Mccright tina smith is a former lieutenant governor, was first appointed by governor mark dayton early in 2018, and she won a special election two years ago. If she wins this year, it will be for a full sixyear term. A republican component opponent served a term in congress from minnesotas second district. Tina smith and jason lewis joined me remotely this hour as part of our meet the candidate series, to talk about the issues facing minnesota and the country. There arent a lot of rules for our conversation today. I will ask you a series of questions. I ask you to keep to the issues, even though you are running for senate, we dont need to fi i ask you not to filibuster. One firm rule i will enforce is that you cannot talk over each other. Lk over each other. It sounds bad on the radio, people will turn us off, and nobody will hear what you have to say. I will give you each a minute at the start and the end to make the case why voters should pick you. I flipped a coin before we started,
Mo katie. One of the key races this november is for senator. Tina smith is the incumbent, a former Lieutenant Governor first appointed by governor mike dayton in 2018, and she won a special election two years ago. If she wins this year, it will be for a full six year term. Her republican opponent is jason lewis, he served a term in congress from minnesotas Second District and is a former talk radio host. Tina smith and jason lewis joined me remotely this hour as part of our meet the candidate series to talk about the issues facing minnesota and the country. There arent a lot of rules for our conversation today. I will ask you a series of questions. I ask you to keep to the issues, even though you are running for senate, we dont need to filibuster. I will give you each plenty of time to lay out your views and respond to each other. One firm a rule i will enforce is you cant talk over each other. It sounds bad on the radio, people will turn us off, and nobody will hear what you have to s
Be permitted to control the remained ore they have time on the majority side. The speaker pro tempore without objection. He gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Bass the gentlelady from florida, representative wasserman schultz, for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from florida is recognized for one minute. Ms. Wasserman schultz thank you, mr. Speaker. Today we take a crucial step toward racial justice. We do it in the name of george floyd, Breonna Taylor, tony mcdavid, corey jones and all those lives unjustly taken by Law Enforcement. We mourn and say their names on the house floor because their lives and all black lives matter. So lets move to end the policing culture that lacks Real Transparency and accountability. Lets unite to ban barbaric choke holds and build a registry so Problematic Police dont just move to another town to keep a badge. Lets outlaw racial profiling and dangerous noknock warrants. This bill targets bad actors and practices and affirms the standards p
Transparency through Data Collection, and Reform Police training and policies. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 1017, the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on the judiciary, printed in the bill, modified by the amendment printed in part d of report 116 436 is adopted and the bill as amended is considered as read. The bill as amended shall be debatable for four hours equally divided among and controlled by the chair and Ranking Member of the committee on the judiciary. The gentleman from new york, mr. Nadler, and the gentleman from ohio, mr. Jordan, will each control two hours. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new york. Mr. Nadler. Mr. Nadler i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to evise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous material on h. R. 7120. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Nadler madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore
The book is called panic attack young radicals in the age of trump. The author is the associate editor of reason magazine. Who are these young radicals . Activists who are causing issues on College Campuses although you can find them in places like the streets of portland as well who are different from the kind of old left that was all about free speech, due process. What we are seeing now is a lot of attempts to shut down speakers who come to College Campuses even the professors of the activist students who are purportedly on the left as well they say they cant have conversations with the students anymore, they risk offending them and if they do their job could be in trouble because they could be investigated. Its changing the culture quickly and dramatically towards this cancel everybody that is problematic that has to be run out of public life and that is coming from this kind of activist contingent on the left. I spend a chapter in my book talking about the right which is a White N