what did that say to you? a great deal of rage by someone. he looked like your average high school student. tall, clean cut, polite. a teenager with two sides. he would yell at her. he would be pushing her around. a puzzle seemingly solved, then blown apart. we recorded the conversation and it was dynamite. micaela was on the ground and she wasn t really moving. to unravel the mystery, investigators would follow a trail through high school hallways, teaming with secrets and schemes. the hatred grew more and more and more. bad idea that became a horrible idea. bad idea that went very, very bad. they call him wendover will. he waves at you from miles. the big neon cowboy. wendover will is what he s called. and his job has been to tampa travelers off of interstate 80 near the utah-nevada border. pull them off the road to this tiny casino commerce. and most evenly a little lighter on the wallet. knowing precious little about the stories wendover like to te
he stated he saw some sage brush that seemed to have been disturbed and was covering some ground. so, he looked underneath the sage brush and saw what he thought appeared to be blood and decided that he needed to call authorities. this is the area they call the gravel pits. police took a camera to record what they might find their. remove the sage bush. and gently dug into the area and found what we thought was part of a human body. did you just uncover the body then? no, no. we backed out of the area and contacted washoe crime unit to come in and exhumed that area for evidence. crime scene investigators from reno. reno was 400 miles away. nine hours by car. still, nothing more to do until they arrived. so, they sealed off the area and waited. just as washoe mickey s sister christina, still searching, drove by. i just felt like your heart sink. i saw the unmarked police car driving on the gravel pit road