, what they should be be talks about is the growing anti-american, pro-mexican violent left-wing agitators now causing havoc outside of all of trump's rallies. now just last thursday, donald trump supporters in san jose, california, were harassed, beaten, assaulted and had eggs thrown at them while leaving a rally. take a look. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> hey, hey. >> don't you [ muted ]. don't you put your hands on my -- >> get away from me. [ yelling ] >> walking out? >> walking out with our trump sign, he grabbed my trump sign, started following me saying i was a racist and stuff. >> what you just saw is far from an isolated incident. now, similar protests have broken out all across the country outside trump rallies resulting in clashes with the police, injured civilians, damaged property and much more. all carried out by left-wing agitaag agitators, many of whom cloaked in the mexican flag. what's behind these violent protests? why is this story overlooked by the mainstream media? joining with us reaction, editor in chief of lifezette, laura ingraham, and former presidential candidate, fox news contributor herman cain. i want to go back to this video. i want to talk over it. you have this incident, you have women being punched, in this particular case a woman is surrounded by a mob. see, again, they're coming out of a trump protest and you've got all these people confronted. you see a lot of mexican flags in the audience. in the case of this woman, a guy being attacked, why, just because he went to a trump rally. see this guy ends up bleeding because he got coldcocked from behind. look at this poor woman, standing right there in a lobby. nobody is helping her. if you look around the crowd, she has mexican flags thrown in her face, you got people inside. nobody stepped in to help this woman. you know, we could talk all we want, laura, about, you know, in this particular case, they're going after this poor guy in the red shirt. she's running for his life. and then the media, of course, follows with their cameras but nobody stops him. american flag is being burnt. here's the question, laura. all of this is happening, but yet the media all they wanted to ask all weekend, all day long today was, oh, donald trump's comments about a judge that, frankly, seems to have some radical associations. >> sean, what's obvious here is that the media, they will not cover a story, certainly not fairly or adequately, if it cuts against their narrative. now, what has their narrative been about immigration? immigration is always good, illegal or legal, because it's the great melting pot. this is the great diversity. they're citizens on everything except a piece of paper. we've heard all of these otrope during the amnesty debate. we've heard crime isn't coming into the country, these are patriotic american kids except for citizenship formality. in many cases, that is not true. in fact, what we're seeing on streets of california is thuggery. the left would call it a hate crime, sean, if these types of crimes were committed against any minority group that was considered protected, whether they be hispanics, of course, other minorities, maybe gay americans. i would be leading the charge if that was a hate crime, okay? >> yeah. >> well now, it's, well donald trump is creating the environment that is fomenting this violence. hillary clinton said that three days ago, sean. she blamed him for the violence. now, we know if the shoe were on the other foot, this would be a massive story. they would never let it go. but because there are many white people who are attending these rallies, a lot of them like trump, a lot of minorities there as well, though, i understand from people who are inside, that this violence is not only accepted, but many cases it's excused and even validated by media that hates trump and frankly despises the supporters. they deserve what they got. >> herman cain, tammy bruce had a good point, make no mistake this this is not organic, this is not happening naturally, this is the result of leftist organizing and even paid stooges, she says. breitbart reported this is all astroturf, you know, professional liberal leftist agitators, black lives matter, mo, larossa, union groups and others. really it's a democratic party treei i trying to foment this type of violence and hatred but the media ignores it. why? >> they ignore it because the incidents in san jose, you know, protesters, peaceful protesters don't bring eggs to a peaceful rally. and they don't start throwing punches. this is a mountain that the media wants to ignore. what he said about this judge is a mole hill they want to turn into a mountain. why? the never-trump crowd couldn't stop trump. all of the other negative advertising and negative perceptions for the last eight months couldn't stop trump. the only thing they have left is violence to try to blame trump for it and violence to try to make it seem as if all people of hispanic descent are against trump. that simply is not true. they call my show, call laura's show. they're trying to create the perception he's inciting this violence. in fact, we believe that it's backfiring. some people are saying, this makes them support trump because they can see through the media hip pypocris hypocrisy. >> you know, all of this has to do with comments. people don't want to look at the fact, laura, i sat through an intelligence briefing. i was told in a seven-year period of time in texas, alone, 625,000-plus victims of crime in texas, alone, by illegal immigrants including murder, including rape and all he's saying is control the border. all he's saying on muslims is if the national director of intelligence, fbi director, assistant fbi director, special envoy to defeat isis and house homeland security chairman all say isis will infiltrate the refugee population. until americans are safe, we will stop that program. that, to me, on both issues seems reasonable. why are some people reacting this violently to what seems to be a reasonable position? >> notice what's not being done over the last week, and i think trump's campaign is working on getting its footing as well on this, but what is not happening? hillary cannot point to a successisac successful track record as secretary of state, sean, can't point to a growing, thriving economy despite president obama's absurd appearance in indiana claiming no one had anything to worry about, got the jobs report that showed a measly 38,000 jobs were created. a failed muddled foreign policy, we have no economic recovery to speak of. we have tens of millions of americans out of work. they shifted to, well, trump is inciting violence, trump's a racist, trump hates women, trump hates hispanics and all hispanics hate trump. >> that's all you've heard about in the mainstream media, though, laura. >> sean, it shows you the power of the substance behind trump's campaign. questioning globalization, the results to the american people, trade deals and immigration. these are powerful issues that are drawing people from a cross section of america. the democrats are panicked right now. they are panicked despite hillary probably wrapping this up, there's a lot of discontent among the democrats. republicans have to stay on message here. focus on what these people have tried to do, but what the plans are for the future. exposing hillary all the way. the corruption at the clinton foundation. what you said about the for-profit cash cow that the clintons got from that so-called university. these are winner topics. just have to stay focused on that. all the rest of the stuff is going to play out the way it should. >> herman cain, is what we're watching a preview of coming attractions with the conventions? >> yes. because especially at the republican convention, you're going to have much more violence like this. why? they are desperate as laura said. they have no other alternatives in order to be able to distract and disrupt the donald trump momentum. it's not working and it won't work. that's why they're resorting to violence and i do believe it's going to be more upcoming attracti attractions, but more of the american people, correct thinking people, sean, are waking up to these tactics of the media and the left and it's not going to work the way it may have worked long time ago. >> all right, guys. thank you both very being with us. coming up next tonight right here on "hannity" -- >> they're thugs and they're agitators. they're bad people. i think they're sent by the democrats. >> so who are the violent left-wing agitators outside of these trump rallies and how should police deal with them? sheriff david clarke, sheriff joe arpaio will join us next. plus the old mainstream media, all they want to talk about today is trump university and the lawsuit and trump's comments about the judge presiding over the case. monica crowley, tucker carlson weigh in. we'll tell you about bill clinton's $16.5 million payout to his university and the controversy there that the media ignores. straight ahead. constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief . live, from america's headquarters. presidential hopeful hillary clinton is now the presumptive democratic nominee. she now has commitments from enough delegates to clench the nomination. word of clinton reaching the threshold comes ahead of tuesday's nominating contest in six states, including california and new jersey. the campaign of her rival, bernie sanders, isn't ready to give up, saying, quote, it is wrong to count the votes of super delegates before they actually vote at the convention this summer. tropical storm colin is battling the florida coast with high winds and heavy rain. colin is packing max sustained winds of 50 miles per hour and could bring up to 8 inches of rainfall in some areas. florida governor rick scott declaring a state of emergency and is warning people to take this storm seriously. >> we have the risk of, lightning, hail, rip currents, all these issues. we have storm shelters ready if we need them. but every person in our state needs to follow this and be prepared. >> tropical storm colin is already blamed for flooding and power outages. a los angeles jury recommending the death ten sense for the so-called grim sleeper serial killer. last month the same jury found lonnie franklin junior guilty of first degree murder for crimes dating back more than 30 years. and officials in california shutting down two orange county beaches after sighting several large sharks in the area not far from shore. last week a swimmer was bit by a shark just south of there. i'm kelly wright. now back to hannity. "hannity." for all your headlines, log on to people are burning our american flag. they're thugs. >> what is your message to the people committing acts of violence? >> i would be very strong if i were the police. i think sheriff joe arpaio would not let a thing like that happen. the people that are causing that problem, they're not my people. they're people that are outside, they're thugs and they're agitators. they're bad people. i think they're sent by the democrats. >> you have evidence of that? >> well, they have the bernie signs. got a lot of bernie signs. >> so they're bernie supporters it? >> they got bernie signs, the same signs they use at their rally. >> donald trump over the weekend talking about the violence left-wing agitators outside his rallies. joining us with more reaction to this growing unrest, milwaukee county sheriff david clarke. maricopa county sheriff, joe arpaio. when you see, sheriff clarke, the san jose mayor actually blamed trump for the violence, but yet all these groups seem very well organized, very well prepared for violence. you know, that poor lady surrounded by guys with mexican flags throwing an egg right in her face, nobody protecting her, and getting in people's grill. you know, look at this poor guy got hit from behind. he's bloody and bleeding li ini. then the mayor blames trump. that to me is an orwellian spin if i've ever seen one. what's your reaction? >> well, this is premeditated organized violence. these are rye rot makers that show up at these events. what the may wror said was obviously ridiculous. sean, what i'm ticked off right now, why attorney general loretta lynch has not dispatched the fbi and dispatched lawyers from the civil rights division to investigate and prosecute and identify people who are using the same type of tactics that were used in the jim crow south to frighten and intimidate blacks from participating in the voting process? that's why this is done to strike fear and intimidation in the hearts of these people who want to come and hear the candidate of their choice. this is constitutionally protected. this is a civil rights violation. and they're entitled to that same equal protection under the law as anybody else or any other protected class but it appears to me that the united states department of justice doesn't care what's happening because these people are white and they're trump supporters. >> what's your reaction, sheriff joe? >> well, you know, i've been with the donald trump on many rallies. there are few demonstrations here and there inside. it was taken care of. but i'm a little concerned about what's going on now. i think it's going to get worse. and this -- >> yeah, but sheriff joe, you know how to handle it. you don't back down. you don't blame the people that are going to a peaceful political rally. in these cities, they're blaming the people attending and justifying the violence. >> well, maybe i've had a little experience the last eight years with thousands of people demonstrating against me including sharpton with thousands and thousands, but that was a little different. now we have the presidential candidate, lot of people don't like him. i kind of feel for his safety. i'm an elected delegate. so i'll be watching his back when i'm in cleveland. but i think it's going to get worse. cops -- i'm not going to criticize the police department, but you know what, when you go destroying police cars, they should be in jail. so i don't know what's going on in that san jose down there, wherever it was -- >> what happened -- >> action has to be taken. >> it wouldn't happen in your jurisdiction. >> no, they'd be in jail. >> you know, let me ask both of you this question. >> in jail. >> remember radical angela davis from the 1960s? she actually says urging people to do whatever is necessary to stop trump. now, sheriff clarke, if somebody where you live in the county where you're the sheriff made a comment like that, would you visit that person? that sounds like a death threat to me. >> well, you know, you want to be reasonable about this, but you look at the intelligence, you look at the information then you look at the tactics. what you do is you start monitoring social media because there's a lot of buzz in terms of this organized violence on social media and you want to disrupt and interrupt it. identify the people involved in it when they show up with these -- spotters in this situation. like joe said, sheriff arpaio said, you can't blame the front line officers. they're under orders to be passive. it didn't work with the riots of the '60s. they tried that tactic. it failed miserably. job one is to protect job and property. when you see people outwardly attack like that, they have visual evidence, they should be down there putting those stills up on the news, broadcasting it and putting up rewards for the identity of these perpetrators like when some idiot put bacon on the door land l handle of th mosque. the fbi put up a rewan -- >> we told these groups, sheriff arpaio, for example, in baltimore, in ferguson, we had videotape of lot of people breaking a lot of laws. they never used the videotape to arrest all the people that were involved in the violence and the burning and all this stuff that went on. so we let people get away with this time and time again. aren't we sending a message, i guess it's okay? >> yeah -- >> sure, we are. that's why it continues to go. that's why it continues to grow and it will continue to escalate as long as they're given the signal that the police are going to be passive in it. it's no slap at the police, it's the organizers, the police administrators putting these flawed plans together allowing cops -- >> they're letting them get away with it. >> let me -- let me tell you. i've been through a lot of these demonstrations. what really burns me up, i know it's the 1st amendment, is burning our american flag. my birthday is tuesday, flag day, june 14th. by the way, donald trump has the same day, born the same day. i'm going to do something about our flag. you'll see on tuesday what i will say about the american flag and do something about it. >> i've never seen more mexican flags than i see at these rallies. >> when you start a fire -- when you start a flag on fire in a crowded area, that's careless handling of burning materials so you don't go after the 1st amendment protected act of burning the flag, but there are other statutes that can be employed to arrest people and that's not what's being done. there's no creativity when it comes to prosecution. like i said, i think there's some voting act rights violations here. >> i think it's a good point. >> again, doesn't seem to be any interest by the attorney general's office to do anything about this. >> thank you both for being with us. appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up, the mainstream media is up in arms over comments donald trump made about the judge presiding over the trump university case. we'll check in with monica crowley and tucker carlson. also bill clinton, did you know this, he made $16.5 million to be specific for a for-profit university that also has issues. why isn't the media reporting that? we'll explain the case to you more, straight ahead. [p welcome to the world 2116, you can fly across town in minutes or across the globe in under an hour. whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. in less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. and if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. ♪ very, very unfair decisions. people said this should have gone away a long time ago in summary judgment. i don't care if the judge is mexican or not. i'm going to do great with the mexican people because i provide jobs. we're being treated very unfairly, bill. very, very unfairly. >> i want to talk about how lousy the economy is, i want to talk about how badly we're doing against isis, how badly we're doing on the border. every time i go onto a show, all they want to do is talk about trump university. >> that was donald trump talking about media's obsession with the trump university case. here with reaction, fox news contributors tucker carlson and monica crowley. i would say he was inarticulate inasmuch as talking about the judge and heritage. there are questions about whether or not this judge is radical, has an agenda. his connection, he's not a member of the national council of larossa that believes the southwestern united states should go back to mexico but he's with the lawyers' association, i took a look at what i think is their website in san diego, and they offer help for illegal immigration. i think that's a big issue. one of the plaintiffs in the case, robbins geller, that chairman gave money to hillary clinton's campaign th. that same chairman gave money to hillary clinton and bill clinton for two speeches. >> that's just the beginning, sean. if you do a review of this judge and his associations, donald trump has every reason in the world to be concerned. judge curiel is an obama appointee, a campaign contributor to democrats including the house democratic conference chairman xavier becerra. the lawyers' group to which he belongs, you pointed out, it is not the national council of larossa but a latino activist group. the two law firms have senior partner, senior partners, sean, that have donated to major democrats including hillary clinton, barack obama. so he has every right to suspect he might be the victim of a political witch hunt here. the question is, was it proper for him to go after judge curiel in the way he did it or should he have removed public attention from this case, stop focusing attention on the trump university lawsuit, and have his lawyers handle it, file a change in venue and so on? i think that probably would have been the smarter way. >> wrote an op-ped for the "washington post," he said an independent judiciary is extremely important but that value is not the only one in play here. and i think this was important, tucker, there are real legitimate concerns about a conflict of interest, about whether or not recusal would have been appropriate for this judge in this case based on his stated agenda and associations, no? >> yeah. according to monica, monica totally won me over on that. trump didn't at all. trump muddied it, confused it, embarrassed him. to me, someone who's pretty sympathetic to a lot of the themes he's been raising here, i mean, look, to the extent he talks -- as he said himself tonight, he seems to have sobered up for a moment, if he talks art the economy, immigration, death of the middle class, the tragedy of obamacare, what open borders are doing to the country, he wins, beats hillary clinton for sure. if he continues to talk about himself, trump university, mexican judges, he loses. it's really that simple. not about what reporters want to talk about. he's the presidential candidate. he can talk about whatever he wants. >> there also is this double standard. think about this. >> there is. >> remember, monica, when judge sonia sotomayor talked about wise latino, wasn't there an inference there that her ba background, her diverse background would be a plus, advantage, would offer perspective she wouldn't otherwise have or the criticism to clarence thomas, the horrible names that he was called because he didn't fit into the mold that would add the perspective that liberals wanted. >> right, okay. yeah, of course. what we're seeing here now is sort of a reversal of what the left has shoved down our throats for decades which is white judges and white juries can't be fair, right, they can't be fair if you have an african-american or somebody else of color standing trial, they can't be fair. that's the assumption that the left has operated and shoved down this country's throats for a very long time. in fact, the u.s. supreme court has eight members now with the death of scalia. 7-1 with clarence thomas abstaining just said an african-american male should be able to revisit his death penalty sentence because the jury was all white. this just happened out of georgia, okay? this is what's happening in reverse. donald trump then can't do the reverse. he can't raise the idea that, perhaps, because this man is a mexican heritage or because he has this political ideology, he can't be fair to donald trump, somehow trump is not right for raising that question. >> you're making such a smart point, and it's impossible to disagree with it and with the larger point that the left only has power because of its relentless race baiting, scaring people into voting, they claim the other side hates them based on the color of their skin. the question, take three steps back, do you want to live in a country where people of a certain race are only able to interact and judge those of a certain race? no, you don't. you want to object that way of thinking and at least believe in the possibility of a colorblind society where people are judged based on what they do and say rather than their genetic -- >> on this issue of immigration, if you're a member of not the national council of la ras rossa, they have a history and association with helping illegal immigrants, that to me seem s like you have a conflict. i would ark you need some type of objectivity. >> that's totally fair. say that. say that. don't get off into this garbage about his parents. what is that? here's the risk. the risk is comments like that delegitimize the larger theme which is that unrestricted -- >> he's wrecking the case sp what you're saying? he should have articulated it differently? >> he should also be making a broader case about the judiciary in this country. he should be saying, look, we have x number of country who are bias, if you elect me president, i'm going to make sure the federal judiciary starting with the supreme court is stocked with conservative judge so we don't have this kind of issue. >> stay right there. when we come back, monica and tucker will stay with us. we have a "hannity" investigation. you will not hear this in the mainstream media. bill clinton, i bet you haven't heard this, he made millions of dollars, $16.5 million, as a matter of fact, for a for-profit university and, by the way, there are many complaints about this university. and also tonight -- >> hillary clinton wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. wants to abolish it. abolish it. >> donald trump, he's been warning that hillary, in fact, does want to abolish the 2nd amendment. wait until you hear what she said about this weekend about your 2nd amendment rights. stacey dash, eric guster are here to weigh in as we continue tonight here on "hannity." hey, ready for the big meeting? yeah. >>uh, hello!? a meeting? it's a big one. too bad. we are double booked: diarrhea and abdominal pain. why don't you start without me? oh. yeah. if you're living with frequent, unpredictable diarrhea and abdominal pain, you may have irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, or ibs-d. a condition that can be really frustrating. talk to your doctor about viberzi, a different way to treat ibs-d. viberzi is a prescription medication you take every day that helps proactively manage both diarrhea and abdominal pain at the same time. so you stay ahead of your symptoms. viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. do not take viberzi if you have or may have had: pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, long-lasting or severe constipation, or a blockage of your bowel or gallbladder. if you are taking viberzi, you should not take medicines that cause constipation. the most common side effects of viberzi include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. stay ahead of ibs-d... with viberzi. put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denturevery day. nobody's hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. welcome back to "hannity." so while the mainstream media, liberals attract trump university, they are, of course, ignoring major hypocrisy from the clintons. now, democrats claim they want to make college more affordable for everybody, but guess what, the clintons got filthy rich off a for-profit university that took advantage of many poor people. now, the clintons' tax returns reveal bill clinton earned more than $16 million as the honorary chancellor of laureate international universities, a subsidiary of laureate education inc. we reached out to the clinton campaign for comment. they haven't gotten back to us yet. if they do, we'll let you know. back with reaction, tucker carlson, monica crowley. all right. i want to lay this out here. he got in a four-year period of time $16.5 million, that's an awful lot of money. it was also revealed through one of hillary's e-mails that his secretary of state, she insisted that laureate education where included on a guest list for state department dinner. that's only part of it. a lot of latin american countries, online and in school, have had many problems. as a matter of fact, a rio state legislator concluded, this education is all about profit, not about knowledge. you have one student felt besieged by the university system, didn't give her the discount she was promised. another one said, i knew i blew the test, i had no reason being in that school, they wanted the hundred. bill clinton is part of this. it's also taking advantage of poor people. why haven't we heard about this anywhere else? >> there are two parts to this. number one, bill clinton and by extension hillary clinton made $16.5 million from laureate education. a for-property educational organization. >> there were five separate -- this is according to cnbc, tucker -- five separate affiliates, by the way, charging $60,000 tuition. a lot of topple schools don't charge that amount of money. >> no. >> i'll read from cnbc. "critics of laureate's walden university in minnesota claim professors were inaccessible, that the continual delay stretched out the time meaning the money that the kids had to end up paying to earn an advanced degree. and students filed lawsuits against walden, the laureate university affiliate, hoping to make a class-action suit in this case. now, considering that sounds exactly like what the allegations are against trump university, where's equal coverage? >> look, if you're a for-profit university, number one on your to-do list is to make sure that you get the left to stop criticizing you. for-profit universities have been a target for a long time of democratic politicians and so what's the fastest way to stop criticism? buy off your critics. $16 million. the question for hillary clinton, what exactly did he do to earn $16 million in four years? let's be precise here. >> lost its accreditation. for example, chile has national accreditation, and cited low graduation rates, sharp increase in student enrollment without faculty members keeping pace and it's clasic behavior of students cutting cost to increase revenue and took away accreditation in certain blazes. >> a couple countries on this list, bill clinton's face is plastered all over ads for laureate education. like brazil, where for-profits are illegal. what are they doing -- >> you're talking about very poor people bamboozled in thinking their lives are going to get better and milking them dry. >> always claiming that we shouldn't turn education into a commodity, well, here it is. the more important thing, too, i think is the chairman of laureate education, a guy named douglas barker, has very close ties to the clinton global initiative and you know who else is a donor to laureate? george soros. >> oh, isn't that great? >> tangled web. >> sounds like one big happy family. here's the challenge, though. so trump maybe should have handled this issue of explaining how the judge has bias, his connection to la raza, what we mentioned the last segment. the media doesn't ask clinton these questions. i had to literally hand feed george stephanopoulos the one question about bill ayers in the 2008 election cycle. nobody else in the mainstream media ever asked the question. >> so if you -- i just got finished reading today's pool report, a report of the mainstream news organizations that are covering hillary clinton, she just did an availability in los angeles, you should see the question, literally the question she was asked today, an hour ago, were so much softer than the questions that, say, miss america gets right after the swimsuit portion of the competition. >> you mean like how are you going to get world peace? >> yeah, no, but how does it feel to be on the cusp of victory? what's it like to be the first potential female president? like, why are you so great? honestly, can you answer that? questions like that. >> tucker, why are you so great? i just want to know. good to see you both. thank you. >> thanks, sean. coming up next tonight right here on "hannity" -- >> hillary clinton wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. wants to abolish it. abolish it. >> donald trump, he's warning americans that hillary wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. you won't believe what she said about your right to bear arms and the 2nd amendment over the weekend. we have the tape and get reaction from stacey dash and eric guster as we continue. can a toothpaste do everything well? this clean was like - pow. it felt like i had just gone to the dentist. my teeth are glowing. they are so white. 6x cleaning*, 6x whiteningá* in the certain spots that i get very sensitive... ...i really notice a difference. and at two weeks superior sensitivity relief to sensodyne i actually really like the two steps! step 1 cleans and relieves sensitivity, step 2 whitens. it's the whole package. no one's done this. crest - healthy, beautiful smiles for life. don'don't go to la. don't go to tokyo. live there. hey, welcome! come in, come in. when you airbnb, you have your own home. make your bed. cook. you know, the stuff you normally do. ♪ wherever you go... ♪ don't go there. ♪ live there. ♪ even if it's just for a night. ♪ we're going to save our 2nd amendment, hillary clinton wants to abolish it. believe me. she wants to abolish our 2nd amendment. hillary clinton wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. wants to abolish it. i said it before. she wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. never, ever, ever going to happen. and she does. believe me, she'll say, i don't want to -- you look tat what sh wants to do, she wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. >> that was 2016 presumptive gop nominee donald trump on the campaign trail last week telling his supporters how hillary clinton, in fact, wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. well, yesterday hillary was asked if she agreed that an individual's right to keep and to bear arms is a constitutional right. and she just, well, let's say, had a hard time answering. take a look. >> do you believe an individual's right to bear arms is a constitutional right? that it's not linked to service in a mill limilitia? >> for most of our history there was a nuanced reading until the late justice scalia and no argument until then that localities and states and the federal government had a right as we do with every amendment to impose reasonable regulation. >> all right. joining us now, trial attorney, political commentator eric guster, and the author of the brand new book, i had the distinct honor and pleasure of writing the forward it, "there goes my social life: from clueless to conservative." our friend, stacey dash is back. by the way, love the cover. your new haircut, that looks nice. >> is that illegal now? >> it's not. it's fine. >> you know, you talk a lot in your life, the tweet that changed my life. you are a black american and you are a conservative. you even say you have a whole chapter in the book about how black americans should be republican. >> yes. >> all the time. now, if i live in a neighborhood like chicago, maybe predominantly black neighborhood and there's so much violence, i think i'd want a weapon to protect my family. >> they do. they do want weapons and they have weapons. nobody's going to take their weapons. trust me. in anyone tried to take someone's weapons in the hood or ghetto, they would shoot them dead. >> you look at, for example, memorial day, eric.3 >> look at the violence in chicago. out of control violence, people dead, 60 people shot. i'm thinking this is obama's hometown, he barely talks about it. he mentioned it twice. >> he mentioned it more than twice. >> three times, maybe. let's talk about the violence at donald trump rallies. >> we went through that. >> so glad you went there. you know? >> the trump rallies are the most-violent political rallies of our time. >> why do you think that happens? >> he's inciting it. >> he's inciting it? okay. if that is the case who incited the violence at kanye's concert last night? >> those are people in the streets that wanted to get into the concert. >> oh, i see. >> what is amazing about this, i've got video of all of these people, we have a woman that is surrounded by an angry mob, with mexican flags pelting a woman with eggs. another image of a woman being punched in the face. another image of a guy being punched in the face. another guy being chased by a mob. somehow, you want to turn this into donald trump? no. these are the people on your side. these are the people supporting hillary, bernie and leftist organizations and radical move ones of the world. really? do you support that? nobody stood up for that lady. >> that should not happen. it happens a lot on the trump supporters. >> we will not be bullied. >> there is a bully. >> no. we defend ourselves. you're not going to bully us. we're not going to be bullied. >> trump supporters have better things to do with their lives, this is like an organized mob showing up and getting more violent by the event. >> right. >> where does it end? >> i think it ends once he wins the presidency. that is when it ends. >> why do you think if you look at all of the people now out of the labor force and in poverty, 4 million american americans on food stamps, these statistics show it's overwhelmingly minorities that voted for obama that are worse off. why did 90% of the black vote and a high percentage of the hispanic vote go for democrats who make things worse for minorities? . >> i don't think they understand the correlation between politics and their every day life. and that is what i hope to show in my book. >> what happens for you you say from clueless to conservative. you say every minority in america should look at those and they'd be a republican. why isn't that happening? >> no one goes into the ghettos and talks to them. no republicans. rand paul, that is one person. we need more people. >> we believe in their god given potential. >> right. you go down there and you do it. i know someone who did it in afghanistan. he changed a complete village that is a democratic village that will not be overrun by isis. they're civil, nonviolent people now with educations, and god. we can do it here in america. >> this would have been the year. >> our -- >> i want to counter something stacy said. this would have been the year the g.o.p. could have gotten minority votes. >> we're going to get them. >> no, you're not. >> well, i'm part of a campaign and it is going to happen. >> this simply won't happen. this would have been the year but they have a krd that is -- >> are you getting less dates? >> no. it's hollywood. less jobs. >> so less work. >> yes. yes. >> thank you. >> when we come back. a very important q i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20160610

last stand, watters talking to some of its ardent supporters in vermont. >> what do you think bernie is going to do with himself now? >> keep on trucking. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching you tonight. donald trump's only chance to win the presidency. that is the evening's talking points memo. with the media and other powerful interests allocated dependence mr. trump his mandate to win the election is to convince the majority of voters that he can bring a vibrant economy back to america. it's now been more than 8 years since greedy banks and mortgage companies ignited one of the worst recessions in the nation's history. eight years is more than enough time though for the powers that be in washington to get the country back on the fast track economically. but it hasn't happened. no matter what kind of propaganda you hear. >> by almost every economic measure, america is better off than when i came here -- [cheers and applause] >> at the beginning of my presidency. that's the truth. >> not exactly. here are the facts. median income for american families up less than 1% on the president's watch. nearly 14 million americans have stopped looking for work since mr. obama took office. an increase of more than 15% since his inauguration. and the gross domestic product, which measures the health of the american economy has risen less than 3% every year since 2009. if that holds true, this year, and it will, mr. obama will go down in history as the first modern president to not produce a g.d.p. of more than 3% in any year of his administration. so that's the fact, jack. and no amount of spin will change it. americans understand it's much tougher to prosper these days than it should be. >> i want to be sure that we get small businesses starting and growing in america again. why have stalled out. i was very surprise to do see that when i began to dig into it. it turns out that we are not producing as many small businesses as we used to, and a recent world study said that we are 46th in the world in the difficulty to start a small business. >> that's all true. everything mrs. clinton is true. and the reason? high taxes on business and expensive regulations. yet, secretary clinton continues to say she will carry on the policies of barack obama, which have mandated high taxes and an avalanche of regulation. very puzzling. to be fair, the president now says he wants to cut the corporate tax rate but it's a little late, is it not? so donald trump has the economic field pretty much all to himself. all the polls say american voters are not happy with the democratic party's economic programs. but trump must do more than just promise. he has to get very specific. the truth is, china may not be intimidated into a better trade deal with the u.s.a. mexico certainly is not going to pay for a billion-dollar wall, which they believe is insulting. and while bringing jobs back to smirk achievable, it will require a big carrot as well as a thick stick. nothing is ever easy in the economic precincts. that is where donald trump will either live or die as a presidential candidate. social issues, matter little this year. terrorism is important. but the situation is so complicated voters cannot possibly predict outcomes on the terror front however, the folks know, they know what's in their bank accounts. they know president obama has not helped them out very much. advantage? trump. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction, eric bolling and geraldo rivera. >> i think you are pretty much on the right track. here is the advice i would give to the first lady. rather than trying to run as the person who will follow the policies of barack obama, because i agree that the president has delivered a very mediocre performance in terms of the economy, but, don't go back to president obama, point to george bush as being the president who presided over the collapse. >> nobody cares about that. >> but you are right. go back to the 1990s. go back to the administration of her husband, bill clinton, when i think everyone agrees even bolling would agree, the united states was in a prosperous era. dynamics. >> i don't know if running on my that my that na nasa nastalgia. >> free trade agreements, she is against them now. hard to do that. what do you say? >> i say give credit where credit is due. sure he presided over the economic expansion. that was started under ronald reagan. >> we don't care about that what we care about is trump vs. hillary. trump has got the economic advantage. >> bill, clinton with some massive economic policies. all he did was take ronald reagan's phenomenon. >> okay, guys, no one cares about what happened 30 years ago. >> every voter out there right now cares about. middle class cares about, number one, the median household income is down. >> that's what we just reported. >> number two, the median house net worth is down 25%. wages are flat. exactly flat in real terms. over eight years of president obama, as things seem to be getting great for wall street, people making money, the average voter is not doing any better under obama. >> i want to now -- let's try to after the blast from the past oldies but goodies, advance the story. that looks like a salvation army thing doesn't trump have a huge advantage here. >> he has advantage if he spells out a program that makes sense. for example, if you -- you put in the protectionist trade policies that trump is now advocating with mexico and china and japan and so forth. what about all the businesses that are so dependent on what comes from canada and comes from mexico. it will not help the economy. >> no, it will raise prices. >> it's going to raise prices. it's a dumb idea. why not this? why not a gigantic -- now you can borrow money for free. they are giving away money, the treasure is. it's giving. >> loans are very low. >> free money. why not start your infrastructure projects now. why not rebuild highways and bridges. you know,. >> so you want to go back to franklin roosevelt? >> i want to go back to roosevelt. >> what do you say about that? >> i say this is the worst idea you could possibly do because you are doing it on the backs of people who have worked hard and saved money. the reason why interest rates are zero is because the fed. >> wait. >> why isn't it a good deal to borrow if it's free? >> it geraldo rivera or bill o'reilly or someone's grandmother has a bond, they are not getting paid anything. >> that's not going to change any time soon. >> but if you keep -- >> -- reality, bolling. the interest rates are low as rivera just said. >> they have got to let them know. >> why not launch this big infrastructure campaign and hire a lot of people who are here legally. >> who is paying for it. >> americans. >> who is paying for it. >> americans. borrowing money for no. >> now you want the government to borrow on top of the $19 trillion we have already borrowed. a trillion dollars, 2 trillion to rebuild our infrastructure? >> yes. you do this, also. as a republican, i get that you don't -- the 19 trillion-dollar debt stuff. what you do is why not build bridges. >> here, you run a company, you build bridges your company. i will give you the right to build a bridge from here to saginaw. you can charge, make your money back. >> of course. >> and now i give you highway and i give you the right -- >> -- you privatize. >> i'm on board with that. >> all right, lock, so finally we got something out of you guys besides jibber irish and what happened in the 90's. what you both are saying is that trump has an advantage here because hillary clinton is locked into unions and locked into obama legacy. she is locked into democratic talking point. but trump, he can go anywhere he wants in the economic realm. >> set up expectations about china. >> is he going to punish them. >> he is going to punish them that will be extremely disruptive. >> you know how quickly can he change his mind. >> i hope he says of the wall i have more important things than build the wall right now. fix the bridge that's falling down. >> maybe can he privatize the wall. >> can i give you 10 seconds? >> no you can't say anything else. > they can't go anywhere else with it, bill. >> they are not paying for the oil. next on the rundown, far left loons are actually saying violence is acceptable at trump rallies. take a hard look at that situation. "watters world," the bernie sanders last stand edition up ahead. constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief kennetthis afternoon closinfor auditions? what's on that piece of paper? oh, miss maroney, your forehead! should not be doing anything. i just had botox. i know exactly what's happening! ah! whoa! this is a bad streaming experience. the girlie show is a real fun lady show. (vo) don't let bad streaming ruin a good show. don't look at me! (vo) only verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network. switch now, buy two samsung phones, and get a free 50" smart tv, plus up to $650 back. only on america's best network. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? factor follow-up segment tonight, you may remember that one week ago donald trump hold held a rally in san jose, california. that exposition devolved into violence. [shouting] >> i was walking out with my trump sign and he grabbed my trump sign sand started following me and saying i was a racist. [shouting] [bleep] [[bleep], [bleep] [chanting] >> hey. [shouting] >> now, there are allegations san jose police department did not do enough to protect trump supporters and that the mayor of san jose was derelict in his duties to say the least. >> the notions there was some stand down order was ridiculous. i don't have the authority to give a stand down order. i would never give such an order anyway. and i know that our police chief would never accept one. >> joining us now from louisville, kentucky where he is covering the funeral of muhammad ali jonathan hunt who was on the scene in san jose last week. first of all, what's the update on the arrest, jonathan? >> three more arrests, bill, in the last 24 hours. that brings the total to six, police in san jose say they are still looking for others and plan to make more arrests. by the way, of those last three, two of them were just 16 years old. one was 17. and that certainly reflects what we saw on the streets that night, bill. that a lot of those who were protesting, a lot of those causing the violence. a lot of the those involved in the attacks on trump supporters were not even out of high school, bill. >> now, we saw a bunch of mexican flags in the montage we used, but the arrest sheet is all over the place. a couple hispanic names but not all. and it looks like the only thing that had in common they are all under 20 years old; is that correct? >> yeah. i would say that the vast majority of those we saw on the streets that night were under 20. many of them as well as saying under 18. not even of voting age. so that was certainly the demographic that we saw. interestingly, bill, it's very similar to what we have seen in other violent anti-trump protests in albuquerque, new mexico and costa rica in orange county, california. >> what about the cops. san jose cops? did they, as a baltimore, the first night of the rioting there, baltimore cops just let the crowd run wild? was this similar situation in san jose? >> well, look, this is what i tell you from what i saw, bill. the convention center was about 200 yards away from a marriott hotel. the cops were concentrated in that 200-yard area. as some of the trump supporters left the rally, some of them were headed to the marriott hotel. a huge group of protesters, i would say around 100 or so, maybe more, tried to follow them into that hotel. that's when the police stepped in. they put what they call a squirmish line between the trump supporters heading into the hotel and the trump protesters. but, what we saw was that is where the police stopped. outside the marriott. it was more as if they were protecting property rather than people. meanwhile, there were 100 or more protesters when around the corner to a different street, where many other trump supporters were simply trying to get back to their cars to the parking garages. that's where all the i have lens took place. >> i see. >> i can't be sure of the time we were there, bill. but i would say it was at least 10, perhaps 15 minutes where we saw fist fights on the streets. people being attacked and not a single police officer in sight for at least 10 minutes. >> the police chief eddy garcia acknowledges that he didn't have enough officers to control the violence. he said he had 250. they should be enough but they weren't deployed as you mentioned in the right spots. but it doesn't look like if me there was any conspiracy to have these punks beat up the trump people. would you say that's a reasonable assertion? conspiracy? >> i think we have to take the mayor and the police chief at their word that there was no stand down order there was no conspiracy. they were simply outnumbered and they decided to draw a line in one place. and as the police chief has said, they can't simply send a couple of officers out after each, that makes it difficult for them. >> they should have had more. >> absolutely. >> directly ahead, cnn distorting my analysis of the trump-judge controversy. truth serum on the case. actress says she has been punished in the marketplace because she is conservative. also, watters on bernie sanders' last stand. those reports after these messages. i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i couldn't sleep. i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last into the morning. ♪ look up at a new day... hey guys! now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. walter!nncr: scorching heat today, stay cool out there! stop suffering with hot ac - cool it yourself with a/c pro. in just 3 easy steps, enjoy the comfort of 2 times the cooling boosters from the #1 selling coldest air. nothing cools like a/c pro. narrator: sometimes it's the things that the rest of us don't see that can make all the difference in california's classrooms. it's part of my responsibility as someone who's experienced to allow the door to be open for younger teachers. the teamwork between the teachers is essential. when we collaborate with each other... makes everyone stronger. by helping my fellow teachers be successful, i'm helping kids be successful. narrator: the california teachers association: educators who know quality public schools make a better california for all of us. raging liberal. in fact, he is a tough guy. at one point, a mexican drug cartel threatened to assassinate him because of his antidrug trafficking stance. however, the judge belongs to a group called san diego la raza lawyers associationich n behalf of latinos. it's not associated with the radical la raza group but confusion is understandable. because of that, mr. trump apparently believes the judge may be biased against him as it is well known the candidate has taken a strong stand against illegal immigration, include building a border wall. summing up, the trump u. case is certainly political, to some extent. >> and that's the main point. that civil litigation has now crossed over into the presidential campaign. therefore, all involved in the case must be considerate of that. but on cnn, they ignored the political point, totally concentrating on alleged racism. joining us now from washington shannon bream. here in new york cityache sean both fox news correspondents. sean, i was prout up in their little discussion in the morning. and what was the point of that? who was involved? >> the whole point of the interview they said this was unwarranted attack on independent judiciary. when it came to you, chris cuomo said that you claim that the judge should step aside, not on the merits, he said, but because you claimed the perception of his future ruling, and that's not what you said at all. you said this is a political case. it has a political component because of the law firm. you have been pointing at that law firm, robbins geller because they have reportedly donated $675,000 to the clintons for three speeches. one for hillary, two for bill clinton and we have found that some of the top lawyers involved in this case had given thousands of dollars to both hillary campaign and also to president obama's campaign. no evidence, i should say, of major donations to republicans? chris cuomo used to work here at fox and now he does a morning show at cnn and here is what he said with david gregory, go. >> o'reilly in an interview with him you see why tactically. he said i think the judge should step down not because of anything on the merits but perception of his future ruling. that's exactly why the judge needs to stay in place. >> great. that is based on a racist attitude which is that because you are of mexican ancestry, african-americans who sit on the judiciary who deal with discrimination cases shouldn't be there? a woman can't deal with gender discrimination suits? it has no merit on its face. >> all right. so that's not what we are talking about at all. but that's all they wanted to talk about. the racism aspect. did they bring in the political aspect at all? >> not really. they are really talking about the fact. >> did they mention the judge was a member or is a member of this la zsa zsa attorneys' association. >> they had mentioned it in the past. >> this discussion. >> not that i saw. >> this discussion is all about their beliefs, cuomo and gregory that trump is a racist and brought in the race card and they used me, to say i'm asking the judge to recuse himself on the base of race, i'm not on the base of politics. >> what does the law firm have to do with the judge in terms of any potential racial issue? >> it doesn't have anything to do. what i want is no whiff at all of politics in the case. and i think that's fair, you know. lack, the judge is under no man indicate recuse himself. he hasn't done anything wrong. made that quite clear. it's not about race for me. it's about this is now involved in the presidential campaign. so there has to be all doubt has to be removed. that's my opinion. i mean, look, i don't mind if they disagree with my opinion. don't leave out sean the political component. i just want to get this on the record. they left out the political component entirely. >> they did. didn't say that. >> let's go to miss bream now in washington. we asked shannon to look at the chinese provocations and this hasn't gotten a lot of news coverage. china is provoking the u.s.a. and has been since, when? >> well, you know we have got an incident just a couple of days ago. there was a jet that actually closed in on a u.s. reconnaissance plane that was there legally. they say flying over international waters, an area that is somewhere that u.s. planes are allow to do fly. this plane closed in on the u.s. aircraft at a high rate of speed. never got closer than 100 feet. still at those speeds. >> 100 feet? bream, that's pretty darn close. 100 feet. >> i know. i wouldn't want to see that if i was in the plane. it happened in maine with two jets. >> that's what they call buzzing. chinese plane buzzed american plane. that's not the first time it's happened. there has been a series of these things. >> this has been going on a long time. two jets came in on a u.s. aircraft again. flying reconnaissance. no contested space there. they came much closer and there were two of them. and you keep going back. there were all these incidents involving ships, involving jets, involving building these islands that don't exist in the south china sea and placing military apparatus on them. provocation is huge in the last 18 months. >> we know the russians are doing the same thing in the baltic sea. >> yeah. >> because they know that the u.s.a. is, you know, we are kind of allowing all that stuff. eric, shannon, thank you. plenty more ahead. as the factor moves along this evening, actress and fox news contributor stacy dash says her career has been harmed pause she is a conservative woman. also, jesse watters talking to some supporters of bernie sanders. >> would you vote for hillary? >> no. >> why not? >> i don't feel like i would be voting for an actual person. i feel like i would be voting for -- >> we hope you stay tuned to those reports. s innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. 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i mean, 90% of african-americans in the latest poll say they are not favorable toward donald trump. that's overwhelming majority. >> we know polls are are not always right. >> he they're right most of the time. >> yeah. but they are not always right. i don't think it's that many that are against him. he has minority outreach program. and so do i. i have one that i'm doing for the g.o.p. >> what does that mean? minority outreach? >> that means going into inner cities and talking to people and explaining to them what republicans do stand for. not with the democratic narrative has been. you are going to go into the precincts historically democrat and say you are getting hosed? >> that's right, yeah. >> you should look at the other side because the other side can do what? >> they can give you opportunities. give you education. >> be more specific than that everybody says that. >> they need the education. that's why you have to go in and talk to the people and ask them. what do you need? what do you want? how do we help you get out of this situation? >> that's good. so you are going to go in and ask the folks like what do they need? >> yeah. >> what do they think the government should be doing for them? >> not the government. not only the government. the private sector. everybody in the neighborhood as a community. you know, what -- because the government is the problem. the government is what's keeping them there. the democratic plantation mentality is what is keeping them on entitlements and depend dents they have no self-worth. >> did you always think this way or conversion of some kind. >> i always thought that way i didn't realize it. that's what my book is about. i grew up in the south bronx, you know. >> yeah. we talked about that. you grew up in poverty and get this amazing break and couple of good movies like clueless. you were clueless when you were in clueless, were you not? >> yeah, i was. >> ladies didn't know. >> right. >> did you go along with the liberal program in hollywood then. >> no, i never really did. your book is entitled there goes my social life. stacy, nobody is believing that no, but look at you. nobody is believing your social life isn't good. nobody. >> it's true it went. >> where did it go? >> out the window. my agents just dropped me because of my politics. >> oh, but that's your professional life. >> i haven't auditioned in over a year. >> that's your professional life. >> no. i have gotten my friends have dropped me. i don't talk to my family. >> your family turned on you? >> yeah. >> the kids still love you though. >> my kids are my family. my children are my family. >> so what you are saying though is because you have taken a different road and you see things differently. >> yeah. >> that you are paying a price. >> that's right. >> but you have suffered socially and professionally because you don't toe the liberal line. that's not fair. >> and i never will. people want to read it they should pick your book up. >> i hope they do. even if they hate me i hope they read my book. i want people to know when i speak i'm not coming from a place of judgment. i'm coming from a place of experience. >> stacy dash, thank you for talking with us today. >> thank you. >> stacey is so nice, i don't know how anybody could dislike her. she is just a nice person. when we come right back, will the supporters of bernie sanders reject hillary clinton? important question. watters on that case. factor will be right back. now you can. when you lease the 2016 es 350 for $329 a month for 36 months. see your lexus dealer. the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! (children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. working my canister off to clean and shine... and give proven protection... against fading and aging. he won't use those copycat wipes. hi...doing anything later? the quiet type. i like that. armor all original protectant. test. thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the campaign 2016 segment tonight. senator bernie sanders met with president obama today at the white house. closed meeting. but some are suggesting the president is urging the senator to give up his fight for the democratic nomination. sanders, as you may know, has vowed to continue his campaign right to the convention in philadelphia in july, even though he has no chance to win outright unless, of course, hillary clinton's indicted. joining us now from detroit amir czar, and from washington is issue can a pain both bernie sanders supporters. begin with you, will you vote for hillary clinton? >> in november, if hillary clinton son the ballot, i will vote for hillary clinton 100 percent. >> okay. so, you're not one of these bernie sanders supporters who say, look, i don't like this woman. because we have watters coming up right behind you. he went up to vermont. and a lot of people don't know hillary -- if it's bernie staying home or something else. you are not one of those people. how about you, mr. czar? are you going to vote for hillary? i'm not there yet. i think a lot of things have to happen over the next few weeks. we will see what happens at the convention. >> wait, wait, wait, wait. let me stop you here. >> yeah. >> nothing is going to happen at the convention. she is going to go in and wave and give a speech standardized. what do you mean you are not there? you know hillary clinton. hillary clinton is not changing. what she has done in the past isn't changing. it's a fairly simple as i said last night, both trump and hillary clinton, they're pretty simple to figure out at this juncture. are they not? >> to me, it's not as much about the candidate hillary clinton. we know her. >> right. >> we know her policies and connections to wall street. her militarism. we don't like those things. if there is a way to integrate us into the platform, a way to integrate us into the vision or future of the party, which i'm not totally sure about yet. but if those things can happen. >> give me an example how that would occur. bernie is going to show up to the convention. is he going to give a prime time speaking engagement. they are going to be very respectful to bernie. they need you. they need the sanders' supporters to vote for them. you can't be naive enough to think that bernie sanders is going to have anything to do with the hillary clinton administration. he will be back in the senate. he is not going to have anything to do with it. >> look, if the democratic party doesn't change significantly a lot of items on this platform, if hillary clinton doesn't come out for some of our issues. >> like give me one example? this is interesting. >> reject super pac money. reject wall street money. reject her militarism. >> she is not going to doing that i'm putting you down you are not voting for her. she is never going to do that. reject the campaign money? are you kidding me? all right. >> no, right now i'm not going to vote for her, no. >> all right. we have one vote for her and one vote for somebody else. bernie sanders basically, i have always said this, waged a very good, spirited campaign. and i admire what he did in the campaign. however, ms. payne, there isn't one thing that he could pass through the congress, not one, all right, if he were elected president because he is that extreme in his economic vision. do you, as a very smart woman, understanding that congress would never vote for any of the things that he wants? >> i understand that the congress that we have will not pass the legislation that bernie sanders has suggested, yes. >> okay. >> i think you misunderstand bernie sanders' sponsors importance in american history and his importance and influencing the direction of the democratic party and influencing ultimately what policies that hillary clinton will. >> all right. it's symbolic. >> in order to gain the support of the bernie sanders' supporters. >> what he stands for is what you -- okay, so let's get into that. mr. zahr, mr. sanders is an open border guy. anybody can come in here any time they want as long as they obey the law. do you understand the implications of that. >> i wouldn't fully characterize him that way. i agree with erika about that. >> stay on the open borders. there isn't one thing that bernie sanders would do. not one, to stop people from coming into the united states and then when they got here, he said, and we ran the sound bite last night, he would require federal authorities not to ask them any questions. so he is an open border guy. >> look, bernie sanders believes, and he said before, about the immigration laws that exist right now are okay. he believes in amnesty. >> he believes anybody should be able to come here at any time. >> not sending kids back to central america to be put into terrible situations. >> mr. zahr. >> that's what he believes. >> any inhibitions on illegal immigration. you tackle, this ms. payne. >> i will tackle it let me tell you something. there is a fund mention difference between pro-progressives and conservatives when it comes to people visiting this country. progressives think that people move in order to build better lives for their families. >> you're okay with anybody -- >> -- our country. >> any time they want? >> i'm perfectly okay with anybody who wants to be a constructive part of this country. >> anybody? no matter how many of them. >> live and work. >> okay. >> we can handle it, bill. this is the greatest country in the world. we can handle an influx of different kinds of people. we are made up of different kinds of people already. >> erika. >> look, bill -- >> i am thrilled that you sore honest because this is what americans have to decide. whether they want -- >> -- we have to decide this. >> the country that you envision or a country that i envision. mr. zahr, 30 seconds, go ahead. >> i think i'm getting a win, bill. >> let me say, this bill. i live in deer born, michigan made vibrant by immigrants. you should visit us by the way and see it's not run by sharia law or the kind of stuff you have been saying. it's made vibrant by immigrants. economic gold mine here. you should come and visit. >> you guys, it's about numbers. you can look into europe and see what's happening now. we appreciate your honesty, you guys. good debate. watters on deck. he is on the sanders trail as well in vermont. special "watters world" next. between you and life's beautiful moments. with flonase allergy relief, they wont. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. back of the book segment tonight, watters world, as we just heard some bernie sanders supporters are reluctant to give up the ghost. we sent to burlington, vermont, senator's home turf to sample public opinion ♪ ♪ >> raw bernie supporter? >> i am a bernie supporter. >> do you need a tissue? >> what do i got a little -- >> no, for the tears. >> if you wipe your nose once in a while, people wouldn't give you so much crap all the time. >> i'm disappointed about that. >> do you know who is upset. >> larry david. >> i own one pair of underwear. >> what do you think bernie is going to do with himself. >> my guess he will go back to the senate where he has been effective senator. >> effective meaning not passing any legislation? >> what do you think bernie is going to do with himself now. >> keep on trucking. >> he should truck down to venezuela. i hear things are beautiful this time of year. >> do you regret that bernie didn't make a bigger deal out of hillary's emails? >> i don't. because he is an honest guy. >> i bet he does. >> anybody can make a mistake. >> now that bernie does. >> anybody can make a mistake. >> now that bernie is in going to be the nominee, who are you going to vote for? >> i'm going to write him in. >> write bernie? >> yeah. >> i feel like no matter who i vote for it's not going to change the things that need to be changed. without a revolution we're helpless. >> settle down. >> i'm going to vote for hillary and i've resigned to that now. >> if hillary is the president, how is she going to throw out the first pitch at a baseball game? would you consider voting for trump? >> absolutely not. he is one of the most narcicisstic human beings i've ever seen. >> you are pathetic. >> donald trump and bernie have a lot in common. >> people -- them both to be outsiders. >> do you like it when people ruffle your feathers? >> i'm not a bird. >> i thought i saud a puddytat. >> are you going to move anywhere? zbli would never abandon my fellow americans. >> okay. that is messed up. >> is there any chance you might vote for donald trump? >> no. he just rattles off things without any evidence whatsoever. >> why don't you like hillary? >> i don't think she has good intentions. >> are you sure you want to vote for the clintons? they usually get impeached when they're president. do you like to go deep in politics? >> i like to look at the numbers. >> you're a powerful guy. i think you're powerful. >> every week like it's shark week. >> i enjoy your program very much. >> thank you very much. you have great taste. >> you're also a very pretty man. >> okay. watt ters. >> this is my world. can i stroke your fox fur? it's very soft. >> the secret is you've got to coordinate. >> thank you guys very much. great job. >> i'm not going to shake your hand. >> you're not going to shake my hand? why not? all right. ♪ >> now, burlington, vermont on the shores of lake champlain, you remember him? >> oh yeah, champlain. counter culture town, kind of woodstock moved north, right? >> well you don't actually find owl bernie supporters. you find people that won't vote for anybody. there's anarchists. >> a lot of hippies, fornler hippies. you had a few of them in there. and then the younger people who fall into that ideology. but i haven't been to burlington in a long time. it's still that way, right sf. >> it really is that way. i don't want to disparage it because i want to go back one day. they might not have me back >> no, not after that. give it a couple of years. >> remember bennington? >> they hung you, i believe, last time you went there. we're cutting down watters geographic opportunity right now. we'll see you on monday for hamilton, a big hamilton expo sigs by wattters. a true american hero. the tip, moments away. closing the stage this afternoon for auditions? what's on that piece of paper? oh, miss maroney, your forehead! should not be doing anything. i just had botox. i know exactly what's happening! ah! whoa! this is a bad streaming experience. the girlie show is a real fun lady show. (vo) don't let bad streaming ruin a good show. don't look at me! (vo) only verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network. switch now, buy two samsung phones, and get a free 50" smart tv, plus up to $650 back. only on america's best network. factor tip of the day, an american mom becomes a hero. you can be a hero on father's day. first up, monica in connecticut. take dad out to a nice dinner. there are plenty of good restaurants. a few tickets for shows in denver, three-point and biloxi, mississippi. they'll sell out over the weekend. and if you can't see miller and me in person, you can get dad a bill o'reilly premium membership which comes with a free book and a free copy of the constitution. john, new york, you drilled monica crawly about the mexican wall. shame on you. you are not a businessman. mexico will pay for it. i bet you dinner in ft. washington, on. bill, you did not ekts plain why many democrats want open borders. they would have us believe they have big hearts but it's really all about votes. generalizing about motive doesn't get it anywhere. rick jones, your piece on the "the new york times" best selling list was astonishing. they inject their own opinion. isn't that like some reporting on global warming. there is conflicting data on warming, rick. no conflicting data on book sales. every sale is registered. mike, casper, wyoming, you are a pompous twit. you tout your books as being number one and then whine when one doesn't make it. legends and lies with the patriots now, number one. miracle. like the message was delivered. you might want to wise up. south carolina, maybe all of our elected officials should be required to watch "legends and lies" to refresh their memories about how we came to be as a country. there was deep division back then as there is now. today president obama endorsed hillary clinton for president. that's going to make the addition bigger. we want everybody to watch legends to lies this coming sunday at 8:00 and understand how the divisions back then were overcome. i don't know if we can overcome them now. this morning on fox and friends, a young woman in florida told her tori of giving birth to a baby diagnosed with down syndrome. her doctor recommended abortion and she said no. now the baby is 15 months old and she has a message for the doctor who recommended the abortion. >> it's such a misconception that there's no value in a person with down syndrome. she's changing the world. the babies are precious. i want every -- not just all of the doctors to know that. i want all of the mommies who are pregnant now making that decision. i felt like my life was over and my life just started. and you know, your life is just beginning and that's the greatest, the gre the world. >> my opinion, courtney baker is a true hero, not a political judgment but a humanistic one. we salute a heroic mom delivering a powerful message. that is it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor website. also we'd like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world, o'reilly at foxnews.c word of the day, do not be procrustean when writing to the factor. not a lobster, not seafood. on monday we got watters going over to the hamilton play, thousands of dollars for tickets to see that show and we're going to find out if the audience knows anything about old alex or the revolutionary war or anything like that. that should be fun. again thanks for watching us tonight. i am bill o'reilly. please always remember the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, a big shift in the race for the white house as donald trump loses ground to hillary clinton in brand-new fox polling while hillary clinton's numbers head south on honesty and her e-mail. welcome to the kelly file everyone, i'm megyn kelly. the trump campaign has been hounded about questions about the fraud case and mr. trump's comment that the judge ruled against him. now it appears that all of this may have taken its toll. according to a brand-new fox poll hillary clinton is leading donald trump 42% to 49% and it's not because she's gaining any


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