team, not want to testify? be hesitant? well, when ken starr testified in the clinton investigation before congress, it was so politically charged that his ethics adviser sam dash well-known from water game fame quit in protest over starr s testimony. we saw political wrangling with patrick fitzgerald who investigated special counsel valerie plame unnaming. and i think mueller doesn t want to get in that same soup with these guys, letting his report speak for itself. so i think that is his mindset. i don t need this trouble. my report is comprehensive. there is nothing more that i could add. bouncing off of that, tim, do you think that if he were to testify, because he doesn t want this to make to make this any more political than it already is, which some would say would be impossible, would it ding
we felt a little embattled, but we were determined, trying to do the right thing. by the way, there were some real truth seekers, as you know laura, but you are right. overall it was really a very ugly, so we were just determined to try to do our job as best as we can. but to come back to your point about the partisanship and what rudy calls 13 angry democrats and so forth, i wouldn t use those terms but i will say this. in light of the criticism that these were very active some of them were very active, you need to take steps to provide confidence on the part of the public, may be skeptical members of the public, that this is not politically inspired per that s one of the reasons very briefly we hired sam dash to come on board and give us his counsel. approved every word of the c referral that we made to the house of representatives.
against you at that point. yeah. we felt a little embattled, but we were determined, trying to do the right thing. by the way, there were some real truth seekers, as you know laura, but you are right. overall it was really a very ugly, so we were just determined to try to do our job as best as we can. but to come back to your point about the partisanship and what rudy calls 13 angry democrats and so forth, i wouldn t use those terms but i will say this. in light of the criticism that these were very active some of them were very active, you need to take steps to provide confidence on the part of the public, may be skeptical members of the public, that this is not politically inspired per that s one of the reasons very briefly we hired sam dash to come on board and give us his counsel.
proceeding. what the president had to face, president clinton had to face, was a civil action, a civil rights action. he had to be lohonest. he could settle the case or then he had to conduct himself lawfully. he did not. i don t think anyone seriously disputes he not only committed perjury but had others lie. the complete agreement of the sam dash, now departed who are was in the watergate episode as special counsel to senator same irvin. all this led up to abuse of power. sdp abuse of power. you know donald trump has lied about his personal life. there s no question. it doesn t bother you unless it happens in court? in terms of bothering, citizen versus public official and impeachment.
theater. why? why would you jaundice is that way? because of at least two requests that she made. one was a statement that she wants the senators to ask the question, not a lawyer now, there s only one reason to have the senators ask the question. that is because they re a bunch of old white guys like me, right, who are going to look domineering and cruel whereas a lawyer might ask questions in a calmer, more direct way and in a more trained way. you go back to the watergate hearings. the principal questions were asked not by the senators who perform by by sam dash, the lawyer for the committee. have somebody like that. so her concern is that s a hired gun. they re going to be a pro who has come in, set up to disadvantage her and make it harder on her. somebody who knows how to ask questions. well, senators know how to ask questions, don t they? no. no. have you watched? they know how to make speeches.