SA 36,5 obolelih na 100.000 stanovnika, po proseku za poslednjih sedam dana, Srbija je u petak bila na 35. mestu u Evropi. Iako se epidemija ponovo zahuktava, i sa 564 novoinficiranih, koliko smo imali za dan, situacija je kod nas i dalje bolja nego u dve trećine zemalja na Starom kontinentu.
Sweden’s Project 1300 Was a Secret Nuclear Bomber
Sweden feared the Soviet Union and so considered building an entire nuclear weapons program and bomber fleet to protect itself.
Key point: Even thought Sweden did not go nuclear, it has always kept a powerful military to guard its neutrality. Here is how it seriously looking into an atomic bomber.
During the 1950s Sweden may have maintained a policy of neutrality, yet it still sought to develop a rather well-stocked arsenal of domestically-produced military hardware.
From 1952-57 the Scandinavian nation even conducted a feasibility study to develop a delta-wing supersonic bomber that would have a nuclear strike capability.
president obama held a critical meeting with french president francois hollande. up next hollande is headed for a meeting with vladimir putin. can they reach common ground? a look at i-75 in south florida. traffic on the lighter side at this hour. i m sure later i-75 will be packed. if we had shown a-36, which looks like a parking lot on a good day but that s south florida for you. it s always fun to be parked on a highway for hours on end.