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Transcripts For CNNW CNNI Simulcast 20141215 07:00:00

minutes. so when that statement comes, we'll, of course bring it to you. >> and of course all of this ongoing in sydney as it comes up on 6:00 local time. this siege going on now for more than eight hours. i'm john vause at the cnn center in atlanta. >> and i'm natalie allen. we have been with you for several hours, and we will push on as this situation in australia continues. it is breaking news of a siege there in a coffee shop that has been ongoing. a gunman holding people hostage at the lindt coffee shop in downtown sydney. sky news has just informed us that the gunman is calling himself "the brother", and has contacted a radio station and two tv stations via hostages with demands, a conversation with the prime minister and an isil flag. >> we do know five people have managed to get out. three men were seen running out two hours ago. two of them were customers. the man in the blue jacket, the man in the white zirs and a few moments later there was a man wearing an apron who appeared to be a worker. >> coming out of a different door. >> and it appears he was a worker at the lindt coffee shop. he's wearing that apron. >> and we've been questioning our experts. >> was this an escape or were they released. and according to our sky news reporter, the police saying this was a report, just there. >> then, after this, two women ran out, about 45 minutes later. this is a different camera angle, coming from a different way. there goes one. and police hustled her away. a then right after her another suddenly emerges. police tell us they have been in touch with the hostage taker, though they will not say who he is or what his motives are. let's listen. >> our number one aim is to resolve this incident peacefully. we have numerous resources from the new south wales police force on-site, in that effort to make sure that everybody who is in this location remains unharmed. we do not have any information that suggests that anybody is harmed at this stage. and a peaceful resolution will be what we are working towards. >> that was the new south wales deputy police commissioner there, a little over two hours ago. well, when the standoff began more nan eight hours ago, a flag with an islamic phrase was held up to the cafe's window. also as can you see, hostages were norsed to stand in that window with their hands on the glass. since then, heavily armed police have taken positions around the coffee shop anchor dod cordonede area. our reporter on the scene has reported this is a ghost town in this area. otherwise, very, very busy area. >> three blocks in every direction of this coffee shop. there have been evacuations linked to suspicious packages found around the city. air traffic has been re-routed around sydney. >> this is a very disturbing incident. i can understand the concerns and anxieties of the australian people at a time like this. but our thoughts and blaprayers must, above all, go out to these individuals who are caught up in this. i can think of almost nothing more distressing, more terrifying than to be caught up in such a situation. our hearts go out to those people. >> well, tony abbott is part of this story, since we just learned that the hostage taker, "the brother", as he wants to be called, wants to talk with the prime minister. >> he wants a conversation with the prime minister and he also wants an isil flag. he had displayed that other flag which had an islamic phrase on it. many people thought it was an isis flag. it was the white writing on a black background. but now from our affiliate reporter in sky news, he is demanding an isil flag. >> it will be interesting to know how the police negotiators are dealing with this person and his demands. we want to go now to anna coren. she's been live there and on the streets of sydney for us, talking about what people are saying, the surprise from typical australians, and what she is learning. it's been very hard to get information. but anna joins us now. anna? >> reporter: well, the siege has been going on now for more than eight hours, and it doesn't look like it's going to be finishing anytime soon. as we said, five hostages have been released. and it's a promising sign that police negotiators are in touch with this gunman and making his way to release those hostages. we don't know. we can't confirm that that is the result of those negotiations. but certainly, from the people within the area, people who have evacuated from nearby buildings, there really is a sense of fear, that this is taking place, this is something australia has not been exposed to yet. australia very much involved in the war against isis in iraq and syria, but not here. there have been no attacks on home soil, threats most definitely, but no attacks. obviously raids over the past couple months and numerous arrests made, but, as for anything event waiting or coming to fruition, law enforcement authorities keeping on top of that. but this gunman walking into the lindt cafe this morning, really catching people off guard. we don't know if he had guns or other weapons, if he had bombs. but he clearly sought out his target. he is opposite 7 network australia. tv cameras able to film the cafe, film what's taking place. so obviously that building is being evacuated or everything nearby as is the u.s. consulate. there are dozens of buildings within that vicinity, and the police have gone and blocked off much of the cbd around the cafe, around martin place, not allowing anybody in. there's heavy, heavy police presence. we've seen snipers. heavily armed as well as other police with flak jackets. there is that contingency of law enforcement. they are not your regular police officers but the more experienced and highly trained law enforcement officials who are on the scene as well, monitoring what is taking place inside that cafe. >> i want to talk to you about the fact that this was hour the ago that this thirfirst broke o there were images of the hostages inside the coffee shop, and there's been nothing since. is that because think cordoned off the area? is that because it's an ongoing dangerous situation? how come we haven't seen anything else as far as video from, through that first window that we saw earlier? >> reporter: yeah, it's safe to sayna all media has been evacuated from the media. so that live that you've been getting through channel 7, that has now stopped. they've probably been told they have to leave the building. they're not allowed to leave any crews there because of the potential threat. we were within 100 meters of lindt cafe a few hours ago. police then came and moved us on. they don't want to have visuals of the cafe, they say, security reasons. obviously, if the gunman starts to spray bullets or if there is an explosion, they want people away. they're greetitreating it very, seriously. we spoke with a woman earlier, and she said they have contact with him, they are in touch with him. but they want this resolved peacefully. at this statement, it's gone 6:00 here. it could very well go into the night. but they do want this to resolve peacefully. >> we've just received some new information. i think we have a comment from someone who saw the gunman. >> this is a witness. outside the cafe actually saw the gunman. and he describes exactly what, he said it was, i believe it was a man who was actually didn't realize that there were hostages as first. let's listen to what the person had to say. >> when i first ran into the building, he was trying to get someone's attention, trying to get in the doors. and on the third run, i was looking in there, wondering what her problem was, why she didn't go somewhere else to get her coffee. and then obviously the gunman or alleged yoefder held a bag out, and she said gun, gun, gun. in a blue bag. i saw the gunman. i was quite tall. probably late 40s. long white sleeved shirt on with a vest. i was very calm and pacing, looking out. and several customers were sitting down at their tables, still drinking. i'm not sure how alert they were as to what was going to go on. but they were locked in. >> clearly that person did not want to be identified, which is why he was shot that way, but giving us very interesting details about this woman who was turned away, and telling us just what the gunman looked like. his age and that kind of thing. >> earlier there had been a report that he was in his 40s, and some people were surprised that that seemed a little -- >> old. >> old, for whatever reason. >> these people who carry out these kind of things are younger, more easily influenced, are looking for some kind of direction in their lives. we often hear how it's not just religion but poverty, unemployment, lack of opportunity which drives people to these extremist groups. as we've heard from sky news our affiliate in sydney, that the government is debating an isil flag. isil is another term for isis. isil is often used by governments. islamic state. that's all it is. it just depends on who you are, what you use. that link is very, very close to isis. at least from the government's point of view. he is aspirational. he wants to be a representative of this group, which is why he wants this flag. why he didn't have one in the first place i guess is another question. >> some plan in reaching out to the media. now three member the of the media so far that's been reported. well, this, of course, we've always been told about the lone wolf situation, or, as you say, anyone who just needs someone to pay attention to them for whatever deranged reason. but australia's grand mufti released a statement. we want to read it in part. and we quote, the grand mufti and the australia national imam's council condemn this criminal act and unequivocally denounce. and we aspire to a peaceful resolve to this calamity. >> let's go to the president of the lebanese muslim associate in sydney on the line with more details about this. so samir, explain to us, there were occasions where police raided an area southwest of sydney. an area where many ex-pats from lebanon live. that was not the case. tell us exactly what had happened the last couple hours. >> caller: well, i don't know where you got this report. in fact, there's been reports of police on their official website. there have been a lot of these type of reports and trying to link it to what's happening in the cafe, and police have come out and said that none of those events in any kind of shape or form related to what is currently taking place in the cafe. so you've got a car driving down, a police vehicle driving down the street, people getting a little frustrated or calling up and being concerned maybe that this is sort of related. so it's more fear mongering than anything else to be quite frank with you. >> my understanding from one of the reports i read said that police actually met with leaders from the islamic community. that's not the case? >> caller: that's not the case. i've been in direct discussion with the premier of the state just about ten minutes ago. we had another conference call to try to give us more briefs. there have been these briefs been giving to the community leaders every few hours to give us a bit more of an insight and give us a little bit more information about what is currently taking place. >> and what can you share with us about those conversations? what are they telling you? >> caller: they're telling us in terms of information, which is not much. they currently don't know the identity of this individual. they don't know what the motive is. they're treating it as a criminal hostage situation. they're not sure whether he's linked to any particular group. and hopefully that information will unfold. there are five hostages that have left the cafe so far. so we don't know whether they have been released or whether they've escaped. taken from the point of view from what you've reported that he's seeking an isil flag, so he comes across as someone who's not really well prepared if he intended to cause that type of harm. as community leaders, we've offered our help and assistance in any shape or form if they can identify who this individual is so we can be involved in a negotiation and a dialog with this individual. >> i was going to ask you about that samir, because i wondered if they asked you about that, are you disappointed in any way that they haven't reached out to the community to incorporate you somehow, seeing this to a peaceful end? >> caller: well, unless they have facts as to which group he belongs to it will be hard to engage. he carried a black flag with some type of arabic writing on it. it's not the isis flag. we don't know who this individual is. then we can target this eideal. the police and the government have been in close contact with community leaders, as i highlighted. we've also made contact with different departments within the police offering our help and assistance when they see or feel the need. we have the protocol and the safety and security of these hostages at the utmost importance. this is at the point where we as a community coming together as australians. our first and foremost priority is the safety of these hostages. >> samir, when this situation first started unfolding and there was this confusion about whether or not it was a shois flag or a flag with an islamic phrase on it. and everybody's making this connection that this is this lone wolf terrorist attack that many in australian security had been warning about, was that your reaction? or did you think this was something else? >> caller: i take everything seriously when someone's life is at stake. it doesn't bother me whether this is a lone operator or connected to a group or not. i'm someone who needs to be well-informed about the facts. and this is where we leave it to the authorities. once the facts become available then we can deal with the situation. the current situation which is of crucial importance to us is the safety of the hostages and the families. this is our main concern. the fact that we saw a black flag with arabic writing on it made us more concerned, obviously. you can just imagine where we wanted to try to deliver everything we can to help defuse the situation. it's important what group he belongs to. what we want to do is defuse that. once more information comes available we are more briefed and more informed and we can deal with this issue accordingly. >> we have new images of what appear to be the gunman inside the cafe. 's wearing a hid band, a vest and a white shirt. a backpack as well. you said you're trying to defuse the situation regarding who this guy is and what his motivation might be. exactly how do you do that? >> caller: well, once the police officers, if they get aligned to talk to this guy and identify who he is, and then if we reach out to the community organizations to identify his family members. maybe he's got someone that he's a trusted individual from an ethnic group or a family perspective, maybe we can help the police identify the individual and bring them into the negotiations, try to defuse it. >> from the video right there, it's almost hard to believe that they can't figure out who that person is. >> caller: because they haven't been able to speak to the individual. so you tell me -- >> well, they did say the negotiate eors have been in tou with him, but they haven't been able to work out who he is. >> caller: that's something you need to work out with the negotiators. >> do you think they're talking through hostages to the gunman? >> caller: no, i don't think so. from what we know so far, there's been absolutely no conversation with the gunman. >> we did hear from sky news that the negotiators have made contact with him. you don't have any more information about that, obviously. >> caller: no, i don't. >> well, we thank you for your time and letting us know that community members have been briefed every so often on this case. that's good to hear. >> it must be frustrating. you can imagine that they're standing by, they want to help, they want to get involved and find out who this person is. when they do find out who he is, maybe they can reach out to him and work to defuse the situation. all we know at this point is what we've heard from sky news australia is that that guy there, right there in the vest with the white shirt is calling himself "the brother." he has made two demands. one is to have a conversation on the radio with prime minister tony abbott. it's unlikely that will ever happen. but you nene never know. the other demand is that he wants an isil or isis flag in exchange for one hostage. he apparently has said there are two bomb the inside that cafe and two bombs inside the sydney cbd. >> and this security camera that picked this up, he's adamant whatever he's saying and someone is walking up to him with their hands up. >> hands up. >> right that's right. this is the latest since we've been here for many hours now. but we have seen people, of course, run out. and we have some compelling pictures of one of the two women who ran from that cafe toward police, not long ago, wearing lindt aprons. three men ran out before them. one of the men that ran out also had an lindt apron. that's three staff member the working in this coffee shop. i believe the woman who came out before her was carrying her purse. this woman looks like she just got out with her apron and out. and sky news reporter we talked with, believing information she has this was an escape. it wasn't a part of negotiations. and john and i's perspective. it did seem as if the police weren't expecting >> they did seem to be taken a little bit by surprise. >> earlier, the deputy director of the new south wales police took questions at a news conference. that's when we learned that police have maid cde contact wi the gunman. >> i cannot confirm numbers. about how many people might remain or have left. it is really important, i think, for us all to take on board that as this situation is continuing, and as it is unfolding, and as it is that we actually have people who are in this premises at the moment, that we manage it through patience through our negotiators, and we give them the time at the moment that they need to work through this so that they can resolve it. so those operational details will be forthcoming, but it's not a good point in time to speculate. >> can you talk about negotiating? does that mean the police have made contact with the gunman? >> police negotiators have had contact, and they phone have contact. and we will work through this as, as we do with our negotiators. it might take a bit of time, but we want to resolve this peacefully. and i assure you, if it takes a bit of time, we will take the time. >> who is the gunman and what does he want. i know you can't give specifics. but basics, who is i and what does he want? >> at this stage, those might vagss are not known, and it would not be good to special late, but we have set up our protocols. so the moment we have activated our investigators and our intelligence officers. so we now have numerous police who are working on establishing who this person is and what those motives might be. all i can say is that they are now out of the building, and they are now with police. >> do the police have a rough idea about how many hostages were in the, how many had initially before the three left? >> look, i know there has been some speculation about numbers, but it really is not really helpful at the moment to speculate. we clearly, we clearly are dealing with a situation that is unfolding, and it's happening as we speak. and the most important thing is the safety of those hostages. so i wouldn't want to do anything that might impact on their safety. >> some of the speculation has been up to 30, 40 hostages. that seems high with some of the other estimates. >> that sort of a number does not equate with what we be assuming. we don't know. we don't know for a clear fact, but it is not as high as 30. >> those that have escaped, candidate police have contact with them? >> we are with those people now. the first thing we are doing is making sure they are okay. we will then establish who they are. and we will continue to work with them. >> there was some suggestion coming from inside that some hostages were, had fallen ill, that they were not okay. >> the information that i had is that nobody has been harmed or injured at the moment. we have been working through our negotiations to try to make sure that the people inside are cared for, that they have what they need to, so that they don't become ill or injured. so we will continue to do that. i think that from the information that i had, that is not related to the incident that we are dealing with. as you know, we have certain protocols in the city. and particular infrastructure and building have their own protocols. that might have been a matter for them, but we are not saying that that is connected with this. we have our protocols in place. pioneer has been activated. >> are you treating this as a terror -- could you explain a little bit more about what pioneer is? >> this really is about setting up command-and-control, so that we make sure that we have a clear police commander in charge, that we have an incident management team is he sce menme people are able to identify the resources needed. in terms of a policing response, this is a reasonably familiar policing response. [ inaudible question ] >> any other links? there have been several reports of -- >> at the moment the martin place incident is what we are dealing with. there have been other reports, as you would expect, because we do urge people to be vigilant, and we do urge people to contact us if they see anything suspicious, whether that be a suspicious package or vehicle, and people are doing that, which is what we want. so we want people to continue that. and we will respond. but at the moment, the situation that we are dealing with is in martin place. >> can you confirm that there are one or two hostage takers. >> i can't confirm those numbers. >> there are reports that ieds might be involved, that he may have an explosive buielt. >> all this will be forthcoming once we get the information. >> i believe the police commissioner made the comment in that regard. can you confirm that is the case? >> i can't confirm what the police commissioner has said. >> no, whether that is the case that there is an ied. >> i can't speculate on what may or may not be, and that would be unhelpful at the moment. at the moment we know that the person we are dealing with is armed. we are aware of that. and what we would do in terms of their situations is make sure that we consider any, any possibility and so that we are able to respond accordingly. >> can you confirm if this is a terror incident? >> we still don't know what the motivation might be. but in terms of our protocols as i've said, we've set up our command-and-control protocols [ multiple questions ] >> we've had three hostages released unharmed. how positive is that for this afternoon? >> i've said, as long as nobody gets hurt, we want though resolve this peacefully. and that is what we are working towards. and the negotiators are extremely experienced and skilled at what we are doing with the negotiation and if it goes on for a few more hours, it will go on for a few more hours. but, as i say, the priority is the safety of those people as well as the safety of everybody in new south wales. >> thanks very much. we'd like to welcome you back to our continuing coverage of the situation in sydney. a gunman continues to hold hostages at the lindt coffee shop. the hostage taker seen here has identified himself as "the brother." he has reportedly contacted three media organizations, using the hostages to speak with the outlets. he is demanding an isis flag and also a fon call with australia's prime minister. take a look at this video. five hostages that managed to get out. three men were seen running out first. all this happened about three hours ago. two customers it seems, followed shortly by a man who worked at this coffee shop. he is wearing an apron which read "lindt" on it. then two women ran out about 45 minutes later. all five hostages reportedly escaped from the cafe. they were not released. still not clear how many hostages remain inside that coffee shop. the situation began almost nine hours ago now. a flag with an islamic phrase was held up to the cafe's window. hostages were forced to stand in that window with their hands pressed against the pane of glass. anna coren joins us not far from the coffee shop. bring us up to date. we are now in the situation where there are five less hostages being held. we have more details about who may be holidaying them and what he wants. >> reporter: yeah. that's right. we're learning certainly more details from police about what in fact this hostage taker wants. as you say, he wants a phone call with the prime minister tony abbott and also an isis flag. but this is all unfolding about a block from where we are standing. as you can see, the ambulances parked up here on mcquarry street, where this cafe is, the lindt cafe. it's about a block, 100, 200 meters as the crow flies, but heavy police presence. we've also seen sniper police, many of them taking position, watching and waiting. as we heard from the deputy police commissioner, catrkathry burn, if this goes on longer so be it. we know there are still hostages inside with that gunman who is armed. we don't know if he has other explosives or bombs, but certainly, all the people working in the buildings around lindt cafe have been evacuated. obviously, the 7 network, australia, that have opposite the cafe. the reserve bank of australia, the law society, very close by are the law courts. as well as the u.s. consulate. so all these people, you know, hundreds of people have been evacuated from the heart of martin place, in the cbd here in sydney as this siege unfolds. >> a short time ago, over the last hour or so when you got there, you were much closer to the action. so why are they continuing to expand this exclusion area? >> reporter: yeah. that's right. where we were several hours ago, we could actually see the cafe. we had a visual on it. since then, police have moved us. they are concerned. you know, like i said, they don't know what this gunman has or if he will start shooting. so they want everybody out of harm's way. they want to focus purely on this gunman. very senior negotiators are currently speaking to him. we don't know if the release of those five hostages is a result of those conversation, a result of the contact that these negotiators now have with this gunman. but certainly, there is a dialog. there is a conversation taking place. we know for a fact that this gunman chose that position because of its location. he wanted attention. he got it. he was in the heart of the city. he was opposite a major tv station. he clearly wanted the world watching what was taking place. now we know that the part of his demands are to speak to the prime minister of australia and to get an isis flag. other than that, we don't know his motivations, and we don't know, you know, who in fact this man is. >> okay. we appreciate that. we want to go to ray hadley now. he is the number one rating radio host in sydney. i think in australia as well. you're with 2 gb. i understand you had a conversation with the gunman via hostages earlier today? >> caller: good day. we kept going because we made contact with the hostages on my program. obviously, i didn't want to put them to air. so i took their calls off air and at the same time could hear the hostage taker giving the young man as he spoke to me, a 23-year-old, instructions on what he wanted to do. what's revealed by your reporter, he wanted the isis flag, a conversation with the prime minister. i spoke with our police chief in new south wales and spoke to him, spoke with the premier, which is a bit like your governor, and they told me off air that it would be best if we didn't report those matters. i kwept in contact with the young man. he gave me his mobile. whee about four conversation, and i felt troubled. i asked the police to supply me with a negotiator. i didn't feel equipped to negotiate with him. the negotiator arrived here, and i went off air about 20 minutes ago. and the negotiators are still dealing with him. as you've been told, five people have been escaped. they weren't released. one of them a worker. and then two young ladies who were also workers, escaped as well. and police continue their negotiations. they're dealing with a lunatic. they're dealing with a person who's making outrageous claims. he wants the government to acknowledge that this is a terrorist operation, that he's doing this on behalf of isis or isil. and the government at this particular stage are treating a terrorist as you would treat any terrorist in any part of the world. they're doing their best to secure the safety of the hostages without meeting too many of his demands. >> explain how this process works. you got this phone call, this 23-year-old man, a hostage being held inside the cafe. and he relayed what the guy with the gun was saying and then he told you and you'd respond and he'd say it to the gunman? is that how it went down? >> i could hear the gunman. first of all, we were skeptical. you get a phone call on your line saying i'm a hostage. i wouldn't talk to him on air, because i was fearful that i was being duped or that i might be at risk after i came off air. and i spoke to the man and ringed him back to confirm he was a hostage. i had spoken to police, they had a list of some of the hostages. his name was given to me by the young man. i could hear the hostage taker issue the instructions about wanting to talk to the prime minister, calling me a scumbag, calling the media generally scumbags for incorrectly reporting isil as being a group of people who are murderous bastards who have no regard for human life. i didn't report what i'd been told. i said i have a phone call from a hostage and i contacted police, which i did do. he phoned back again and left his number. so i went to a newsbreak and rang him again. at the end of three or four conversations when these demands were still being made, that he wanted, the hostage taker wanted to talk to the prime minister, mr. abbott, i then said to the police we need someone over with a bit of expertise. so a negotiator came over and decided to take the calls. since then he's had conversations with a number of other hostages over the course of the last two or three hours. >> can you describe what i sounded like? was he unhinged? was he yelling? >> what kind of accent he had? >> caller: he had a middle eastern accent with an australi australian tinge. we have been a country like your country, very welcoming of people from that part of the world. we have a long tradition of lebanese christians coming to sfr australia. and more recently, people of the muslim faith. the vast majority are peaceful, hard-working people who want to make a life for themselves. but we have these radicals, lunatics who have between 12 and 25 people holding hostage. the police know, but they won't release the number. originally there were somewhere between 15 and 30. so you take a guess. it's either ten people in there or 25. we don't know. >> now you say he threatened to dispose of hostages. i'm making the assumption he threatened to kill them. >> caller: that's what he was saying. police negotiators say now that we're in the ninth hour and no one's been hurt or injured this is someone they can deal with, if you nknow what i mean. >> hang on. we're getting a live news conference. >> -- might assist, and, again, i put out that plea and that message, if anybody does have information, please let us know. it's really important that you pass it on, because even a small snippet of information might be vital. >> -- inside, facebook and social media some of the demands that the gunman's making. i know you need to keep some things under wrap, but it's out there for everybody to see. >> we were monitoring what's happening on facebook and twitter. and that is forming a part of our tactical response and how to handle this. yes, that is out there, and we are aware of that. >> what do you tell the negotiators? >> that's not what i can talk about, what he might be telling negotiators, but the contact that we have will be ongoing, and it will be based on our best assessment about how to get those people out safely, which is what does count most. >> some are talking about that there are -- >> -- to police? or is he trying to use the media to make those demands? >> i think that there's probably a number of mediums that are being used at the moment, but we all have to be very careful not to completely overreact at this time. because it is still ongoing, but it is important to reiterate, that we are aware of that. we are monitoring it. and we are using that as a part of our strategy. >> why can't you say how many are still inside? >> it's not something that i can confirm at the moment. and it's not technically useful to actually confirm potential numbers. for people who we are, we might be dealing with who may have concerns that a friend or relative or a loved one might be in that building. we have set up, clearly, our, our public information inquiry number. >> the people who have been released, they have been able to tell you how many are inside? >> 30 is an imperative -- >> why is that so sensitive? >> because at this point, everything has to be about the safety of the people in the location. so it's important that we don't confirm it at this point. >> can we talk, would you be able to explain a little bit about task force pioneer? >> pioneer is really just a term, a standing arrangement. it's a term that relates to our command-and-control arrangement. so when we do have a major incident, such as this, we set up our police operation center so we have a commander in place, and we have a forward command, and we have other management protocols so that we are ensuring that we have the best police response. so that includes investigators. that includes intelligence. that includes logistics. it includes all resources. and it also includes long-term planning. so that is basically a standing arrangement in terms of a response that we put in place to make sure that we have the best control and command arrangement under way. >> can you -- [ multiple questions at once ] >> again, i don't want to speculate, but we are in contact, and we will continue, and we will continue and the aim is peaceful resolution. >> -- that there are bombs, that this man has threatened that there are bombs across other places in sydney. can the public be and feel safe with that threat? >> we have a large police response in place as a part of this operation. we have our police out. they're very visible. we have our police transport command as well as reminding the public to be vigilant and to be aware. our police are also vigilant and aware and are making sure that if there are any suspicious packages or suspicious vehicles, but i think it is important for me to reiterate that we have got this situation contained to one area at the moment. we are responding to other pieces of information, other calls, et cetera, and we will continue to. but our response is in relation to the incident at martin place. [ questioning simultaneously ] >> can you tell us more about the gunman? >> we have to wrap it up. >> thank you. thank you. >> thank you. >> we've been listening to another briefing there by the new south wales deputy police commissioner. and, again, not a lot of information coming out. she is saying there is an operation under way. we know that. we have been watching it for some time. they are limited in how much they are willing to reveal to the public at this point, which is fair enough i guess. it is frustrating for a lot of people. there are reports out there that catherine burn discussed it that there are some hostages inside that cafe who have been posting on facebook and twitter. >> really bizarre. >> the police don't feel comfortable addressing those reports. >> if they rt stastarted to, wh would they stop? >> the main message we're getting from these briefings, and we had it again there, the police are stressing that the situation is contained to just one area. that one area just happens to be the very center of the sydney cbd. that would be if there was a hostage situation in times square and that area was closed down. you can imagine how that would throw the city into disarray. >> the banks and u.s. consulate is there as well. and that is the person causing all of this described by ray hadley, the number one radio guy, as a lunatic. >> that's i have commvery commoo use that type of language. in the past ray has been very outspoken about the influence of radical islam and the effect is having across australia. he's been very vocal about it. so that may explain why he was the first call before reaching out to other media outlets like channel 9 and 10. the gunman has been making two demands. the first is that he wants an isis flag, which raises the question, if he is affiliated with isis, why didn't he have an isis flag in the first place. the second demand is that he wishes to speak via phone with tony abbott. there was some discussion that he wanted to do that live on the air as well. >> that would be unlikely that that would happen. >> and ray hadley also telling us that he was speaking to the gunman by the 23-year-old hostage who was inside that cafe, and he could hear the gunman in the background. he spoke with a middle eastern ak sechbt with an australian tinge. he didn't sound very rational. he did threaten as ray described it, to dispose of hostages, which is an indication that he would be inclined to kill some hostages, but there's no indication that anybody inside that cafe has been hurt. >> i was wanting to ask him, too bad that we did have to go away from him to take the news conference, which we didn't learn very much from, but what was the demeanor of that young hostage that was being kind of the filter -- >> the go between. >> -- for this gunman. >> we've been talking about whether these three men who got out first, followed by the two women, whether they were part of this negotiation that was going on. we do know part of the developments is that the negotiators have made contact with the government. the police aren't confirming it, but what we've heard from a number of reports as well as ray l hadley, that these five people managed to escape. >> he had what, three conversations with this poor hostage before the police got involved. >> yes. he kept calling his cell phone, and the guy kept answering. let's bring in justin hastings. he's a terrorist expert currently in hawaii. we have a situation that we've got this guy taking hostages, but he doesn't have the right flag. he's allowing hostages inside there to receive cell phone calls, on their mobile calls. he's let five people actually manage to escape, if that is in fact what has happened. he's allowing people to post on facebook as well as twitter. is this adding up to a profile of a guy who isn't really in control of what's going on? >> caller: it doesn't seem very well planned. it depends on what his actual goal is, if it's to get attention for his cause then it's suck sided beyond his wildest dreams. if it's something else, he's got a problem. he didn't control the exit. he didn't control information in and out of the building. and he does sort of sound crazy to people who overhear him. it may be something drove him to do this without a lot of planning, without a lot of forethought. >> that's what you said earlier when you joined us, the whole thing by isis, if this is indeed related to that, which it does appear, is that they reach out to all kinds of people in the west and other countries to try to mobilize them and these aren't people that, in particular, have any experience, thankfully, in dangerous situations or taking hostages and causing harm. so that's some good news, but it seems like this person didn't really have or hasn't had a plan. >> caller: right, so isis reaches out. they may or may not have been in contact with him. but in some sense it doesn't matter. isis wants people to go and attack outside their home base. people do it. they may or may not be successful in killing anyone, but they certainly attract a lot of attention for the cause and they certainly are able to cause a lot of disruption even if they have no training at all. so from this point of view, isis would say, if in fact he's doing this on behalf of isis or sympathetic to isis, this a win for us even if we didn't order it ourselves. >> we've got five people who got out, a guy who doesn't have a particularly good plan. this has been going on for mean ho -- nine hours. no one has been harmed. this seems to be the indication, as far as you can tell, coming to a benign end? >> caller: well, i don't know. this could go either way at this point, right? they're trying to wait him out, he may get tired of waiting. he may start to lose more control and lash out. or he may just sort of give up. it's difficult to say, right? so, you know, things are delicate. it depends on how the police and the gunman handle things. but the fact that hostages have escaped shows that his plan isn't working to the extent he wants it to. it doesn't mean it's going to be a benign end, but we hope it will be. >> now that he has asked to speak with the prime minister and requested a flag, according to reports, what typically would be the police response to something like that? a negotiator, are they trying to drag this out? do they turn him down cold? how does the process work? >> caller: well, you know, the police could try to delay, to see if that would sort of help the situation. they could sort of, the largely unobjectionable. see if that will calm him down or if that will sort of, you can trade some hostages for the flag for example. we can see what's going on and then sort of come back out again. but, again, it's all subject to negotiation. they may not want to have it happen in delay. >> natalie and i were quite surprised when we heard these reports that the gunman is a man in his 40s. that seemed a little old for us, for, you know, the typical profile of the young, disaffected, you know, muslim who, you know, takes up the cause on behalf of one of these jihadi groups. >> caller: right. it's certainly outside the standard demographic in terms of age, but the full range of sort of terrorists are much younger and much older than, you know, might say the 18 to 35-year-old. there were some australians who were found to be much younger than 18. you see people older helping out. we don't want to derive too much from the fact that he's in his 40s. >> i want to ask you this last question. what has struck you as watching this unfold for the last several hours as the most unusual thing about this particular hostage situation? >> caller: anything unusual about it? >> mm-hm. what has struck you as being the most unusual as far as the guy that we're seeing on the screen here? >> caller: i would say that what's unusual about it is that, you know, typically, we, you know, in the past couple years we thought of terrorist attacks as sudden, an explosion or they'll capture someone and behead him. but this is being drawn out. in some ways, the fact that it's drawn out and sighieeing it plat over a long period of time is more dangerous than a sudden explosion. >> justin hastings, we talked with you earlier, we appreciate you talking with us again out of hawaii. >> we should mention he's with the university of sydney. so he has an understanding of the current terrorism situation in australia. we've also been hearing more from witnesses in sydney. they've been coming forward and speaking with our affiliate. and some have described the events before the gunman took hostag hostages. >> in the few minutes i was on the phone this unfolded. i don't know whether the gun man was in there when i was in the cafe. but this unfolded very quickly at about 9:35, 9:40. and inside that cafe people were sitting down chatting over could have e-- coffee. >> the building was on lockdown. it was a bit scary, really. >> did the police come and clear your building? what happened. >> they were clearing the channel 7 news building. and then we were put on lockdown. we wouldn't go out. we couldn't go down to the public toilets downstairs, and basically we just got took out. we got shipped out in single file really fast. >> it's just amazing, isn't it, with all of the threats in the world. people are just caught off guard because they're just living their life. >> they don't think anything's going to happen where you are. >> well, the #sydney siege is the number one topic right now. many world leaders are weighing in on their comments. >> david cameron says he was briefed overnight. my thoughts were with all those caught up in it. >> stephen harper says canada's thoughts and prayers are with our australian friends. john keith send this message, i've contacted prime minister tony abbott to let him know our thoughts are with the people of australia. >> and finally from narendra modi. i pray for everyone's safety. and we also know that in the united states, the u.s. president, barack obama has in fact been briefed by his senior terrorism adviser, so he is aware of the situation which is ongoing right now. it is coming up to 3:00 in the morning on the east coast on monday. and earlier, bob behar told us this is not in line with what an extreme group like isis would do. >> caller: the police will get an idea, not until he comes out and starts talking will they get an idea of what the situation is. >> now they're talking about negotiators in contact with the government. first of all, how would they have done that, and exactly what will they be talking to this guy about, if they're in fact still talking? >> caller: well, they're going to first try to figure out who he is and what he wants. he may simply be a lunatic or several of them. they won't know that until they talk to the released hostages and ones that got away. and i think that the situation's looking more benign as we go. i think when we saw the police helicopters and closing downtown, this is a standard procedure. it's an overreaction, but it's absolutely necessary in a situation like this. >> and what gives you the conclusion that this is more benign? >> caller: well, simply because, if you're going to go into a mall, and you are an isis-like group, you almost immediately resort to violence. and lockdown a place like this and some sort of a martyrdom operation. with shoisis, a lot of these pee are self-recruited and a lot of their information they're getting off the internet. we've seen them attack in


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181003 13:00:00

friends of germany. complex starts october twentieth on d w. this is due to abuse live from berlin germany marks the anniversary of reunification following the fall of the wall nearly thirty years ago. the country's leaders gathered for a ceremony at berlin state opera house they called germany germany's unity a success story but also urged germans from east and west to start listening to each other also coming up. i'm scared to go inside the house find myself not only go with my parents if they're not with me i won't go in there's no time soon as the death toll from indonesia's earthquake goes up to more than fourteen hundred our correspondent visits one of the thousands of families trying to deal with both trauma and hunger. in the. time so we so much that's good to have you with us here in germany people all over the country are marking the twenty eighth anniversary of the nation's reunification official celebrations are ongoing at the berlin state opera right in the heart of the city events kicked off with a play and the our president president orchestra here playing beethoven at the keynote speech was delivered by undecided president both a choice that he spoke at length about immigration a topic that has brought division among germans let's listen to part of what he said at those celebrations. we have to provide assistance to you and that's an obligation as human beings it's part of. chris. cox said and this applies to citizens who are vulnerable and who listen to people who come to our shores in order to seek refuge but we have limited possibilities because we want to. protect the asylum rights that we need to tell my friends who come to our shores for other motives that we can only accept too many greedy i as far as this doesn't engender the future after all country we want to protect people from drowning but we on the other hand we want to approach prevent human trafficking across the seas and this is something this is a conundrum a contradiction that we need to face tolerate as a human society and everybody needs let's bring in our correspondent hans brian todd he is in central berlin for us where there are a number of festivities taking place today for twenty eight years a german reunification i have got to see you so we heard. the president of the bundestag there touching on the challenge of migration he also touched on another number of other issues as well what did you make of the speech that he delivered. well it was a very thoughtful very searching at times very philosophical speech and i think in the end what he was trying to say is that the celebration of unity not only concerns the unity between germans from the east and west which is obviously the reason why we are celebrating the state today but he was also trying to extend this idea of unity to the need for unity between different parts of the population not just east and west but also the poor and the more well to do the political elites and those who feel that the political elite has somehow left them behind and also including migrants who have come into germany in larger numbers in the last few years so the idea of unity the idea of being. a unified country where people look after each other or something i think that he was trying to emphasize on this day of unity and twenty eight years after this political unification what are the main difference is that still divide people in the former east and west. but i think you have to say that people in east germany still have a different mentality they grew up all rather they come out of a communist country for forty years which had a very different society a very different public life and that is still something that one can feel in parts of eastern germany and i think people that come from that area also still have that in their in their society in their feelings and in their thoughts and in their attitudes to life in general i think one can say then that there is a large great feeling of dissatisfaction still in eastern germany a feeling that the east in some sense has been overwhelmed by society from the west by western ways of living and that people in the east in some sense. disadvantage still in the situation in this modern germany which from their perspective is really. it is really ruled by western ideas and western thought given those differences what is the mood in the country today is it more celebrate torrie twenty eight years after unification or is it one more of resignation. or here where i am obviously there is celebration going on there will be going it will be going on until late into the night with calm and even the fireworks display at the end of the night but i think in general the mood in the country is rather similar to the way that both our show if they held a speech today it's searching it's questioning this is somewhat uncertain and even though germany is doing more economically very very well people are concerned about the future this has a lot to do with political changes taking place with the rise of right wing populist parties in the country and the weakness of the current governing parties the christian social democrats fly of angular malco and the social democrats rooting together in a coalition both these parties are losing support in public feeling and it's not quite certain how germany is going to develop there is this feeling of somberness rather than a feeling of uncertainty all right our correspondent hans front in central berlin for us today following the festivities thank you hans now to some other stories making headlines around the world british prime minister theresa may is called for unity in her conservative party the tories are divided over her approach to brecht's and negotiations with the european union at a party conference may were killed in her position that britain was willing to leave the block without a deal on free trade. the international court of justice has ordered the united states to lift sanctions against iran that affects you man a tarion aid and civil aviation safety iran filed a lawsuit at the hague based un court in july arguing that new u.s. sanctions were destroying its national economy. celebrations that japan's they say agency after a german french lander touched down on an asteroid the mascot of pro was launched aboard a japanese rockets nearly four years ago it's part of an effort to find clues about the origin of the solar system and the winners of this year's nobel prize for chemistry have been announced in stockholm they are francis arnold and george smith of the u.s. and britain's gregory winter the nobel committee said they had been chosen for their work in developing proteins that solve human kinds to chemical problems. indonesia has raised the number of dead in last week's quake to more than fourteen hundred survivors of the disaster are facing their fifth day with little food and water some aid is now being delivered to the region bus the government admits the relief effort is slow and blames widespread damage to infrastructure and a lack of fuel. and heartache reports from public. all morning nordin has been running from one government distribution center to another but he keeps being turned away the aid is being taken to other places there's food and water in this truck do you know where they're going over at the moment i don't know what we do know is all the aid from this place is going to the main relief center. he shows us a whole list of things he desperately needs for himself and his family twenty four people had signed in stamp but he still ends up with nothing. in it and so at the end i registered and started hearing yesterday but i was told to come back today. when i was here early in the morning they told me had come to the wrong place. they should i should have gone to a different distribution center. to get a lot of the. distribution centers like this one all around the city people are lining up to get supplies but because coordination of aid distribution is still an issue many end up empty handed. like noureddine he takes me home to meet his family they've all been living under a tarp since the earthquake especially the children are traumatized. but they don't come back though because even when there's no earthquake off to shock i always feel like the ground is moving around like i'm really afraid sad and then i realize there's no earthquake but because i'm so afraid i'm imagining it didn't always feel like it's moving i'm scared to go inside a house by myself at only go with my parents if they're not with me i won't go in it and i see what. they're telling me they're running low on food and drinking water it's the smallest to suffer the most many of the children are sick and hungry the youngest tiara is only one month old. my baby isn't in very good health at the moment she has a rash because of the heat we need milk diapers medicine and other things for her. nordin family are not alone in their fear and despair all over apollo thousands are camping out and supplies are scarce at every turn. nowhere is this more obvious than at the city's gas stations. the distribution of the valuable commodity is heavily guarded. prices at this regulated pump are as always but on the black market gas sells for up to five times as much fuel is a lifeline some people here have been waiting for seven hours just to get five liters of gas they need it not only to power their motorbikes and cars but also generators that create electricity so they can charge for example their mobile phones to stay in touch and receive updates on the situation from the authorities the lines here are endless at the moment we're at number seven hundred eighty nine and there are many more canisters and serif here is the one writing the numbers on them but at the moment he can't because his pen has run out. yet another hick up if ever so slight in their attempt to organize the chaos. but with more help promised the people here hope they can soon start to rebuild their ravaged lives. to the champion's league now and byron munich had to settle for a one one draw at home last night against ajax it was a good start for biron with defender. heading them in front after just four minutes that was his first goal for the club in almost a year but after twenty two minutes the dutch side tied at the score through. the game ended one one leaving bahrain without a win in the last three matches including their bonus legal games. all right let's take a look at the scores from last night's champions league match ups a late goal lifted manchester city over hoffenheim benfica won a thriller ass at athens leone and shocked our drew ventus shut out young boys defending champs for madrid they were beaten in moscow manchester united were left with a scoreless draw hosting alessia and roma easily defeated the czech side pilsen. tonight in the champions league the bundesliga us talk team right now dortmund they host monaco from the french league the last time the two sides met men's team bus was attacked in a bombing that shocked the football world fortunately there were no life threatening injuries but with the scars from that night in april two thousand and seventeen healing the focus for dortmund is on the match just ahead. suddenly everything has clicked for dortmund on the lucy and far too huge wins last week have made them the team to watch again their victory over labor couzin at the weekend achieved despite being two no down at half time show case the black and yellow strength in depth. small team really helps each other including the players who came off the bench this is good for team cohesion for the. team super serves like jaden son joe and pack our help there have been deadly off the bench but coach knows they'll have to be at their best against monaco he's been keeping a close eye on dorman's opponents. i saw the last two games it's all about details for example against a loss to know that they had seven clear chances from. that game was typical of monaco start to the season they currently sit third from bottom in the french league and already face a tough challenge to get out of their champions league group. we have to try and forget the championship now. this competition. this is a second game and after the feed talk let it go we have to come out of the don't win game with a good result. a win would put dortmund within touching distance of qualification their fans will be expecting three points against monaco. you're watching news coming right up and business italy's deficit is about to rise far above the limits set by brussels politicians and brohm suggest leaving the


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181007 20:00:00

well you. can see. this is deja vu news live from berlin in brazil polls have just closed in a divisive presidential vote front runners i are both in our own has promised to crack down on corruption and crime but he's also raising eyebrows with public comments that have been called dishonest homophobic and racist also on the program . a prominent critic of saudi arabia has disappeared in istanbul and advisor to the turkish president accuses riyadh of killing jamal khashoggi at its consulate in turkey's largest city. and in german football goes to dortmund put in another stellar performance coming from behind to win against the today she's outer suburbs side. hello and welcome next peiser thanks for joining us and brazil polls have just closed in what's being described as the country's most polarized presidential election since the end of military rule in one thousand nine hundred eighty five in the run up to the election opinion polls put the far right candidate share both a narrow ahead he's been described by some as the tropical tromp he's riding a wave of anger over widespread corruption and crime it both an hour gets more than fifty percent of the vote to win the presidency outright results are expected later today. for more let's go to g.w. is ophelia harms our rooty who is in rio de janeiro for us have a feeling of polls and just close. in this election which has been the most divisive presidential vote in years what is the mood like on the streets of rio now a few hours before the first official projections appear. well polls have closed in maine parts of brazil there are different time zones in this country so some regions are still waiting for the polls to close but many people here in rio are already gathering to watch the final results some people are grilling some of those are i brought ours and really the mood is very different between brazilians there are some really hopeful and expectant that both in our mind when this first round but many others are afraid and getting quite anxious as the time comes closer to knowing the results because they do fear that this man might become the next president he does remind some people of the dictatorship in this country that lasted more than twenty years because he has shown a lot of sympathy with the military as a former army captain himself and saying that he will solve one of brazil's main problems which is insecurity and violence by sending the army to the streets to killing all of the criminals needed that many voters are also saying that they're fed up with corruption the former president ended up in jail of course so how clean is the front runner if they are both so narrow. well he has been involved in some cases but there is no official. investigation or prosecution going on against him and this is one of the things people like most about him they think he's clean he's different to the political elite that they are so disappointed with mainly with the workers' party mr. steele bus party he is in jail for that one hundred fifty politicians and businessmen have been involved in corruption cases in recent years so this is one of the biggest problem for brazilians and he says they see both in our us as an outsider even though he has been in one party's and he has been a congressman for almost thirty years and tell us just how far is his main opponent the leftist candidate for not of her dad able to stand on his own on his own merit out of the shadow of his predecessor louis is not the silver. or what what people say about how that is that he is not as charismatic as to lead us to buy used to be he got a lot of support the ones who let us the less said he was going to be the candidate for the workers' party he grew from six percent to twenty two now he's about to at twenty five percent of the vote but still many people do fear that he might just be the shadow of let us do well that will be pulling the strings from the background and this is also why many investors are afraid that he might not be able to make the changes in india economy that brazil desperately needs to to kid out of the recession and this also makes him very unpopular with other parts of the party they say he is too moderate he has no. not enough courage to guide the country and they they want him to be more leftist and he will have to convince those and also the other candidates are running today if he wants to be told so narrow in a very probable run out. at the end of this month ok thank you for that was due to abuse ophelia harms i wrote. and turkey's president recha tie affair to one says the country's airports are being monitored in an effort to find out what happened to a prominent saudi journalist who disappeared in istanbul the us based writer jamal khashoggi has been a vocal critic of the saudi leadership and he's up in seeing it since he entered the saudi consulate in istanbul last tuesday a top advisor dare to and says there's evidence that can shock she was killed inside the building the saudis have dismissed the suggestion as a baseless. a prominent saudi arabian journalist and major critic of riyadh who may have been made to disappear because of his opinions the mystery surrounding his disappearance is akin to work of fiction he went to the saudi arabian consulate in istanbul to connect to the communities for his forthcoming marriage and was never seen all who don't think and . a friend of she said this official told him quote they have evidence he was killed in a barbaric way. you will cause your bracket to counselor after jamal khashoggi entered the consulate fifteen people came by two different planes why he was murdered inside the consulate we assume that he was cut into pieces and they put his body in bags and left of. the was killed because of his opinions about the wars in yemen and syria he was too much trouble for the saudi government to tip sugar studio and in the movie to prove transparency in the suspected murder case journalists were allowed to film inside the saudi consulate and a big to prove the provenance rights was most definitely not them. turkish president's rush at the time said he was closely following the incident his officials announced they believe she has been killed at the consulate general given to us and jamal is a journalist on a he is a friend whom i have known for a long time. so i remain hopeful they can. follow i hope we will see a positive outcome to this story. or. it would work especially coming. jamal khashoggi was a regular contributor to the washington post which printed a blank column to mark his disappearance he was living in self-imposed exile in the u.s. due to fears of backlash over his criticism of saudi policy in yemen his missing voice may speak even louder in his absence. and now to some of the other stories making news around the world interpol says its chief main hallway has tendered his resignation just hours earlier china's anti corruption agency confirmed it was investigating manning who is a chinese citizen he was reported missing by his wife after leaving france for a trip home to hong kong kong kong newspaper had already reported meng's detention upon his arrival in china. and authorities in greece have relocated about sixteen hundred refugees from overcrowded camps on the islands of lesbos and sound most to the greek mainland the process began two weeks ago another five thousand refugees are expected to be resettled by the end of the month. polls in cameroon closed at the end of a mostly calm day of voting in presidential elections the country's eighty five year old incumbent paul looks set to extend his three decade rule the poll was overshadowed by a separatist uprising in the country's anglo phone regions with many there are unable to cast their ballot. in the rb leipsic produced a ruthless display to hammer nuremberg six nail in sunday's late match team scored two of leipzig scholes with marcel adding two more as the hosts ran away with the game is the second away game in a row in which nuremberg have suffered a heavy defeat following their seven nil thrashing against dortmund. in another of sunday's games frankfurt gave their season a boost by beating hoffenheim away from home frankfurt striker anti-red bitch was at the heart of the action he scored the opening goal in the first half before then receiving a red card at half time despite being a man down frankfurt went on to win the match. saturday's action saw spectacular clash between league leaders both dortmund and alex for dortmund have been a d. in form team this season but the seven goal thriller was anything but plain sailing and again it was super sub. who made the difference for the team. despite his proven scoring record a pack aka thet wasn't in the starting line up b.c.f. giving maximum philippa not instead to a member on the front foot from the get go marco voice with this chance on fifty minutes. particularly dangerous from set pieces philip mock setting up alfredsson bogus in for his fourth goal of the season. done axels i got to the culprit as he fails to clear the ball. dome and c.e.o. wasn't best pleased as his side were behind again at the break but on the hour mark the game changes pocock aceh replaces the super sub needed just three minutes to make an impact the equalizer was his fourth goal since joining on loan from boss alona have they guessed didn't cower in the face of adversity that max reestablishing outspends lead on seventy one minutes. moments later the outspoken defenses lack of concentration allowed alka set equalize again to wool and game on the home side kept the pressure on substitute mio gets a scoring his first goal of the season and his first win is to get parents have three minutes later we're back in the game michel to go which made it three zero in the eighty seventh minute dorman keep it all members he could and should have done better. but it was due him and to have the last laugh who else would pack aka there with the winner for three the final score and what a match it was outspoken on impressive display the puck out just couldn't be stopped. it's incredible he's so good he feels football who feels the movement and knows the danger zones. then has. goldman extend their own beaten stock of the season thanks to a sensational hat trick from the thing. and here are the results so far from match day seven fires were humbled three nil at home to mention blabbed about hanover grab their first win of the season against our shock and defeated dusseldorf two nil minds versus harris that was goal this on friday fair to bremen beat wellsburg and in sunday's early game they were accusing drew in freiburg so what does this mean for the bundesliga standings dortmund are still top after winning in dramatic fashion against out spurred behind the leaders we have leipzig glad back and braman buyer on our way down and six after back to back to feats in the bottom half shell can lift themselves out of the relegation zone but it's still all very tight at the bottom in formula one the reigning world champion lewis hamilton is closing in on his fifth title after winning the japanese grand prix the britain's dominance over the last four races has all but decided this season's championship and with ferrari and sebastian vettel on able to improve their fortunes it was smooth sailing for hamilton. us hamilton in control from start to finish nothing new about that in japan. i love you guys. and no wonder for of a spy for japanese grand prix victory square on the circuit. this track is the best track and well you know they don't make i don't know why they don't make tracks like this anymore but every second of the run. though it was great fun. sebastian vettel is hopes of gaining ground in the driver's standings were dashed after a collision with red bulls mox fresh top and pushed him to nineteenth the ferrari driver still managed to finish in sixth place despite driving but the damage car still fettle will need america to win the title hamilton now has a sixty seven point lead with four races to go. and that's your world news update for now and we leave you with some spectacular and somewhat dizzying images of a traditional cattle and past time human tower building.


Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20181004 04:02:00

hearts german unity day commemorating the out of the countries for reunification in one thousand nine hundred ninety but the east west political divisions reback a wealthy employment under specially migration i'm phil gale in berlin this is the day. no one would fall on november the ninth the front group. would be ahead in the summer and who could have guessed it would be possible to achieve german unity in less than a year right. up in swansea but we now know twenty eight years later that german unity is a true sas. point differential german unity is incomplete twenty years later it's still challenging us. about and we care a consensus on what actually unites us is something we must continuously strive for . meanwhile britain's prime minister has been appealing for party unity her colleagues took time out from ripping her plans to shred to watch theresa may not only dance on to the stage but also joked about her disastrous performance last year. it will have to excuse me if i do cough during the speech i have been up all night superglue in the backdrop i. will begin here in germany which has been marking its day of unity politicians at ceremonies in berlin praised the progress made in the twenty eight years since the country's east and west or formally reunited but they also raise concerns about the divisions that remain and they called on germans to defend the principles of democracy against the rise of right wing popular. music by beethoven often seen as the quintessentially german composer gilbert your to his opera fidelio by turns quiet and thoughtful then loud and passionate. almost like a wake up call for germany twenty eight years since reunification. now president of the parliament was contrived or was one of the politicians who negotiated the treaty that opened the door to german reunification that will be his political legacy but he reminded germans that unification is always an ongoing process. idiom written october annoyance in the unity of our state was achieved on that october the one nine hundred ninety unanimity over what it is that unites us is something we must constantly strive to rio church. sheidlower went on to describe reunification as the second chance for germany and that is why he said germany must be vigilant in the face of any attempt to avoid facing up to the responsibilities of history regards. the people used in germany as elsewhere we see populists with the arrogance to call on the people to rise up against their political opponents against imagined or actual minorities against those elected by the people but no one no one has the right to claim that he or she is the sole representative of the people's will. for to us what it. should be as words will have resonated with many germans at this time despite the party atmosphere at the brandenburg gate germany is facing some difficult and controversial issues. smack me as the what's happening right now worries me but generally i hope that the majority of people are still intelligent enough to oppose these developments. and exit. i'm very worried about right wing tendencies and xenophobia which are still on the rise in our country and . not far from the celebrations at the brandenburg gate more than a thousand right wing extremists gathered outside berlin central railway station to protest against chancellor angela merkel against what they called the biased press and against fake news. although they couldn't hear him outside the station tribalists words were addressed to such people as well as the rest of the nation. for she denied so are accepting differences recognizing the diversity of legitimate opinions and interests and realizing that your own ideas are not the measure of all things that is the way of thinking which will lead to more unity in our society to me i'm going mind some cards to soften chancellor merkel echoed the idea that german unification is still ongoing. now twenty eight years on we know that what we call german unity is a process a long journey which over and over again. means we must listen to each other's points of view work together and not give up german unity is not finished twenty eight years on it is still a continuous challenge. holds and so this year's day of german unity ended as it began peaceful pensive with contradictions and conciliation. over some russians in the german capital continued into the night with a star studded concert at berlin's brandenburg gate they wus shallots else until spoke to us from the high volume event. case you remember what happened when. i went there unified the one of the big topics the conversation a lingering division. in chad not me that it was a time in the world if you limit touched by a number and it is a play that read the job and not a regular bride to. be here in germany the right the far right. for example of the job market and the bad times there are a lot of good and. they do feel like the human side ninety and there are a lot of questions about how they live how they. are the japanese. on the far right has been marching. why only to be the only body. behind by the people if they were under the far right racists in the hall this is. a short time ago that was. right and. he was. reading japanese and in. the united country. a very noisy germany day celebrations in that time brother care. for veterans german not journalists found us on a welcome to d w so what we're talking about twenty eight years since that the two german seems to west were united a recent survey says that only one in three east germans believe the country has grown more united since the one nine hundred ninety what is the view from the outside so negative. well if you would travel as a foreigner or from west germany to his germany you would not see any difference anymore after twenty eight years germany has been rebuilt and yet there is a dark cloud hanging over this day of celebration and rightly so because a lot of people in these germany have a huge problem with a lot of things forty six percent say in a poll that they have problems with the concept of democracy and that is very virus them and the problem with the concept of democracy why. well they feel left behind it's the same phenomenon that you see in the united states where a lot of people millions of people in the same big democracy also feel that way and there's a growing gap between the so-called elite ruling. the way they see it and the people in east germany you find that also in west germany but very much less so and this seems to explain partly what is happening there and of course on top of this you have to refugee crisis and people traditionally and use germany and not used to have. among themselves the huge battle cry in the peaceful revolution in one thousand eight hundred nine was we are the people and no the right people say we are the people and meaning the us the foreigners the immigrants the refugees the not so let's talk about this idea of being left behind are there real differences in life and life opportunities between east and west germany well the vast majority of the people in his germany live so much better so much better than thirty years ago in communist germany but the fact the facts support the idea that the kind of left behind in wages in political life and a lot of huge german industry do not have quarters in germany that but that doesn't mean nothing is getting produced in germany m.w. for example is producing in life that porsche is producing in life. we have a little silicon valley which is doing very well so it's a very mixed bag there but this seems to be why then we say the east of this this hotbed of right wing activism with and the likes of the f.d.a. having a lot of support there and is what is this anti muslim piggy to movement. yes absolutely and the reason why a lot of people support the so-called alternative for germany is the this is a protest movement for them and the key word here is recognition a lot of people in these germany do not feel that they get the recognition for their life or what they have achieved over the past thirty years or so and they want to be heard i think that is the key for all the problems that we have now in east germany talking to thank you so much for joining us on thank you for having me . now you might remember a very british prime minister dance for diplomacy during her recent visits to kenya and south africa videos like this went viral as theresa may it was ridiculed by the u.k. press for they called it. the robotic dance moves today mrs may look like she was having the last laugh as she stepped out in front of a conservative party colleagues in the british city of birmingham. there is a very made her grand entrance to the sound of others dancing craze present people go to mock you for your dance for if you mess well own them. well the prime ministers that keynote speech are quickly moved on to the pressing issue of breck's it breck's it she urged her party to a united what she called the toughest phase of negotiations with the european union pressure on the conservatives is growing ahead of an e.u. summit in two weeks which has made dismissed growing calls in britain to hold a new referendum. a second referendum would be a politician's fate politicians telling people they got it wrong the first time and should try again. those all go off in different directions in pursuit of our own visions of the perfect bricks it we risk ending up with no after all no one wants a good deal more than me but that has never meant getting the deal at any cost britain isn't afraid to leave with no deal if we have to. ask a more on this from dr simon assured who's a reader in politics at the university of surrey in the united kingdom especially if there is include your skepticism and your relations with the u.k. he joins us from gilford welcome to dublin so let's start with no deal scenario there seems to be a lot more talk about the possibility or indeed the likelihood of a no deal bracks it is this sense of all expectation management or on the goes ations with the e.u. really going that badly. well i think it's a bit of both on the one hand we have to remember that the default outcome of this process is exactly a no deal that the u.k. will leave on the twenty ninth of march next year without a deal unless one is agreed so it can't simply be wished away as some would like but on the other hand i think there is that very strong determination as to reason i was just saying in that clip that she wants to get at the oh the e.u. certainly want to have it but the difficulties over issues such as on the border issue the role of the court of justice really have proved very difficult so i think there is a degree of trying to remind everybody of what no deal means the dangers the uncertainties that come with that to try to encourage people to accept whatever she comes back with from the negotiations ok so international negotiations are by they have very nature a tricky she didn't actually constructed this this check is deal and everybody signed off on it in her cabinet but her own party has been shredding it ever since it was published why won't they get behind it. well i think the the fear here is twofold on the one hand a lot of members of her party worry that she is starting to soften in the kind of breaks it that she works towards but she's actually trying to get a much closer relationship between the u.k. and the e.u. after new kate leaves and that this is the thin end of a way at the same time there's also a lot of criticism not least from the european and is that this is just simply an unworkable models that they the compromises that she's proposing to try and avoid problems with islands in northern ireland simply don't work with the framework of the e.u. and the rules that they have so there's criticism coming from from all rounds and you're right to say that her cabinet signed off on it but then almost immediately she lost two of my senior senior ministers boris johnson the forest secretary and david davis the minister in charge of the negotiations so she's been fighting a very difficult battle over the summer and that's why this chapati conference with some important let's talk about the party conference subseries i'm a danced on to the conference stage today and gave a confident performance in stark contrast to her disastrous speech a year ago and the public sector working together we have bounced back we've created record numbers of jobs. and prepare for a run on the ground my passion and strength that was shared around the dinner. well that was the prime minister last year this year she danced and she joked so regardless of her more confident performance is that job security now than it was a year ago. yes yes i think she has done a good job of getting through this very difficult periods ironically all the criticism that she got in the run up to this conference i think was a. hope to her that she was able to better weigh the criticisms the. discussion about having a second referendum something which i think all of her party feel that is not an acceptable development so she's been able to search manage that quite well certainly having a much better conference speech i think really helps her and as you were saying you know the the reception that she got was much more positive than last year is now the person i most often quoted as said jealously eyeing the prime minister's job as the former foreign secretary bara said johnson here is on tuesday telling the prime minister what he thought of her checkers plan this is the my truck checkers. he's dangerous and unstable politically and economically my fellow conservatives this is not democracy that is not what we voted for. him and i should what is boris johnson really the candidate most likely to be placed theresa may as conservative leader or if not prime minister. maybe in boris johnson's mind he's the most likely cancer but i think one of the things that he really struggles with and has struggled with in the past couple of days is the simple fact that he was the foreign secretary for two years with sarees america and so he signed off on that backstop arrangements with island that he worked through a lot of the preliminary work leading up to checkers. he was you know he was important in the bringing together of the cabinet so to then say that this is somehow deeply unconstitutional some kind of abomination sounds quite difficult to square with him working towards laughs and i think really is one of these figures to consider the would like to be prime minister in line to be leader of the conservative party but you know never quite finds the rights of opportunity and i think he's very popular with the party members but unfortunately for him the groupie really has to convince our other m.p.'s and they are much less sympathetic towards supporting him so as it stands whilst he made a very bold statements were of intention it remains intention rather than action of the stage could talk to you thank you for that dr simon usher was from the university of south. u.s. president donald trump is facing criticism from fellow republicans for blocking one of the women who say they were sexually assaulted by supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh the criticism comes as lawmakers are way to results of an f.b.i. investigation into georgia governor over allegations of sexual misconduct president trump made the comments at a campaign rally in mississippi. the crowds and the trump rally seems to have made up their minds about the president's supreme court nominee trump on his part use the occasion to mock the apparent holes in the testimony of christine blassie forward she appeared before a senate judiciary committee hearing last week to give her account of an alleged attack by kevin and i had one beer. right i had one beer. well you think was it not it was wonder how good how did you get home i don't remember how did you get there i don't remember where is the place i don't remember how many years ago once and i don't know i. faced strong criticism from members of his own party on his return to washington. to the words. this is going to regulate their enduring. it is trying statements on forward have varied significantly since her testimony at first he described her as a very credible witness but days later he was highlighting gaps and her memory of a white house counselor kellyanne conway defended the president's about face she's been treated like every day by all of us if you need me the president is pointing out factual inconsistency you have corroboration for her claims that you can't see is making you fill in her memory gaps or ink in her factual inconsistency that is part of the evidence gathering process in any hunt for truth in there is to pretend that they're searching for truth are already voting against our love for us which right supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh is fate now alliance with a handful of undecided senators from both sides of the aisle awaiting the result of the f.b.i. investigation a vote on kevin o. is expected later this week. indonesia has raised the death toll from last week's earthquake and tsunami to more than fourteen hundred so why was the facing their fifth day with little food and water some aid is now reaching the region but the government of minutes of relief effort is slow and blames widespread damage to infrastructure and a lack of fuel he wus bastin hearted reports from parliament where the tsunami hit . all morning nordin has been running from one government distribution center to another but keeps being turned away the aid is being taken to other places there's food and water in this truck do you know where they're going over the money i don't know what we do know is all the aid from this place is going to the main relief center. he shows us a whole list of things he desperately needs for himself and his family twenty four people that signed in stamp but he still ends up with nothing. in it and so at the end i registered and started hearing yesterday but i was told to come back today. when i was here early in the morning they told me i'd come to the wrong place. they should i should have gone to a different distribution center. to get a lot under the. i distribute in centers like this one all around the city people are lining up to get supplies but because according nation of aid distribution is still an issue many end up empty handed. like noureddine he takes me home to meet his family they've all been living under a tarp since the earthquake especially the children are traumatized. by it but they don't go back there because that even when there's no earthquake off to shock i always feel like the ground is moving around like i'm really afraid then i realize there's no earthquake because i'm so afraid and you imagine it didn't always feel like it's moving i'm scared to go inside a house by myself at only go with my parents if they're not with me i won't go in it's them last week. they're telling me they're running low on food and drinking water it's the smallest who suffer the most many of the children are sick and hungry the youngest tiara is only one month old. my d.d. isn't in very good health at the moment she has a rash because of the heat we need milk diapers medicine and other things for her. new orleans family are not alone in their fear and despair all over paulo thousands are camping out and supplies are scarce at every turn. nowhere is this more obvious than at the city's gas stations. the distribution of the valuable commodity is heavily guarded. prices at this regulated pump are as always but on the black market gas sells for up to five times as much fuel is a lifeline. some people here have been waiting for seven hours just to get five liters of gas they needed not only to power their motor bikes and cars but also generators that create electricity so they can charge for example their mobile phones to stay in touch and receive updates on the situation from the authorities the lines here are endless at the moment we're at number seven hundred eighty nine and there are many more canisters and serif here is the one writing the numbers on them at the moment you can't because his pen has run out. yet another hick up if ever so slight in their attempt to organize the chaos. but with more help promised the people here hope they can soon start to rebuild their ravaged lives. i'm not the day of the conversation continues online find us on twitter i have news. for you. today. a good day. to. move. on. into the conflict zone with tim sebastian faulks challenging those in power asking tough questions demanding us. as conflicts intensify i'll be meeting with key players on the ground in the sons of. judging through the rhetoric holding the conference to account for facts the conflicts. conflict the conflict zone protests of d.w. on t.w.x. . to twenty eight hearing both economic forum unsustainable development. in a highly unstable chief minister environment how can security strategies be better aligned with development goals t.w. presents a high profile panel discussion hosted by sara tell me the twenty eight team digital music sites exploding economic forum give us a progress in forty five minutes total. they make a commitment. they find solutions. they conspire. africa . stories about people their friends shaping their nation. and the continent of africa the stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies to their homes.


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Transcripts for CNN Laura Coates Live 20240604 03:13:00

down to be at this press coverage. she was in manhattan. on the day of the verdict. she was in manhattan obviously for this as well. she has not been there. she's not appeared and she was not the most omnipresent prior first lady, as it can't. and the campaign. but what we see more of her what impact would it have? there's an old latin seen kliger test it, constant. terry, the day tour she who is silent when she should speak, is understood to consent that means her silence tells you everything you need to know because a wife in this situation would come and stand by her husband normally, we've seen political wives do at eliot spitzer when he was in trouble, he was getting run out. his wife stood by him and some of the worst circumstances. so i think the fact that mrs. trump has been absent and silent it speaks volumes. she doesn't have to say a word. >> you know what i love about sofia nelson and we to meghan, hey, is but what's really in the same conversation we talked about bobby brown and whitney. i mentioned just quoted latin


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Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 09:49:00

legislation and we have _ purpose? you talk about emergency legislation and we have work - purpose? you talk about emergency legislation and we have work to - legislation and we have work to deliver— legislation and we have work to deliver because i know and i believe that this _ deliver because i know and i believe that this is — deliver because i know and i believe that this is incredibly important important issue for the country people's— important issue for the country people's patience has run out, as has mine~ — people's patience has run out, as has mine. they are fed up with the endless _ has mine. they are fed up with the endless whether legal merry go rounds. — endless whether legal merry go rounds, legislative merry go rounds, tired of— rounds, legislative merry go rounds, tired of this — rounds, legislative merry go rounds, tired of this people trying to block this policy. storming of the judgment last year and i stood and spoke _ judgment last year and i stood and spoke to— judgment last year and i stood and spoke to you with the judgment last year and _ spoke to you with the judgment last year and i_ spoke to you with the judgment last yearand i said spoke to you with the judgment last year and i said we disagree with a but we _ year and i said we disagree with a but we respected it and we worked rapidly— but we respected it and we worked rapidly to— but we respected it and we worked rapidly to rectify it. within a matter— rapidly to rectify it. within a matter of— rapidly to rectify it. within a matter of weeks the team had negotiated a new treaty with rwanda to address all the concerns and we brought— to address all the concerns and we brought forward new legislation. that's— brought forward new legislation. that's how we responded and then in a matter— that's how we responded and then in a matter of— that's how we responded and then in a matter of weeks we had all the mitigations ready to implement this policv _ mitigations ready to implement this policy. but i'm talking to you now in its _ policy. but i'm talking to you now in its april. — policy. but i'm talking to you now in its april, why? because labour and the _ in its april, why? because labour and the house of lords have completed voted against this bill. it happened last week again and it will happen again today and i think


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