Special judge VS Gaike had issued the bailable warrant of Rs 25,000 on September 6. However, on request from Roy’s advocates, Harshand Ponda and Ashok Sarogi, the court kept the warrant at abeyance for a week – till September 13, to allow them to challenge before a higher court.
The Supreme Court on Thursday set aside the Delhi High Court order, which stayed the investigation into companies related to the Sahara Group and also the look out circulars issued against Sahara Group chief Subrata Roy and his wife.A bench .
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Supreme Court on Thursday set aside the Delhi High Court order granting interim relief and staying the investigation into nine companies related to the Sahara Group. India News | SC Sets Aside Delhi HC Order Staying Investigation into Companies Related to Sahara Group.
The Supreme Court on Thursday set aside the Delhi High Court order granting interim relief and staying the investigation into nine companies related to the Sahara Group.