they say they have pieced together part of the time line that has not been as difficult. what has been much more challenging is trying to figure out who jared loughner was and who he has become so they are talking to friends, family, anyone who could have crossed paths with him. one of those people was the owner of the sacred art tattoo shop. lenny says jared loughner came to see him twice, once in october and once a couple weeks ago. he said loughner came in and had a .9 millimeter bullet and he told them that he wanted a tattoo of this .9 millimeter bullet on the back of his shoulder, and he says that he told the agents that he didn t see anything menacing about loughner at the moment. he thought he was very weird because he talked about mind control and being able to control his dreams, that kind of thing, but he says he told the agents, he didn t see anything else beyond that.