The proud superintendent of the School District and this years chair of the forum. Today we are delighted to open our program to a number of members of Community Members outside of the forum for this very special event where we can hear from our own native, ed stack as he highlights the history of Dicks Sporting Goods in his new book, its how we play the game which i was able to get a little early and read and it is just a great book and great story and if you not got a chance i strongly encourage you to do that. We are thrilled to have you here today and welcome you home to share your story. I want to welcome our invited guest in particular i wanted to draw attention to the [inaudible] new Vision Business Academy students and students from the district of our region and we are thrilled to have them here today in particular. So for those of you who are not familiar with the forum it is a Membership Organization that brings people who share commitments for advancing universities and our
Shootings. Shootings. Good afternoon. And welcome to todays distinguished speakers series. A proud superintendent of the Windsor School district and the chair. And out to Community Members for this very special event where we c can to highlight Dicks Sporting Goods in his new book which i could get a little early to read its a great story. And we are thrilled to have you here today to share your w story. And then to draw attention to the Business Academy students and we are thrilled to have them here today in particular. And with that forum is a Membership Organization of how they share a commitment then to strengthen the bond between the two. And then to enrich the university as we work to establish the premier university we welcome only those that are interested to that Incredible Organization that brings people together for events just like this. For those Staff Members that are happy to tell you more information if you would like to join. As a courtesy check to be sure your phones
Koreawith north and south over a music g group playing at the upcoming wintergreen winter games in the south. South koreas promoting next months event as the peace olympics after the north agreed to send athletes to the games. Also coming up, and business, we will look at one of the largest construction groups in britain that has been forced to go into liquidation. An apology from french film icon Catherine Deneuve after she bashed the metoo movement. First, our top story live from paris. Genie iraq was rocked by twin suicide bombings today. At least 38 people died in the attacks in baghdad with close to 100 hertz. Z. 100 hurt. No immediate claim of responsibility, but similar attacks have c come from the Islamic State group. Lets bring in our reporter in baghdad. What can you tell us about what happened today . That it is a very bloody baghdadad morning with te suicide bombers. They attacked the crowded square in downtown baghdad called tayran square. Place forthering workers in the e
1776. Just so you know, todays the last day weve extended our museum hours to 7 00 p. M. The parchment sheet on display upstairs, though now much faded, is the original official version of the declaration of independence. Many versions have since have been made since Congress Approved it. Most notably the dunlap broadside printed on paper on the night of july 4th, 1776 and several facsimile reproductions made in the early 1800s. Today, with the copy of the declaration of independence, recently uncovered bu our two guests, Danielle Allen and emily sneff. This parchment document, the sussex declaration, is the same size as the original declaration on display in the ro dotunda an dates from 1780s. A notable feature of the sussex declaration is the arrangement of the signatures. Theyre not arranged by state delegation as they are on our declaration, and other early versions and danielle and emily will give us their theories on what this new arrangement thmay mean. Before we turn the stage
Median and bus way either side. This is showing the 5foot railing that would be installed on the veterans side of the median to prevent the crossing and also illustrates the new modern Street Lighting system which is 30 feet tall with street lights over the roadway itself, and for the first time we will be adding pedestrian lighting over the sidewalks. In the next image you will see the configuration at the Border Island and has medians that divide the bus way. You will have in this block the railway again on the veterans side of the median and the boarding island is just beyond where this section is cut. In the next image this is a newly created image just for this presentation is a direct view straight on of city hall on the west side looking back at city hall. What is important to note about this is that the existing gate system does not align with the center line of city hall. We will take this opportunity to now make it align as it should be because thats the way it should be. Als