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.tanding behind steven sotloff he is the second killed at the hands of i sold -- isil. >> the state department is working to verify the video. it is exactly what many feared after seeing steven sotloff in the video released two weeks ago when terrorists killed james foley. , he says illing tape am back, and the beheading is react allegation -- is in retaliation. is 31 years old. a freelance journalist who vanished a year ago while covering the conflict in syria. mother made a play for the release of her son. there was concern time was running out. the pentagon made this statement. >> we have seen fresh reporting about the potential murder of steven sotloff. idle have anything to confirm today. we are monitoring as best we can. our thoughts go out to the family, who has endured hardship and suffering just by virtue of his captivity and being held hostage. i can't confirm those press for arts now. the first video, they threatened another murder at the end of this one, i british citizen. the state department said a few held bys believed to be isis. obama did not conflict -- comment. this is a rapidly developing story. much more coming up at 6:00. >> thank you. more details on steven sotloff. reporter forlance time magazine when he was kidnapped last year. many articles focused on the struggles of ordinary people in war zones. he attended the university of central florida from 2002-2004. back with more on steven sotloff and the breaking news of his death. >> the mcdonnell corruption trial is in the hands of a jury as they's decide the fate of bob mcdonnell and his wife. what the jury has to mull over. celebration started at noon today. no verdict yet. not unsurprising. the jury had live weeks of testimony to digest and dense jury and then -- instructions. their attorneys walked into the court separately. get inside before the 5:00 closing time. at 5:30 with a will come inside and juries will tell them if they have a verdict. seven men, five women will conduct the jury. now in the hands of a jury, governor mcdonald says these are his lands. the time to be with my son. >> during jury instructions, the judge detailed the counts against the governor and his wife. spencer advised bob mcdonnell's testimony should be viewed like that of any other witness and that nothing should be inferred by maureen mcdonnell's decision not to testify. williams testimony must be weighed with great care because williams received immunity in exchange for talking. i will rest the confidence that this will work. >> they are accused of trading government accident exchange for $180,000 in gifts and loans from williams. the judge defined official acts it away that could have the prosecution. in the act of politician may typically perform whether it leads to changes are not. so what is the person paying a bribe allegedly change or influence. because the conspiracy is alleged, maureen mcdonnell not a public official to the beach convicted unless the over governor is. what it does say is that bob mcdonnell is a part of the trial. -- at the heart of the trial. >> they can take into consideration the good character of the mcdonald's. will have an update on the status of the situation in an hour. live, abc seven news. >> thank you. we will have crews in richmond until a verdict is reached. when a decision is made we will bring it to you live. >> this just in from fairfax. the family of a man killed during a police standoff is filing a court complaint against the police department and the officers involved. he was shot and killed by police at his home in august of last year. he was fighting with his wife who called 911. an officer killed him after a 50 minute standoff. the family claims the officer used excessive violence. in.his just the family of relisha rudd recommends policy changes. the review concluded none of the reforms could have prevented her disappearance. family provided misleading of the -- information. relisha rudd was seen in the company of a janitor. tatum committed suicide. chris browny from inside of a courtroom today. he didn't speak to the media or fans of he pleaded guilty to assault for an incident outside of the w hotel. live with what the singer apologized for. >> today the judge said to chris firmly, i could give you 180 days in jail regardless of the clean deal. you punched another human being while you are on probation. in the end the judge said you have suffered consequences and i'm going to go along with this. pleading guilty to one count of simple assault, chris brown got to do what he did after this morning's 20 minute court hearing. walk away. >> he is pleased with the outcome. wants to focus on his career. >> he said i am sorry, i am really sorry. brown and his bodyguard were afterd of punching a fan, the 20-year-old tried to take a picture with the pop star. the bodyguard was found guilty. brown rejected previously deals. brown agreed to say he was responsible for the assault that itctured his fans knows ose itge -- n exchange for time served. >> i from the old school. you can walk away. that's how i feel. he served to jay's -- he served two days in jail. when he was back to california, a judge ordered him to rehab and he spent three months in jail. prosecutors told the judge they were set is right with that time spent in brown's acceptance of responsibility. find a way to bounce back from that. >> chris brown's attorney said this was the most expensive this to be there at all times. we asked prosecutors. they did not keep a record of budgets on a case-by-case basis. they say they tried this simple assault the way they try all civil cells. >> thank you. we have breaking news on a sex assault in the chevy chase section of d.c.. a bed carried a knife attacked a woman at western avenue -- a bed carried a knife attacked the woman at western avenue. roz plater is gather information would details. >> the popeyes murder case. moises gomez castillo is accused of killing his coworker. >> robbery was the motive. he wanted money. this guy made it easy. he was caught on camera and identified by a manager. he was spotted by witness thesing rid of bloody clo and told his coworker he was planning a robbery. they work together for seven years. the same shift at the popeyes saturday. murdered his, he coworker. he stepped are over and over again. she was in the way of him accomplishing that mission. it was a gruesome scene. all over dollars. this morning.sted evidence, including security video, and an injury to his hand help solve the case. he told other employees he was planning a robbery. >> he has always been quiet. >> heather howard works next-door and knew the killer and victim. old and hadears worked for popeyes for a quarter century. people are known the door of the chicken place says she was well known and liked. >> you get around them. you think they know them. >> people at this popeyes are so shaken the store is what is stay closed until friday. employees gathered here and did not want to comment on their loss. while they are investigating, the suspect was acting alone. abc. >> thank you. specialist death of a man in falls church is being called a homicide. why they're concerned this could have been a random attack. >> another possible security breach at a major retailer part of a bigger problem. >> as a car approached this it cost a woman her life. >> a three old is a critical condition after being struck by a car yesterday. her mother did not survive. >> many people say the intersection of riverdale road is dangerous. live with the latest on the tragedy. >> we talked to the family today. she was excited to spend today taking her daughter to her first day of school. that did not happen. now she is gone. that little girl is in a d.c. hospital tonight recovering after they were hit by a car in this area. it is a crossing many drivers ignore the signs for. a single candle words of the home of selma florez. it is something this family the family is searching for, hope. >> she was a great woman. >> the 30 one-year-old was her sister-in-law. a mother of two girls in the boyfriend of a man who claimed -- clings to images on a tablet. florez was walked back from the grocery store with her baby girl when witnesses say a car came speeding back to the crosswalk. it cost florez her life. on ave.dale road, on 50 eight pedestrians we've between cars while ignoring the law that requires them to stop. police are try to understand what happened as they rapidly crash investigation. the driver stayed on seed and no charges have an filed. florez hopes there will be charges. >> we have heard from many people in this area complaining the crossing is dangerous and there have been accidents. we asked the state highway agency for an exact count. it would take until tomorrow to get us those statistics. the agency is taking steps to prevent the pedestrian accidents there is signage up and down the street and on the other side tried to prevent these accidents. their engineers needed to get a look at the final accident report. >> thank you. seven is on your side with a consumer alert. home depot is investigating a potential credit card data breach. into the usual activity, working with banks and law-enforcement, and the same group of russian and ukrainian hackers suspected of last year's massive breach, target is to blame for this as well. >> [indiscernible] >> location, location. some have seen heavy downpours this afternoon. others hardly anything. like july. we are going to keep it going for another few days. a little bit of a trip for you. we will see what the strongest storms are and where they are located. we are going to zoom into the cell. frederick county, this cell moves off toward the east. 40 miles per hour. the warning is until 6:00 this evening. another 40 minutes to go. this is capable of producing heavy downpours and gusty wind. we will show you the entire area , most of the viewing area under a severe thunderstorm watch. areas to the west of us and north will come down. 94 degrees at reagan national airport. the dewpoint levels around 70 degrees. a little relief for wind out of the south. network shows 93 at george washington university. look what it feels like out there. when hundred one degrees. arlington feels like temperatures of 99. look at the rain totals from these strong storms. half-inch of rain. three quarters of an inch of rain in laurel. that was just over the past couple of hours. 90 at dulles. fredericksburg at 95 degrees. there is the cold front to the north and west. it is not want to bring us a push of cooler air. we are going to look for the humidity to drop as we move into the day. it still stays hot. through front slides and we will look for these showers and thunderstorms to diminish as they move through the evening hours. tomorrow it looks nice out there. high-pressure is overhead. lower humidity. temperatures around 90 degrees. we will keep that going into friday. forecast for the overnight. look for storms to add -- end. partly cloudy and hot tomorrow. not quite as he bid. -around 90 degrees. isended outlook shows this all the way saturday and sunday. temperatures normally should be lower to middle 80's. that is severe thunderstorm watch for the entire area until 10:00 tonight. we'll keep you posted and head over to >> thank you. spiraling out of control. the ebola outbreak. here who has contracted the deadly disease. concerned i think it happened to them. what does it take to hack the cloud? new details ahead. >> summer officially over now for children around the metro area. that's parents -- right. student our back to school today. students went back before labor day. they returning with different routines. stephen tschida spent the day amidst the excitement to tell us how it went. >> back to school and northern virginia. excitement. for some, sadness. >> across northern virginia a quest twos recent education continues. the upper elementary school for arts and sciences is a gleaming state-of-the-art school and a former office building. >> school is now open. >> students filed into the public school to offer kindergarten through eighth grade classes. it accommodates 900 students. together.s the kids >> meanwhile there are a number of changes this year. elementary students now go a full day on monday. i used to get out at 12:30. >> it was inconvenient for parents who had to reschedule things. fairfax's tried to build in more days to illuminate having to add days at the end of the year to make up for the inevitable snow days. >> that would be fine. >> i would be in agreement with that. like stephen tschida purporting. we want to see the stories of back-to-school. e-mail them. we will share pictures on good morning washington all week long. >> what this change means for the stork newspaper. >> nothing is impossible. helpingootball team build on historic season. side. >>ven news your breaking details on the woman a ttacked in chevy chase. new breaking details. the news folks in this neighborhood are used to hearing about. details are coming in slowly. we know the attack happened sunday night into monday morning and olivern avenue street not far from the chevy chase circle. a man commit to a woman and's showed her a knife. he tried to sexually assault her. she was able to fight him off and he got away. neighbors were awakened by police activity. they are standing here with what what actually happened. >> it is something that we don't really see in the years i've been here. maybe two times. >> of that nature. don't have a description of the attacker. we are expecting an update shortly. up tonight. coming roz plater, abc seven. >> the death of a man in falls church is being called a have a side -- a homicide. it may be a random crime. foundo murder miraz was -- roberto ramirez was foun d dead. have knownect may the victim but this may have been a random act of violence. they are urging those who live in the community to be alert. th he came home to a busy parking lot searching for evidence. sayfax county police ramirez's body was found near this tree monday morning after 2:00. she had been attacked. >> the victim suffer significant trauma to the upper body. that is what led to his death. detectives knocked on his door to see if they could review video in hopes of learning more about the attacker. >> there was nothing. dangerous area. as said they do not come out of their homes at night. >> i could not go home. i was shaking. issome feel the relationship what is keeping them from speaking up. it is sad that you see that. sometimes we can't get the community to help out. i'm sure somebody might have heard something. >> police say they are aware that some might be reluctant to talk to them. they are doing their best to overcome that. they want to remind everyone they can remain anonymous if they come full with information. falls church, abc seven news. >> a former police officer gets bond revoked and sentencing postponed until october 5 scene after an outburst in court. of a soul inted the office. he was found guilty of shooting kyle in the back. in 24 -- inpened 2012. the prosecutor was explaining put away.uld be >> the washington post has a new publisher. it is the latest change at the post. future.signals for the >> the last message of the a .ecades she is stepping down. .er replacement is fred ryan he used to run the place and was a founding ceo. >> he gets where news is going. people will be getting news from a smart phone and ipad. trent is going to be a thing of the past. >> michael shanahan is a former reporter. host's owner is sending a clear message. >> it takes them away from the notion that the old way of doing business can survive. >> ryan is well known in washington. he worked in the reagan white house and let efforts to build the presidential library. it is likely his experience with what ago made him attractive -- made himtico attractive to baisezos. the washington post is not a newspaper business, this is a medium basis -- business. >> in northwest washington, kris van cleave. fred is well liked around here. >> they are lucky to have him. >> in the traffic center now to tell us what's happening. on the baltimore parkway, plenty of volume. the southbound from jessup, 200 eastbound known as the icc. the storms came through in a tree came down. they had to stop traffic. they are squeezing by. 95 southbound onto bad at all. i-95 before route 17, 66 has a crash. church, let'salls six look at some cameras -- let's take a look at some cameras. normally it is jammed at this hour. not today. no delays until maryland. bali delays headed into jared town. -- germantown. americap, why the miss contestants are in the sea this week. >> a dire warning the world is losing the battle against ebola. more on that and a local effort to find a vaccine. ahead, new fallout from the 23rd -- oil explosion. >> more scary news in the ebola outbreak. >> the cdc says the rubble is spiraling out of control. >> the latest developments. >> there is one clever of hope. phase one clinical trial of a vaccine began today at in ih in bethesda. 20 volunteers, 18 years old to 50 years old. he cdc says it is an epidemic spiraling out of control. more than 3000 people in west africa have been infected. half have died. the cdc says death is lowballing it. >> it is spiraling out of control. it is much more so the numbers show. it is going to get worse in the future. >> this is another doctor testingin the hospital positive. the epidemic has prompted obama and weste video africans. >> topic this disease will not be easy. we know how to do it. you are not alone. >> ebola is spread when relatives prepare loved ones for burial. the families must board from a distance. entire villages have been decimated. -- whole towns have been quarantined. residents have been cut up from supplies and will die of hunger if ebola doesn't kill the first. hope lies in the labs. getting a vaccine safe for humans out quickly. >> the crucial thing is to act fast. action today is worth more than action in a couple of weeks. >> the nih vaccine trial results are expected by the end of the year. this is different of the drug use treat two americans. live in the newsroom, greta kreuz. government, and inspiring football store that takes the game to a new level. >> new t deals in the celebrity hacking scandal. >> some celebrities are dealing with a hacker who got a hold of their private pictures and expose them to the world. >> how easy is it to hack into your personal teachers and videos? -- personal pictures and videos? >> that is a question people are asking. a lot of people take naughty pictures or images that would not have out there. this hacking scandal has many wondering if it could happen to them. matt and ben know they have taken risque pictures in the past. , they are justt like send this. i can't say no. yes, they will be horrified if the images got out. dozens of celebrities are living that nightmare. jennifer lawrence leads the list of stars who have their personal pictures and videos stolen and exposed online through this website. >> this is a great concern. >> the extent to the theft of personal information may go far beyond just images. >> we don't know exactly. it looks like the entirety of their e-mails could have been stolen and their contacts. >> the if the isolating the probe. leading the is probe. the company released a statement saying none of the cases we have investigated has resulted from any breach in any of apple's systems, including icloud or my iphone. however the images were obtained the theft is alarming everyone with a smartphone. >> the fact that someone was stream, itk a photo is scary. >> the fbi takes this stuff seriously. two years go a man was sentenced to 10 years behind bars for hacking after scarlett johansson phone was hacked. >> elasticated father wants to hear. father wantshing a to hear. >> kind of a rocky evening. >> amazing time lapse is out there. a line of thunderstorms moved across the county. rain, in 40 minutes it was gone. the skies cleared nicely. sunshine for frederick county as the storms follows through the ease. we head down to north in montgomery county. clarksburg, all looking at areas of heavier rain. most of the area under a severe thunderstorm watch includes the district and surrounding counties. the heat and humidity that's out there, it is still 94 degrees at reagan national airport. it feels like the 90's. there is the cold front. high pressure settles in. that brings us cooler temperatures and lower humidity. storms will come to an end inside the beltway. .t will keep you up dated >> we have to see this. >> we have something different for you tonight. different but special. sports and real-life often collide. i what you to meet some footballers who teach us life let listens -- teach us life lessons every day. for every death person. football is about more than just college. >> people are watching us. >> we can play football. our players are no different than others on saturday afternoon. >> they have been playing football since 1983. on ourave a big target back. >>/year they went 9-1 in the regular season, and brought home the first division iii playoffs win. >> it was the first time in history will manage to the playoffs. likes the challenge is building on last year's success and going further. the matter what happens, they are winners, champions, all of them overcoming odds and obstacles to succeed in the sport they love. >> to be part of that is something that is unbelievable. just changing the perspective on life. nothing is impossible. >> nothing is impossible. for more on the local schools, i hope you will join me for our annual award-winning football preview. franklin, 8:00 here on a seven. -- but abc seven news. thank you for bringing us that stories. alex parker is a keeper. >> coming up next, at 5:00. miss america comes to capitol hill. inside but today, 53 of america's most beautiful and intelligent young women invaded capitol hill. the miss america condition -- come to the nation's capital. we caught up them -- up with them for dinner. .> there she is, miss america or is it her? or her? maybe her? >> this is where i was born and raised for the -- born and raised. >> my mission is with cerebral palsy. >> hold the phone. miss d.c. is not from washington? >> i think it's very well known that d.c. has a lot of transient residents. not everyone here is from the district. >> she is not wrong. according to the u.s. census era, we have added nearly 50,000 new residents since 2010. >> education is very important to us. we have talked about this a great deal. >> for many of those ladies, you will see those stem jobs and scholarships taking a front seat this year. >> what would you like to see a family?irl do in your >> think outside the voxel up in the past four years, i have gained over $43,000 for college. >> who is going to become miss america on the 14th? one of these ladies will. live in atlantic city. >> lots of sparkle in that room. to see any of tommy's story, just go to and if you have a story that you think tommy needs to know about, send him a tweet. now at 6:00, international outrage after the terror group isil apparently executes another american. what the pentagon is saying. a judge in missouri now deciding the fate of a former governor of. this woman was in your home? >> [indiscernible] keeper arrested, accused of stealing tens of thousands of dollars in jewelry -- a housekeeper arrested, accused of stealing tens of thousands of dollars in jewelry from them. 6:00,s is abc 7 news at on your side. 6:00, a hot, muggy day turning into a stormy night through parts of our region command more bad weather could be on the way. >> that has prompted a severe thunderstorm watch for us tonight. steve is on storm watch in the storm center. thunderstormsvere and they will continue as we move through the next several hours. take a look at our doppler radar. the strongest of the storms are to the north of us across westminster into carroll county and moving off to the east. and additional storms now beginning to develop around the front royal era of -- area. you look toway if the lower left-hand side of the screen. that is what is possibly moving our way later on tonight. that is why the national weather service continues to have the severe thunderstorm watch until 10:00 tonight for the district and surrounding counties. everything shaded in pink. we will continue to track the storms and give you the full forecast in a few minutes. >> right now, following the developing story of the


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