mow in my ear i love to give hannity my hour i will take part of your show i m laura ingraham from washington tonight t. is not just rf circumstance junior well is cornel west running green party and challenging democrats he feels they abandon the principles they held dear he is live here heel tell us what those princels are. first being ending the race grift the focus off tonight s angle. the machine who was elected president of the united states. twice. who graduated from harvard law school. owns close to 100 million dollars worth of electric homes in the exclusive enclaves of america and spendses his sumner on megayachts barack obama is try to say racism is the cornerstone of american life. if a republican who may be sincere in saying i want us all to live together. does in the have a plan for how do we address crippling generational poverty that is a consequence of hundreds of years of racism there men a time machine in the republican party that is more serious about
and against the root niez indifference to the vulnerable no matter the color, gender or sexual orientation you know you support draw thanksgiving ukraine conflict to a close the washington post said the bide own administrationbiving backing to a plan we move biriers ukraine entry to nato. so the am democrat party is obviously all in as are men residence. not donald trump. i don t think desantis but the other republicans for the u.s. on the hook for defenzing ukraine from the aggression of another country. why is this interventionism. on the democrat party, at the corn are stone of when they are in foreign policy. how did this help and why? democratic parties has a long history of commit today worry.