In Bigg Boss Malayalam 5 The offer made to Aniyan Midhun for a tip by Robin, who came as a guest, is now being discussed. Robins plan was to sit at the dinner table and have an arm wrestling match with Midhun. Robin said that Midhun should wrestle with him and lose, but in return he would give him a tip.
Dr. Robin Radhakrishnan from season four and Rajith Kumar from season two have entered the Bigg Boss house. Robin and Rajith Kumar came to the house as guests as part of the hotel task. All thirteen contestants in the house are employees of the BB Hotel. The guests were treated rudely by the contestants, who were the hotel staff.
After Robin Radhakrishnans Bigg Boss entry, his fiancée, Aarti Podi, posted a short note on Instagram wishing him success. This post is now gaining the attention of the audience. Robin Radhakrishnan got engaged to entrepreneur and model Arati Podi in February.
Robin Radhakrishnan came to the Bigg Boss house once again as a guest for the BB Hotel task. Bigg Boss season 2 star Rajith Kumar was also there. With this, the audience expected a clash between Robin and Akhil Marar, but both were seen moving forward with restraint.
It is clear from the new promo of Bigg Boss Malayalam that Sagar has attacked Rajith Kumar. This is giving rise to much talk and controversy in the house. Robin says in the promo that this is a security lapse. As Akhil Marar is the security person in the hotel, the blame is directed towards him.