ruling of the supreme court today? the majority looked at this as a case about the presidency, about the power of all presidents. and treated this executive order as if it was something as an i am m immaculate conception. it doesn t say anything about muslims, it refers to these seven countries. and the supreme court said in light of that, it s perfectly permissible. the decenters, said who are you kidding? this is the muslim ban in a tutu. basically prohibiting muslims to come into the united states. and drew on the comments that you said earlier. this is why it matters who is on the supreme court and who
right. if this fails, the next round is not going to be single payer, it s going to be even more conservative than what we have now. what happens if in goes down and in june we have a ruling of the supreme court declaring the president s plan unconstitutional? i think the support in a lose/lose situation here. if the law is upheld, it will double the fury of the republican right who will rally to say, there s only one way to change this law, the supreme court didn t do it, we have to change presidents to do it. i think if the law goes down, if the supreme court strikes it down, it will be a sign of futility on the president s part. the fact that he spent a year and a half or two years and all his political capital trying to get a bill passed that was found to be constitutionally flawed, it s unpopular politically. if you look at the polls, it s just not popular. and he s not going to spend july, august, september and october arguing against the supreme court if the supreme
to the left of the affordable care act. every 17 years remove to the right. if this fails, the next round is not going to be single payer, it s going to be even more conservative than what we have now. what happens if in goes down and in june we have a ruling of the supreme court declaring the president s plan unconstitutional? i think the president is in a lose/lose situation here. if the law is upheld, it will double the fury of the republican right who will rally to say, there s only one way to change this law, the supreme court didn t do it, we have to change presidents to do it. i think if the law goes down, if the supreme court strikes it down, it will be a sign of futility on the president s part. the fact that he spent a year and a half or two years and all his political capital trying to get a bill passed that was found to be constitutionally flawed,
what happens if in goes down and in june we have a ruling of the supreme court declaring the president s plan unconstitutional? i think the president is in a lose/lose situation here. if the law is upheld, it will double the fury of the republican right who will rally to say, there s only one way to change this law, the supreme court didn t do it, we have to change presidents to do it. i think if the law goes down, if the supreme court strikes it down, it will be a sign of futility on the president s part. the fact that he spent a year and a half or two years and all his political capital trying to get a bill passed that was found to be constitutionally flawed, it s unpopular politically. if you look at the polls, it s just not popular. and he s not going to spend july, august, september and october arguing against the supreme court if the supreme court tears it down. it s a tough position for the president to be in. he might have done it for all the right reasons policywise and