1 (Worst)
Safe Exam Browser turns any computer temporarily into a secure workstation. It controls access to resources like system functions, other websites and applications and prevents unauthorized resources being used during an exam.
General Concept
SEB runs on a local computer and it is connected via the internet to a learning management system (LMS) or an e-assessment system. Generally SEB works with any web based LMS and other kinds of web based exam systems. Some learning management systems (LMS) like for example Moodle, ILIAS, OpenOLAT and exam solutions as Inspera Assessment offer a quiz mode specifically compatible with SEB.
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Students can refuse to install the software in their computers and instead take the online exams on campus. Under the current coronavirus restrictions, academic institutions are allowed to administer tests on campus to up to 10 percent of their registered student body.
The software that films the students, made by the Israeli firm Tomax, documents what’s going in the room where the students sit using artificial intelligence, with the aim of identifying actions that might constitute cheating, like speaking to another person or suspicious movements in the room. According to the university, that program, as well as the Safe Exam Browser that blocks web surfing, have been checked; they do not penetrate the student’s personal computer and do not collect information from him or her that’s not related to the test.