romney since the beginning. martha, o reilly, you tend to run down romney! and by doing so maybe re-electing president obama. robert gulley, mr. o, if you are really fair, please tell obama how to beat romney. after all, you gave the governor advice. are you kidding me? every night. every night i suggest to the president things he might do to turn things around, robert. cut spending as the simpson-bowles commission suggested, champinnel legislati to make it harder for speculators to drive up oil prices. come on, man. what else do i have to do? every night i m doing this. rochelle hughes, mr. o reilly, my husband and i really enjoyed your show here last friday night. next time you come down, please bring miller. careful what you wish for, rochelle. my last solo show of the spring will be at the state theater in eastern pennsylvania saturday
romney since the beginning. martha, o reilly, you tend to run down romney! and by doing so maybe re-electing president obama. robert gulley, mr. o, if you are really fair, please tell obama how to beat romney. after all, you gave the governor advice. are you kidding me? every night. every night i suggest to the president things he might do to turn things around, robert. cut spending as the simpson-bowles commission suggested, champinnel legislati to make it harder for speculators to drive up oil prices. come on, man. what else do i have to do? every night i m doing this. rochelle hughes, mr. o reilly, my husband and i really enjoyed your show here last friday night. next time you come down, please bring miller. careful what you wish for, rochelle. my last solo show of the spring will be at the state theater in eastern pennsylvania saturday
romney since the beginning. martha, o reilly, you tend to run down romney! and by doing so maybe re-electing president obama. robert gulley, mr. o, if you are really fair, please tell obama how to beat romney. after all, you gave the governor advice. are you kidding me? every night. every night i suggest to the president things he might do to turn things around, robert. cut spending as the simpson-bowles commission suggested, champinnel legislati to make it harder for speculators to drive up oil prices. come on, man. what else do i have to do? every night i m doing this. rochelle hughes, mr. o reilly, my husband and i really enjoyed your show here last friday night. next time you come down, please bring miller. careful what you wish for, rochelle. my last solo show of the spring will be at the state theater in