Account on how to organize with community guess that is grassroots and corporate power, asking too much. I know the richmond, california story is an incredibly important story, has really been told, i have seen a couple articles about it but it is one of the real stories we should be learning especially in baltimore, in terms of deindustrialization, racism, poverty and one of the most important things is lack of luxury to get hung up on not working together, like baltimore, richmond too small to have too many sectarian divisions and what is exciting about the richmond story is a found a way to get over those divisions, Work Together in an alliance that is able to get stuff done, significant Green Party Mayor in the united states. Really excited to learn. Join me in welcoming steve early. Thank you very much for that great introduction. The privilege to be here tonight. I apologize for the formality of the arrangements. Good friends at cspan booktv are here so this is an opportunity for