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Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20141118

advance of a front on the way. the question is, like move fronts, can it give us rain and fall apart. we'll take a lack at it coming up. >> reporter: we're live in san jose, where city leaders will take a look at a new report that looks at how short staffed the police department is. we'll reveal the latest numbers. that's all ahead on "mornings on 2." 7:01. we're live in the mission. the san francisco school board wants to push for a new resolution against violence. tara moriarty is looking into the plan and in two minutes, she will tell us what inspired the movement and how the board is calling for a crackdown on violence. good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> i'm dave clark. steve says that something is coming our way. >> well -- >> we hope so. >> it's on the way. but i think it will do what most systems have done and that's not give us much. it will give us light rain. beautiful sunrise, high clouds in advance of that system which is inching toward us. unfinancially, there's so much energy east. it's really hard to budge that. increasing clouds later this afternoon, we'll turn cloudy. some light rain tomorrow morning but amounts have been backed off on some of the morning runs of the forecast models. i'm not surprised. our rain is way back here. it will take a while to get here. we'll get a lot of cloud cover. some partly cloudies in the morning and then partly to mostly cloudy this afternoon and then cloudy. our system looks good. but it will weaken considerably. mostly cloudy today. breezy for some. higher elevations. a mild afternoon even though it's cold. we'll get a lot of upper 60s to near 70. out front and center is the bay bridge. here's the man with an update. >> i have a view westbound inside the tunnel. now i want to show you this -- this is where the crash was. i say that because the crash has just been cleared from the bay bridge. it was blocking these two lanes here, three and four for a bit but now it has been removed. traffic is still slow. let's take a look now at what we can see. the bridge is getting better itself, westbound, a little bit, anyway, now that those lanes are open. they had to slow the metering lights down at the toll plaza pretty severely. that's where the traffic backup is going to be stark, getting out to san francisco. you should think about an alternate route like the san mateo bridge. by the way, we've been looking at the san mateo bridge approach for you. it's normal. there is a crash now reported in hayward, southbound near winton avenue. but i would still think that the san mateo bridge is a decent route. dumbarton bridge may be good if you are trying to avoid the san mateo bridge. we also have slow traffic southbound on 880 as you head down into fremont. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. happening today, students at a san francisco school may be helping the school board take the boldest stance against gun violence in its history. tara moriarty joins us live from the mission district to tell us more about this bold plan. good morning, tara. >> reporter: good morning. the board's commissioner, matt haney, actually wrote this resolution. he says that homicides are the leading cause of death among 15 to 24-year-olds in san francisco. it's a pain that students here at buena vista know all too well. one of their former classmates was fatally stabbed less than three months ago. that's why they helped haney write the resolution as part of the civic's lesson. the students were friends of rashad williams, a 14-year-old fatally stabbed by another student who used to go to school here as well. it was a crime that sent shock waves through the mix and sacred heart, a private school where williams just started school on a scholarship. the williams's story is one of a handful of cases that spurred the board to to consider this resolution. it calls for gun policies, gun buyback eventsant gun safety practices with families. it would expand upon lessons in the classroom about prevention. other recent events behind this resolution, this summer, the shooting death of allen calaway in front of a crowd of children that included his 10-year-old soon. and then a shooting outside of rosa parks elementary school where a 2-year-old man was killed. the board's decision will coincide with the month. and. the board will vote on this resolution tonight. we're hoping to get reaction from parents and bring that to you in the coming hour. live in san francisco, i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, tara. 7:05. the man arrested in the deadly hit and run of a 14-year-old boy is scheduled to face a judge today. 34-year-old sonny anderson was taken into custody yesterday and will be charged with second- degree murder. an terson is accused of -- anderson is accused of hitting and killing ivan cruz during a police chase in san leandro last week. the car was in fremont. anderson was found hiding in the graurk of a newark home -- garage of a newark home. cruz's family is grieving but they thank the community for supporting them through this difficult time. >> may ivan rest easy as we continue to fight and struggle with the fact that our brother is gone. >> you feel for the family. people have kids of their own. we were bound and determined to find him. absolutely even before we knew who it was, we were bound and determined to find him. >> anderson has seven prior convictions dating back to 1989. among them two animal abuse case is. if another case he was convicted of beating and robbing an elderly san leandro woman. 7:06. bay area law enforcement agencies say accidents involving drugged drivers, they are on the rise. the latest incident was sunday night on highway 92 in hayward. an 18-year-old driver smashed into trees near the hesperian offramp and four children were hurt. on friday afternoon, investigators say 21-year-old sonya torr of san mateo was understand the influence of drugs when she backed over an elderly woman in a wall green's parking lot. that woman died from her injuries the next day. >> at least 30% of the fatal collisions in california, the driver had some type of prescription or illegal drug on board. >> you also may remember that accident two saturdays ago on the bay bridge where a wrong- way driver caused a multivehicle accident. that driver was also said to be under the influence of drugs. 7:07. well, today san jose city leaders will examine a new report on just how short staffed the police department could be in the coming years. ktvu's janine de la vega is in our newsroom with more on why the numbers just aren't adding up. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dave. well, san jose is a city of 1 million people, but this new report by the chief says that soon there will be less than a thousand officers protecting. the information presented in this report today predicts that the number of officers will fall to its lowest level in 30 years. the police department projects the number of officers will drop from more than 1,000 today to 988 by next july and by 2017, the number would decrease to 949 officers. that's even with an increase in recruits. this all stems from the growing number of officers retiring and others resigning to go work for other departments offering better way and benefits. the department estimates an average of three to four officers will continue to resign each month besides the struggles of retaining officers, recruiting qualified people to become officers is also a challenge. the past two police academies have had less than 25 cadets. this report also looked at finances and how many earmarked for unfilled positions has been reallocated to cover overtime costs for patrol. hall will be discussed at 1:30 in the council chambers. we've reached out to same liccardo to get -- sam liccardo to get an interview with him regarding this report. janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right, janine. thank you. 7:09. healthcare is a growing industry here in the bay area. according to a new report by the hospital trade association. san francisco's healthcare industry brought in more than $28 billion so far this year. that number is outpacing some of the city's top tech businesses. the industry also employs 20% of san francisco's workers with nearly 122,000 jocks. experts say the growth is due to bigger and newer hospitals. san francisco also draws out of state patients due to cutting- edge treatment. a san rafael wedding photography company is shutting down following a social media backlash after it turned away a same-sex couple. the company wanted to higher you are love photography. but the photographer referred them to another company citing a difference in personal beliefs. the decision prompted a social media firestorm. after getting bombarded by nasty messages, the company decided to permanently shut down. in a recent facebook post, the same-sex couple said the photographers have apologized so the couple is asking people to stop posting negative messages on the company's social media page. there is a controversy surrounding an executive of uber for private comments that went public. according to the internet news feed company buzz feed, e-mail michael suggested that uber hire researchers to dig up dirt on the media critics. he also reportedly said the company should focus on spreading the personal details of a female journalist who criticized the company. michael made the remarks at a dinner and said he thought they were off the record. however, an editor from buzz feed was also at the event and said he was never told anything said was off the record. 7:11. another bay area city is looking to install cameras to monitor every car that crosses in and out of its borders. coming up in 20 minutes, the rise in an age-old crime that's inspired the high-tech plan. up next, bracing for a grand jury decision in the ferguson police shooting. why the governor has already declared a state of emergency. all right. pardon mere. that's terrible. we still have a look at the bay bridge. that crash is gone but that traffic at the bay bridge is atrocious. you heard me. get out there early. we'll show you alternate routes when we come back. clouds are increasing. we have a system due tomorrow but the one on thursday looks better to me than tomorrow. i will explain. - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. there it is... this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. the nfl has suspended adrian peterson without pay for the rest of the season. he has been out dealing with accusations he physically abused one of his sons while trying to discipline him. last week he pleaded no contest. the nfl says he will not be considered for reinstatement before april 2015. peterson has three days to appeal the decision. on august 9th, michael brown was shot and killed by officer darren wilson. it sparked weeks of violent protests that ended in arrests and riots. the emergency declaration means the national guard can be brought in to keep the peace. it also means st. louis police will be in charge of security. not ferguson police. some ferguson residents say declaring a state of emergency does not put them at ease. >> we'll go as far to say the entire region is gripped by fear from the announcement of the national guard, police, grenades, helmets, shields. it's like they are preparing for war. >> now, the grand jury decision on whether to indict officer wilson is expected sometime this month. and the fbi is also warning police agencies around the nation that the decision could spark protests in their cities. today is the 36th anniversary of the jonestown massacre, where 918 people lost their lives, most of them poisoned. this morning, the victims will be remembered in a ceremony at evergreen cemetery in oakland. that's where more than 400 of the jonestown victims are buried. most were members of the people's temple based in san francisco. the temple leader, jim jones, moved the group to guyana. current congresswoman jackie speier, who was the aide of the member killed, was there and she was injured. 7 soo -- 7:16. authorities say a northern california teenager thought to be abducted made the whole thing up. an amber alert was issued for the 14-year-old boy. the chp received reports the boy had been abducted by sfo men from a mini-mart near his high school in san andre yes. he was found last night in stockton. officials say they are not sure why he made up the kidnapping. he was taken into custody and turned over to juvenile probation. a hayward church is dealing with an unusual theft after someone made off with a big piece of artificial turf. here's what it used to look like outside bay hills community church. but the pastor said the 900- square foot turf went missing last month. news of the theft was a shock to church members. they had donated $5 thork to install the turf to help save water. >> i thought this was like an april fool's joke. i couldn't believe it. i said you gotta be kidding. >> the church has filed a police report but it's unlikely the stolen turf will be recovered. the pastor says he would like to install new turf but he wants to make sure no one takes it. despite a lower price for jet fuel, the price of airfare continues to soar. in the past 12 month, u.s. airlines saved 1.6 billion in the cost of jet fuel. but in the same time period, domestic tickets rose 3.5%. experts say airlines right now have no compelling reason to offer passengers any price breaks. they say planes are full. investors want to pay out and new planes need to be paid for. >> so don't expect a break -- >> exactly. been told they were expensive, airline tickets because of the fuel and now fuel is down. but they are still expensive. >> can't win. same thing on the toll plaza. sal, the bay bridge, yikes. >> what kind of language are you hearing on twitter? i'm sure you can't say it [laughter] >> well, the fcc has something to say about what i can say. [laughter] >> right. >> but disparaging words have been urterred. traffic will be busy at the toll plaza. but it's moving better now that the crash is cleared. but i will show you a caltrans picture that we are able to pull up. you can see westbound bay bridge. i think the camera sometimes freezes but you can see traffic on the upper deck of the bay bridge. looks much better. it's actually cleared out now that the crash is gone but this crash has had a chain reaction on all of the commutes. let's take a look at the eastshore freeway. remember early, i circled the number as who remembers when it was at 19 minutes? well, it's almost at an hour now to drive from the carquinez bridge all the way down to the macarthur maze. give yourself plenty of extra time. 580 is backed up into the lakeshore area. 880 is slow. there's no way around it. the best way, take b.a.r.t., use another bridge or if you have the option delay your commute, maybe work from home in the morning and go into the office later. i know people can't do that but some people can. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sir. a lot of high clouds moving over us. nice sunrise. pretty pictures coming in. this is the leading edge of a system which will be here tomorrow. we'll have partly sunny, partly cloudy skies in the morning and then go mostly cloudy to cloudy by this afternoon. so high clouds and then turning cloudy, we'll get light rain. forecast projections have backed off on amounts for tomorrow. not surprised by that. we've seen it many, many times. this will probably not do much for the sierra nevada by the time it arrives and runs into the west coast ridge. there's tremendous energy east of us. have to keep that in mind. rainfall could be okay to the north here but i think thursday is an interesting system. i will show you why in a second. we'll see temperatures dropping. this will give some snow to the passes up on the sierra. that's a good thing. clouds increase, cold to mild on the lows. mostly cloudy to cloudy. it will be breezy for some. it's an easterly breeze turning southeast as this system gets closer. but again, it's a lot of show and not much go. the low will move north. the system will kind of stretch and weaken as it does. we'll let light rain out of it this morning. 36 in ukiah. 19 tahoe. reno, 22. sacramento is 39. it's cold for some. every state all 50 states have somewhere a freezing temperature. even northern florida up to the north. the san jose sharks are in buffalo tonight. good luck with that. the game is still on, but they've had about 4 feet of snow in buffalo. some of the roads have shut down. the lake-effect snow is relentness. if the game is canceled tonight, you will know why. i'm seeing pictures coming in, stacking up big time. 30s, 40s and 50s on the temps. a big difference. 15 degrees for some. the breeze is higher -- is higher. stronger. but it's an easterly breeze. oakland, concord, fairfield, napa, it's -- that's the direction the wind is coming from. and that's because high pressure is here. leer pressure is there. it fill it with a wind. rainfall for tomorrow. okay. i think it will back off even more but thursday is the system i'm keeping an eye on. that's going to come down from the most. i think that has a better opportunity. it will be a fast-mover. that could be pretty good. one tomorrow, we'll get some rain out of it but not a lot. machine, breezy for some. the wind coming in from tomorrow is coming in from the west. that will give the sierra first a hint of snow. 60s on the temperatures to near 70 just due to the mere fact we'll get a breeze. cloudy to mostly cloudy here today. rain tomorrow morning it looks like for the commute. a break thursday morning. thursday afternoon, evening will be a colder system. boy, friday, you will feel it and maybe some rain on saturday. i think it's north. i don't think it will be here. we'll tackle it on friday. >> we'll have the pictures from buffalo. i have a friend who lives there. it just looks nasty. this is unusual for this early in the year. >> well, 60% of the country has snow. >> wow. >> the earliest on this date since i think 2005. >> incredible. >> the will -- all right. we're following developments news out of israel where three americans have been killed. what any were doing when they were attacked. my husband found that one over there which is oscar peterson. >> not what you want to unearth in the backyard of your newly- purchased house. up next, what a further investigation revealed about tombstones found on her property. i gooh fitting the tree through the door, that's feast-worthy. so celebrate with the kfc festive feast. a bucket of the world's best chicken, our famous sides, biscuits and our new pumpkin cake. the kfc festive feast. it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models, including the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows, and free same-day delivery. are you next? but don't wait! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ an investigation is underway after a small cargo plane smashed into a home in chicago. the faa says the pilot reported engine problems just after takeoff and tried to return to make an emergency landing. the plane crashed into the house about a quarter mile from the end of the runway. the plane went through the roof and partially into the basement. no one in the home was hurt. the condition of the pilot has not yet been released. a central valley family made a grave discovery in the backyard of their newly purchased house. the wife says she was cleaning up the property when she noticed a stone. it caught her eye. after checking closer, she realized, it was a tombstone. one by one, she and her husband dug up 12 of them. so she called the police worried that bodies were buried in her backyard. >> i immediately thought we bought a cemetery. are my dogs gonna bring me a finger? you know [laughter] >> at first the deputies thought it was a halloween joke. then he noticed several of the stones had typos like one with two ps and no r in the word "april." investigators discovered that the previous homeowners bought the rejected tombstones at a discounted price from a local monument company. they were using them as stepping stones. that company, by the way, is no longer in business. industry experts say most companies, they just grind up stones that have mistakes. they don't normally resell them. >> very interesting. 7:27. a high-tech way to fight crime in an east bay city. after the break, the new gadgets that could be installed and why the safety feature is raising concerns. and it could be a big day for the oakland zoo in it's long-awaited effort to expand. we'll tell you about the important vote the city council will take later today and how some environmental groups plan to oppose the vote. we're looking at a commute where traffic is very slow on many of the commutes already on this tuesday. as we look at the eastshore freeway, that's terrible. we'll give you a drive time for that coming up. clouds are on the increase this morning. we have a front on the way. the question is, will it do what most fronts have done and that's fall apart and give us some rain? we'll have an update. the meatball marinara and the cold cut combo. join our customer appreciation celebration today. subway. eat fresh. 7:30. good morning. kind of a cool picture there. you are looking live at the oakland zoo, where for 16 years. it's been trying to gain approval for a major expansion project. today, that is finally expected to happen. but not everyone is looking to celebrate. coming up in two minutes, alex savidge will tell us why some people are adamantly opposed to this project. good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> i'm dave clark. let's talk about your weather and traffic. steve, it's cloudy, a little nippy outside our door. >> i stepped outside before you did. >> you got me. >> you are right. it's mostly cloudy out there. it's cool to cold. not as cold as yesterday morning where we had clear skies. the front is on the way. a lot of high clouds screaming in. mid-level clouds. we'll go from partly cloudy to mostly cloudy to cloudy. today, it looks like some rain on wednesday but already the amounts have been trimmed way back compared to where they were last night. i'm not surprised. there's too much energy east of us. that's a lot of cold air for most of the country. the systems coming in at midlatitude. so they are warm systems. 30s, 40s and 50s on the temps. there is an easterly component to the breeze. some of the higher elevations, the breeze will turn more southeast as the system gets closer. it won't be closer for rain until late, late tonight. more likely tomorrow. cloudy to mostly cloudy. mild temps went southeast breeze. a lot of 60s. this is not a cold system. there is a cold one on the way for thursday. i will have more coming up in 12 minutes. here's a busy man with the bay bridge. and 80? >> 80 is bad, even the south bay not affected by the bay bridge crash is getting slow. as a matter of fact, let's start there. 280 is slow downtown getting up into the valley. you thought that your commute wasn't affected by the bay bridge. but it's still slow on 280, 101, 85 but, of course, the bay bridge has taken center stage, we had a crash on the deck and look at the slow traffic there. traffic is just terrible coming down to the bay bridge this morning and once you get there, there is a big backup at the toll plaza. you saw that backup on 80 westbound, very slow because of a problem. people will be using the san mateo bridge as an alternative. san mateo bridge is moderate, the richmond bridge is also moderate, not great but at this point, they might be better than using this approach to san francisco in the peninsula. 7:33. back to the desk. happening today, the oakland zoo expected to get the go ahead for an expansion plan that's been 16 years in the making. the project would expand the zoo towards nolan park. ktvu's alex savidge joining us live now with more on the plan and its opposition. >> reporter: good morning. this could be the final hurdle for the oakland zoo in its long fight to expand. but environmental groups are continuing to oppose this expansion project. they don't want the zoo to get any bigger. that's because the project would use 60 acres of long adjacent to the existing zoo in neighboring nolan park. critics contend the project will reduce open space in the area and they also say the expansion will threaten the habitat for the alameda whip snake. but zoo officials have created a conservation zone trying to address some of the concerns and expect the city council will give the final go ahead later today for the expansion project which has been in the works for 16 years. the added lane will be used for an exist called california trails. it will include species native to the state like the grizzly bear, the california kondor and the jaguar. the zoo plans to build a gondola to carry visitors. the president of the zoo calls today's vote an important step forward. >> now we're at this great threshold where i think the oakland zoo can reach its greatest potential as one of the premiere here in the bay area. >> reporter: this expansion is being paid for with $60 million of private and public money. there have been legal challenges filed with the court. none have been successful. the president said he believes the city council will give final approval later on today at a meeting that starts at 5:30 at city haul and opponents will in all likelihood be on hand to make their voices heard. alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right, alex. thank you. 7:35. the issue of privacy verses safety will be the topic of a debate tonight in orinda. the city council is set to discuss a proposal to install license plate readser cameras near the city's borders. ktvu's brian flores is live in orinda with reaction from people who live and also work there. brian? >> reporter: hi, tori. good morning to you. this not only affects people who live here and work in orinda. it could affect people who commute out of orinda. orinda, quiet neighborhood. the police chief says overall, crime is down. but still some people approach the chief about installing these cameras because of a recent uptick in burglaries. tonight the chief will take the presentation to the city council meeting tonight. the proposal still in its early phases, a lot of discussion about this months ahead before any action is taken. but the idea is to possibly put these license plate reader cameras near the entrances and exits near the city essentially off highway 24. these cameras would take a picture of your license plate and put in a searchable database. they are time stamped and tagged with a gps location. if the license plate comes up stolen or if there's another crime involveled and the police are alerted, they have to respond. this is another tool used to help solve crime. it will be used in orinda but some people are skeptical. >> i think it would be valuable for the police to have this information. basically, i think they could use the information for finding people that they need to find. it's efficient. i might be -- have issues with the privacy. just because i would be concerned that they might have information on me that i don't know where it's going. >> pros are, it's a huge deterrent. if the suspects realize that there is a way to identify them, hopefully they won't come to this city. secondly, if there is a crime, we hope to provide a lead to , that we can follow and pursue the lead. >> reporter: now, orinda's police chief is aware of the priv skiff concerns and hope people give their input at tonight's meeting. in marin county, the aclu issued a new report saying there was not enough public debate before cameras were purchased there. there is the cost about the cameras as well. each one costs about $10,000 along with an annual operation fee of $500 per year. other agencies that use license plate reader cameras include the cities of la fayette, brentwood, emeryville, richmond as well as the contra costa county sheriff's. tonight the meeting starts at 7:00. we're live in orinda, brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:37. well, there's controversy leading into the start of a three-day meeting today at the u.s. board of regents. that meet be will be at the uc san francisco mission bay campus. one of the main topics will be a possible tuition hike. governor brown and janet napolitano, they've clashed about this for weeks now. governor brown also appointed two new members for the university's governing board. that may mean more opposition to the plan for the tuition hike which by the way comes up for a vote this week. the board of governors for california's community colleges, they are considering a plaen to return san francisco's city college to local control in phases. the board of governors held a public hearing on the idea by the california community colleges chancellor yesterday. the plan calls for returning power to the colleges board of trustees in five phases. it could take until july 2016. some of the students and the teachers at the public hearing, they complained. they say the time frame is too slow. last year the city college board of trustees lost its authority when the college was threatened with losing its accreditation. the next phase of the project to tear down the old bay bridge has been postponed for three months. four potential bidders told caltrans they needed more time to study the complicated job of tearing down the deck which was built in the 1930s. another tricky part of the job will be finding a way to stop birds from flocking to traditional nesting sites on the old eastern span. the demolition job is now expected to resume sometime in february. 7:39. uber and spotify joining forces. ahead in the next hour of "mornings on 2," the way this new partnership could customize your next ride. >> it's just downright depressing. there are sacred places in our city and this should be one of them. >> a park going under an expensive makeover gets graffiti. we're looking at traffic that's a mess trying to get into san francisco. not exactly row rosy -- not exactly rosy. my nai'm a lineman for pg&e out of the concord service center. i have lived here pretty much my whole life. i have been married for twelve years. i have 3 kids. i love living here and i love working in my hometown. at pg&e we are always working to upgrade reliability to meet the demands of the customers. i'm there to do the safest job possible - not only for them, but everybody, myself included that lives in the community. i'm very proud to do the work that i do and say that i am a lineman for pg&e because it's my hometown. it's a rewarding feeling. american and european answers are studying the -- agencies are studying the video that shows faces of some isis fighters after the beheading of peter cassig. authorities have been able to identify one of them as a 22- year-old from france. some fighters appear to be asian. analysts say isis is trying to send a message that muslims from all over the world are joining their fight. new this morning, we've learned that the people killed in an attack on a synagogue in jerusalem were three american men and a man from britain. two palestinian men entered the synagogue armed with knives, axes and gunned. three of the men killed had dual-israeli citizenship. the fourth was a dual citizen. they were immigrants to israel. secretary of state john kerry in london spoke about the attack. >> i call on the palestinian leadership that every single level condemns this in the most powerful terms. this violence has no place anywhere. >> hamas, the militant palestinian group that runs the gaza strip, is praising the attack. a hamas spokesman said the attack was in response to the death of a palestinian bus rider under disputed circumstances. 7:44. back here at home, the congregation of a san jose catholic church says a miracle has come out of a devastating church fire. this wood nd italian crucifix -- wooden italian crucifix somehow survived the flames. they can't explain how it didn't burn. the pastor says it's a sign the church should be rebuilt. the fire started sunday afternoon. the cause still not known. but firefighters and the church's pastor think it started near an organ on the second floor. a few dozen statues, books and other religious items also survived the flames. church services will continue in the church hall starting tomorrow morning. well, it's a fight over stickers. berkeley could be the first place in the nation to have them. but pam cook is in the studio to talk about who likes them and who doesn't like them. >> the fight over stickers at the gas pump heats up today as the berkeley city council is set to take a voe. the stick stickers are warning labels about global warming. supporters hope the stickers will encourage people to think about their carbon footprint, drive less, walk more and look for alternative sources of energy. but san francisco also considering a requirement as well on its gas pump and the sticker would read "a typical passenger vehicle produces an average almost 20 points of tailpipe carbon dioxide which the epa has determined is the primary greenhouse gas that's contributing to recent climate change." that's what it would read on that sticker. critics say this is a politically motivated attack on free speech. others complain it's a waste of the tax payers' money. the stickers will cost $20,000 in the first year, they say. we'd like to know what you think. join our conversation on our facebook page. post your comments and we would like to share some of them in our next hour of "mornings on 2." the berkeley city council considers this ordinance tonight. san francisco's board of supervisors could make the gas pump stickers a law by march. san francisco cleanup crews are working to prepare the damage caused by vandals at dolores park playground. signs, trees, park benches. they were spray painted and the even the chimes from an outdoor music set were stolen. park officials say there is a continuing problem with partiers out there, leaving trash and broken gas in and near the children's playground. the people who use the park, they are puzzled by this destruction. >> if i think to myself why are people defacing such a beautiful park. >> it's just downright depressing. there are sacred places and this should be one of them. >> the recreation and parks department still trying to add up how much it will cost to clean up the damage. the city spent $15,000 on graffiti removal in dolores park last year. the police say they will increase their patrol clothes of lane clothes and uniformed officer. research shows, there are simple, concrete things you can do to be happier at work. four scientificically proven ways are intentionally start the day on a good note. how you feel in the morning will affect the rest of your day. do something in the morning that makes you feel good like savor your coffee or get fresh air. make fewer decisions to avoid decision fatigue. wear the same things, eat the same thing for lunch for a week. then you don't have to think about it. studies prove helping your colleagues, dave does that all of the time. he's always in a good mood and make note and acknowledge your progress. it's whether important to focus on the positive so we feel good about ourselves. having said that, i was thinking about starting your day on a good note, unfortunately a lot of people are not doing that when it comes to traffic. >> i think that means once you get in the office. i talk to the producer who i can educate with my cultural knowledge. >> there you go. sharing the good news. let's go out and get you the bad news, unfortunately. terrible commute for the bay bridge. westbound. it's almost 90 minutes. remember, it usually takes 20 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze and here we are, more than four times. you might not want to go. average speed 13 miles an hour as you head out to the bay bridge teen. bay bridge toll plaza. if you come into the city, you will be waiting for a long time. b.a.r.t. is doing well into san francisco. if you have to go, just plan on allowing an hour and a half. that's all there is to it getting into san francisco. also looking at some of the other commutes. contra costa county has slow traffic on 680. the benicia bridge as people are avoiding the carquinez bridge and 680 is slow through walnut creek as well. 680, highway 4 also very slow. not to be a downer about it. but b.a.r.t., steve, great way to get to the city. they are not having any major problems. you can take the train if that works for you. >> makes sense, sal. i agree. thank you. we do have mostly cloudy skies. it will be a mostly cloudy day associated with the front coming in from the west- southwest. it will bring us rain tomorrow morning. not a lot. better system on thursday coming out of the northwest. i like that. a little bit more cold air with it and also snow to the sierra. finally. not a lot. when norton doesn't have any snow. they will get some on thursday. some rain tomorrow morning but already forecast models have backed off on the amounts. i'm not surprised. we've seen that many times. between now and saturday, there will be some rain here. this could be well to the north an inch and a half, i think around here, a quarter to maybe half. temperature drop will be -- you will notice it on thursday. we'll get snow to the pass levels. clouds increase. they are already on the increase. cold to mild to some. mostly cloudy, cloudy. it's out of the east. a couple of people have asked me why do we have the east breeze. high pressure is inland. low pressure is off the coast. high pressure doesn't like the low so it fills it with a breeze. there's our system. but i mean the low is moving north. when they align themselves north to south, that's not a good sign. this is running into the west coast ridge, it will weaken by the time it arrives. 19 tahoe. 22 reno. 36 ukiah. it's cold for some. every state has a freezing temperature including hawaii all the way down to northern florida. new orleans is 39. atlanta, 29. the lake-effect snow continues. the san jose sharks are in buffalo. the game is still on for now. but good luck with that. they've had about four feet of snow. 30s, 40s to 50s. novato at 50. orinda says 50. 42 brentwood which is one degree cooler than san ramon. there is an easterly breeze for most. it will southern southerly later on. our system will give us a lot of cloud cover and a little bit of rain. but a system coming in on thursday will come down from the northwest. i like that. that will be a fast-mover. that will have cold air and dynamics associated with it. that looks better than tomorrow's system. preez for some. mild afternoon temps even with the cloud cover. 60s. upper 60s to 70. we'll get light rain for the morning commute tomorrow and then thursday afternoon/evening looks okay. i think the system on the weekend stays north of us. >> but some rain coming in thursday evening? >> thursday afternoon/evening. you will notice it cupid, stay where you are for the next hour of "mornings on 2." the big changegone. >> a valuable family heir -- family heirloom flushed away. what happened next is nothing short of amazing. irloom flushe what happened next is nothing short of amazing. @@@ welcome back to "mornings on 2." 7:54. mass murderer charles manson plans to get married at core corrine state prison. he's 80 years old. he plans to marry this 26-year- old woman. now, she's afton elaine burton. she's spent the past nine years trying to prove manson is innocent. she moved from illinois to california to be close to him and seems intent on trying to prove he's innocent. charles manson is serving a life sentence for the murders of sharon tate and six other people in los angeles back in 1969. it is 7:55. it's an amazing story of lost and found. a couple from union city is expressing their deep gratitude to a local sanitation department. that's because a valuable ring was flushed down the toilet by their toddler. but as maureen naylor explains, despite the incredible odds, the ring was found. >> reporter: like many toddlers this 3-year-old likes playing with water. >> toilet. >> reporter: but when he flushed this toilet last month, he had no idea he was flushing a family heirloom down the drain. a 60-year-old sparkling sapphire and diamond ring, to be exact. >> i said where is momma's ring? he said momma, i flushed it down the toilet. it's gone. it's really, really gone. [laughter] >> the ground just went under my feet. >> reporter: her husband was heartbroken. the ring, one of the few things his deceased father handed down to him. >> i said it will be a miracle if you find it. >> reporter: they called a plumber who used a camera in the drain but no luck. that's when they called the sanitation district. >> it's hard to find. like a need until a hay stack. >> reporter: five different times, crews came out to flush the lines looking for the ring. and just when they were about to call it quits -- >> this is victor and this is johnny and johnny is holing the ring. >> reporter: these two workers, both fathers themselves, found the needle seen here holding the sparkling ring. >> this is a rarity. i've been here 20 years and this is the second that i know of. >> reporter: the ring had traveled a third of a mile from the home and was found a month and a half after it was flushed down the toilet. >> down the toilet. found it. >> reporter: you flushed it and then found it. >> i was waiting for the miracle. the funny thing, this came but in its own time and way. >> the plumber charged the family $400 but the sanitation district didn't charge the family a penny saying they were just doing their job for a customer. i wonder how much it cost to clean the ring. you want it well-sanitized after spending a month and a half down there. >> great story. still ahead -- the staffing crisis of the san jose police department. coming up, the startling prediction about the police department's numbers in the coming years and the two reasons behind all of that. >> reporter: we're live in san francisco where students help write a resolution to help curb violence in schools. we just spoke to the principal. certain freeways are really slow approaching the bay bridge where we had a big problem much earlier which is gone. the eastshore freeway is recovering. we'll. clouds are on the intercease and on the move. but -- are on the increase and on the move. as a toddler, i enjoy three activities. breaking things... spilling things... and just general destruction, in the abstract sense. so i, for one, am not a big fan of nest. you see, the dropcam is always watching... even when my folks are in another room. i rue the day that this product was invented. but i'm not 100% sure what rue means. nest dropcam. welcome to a more thoughtful well, good morning. welcome back. some startling homicide statistics. in san francisco, homicide reportedly the leading cause of death among people between 15 and 24 years old. now one of the bay area's biggest school districts has had enough. coming up in two minutes, ktvu's tara moriarty will join us live with more on a bold stance that district is taking this morning to help protect children. stay tuned. good morning. thank you for joining us. welcome to "mornings on 2." tuesday, november 18th. i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm tori campbell. quick look at weather and traffic. i've got some problems with traffic in -- not too many problems with the weather but the rain is coming. >> yeah, tomorrow morning. we'll have morning rain. it doesn't look like a lot. but we'll get something. today, we have a lot of clouds on the increase. temperature, 30s, 40s and 50s. it will be a mostly cloudy to cloudy day. as that system gets closer and closer. it's not going to do much until late tonight or tomorrow morning. it hasaways to go. there is a lot of cloud cover in advance of it. it's thinning out stretching. the low is moving north. hopefully this will punch toward us. it won't be for a while. 30ss, 40s, 50s. menlo park, 42, los altos hills, 50s. upper 40s, belmont, foster city. our system will move in tomorrow. there is a better system come out of the northwest on thursday. that will be a fast mover but that looks good for rain and much colder temperatures thursday night. mostly cloudy. maybe a few 70s. very close coast bay, and also inland. we've had some improvements, sal, an update on the south bay. we do have improvements, steve, i'm gonna get to the south bay and the east bay. but, you know, the big traffic story. steve and i have been talking about it. the bay bridge, it's horrible. but approaching it. from the car queen niz bridge tonight maze, you can see traffic is slow for a good long way and i think that the traffic is actually slower just getting to the bay bridge. once you actually make it onto the span, it looks okay. even once you make it to the toll plaza, it's normallish. the problem is getting to the spot at the bay bridge toll plaza because of an earlier accident. there was an accident that blocked lanes for a time. so it was very slow on that bridge for a bit. westbound 580 still slow through livermore as you drive through. southbound 680 traffic is also slow out of pleasanton. we've had a couple of fender- benders on 880 and the san mateo bridge is moderate in case you are thinking of using that as an alternate. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. happening today, students at a san francisco school have been touched deeply by violence have used a civics lesson to help the school board take the boldest stance in its history against gun violence. tara moriarty just spoke to one school principal about the push for a resolution that would crack down on violence. good morning, tara. >> reporter: good morning. she was obviously very proud of her students. they helped mark haney write the commission and he says the rate of youth homicides here in san francisco is nearly twice that what it is anywhere else in the state. it's a pain that students here at buena vista k through 8 know all too well. one of their former classmates, rashad williams was fatally stabbed less than three months ago. that's why they helped write this. the 14-year-old shawn -- rashad williams was stabbed this fall by another student who used to go here. and this is one of a handful of cases that spurred the board to consider this legislation. >> they feel like they can make a difference. and i feel like the teacher is helping them do that. i'm superproud of them. >> reporter: another recent event behind this resolution, this summer, the shooting death of youth outreach worker, alan callaway. the resolution calls for the district to support gun control policies, communicate information about gun buyback events and gun safety practices with families and expand upon lessons in the classroom about violence prevention. the board will vote on this tonight. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> quite an interesting lesson for the students. 8:046789 the man who was arrested in the deadly hit and run of a 14-year-old boy in san leandro last week, he's due to go before a judge today. 34-year-old sonny anderson will be charged with second-degree murder. now, anderson is accused of hitting and killing 14-year-old ivan cruz during a police chase last week through the outskirts of san leandro. the car was found in fremont. anderson was later found hiding in the garage of a house in newark. the family of ivan cruz is grieving but they thank the community for supporting them through this very difficult time. >> may ivan rest easy as we continue to struggle and fight the actual fight that our brother is gone. >> we feel for the family. people have kids of their own. we were bound and determined to find him, absolutely, even before we knew who it was. we were bound and determined to find him. >> anderson has seven convictions. they date back to 1989. among them, two cases of animal abuse. he was convicted of beating and robbing an elderly woman in san leandro. concord police have arrested a middle schoolteacher from yolo county accused of sexual battery. 40-year-old john o'brian is a science teacher at harper junior high in davis. he's suspected of inappropriately suching a 16- year-old boy at the teen's home in davis two months ago. investigators say the young victim was one of o'brian's former students. still not clear what led up to the arrest of him in condord. it was a rough night for passengers in san francisco as a taxi protest made it almost imupon to get out of the airport. [horns honking] >> starting at 9:00, hundreds of taxis circled the arrival areas of the domestic and international terminals. they are protesting the decision to allow ride sharing companies to transport travelers during a three-month pilot program. taxi drivers say this will make them lose customers and could end taxi service at airports. the protests lasted until 11:00 at night. once again, supershuttle will not be serving passengers at bay area airports today. we called the company this morning and they confirmed the drivers are shil off the job. the company said the dispute is connected to franchise fees that supershuttle charges its drivers. supershuttles said drivers have asked for a better fee structure similar to what uber and lyft pay. supershuttle said it has different regulations. the company is working with drivers to come to an agreement and get back to work. there is a controversy surroundling an executive of uber who went michael. michael suggests that uber higher research to dig up dirt on media critics. he also said the company should focus on spreading the personal details of a female journalist who made criticism. michael made the comments at a dinner. he thought they were off the record. bay area customers of uber who have premium spotify accounts will now be able to stream music during their rides. the two companies have announced a partnership that allows riders to pick their own music while on the road. uber riders can sink their spotify accounts while ordering a right, select a play list, and have the music already playing when they get in the car. spotify is hoping the partnership will encourage more people to pay for the premium accounts. riders will be able to play disk jockeys starting on friday in ten u.s. cities including san francisco. a wedding photography company is shutting dunn after a backlash for turning away a same-sex couple. the couple wanted to hire the company. but they sent them away citing a difference in personal beliefs. this prompted a social media firestorm. after getting bombarded by nasty messages, the company decided to permanently shut down. in a post, the same-sex couple said the photographers have apologized so the come are asking people to -- so the couple are now asking people to stop posts messages on soak media. 8:09, tori. there is a project that's been 16 years in the making. coming up in 24 minutes, though, the long debated expansion for the oakland zoo that may be approved today. but first, a dangerous type of driving on the rise in the bay area. after the break, the potentially deadly trend that's now catching police attention. still very slow in many areas out there. as a matter of fact, we're looking at the san mateo bridge. the secrets out there, traffic there has now become very slow. most locations at 8:00 a.m. say cloudy. if not cloudy, it's mostly cloudy. there's no rain yet. we'll take a look at that and see when that will arrive and if there's any upstream. at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. new this morning, the nfl has suspended minnesota vikings' running running back adrian peterson without pay for the rest of the season. peterson has already been out for a couple months dealing with accusations that he physically abused one of his young sons while trying to discipline him. last week, peterson pleaded no contest to misdemeanor reckless assault. the nfl says he will not be considered for reinstatement before april 2015. peterson has three days to appeal the decision. 8:13. a church in hayward dealing with a very unusual theft. someone stole a big piece of artificial turf from off the church grounds. here's what it used to look like outside of bay hills community church. the pastor says the -r900-square foot turf was stolen last month. church members were shocked to hear and see this. they already donated $5,000 to install the turf to help save water. >> i thought this was like an april fool's joke, not in april. but i -- i couldn't believe it. i said you gotta be kidding? >> the church filed a police report but they don't expect to get the turf back. pastor wants to install new turf but first wants to make sure it can't be stolen again. healthcare is a. booing industry here in the bay area. a -- booming industry in the bay area. san francisco's healthcare industry brought in $28 billion so far this year. that's outpacing some of the city's top high-tech industries. the industry employs 20% of san francisco work with almost 122,000 jobs. experts say the growth is due to bigger and newer hospitals. san francisco also attracts out of state patients because of cutting-edge treatments. 8:14. bay area law enforcement agencies say accidents involving drugged drivers are on the rise. the latest incident was sunday night on highway 92 in hayward. an 18-year-old driver smashed into trees near the hesperian offramp and four children were hurt. on friday afternoon, investigators say 21-year-old sonya turr of san mateo was under the influence of drugs when she backed over an elderly woman at a wall green's parking lot. the woman died the next day of her injuries. >> at least 30% of the fatal collisions involved in california, the driver had some type of prescription or illegal drug on board. >> you may also remember the accident two saturdays ago on the bay bridge where a wrong way driver caused a multivehicle accident. that driver was also said to be under the influence of drugs. time is 8:15. there is a new report out that takes a critical look at how the san jose police department is coping with its staffing issues. the city council will get that report today to plan for the future. janine de la vega is joining us live from our san jose newsroom with more on what the mayor- elect has to say about this report. good morning, janine. >> reporter: good morning, dave. well, the new mayor-elect, sam liccardo, wants to build a bridge with the police department with the officers to work on some of these issues. the latest numbers are pretty sobering. it shows that the number of officers will soon fall to the lowest level it's been in the department in 30 years. currently, there's a little more than a thousand swoefer aurns but by next july, the number would drop to 988 and then after that, 949 even with the increase in recruits. officers are he roo tiring and others are resigning to work for other cities offering better pay and benefits. the department estimates an average of three to four officers will continue to resign each month. the police chief acknowledges this is a huge concern. be side the struggle of maintaining staff, recruiting is a challenge. the department's goal is to have 45 cadets in each police academy but the latest academy only had 22 recruits. we caught up with mayor-elect sam liccardo and got this thoughts on this. >> we can change going forward. we have initiatives on the table that will improve retention. we're accelerating highering now -- hiring now. there is a lot to do to restore the department. i tend to get it done. >> the report looked at recent trends and finances, specifically how much is earmarked for unfilled positions and how much is being used to pay overtime for patrol, all of this is gonna be discussed today in city council chambers at 1:30. reporting live from our san jose newsroom, janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. >> sternly a big issue for san jose -- certainly a big issue for san jose. >> definitely. and we want to check in with sal, boy, traffic has been a real problem, especially in the east bay. >> it sure has. one of the reasons is the bay bridge. we had an accident in the 6:00 hour. it was cleared shortly after 7:00 but the damage is done. traffic is slow there approaching the bay bridge. we've -- i think we're gonna go to the toll plaza here. 880 northbound approaching the toll plaza area it's backed up from the coliseum. the only difference is on most days, it get better by the time you reach downtown oakland. this morning when up get to the toll plaza, 880 is backed up to the cypress freeway there westbound westbound is backed up beyond the maze. we have a huge backup on the eastshore freeway. this is one of those mornings when you are gonna take longer to get to work. you might want to consider using public transportation. we're also looking at contra costa county which has been busy on 680 southbound as you drive from concord to walnut creek. highway 4 seems to be improving a little bit. 8:18. let's go to steve in the weather center. >> thank you, sal. >> you are welcome. mountain view says partly sunny, partly cloudy. we'll have an increase in the clouds already moving in. they will continue to thicken up in advance of a system which is moving in here but i will repeat this again. there's so much energy east of us. these are deep, cold systems. 60% of the country is covered with snow, so early in the season, since 2005. it's tough to budge that. mostly cloudy. cloudy skies. some rain, light tomorrow morning. a better system on thursday. really? yeah, i think so. cold air with it. a little bit more support. what's missing from our system coming in are the dynamics. the low. they zip northward. this one has that but it doesn't come over us. it goes north. the one on thursday looks like it will form. 21, 23, tahoe and reno. sacramento has rebounded to 44. down in monterey, 54 degrees. amazingly cold. all the way down to the deep south. all 50 states, at least had one freezing temperature this morning including the lake dash darn -- the key is the lake- effect snow. the sharks' game is still on. they are shoveling snow in buffalo. it's been nonstop. 30s, 40s 50s. more 30s and 40s and 50s. we get an easterly breeze. high pressure inland which has been very persistent. low pressure off the coast. high pressure doesn't like the low. so it fills it with a breeze. still upper 50s to near 60 on the water temps. these are way above average. our system will move in. it will give us light rain tomorrow. a lot of cloud cover today. not much else but then a system will come out of the northwest and zip over us. that will be thursday and that looks like a better opportunity for rain. tomorrow's system i don't think it does much. i think it decreases much of it. about 18/100ths for san francisco makes sense. by thursday afternoon, zoom, we'll get a better system. you will feel the coldary beginning to move on thursday into friday. our system arrives tomorrow. we'll have a wet commute tomorrow. it doesn't look like a lot. but we'll get some of that. then we'll get a break. and then the next system, thursday afternoon, evening, it's on the way. that will have cold air with it. mild afternoon temperatures even with the cloud cover. we'll rebound pretty fast with the breeze. that means 60s for many. a little bit of sun could eek out a 70 there. we'll get morning rain tomorrow. we'll get a break into thursday. thursday afternoon. afternoon looks like rain and then a cool day on friday. i think that saturday system stays north. i will tackle it on friday. >> it could be a getaway for some people. some people have the whole week off will be hitting the road possibly. >> it's that time. >> yes. >> you have to help the folks in buffalo, new york. starting to look like winter on the east coast. check out the pictures. bef low, new york -- -- dash buffalo new york has three feet of snow on the ground. more is coming. the whiteout conditions closed down highways and schools. a driving ban has been issued for parts of buffalo. a snow warning is in effect through tomorrow morning and they get it all of the time. >> wow. yeah. they do. but it's a little early to that have much. i think they were hoping to get a break. 8:22. they are meant to make things safer. but people are not so sure about the idea. in 24 minute, the controversial broachal and major concern. >> let's take a selfie off the list. the new word of the year according to oxford. it's also going up in smoke. for over 60,000 california foster children, the holidays can be an especially difficult time. everything's different now. sometimes i feel all alone. christmas used to be my favorite. i just don't expect anything. what if santa can't find me? to help, sleep train is holding a secret santa toy drive. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help keep the spirit of the holidays alive. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. 8:25. shocking testimony from a convicted september 11th terrorist. he claims frill officials in saudi arabia plotted to kill bill and hillary clinton by shooting down air force one during a trip to britain. zacarias moussaoui also says saudi royals personally provided him with funding for the 2001 attacks on the world trade center. he makes the claims in letters filed with the federal court from his prison cell in colorado. he claims he met with a secret service agent several months ago and told him what he knew. the saudi government denies the accusations. zacarias moussaoui is eight years into a life sentence for pleading guilty to terror and murder, murder conspiracy in connection with the 2001 terror hijackings. harvard university and the university of north carolina are being sued for racially based admission policies. the lawsuit says racial preferences illegally limit the number of white and asian- american students admitted to the school. the lawsuit suggests the school should use other factors to create more die verts campus communities. the lawsuit was filed by a group whose members include high achieving students recently denied admission to both schools. harvard and the university of north carolina officials say they stand by their policies who which they -- which they say are fully compliant with law. the dating site, okay cupid, are giving users more options for listing their gender identity and sexual orientation. according to a website, the new options include queer, asexual and a term where intelligence is importance. and then also, transgender men, women and gender nonconforming. we're not sure when the options will be available for all years. 8:27. oxford has just released its word of the year. the honor goes to, drumroll, please, dave. >> drumroll. >> vape. it's an e-cigarette or similar device. as a verb, the word means to inhale and ex-hail the scraper produced by an e-cigarette. according to oxford's cal kuehllations, usage of the world doubled between 2013 and 2014. runners-up include bay, a slang term for endearment for one's romantic partner, short for baby or babe. slacktavist. bud tender, someone who works in a marijuana dispensary and contactless that allows a smart card to connect to an e-reader to typically make a payment. last year's world, selfie. >> not on the list. the oakland zoo could soon be getting bigger. we'll tell you about an important vet later on today that could pave the way for a controversial expansion project. good morning. right now, traffic is still very slow especially in the east bay. southbound 680, some people are still stuck in slow traffic heading to fremont. we'll tell you more straight ahead. clouds are on the increase. a little bit of a sunbreak. but overall, a mostly cloudy day expected. what about the rain? there's some in there, but maybe thursday better than wednesday. i'll explain why coming up. now, there is a face to wake up to. we're at the oakland zoo, where for 16 years they've been trying to get approval for a major expansion project. today, it's finally expected to happen. we'll see. but not everyone is celebrating this. coming up in minutes, alex savidge will tell us why some people are very, very adamantly opposed to that project. stay tuned. tuesday morning, november 18th. i'm dave clark. let's talk about weather and traffic and steve has interesting things to talk about in our forecast. >> i just mentioned to you, lancaster, new york, 4 feet of snow. >> unbelievable. >> 4 feet. are you kidding me? before thanksgiving, we could use that in the sierra. might get a little bit of snow on thursday. clouds increase, cold to mild. cloudy skies, sharks, san jose sharks in buffalo. game still on the last i looked. i would not be surprised if that gets canceled. cloudy skies, breezy for some. it's an easterly breeze. higher elevations. we have a lot of cloud cover on the increase. but again, a bark worse than the bite because the front is back yonder. back here. the low is moving north away of the front from the energy source which will arrive tomorrow. 40s and 50s. we'll get some light rain out of it. west coast bridge very, very -- ridge very, very strong. a lot back here. but it's back here. we have to wait for it to get here and that won't be until tomorrow morning. cloudy to mostly cloudy. breezy for some. mild temps, even though cool this morning. we'll end up with a lot of 60s and 70s. 80, bay bridge south bay. what's the hot spot? i would still say 80 westbound is the worse coming out from the carquinez bridge area to the macarthur maze. still have a big backup of more than an hour, but it's improved. it was almost 90 minutes. we're seeing some improvement. when we get to the bay bridge, it's kind of a normal delay of about 20, 30 minutes from the maze. but remember, getting too the bay bridge is going to be tough and i think we can show you the bay bridge toll plaza there is even a little bit of room where there wasn't of about. please give yourself dra extime. east bay commute has been very slow. 580 westbound is backed up out of san leandro. 580 out of livermore will be slow as you drive into dublin. these commutes have not improved much. i think the bay bridge did a number on the commutes. 880 southbound getting all the way down into milpitas is stop and go. back to the desk. the berkeley city council will take up the hot issue with stickers at the gas pump. pam cook is in the studio with pretty strong reactions on both sides of the issue. >> sounds simple putting warning labels on gas pumps. supporters say it's like the warning label on a pack of cigarettes. the label is just in the mockup stage at this point. it would warn drivers filling up their gas tank about the greenhouse gas emissions from cars. supporters help it will encourage people to think about their carbon footprint, drive less, walk more and look for alternative sources of energy. but critics say this is a politically motivated attack on free speech asmd the decision is made when you buy your car. after that, you have to fill it up. you should not be bothered by warnings. others complain it's a waste of temperature money. the stickers will cost $20,000 in the first year alone. now, we posed the question on our took page. what do you think about the stickers? we have a lot of responses. mostly negative reactions. ashley dish says we all know this information already. what is a stupid sticker gonna? stop people from driving. one person liked the idea. that person writes one payment of $20,000 is a small price to pay for that kind of widespread hand well-targeted education. what do you think about the plan? you can join our conversation on our facebook page. it is a lively conversation to take a look at, let me tell you. now, the berkeley city council considers the ordinance tonight. san francisco's board of supervisors considering a very similar idea. they could make the gas pump stickers a law by march. reporting live in the newsroom, pam cook, ktvu channel 2 news. >> this does sound lively. thank you. 8:35. happening today, the oakland zoo could be given the green light to move forward on an expansion project. since 1998, the zoo has been working on a plan that would see it moving into nolan park. alex savidge is at the zoo with more on what the project includes and why some people don't want to see it happen. hail lex? >> reporter: -- alex? >> reporter: environmental groups don't like the idea of the zoo getting bigger. that's because this planned expansion project would use 60 acres of land part of the park right next to the existing zoo. critics contend that would reduce open space in the area and also threaten the habitat for the alameda whip snake. but scoo officials expect the city council will be giving the go ahead for this expansion which has been in the works for 16 years. the added land will be used for an exhibit called california trails that could include species native to the state like the grizzly bear, the california kondor and the jaguar. the president of the zoo told us he's confident that the council will clear the way for this expansion. >> we are very optimistic we'll have resounding support from oakland city council. they have always been supportive of their zoo. this is no different now and soap as we look forward, what it does is finally makes the last step for us to move forward. >> reporter: this expansion will be paid for with about $60 million both of public and private money. over the years, opponents of this project have filed a number of legal challenges trying to stop it but none of them have been successful and the city council at this point seems poised to vote in favor of approving this project. likely the last time they will be voting on this project at this meeting that happens. 5:30 tonight at city haul. you can get that a number of the opponents of this expansion project will be on hand for the meeting to take one last stand. we're live this morning in oakland. alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right. thank you for the update. 8:37. the city of san jose is expected to vote tonight on whether to approve a fee on new rental housing developments that would be used to build more affordable housing. since 2010, rent has sky rorktsed by 49% with the average one bedroom apartment now costing more than $2,000 a month. mayor chuck reed says he has serious concerns about the proposed fee and is asking the council not to approve it. supporters of the measure are holding a rally today at 3:00 at san jose city hall plaza. and tonight, the santa clara county board of supervisors is expected to discuss proposals for a living wage ordinance. it would require the contractors doing business with the county pay their employees a wage they can live on. supporters say it would help fix the problem of income and equality. critics say some contractors just can't afford to pay employees a higher wage. the next phase for tearing down the old bay bridge is postponed for three months. four bidders told caltrans they need more time. they have to study how to tear down the deck which was built in the 1930s. now, another tricky part will be finding a way to keep birds away from traditional nesting sites on the old eastern span. the demolition job now expected to resume sometime in february. >> boy, that's a dispoentment -- disappointment. it will look so much better when the bridge is torn down. >> i agree. gas prices are sinking. so why are airfares going up? why ticket prices to fly will continue to soar. >> reporter: we're lav in orinda where several people will be debating privacy verses security and whether or not to install license reader cameras. you will hear from the person who saturdayed the proposal in the first place. right now, traffic is going to be a little bit slow still on some of the east bay freeways. i will tell you why. it all happened much earlier this morning and the chain reaction has been very bad. a few sun breaks n clouds. there is a lot of clouds moving in. 22 bucks! these guys should've gone to my place, cuz right now, i have two breakfast croissants for just four bucks. they're both made with a freshly cracked egg and melting cheese on a buttery, flaky croissant. try the supreme with bacon and ham, or the sausage. they'll fill you up for - whoa hey! what are you doing? you can't make a commercial for your restaurant at my restaurant! not if you keep interrupting me, i can't. new this morning, we've learned that the people killed in an attack this morning on a synagogue in jerusalem were three american men and the man from britain. two palestinian men entered the synagogue this morning armed with knives, axes and guns. they killed the four men worshiping and injured six others before they were shot and killed by israeli police. three of the men killed had dual-israeli/u.s. citizen. the fourth was a brit in/israeli citizen. president obama released a statement responding to the attack just about a half-hour ago. the president said "i strongly condemn today's terrorist attack on worshipers at a synagogue in jerusalem which killed four innocent people including three u.s. citizens. there can be no justification for such attacks against innocent civilians." 8:43. u.s. and european intelligence agencies they are closely studying the latest islamic state video, the one announcing the execution of american aide worker peter kassig. the video shows the faces of some of the isis it fooers. it seems designed to show there are foreigners among the militants. one of them has been identified as a 22-year-old from france. some of them appear to be asian. hatching today here at home, the issue of privacy verses safety. it will be a hot topic during tonight's orinda city council meeting. they will debate a proposal to install license plate reader cameras near the city's entrances and exits. brian flores, live this morning in orinda. you are getting reaction from people who live apartment and work in orinda. good morning, brian. >> reporter: you know orinda is known as a quiet town and the police chief says overall crime is down. despite that, a group of people did approach the police chief and they talked about possibly installing the license complaint reader cameras because of a uptick, small uptick, rather, in burglaries. tonight the chief will make the presentation to the city council. the proposal still in the early phases, months away from action taking place according to police. but still the debate about the cameras begins tonight. the idea is to put the license plate reader cameras at high traffic areas, essentially the entrance and exits off highway 24. these cameras would take a picture of your license prat and stored in a searchable database for police. the pictures are time stamped and tagged with a gps location. if the license plate comes up stolen or if there's another crime involved, the police are alerted and they respond. this is another tool that will save time and it can help establish leads. we spoke to a community organizer who started the proposal months ago and she says she just wants to keep orinda safe. >> this is the deal -- the criminals are watching owrl houses. they are watching when become and go. that's how they are breaking in or attempting to break in. so why not be proactive? it's a data collection. there's a lot of laws that have to be followed and there is a lot of protocol that we can put in place. you know, we can't guarantee anything. but what we can can guarantee is a safer comoo unity. >> reporter: now, orinda's police chief said he's aware of privacy concerns and hopes people who live in orinda give their input at the meeting. other cities include la fayette, brentwood, emeryville, tiburon and richmond and the cost of the cameras, each one costs about $10,000 along with an operation fee of about $500 a year per camera. as we take it back out here line, we spoke with organizers, they say a pricht donor actually -- private donor actual -- donor has said he will pay for one camera. that meeting starts at 7:00 tonight. we're live in orinda, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. >> an emotional ire. it is. >> orinda is ta great town -- is a great town. let's check in with sal. is traffic getting better? >> it is. i want to show you something we've been watching. remember the eastshore freeway, the delays were more than 90 minutes coming up from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze. now the speed is up 26 miles an hour. the we're getting down to the almost normal territory. when you get to the bay bridge, we're also seeing some improvement here at the toll plaza so finally, we've had some improvement, you might want to say that you can still use this -- an alternate route. you can wait for a little while as you get into san francisco. there are no major problems by the way as you drive to the city. i want to mention san mateo bridge traffic is slow. getting there from 238 is slow and westbound 92, i also want to mention in marin county, southbound 101 there is a crash near san pedro and traffic coming in from novato on southbound 101 is very slow. so add extra time. now, let's go to steve in the weather center. >> thank you, sir. mostly cloudy skies. dave and i want to thank tony. on twitter. i use to live in buffalo, he said the sun came out after two months of gray and it made the front page of the paper. they have 4 feet of snow. >> wow. >> the pictures coming in on twitter are just amazing and the san jose sharks are in buffalo for a game. we'll see if they play. back home, mostly cloudy. a couple of breaks in the clouds. there's so much energy in the middle of the country. i mean, northern plains, great lakes, deep south. it's tough to budge that. our west coast ridge doesn't want to move. i think we will get light rain tomorrow. cloudy to mostly cloudy today. you can see a lot of the cloud cover moving in. but the front is still back yonder here. it hasaways to go. the key is all of these lows -- if it kept going this way to the west or on the east, then, yeah that would help. we'll see if it holds together. there's promise it might. it won't be until late tonight or tomorrow. ahead of that, we'll get a lot of cloud cover. this will not be a good system for the sierra nevada. it will fall apart by the time it arrives there. maybe thursday. there will be a fast mover zipping down from the northwest. it will have cold air with it. 40s, 50s on the temperatures. some locations never got below 54. others dipped in the 30s. look for a gray day. there's a lot of cloud cover. our system will move through tomorrow. it will weaken. projections aren't that great for tomorrow. i think this is a little overdone. i really do. the trend has been to weaken the systems. then on thursday afternoon, evening we'll get a system zipping down. we'll have cold air support with t that's the key. the systems coming in are coming in from the west- southwest. they are no cold air. this next one might. that will be thursday. tomorrow i think we'll get light brain. 60s on the temperatures. some of the cloud cover may hold back the temperatures a little bit. if you are starting off about 5 had. it wouldn't take much to get to 66 off 67 with a couple of sun breaks. morning rain tomorrow. not a lot but then the colder system thursday afternoon, evening. friday we'll feel breezy and cool here. that will be a first real cold front to come through. so cold. >> colder. >> colder. >> cold for us. it's all relative. >> thank you. a decade's old family heirloom, it was flushed down the toilet. after the break, you will hear the story, the ending to this emotionally wrenching story and how two men kept hope from completely going down the drain. - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. democratses have re-elected nancy pelosi two another two- year term acs house minority leader. she was picked to remain in the powerful post in a private meeting with party leaders. there was no challenger despite grumblings that it's time for fresh faces. she's been the house democratic leader since 2003 including four yearsars the first fee -- years as the first female speaker. this comes after house democrats lost more than a dozen seats on capitol hill. despite dropping jet fuel price, the price to fly continues to soar. u.s. airlines saved 1.6 billion on jet fuel because of the drop. but at the same time period, the cost of a domestic violence airline ticket rose 3.5%. experts say airlines have no compelling reason to offer passengers any price breaks. they say planes are full. investors want to payout and airlines need to pay for new planes. the largest digital billboard in the world will be hit -- lit up in new york city's times square. it's on broadway from ath to 46th street. had -- from 45th to 40th street. today it will display an art exhibit. google will take over the space. the cost to put an ad on this giant billboard for four weeks, $2.5 million. >> wow. a lot of people will see it. >> yes, they will. a union city family is thanking very dedicated sanitation workers who when it seemed imupon found their family -- impossible found their family heirloom in a sewer. 3-year-old maz flushed the family heirloom, a ring, down this toilet. the sapphire and diamond ring has been in the father's family for 60 years. it was passed down several generations. his parents called a plumber. the plumber used a camera down the drain but no luck. that's when they took a chance, they called the unwhyian city sanitation district. five different times, the crews flushed out that line looking for that ring and just when they were about to call it quits. two workers found the ring, a third of a mile from the family's home and a month and a half after it was flushed down the toilet. >> i was waiting for that miracle. the funny thing, is came, in it's own time and in its own way. >> how about that? the sanitation district says they are not charging the family anything for that search. they say the workers were just doing their job. 8:56. time for this week's ticket tuesday giveaway. three lucky win winners will get two tickets to "elf" on friday, december 12th. to enter go to the contest ing a under the entertainment tab on fill out the entry form. you must also enter the secret word "buddy." entries accepted from now until 11:59 p.m. tonight. you must be 18 years old. at least 18. and a california resident to enter. each prize has an approximate retail value of $190 and is provided by shn theater. the winners are selected random by by november 19th -- randomby by november 189 -- november 19th. you can see the rules at sal, i know you are gonna talk about the toll plaza. but 880, too? >> yeah, and i think people -- the experienced commuter knows to adjust their schedule. 880 is still very slow as you drive past the coliseum getting up to a crowded bay bridge toll plaza. that's crowded because of earlier problems finally seeing some relief there. when you do get to san francisco, things are okay in the city along northbound 101. it will take a while to get there. let's go to steve. a lot of cloud cover. mostly cloudy skies. a couple of sunbreaks. overalls 30s, 40s, 50s, gives way to 60s. looks like late tonight. some rain, a break wednesday mowning. the next system will be colder, fast mover on thursday. that one could be snow for the sierra. >> they need it. >> bone-dry up there. that one has a better chance than the one tomorrow. >> thank you. >> you bet. that's our report. we thank you for making ktvu your choice for news. and at noon, we'll have response to the staffing at the san jose police d. thank you for joining us. have a great day. the holiday season is here, which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. hurry in and get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. a woman is trapped by a car in front of horrified witnesses. >> 20, 30 people in that area. >> how they swarmed in for one amazing rescue. >> a birthday boy's in for a big surprise. >> oh, my god! >> the story behind amazing spiderman's visit to one amazing kid. >> for me, personally, he's my inspiration. >> video of a gigantic eel looks fishy. find out the clues that made us suspicious. >> the buzz word for your chance to win a new ipad


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140215

celebrate with her husband and kids after winning silver in the skeleton. we're going to talk to her and her family live today, saturday, february 15th, 2014. ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today at the olympic winter games" with lester holt live from olympic park in sochi, russia, and erica hill live from rockefeller plaza. >> and welcome to "today" on a saturday morning. i'm lester holt here in sochi with natalie morales, erica hill and dylan dreyer back home. we're going to check in with both of them in just a little bit. we also want to tell you, that crowd back there, they're like -- [ cheers and applause ] >> huge crowd! >> they're going to probably leave us in a short order to go over to that u.s. versus russia hockey just across the way. >> that's right. >> they're getting warming up for a rivalry. >> we're in the middle of the action for now, though, and we need to chant along with them, usa. >> usa! >> i can't wait! we'll get right to today's top story. we are in the middle of several olympic events right now. >> so, here is what happened so far this morning. the americans failed to win a medal this morning in the women's super-g. austriana fenninger got the gold and julia mancuso came in eighth. and eddie alvarez was eliminated after separate crashes. there was a lot of action, though, last night from a rough-and-tumble night for men's figure skating to one of our favorite moments so far. >> noelle pikus-pace has that olympic medal! she finally has it! >> this morning, silver's never seemed so sweet. >> oh, my goodness! thank you, thank you, thank you so much! >> 31-year-old noelle pikus-pace came out of retirement in the hopes of winning an olympic medal in women's skeleton. friday, she did just that. and in one of the most memorable celebrations so far, jumped into the stands to celebrate with her family. >> oh, my god! >> in men's alpine skiing it was a bit of a meltdown for american men in the super combined race. >> oh! a mistake right there! >> five-time olympic medalist bode miller and reigning world champion ted ligety came in 6th and 12th. >> i mean, really, it's a joke, to put it simply. >> but in the most talked about event of the night, the final phase of men's skating. things took a sloppy turn. >> oh. >> oh, he needs to stay focused here. >> ooh! >> again, another step out. >> patrick chan of canada, favored for olympic gold, came in second. and despite taking two falls in his free skate, japan's 19-year-old yuzuru hanyu claimed gold thanks to a great short program. >> yuzuru hanyu of japan knows that he looks good to take home that gold. >> all right, so, let's take a look at the medal count, where we stand right now. the u.s. and norway tied for the lead as we speak, 13 medals each, and both also have 4 gold. close behind, germany, russia and the netherlands all have 12 medals. >> team usa had hoped to have a few more medals to add to that count with high hopes of winning on the speed skating track, but instead, they may -- and i emphasize -- may have been dragged down by what some are calling faulty suits. anne thompson is up in the mountains at rosa khutor with more. anne, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, lester. you know, one of the biggest surprises of these olympic games is the fact that no u.s. long track speed skater has made it to the medal podium, despite the fact that some of the best skaters in the world are on that squad. so, team usa is changing what the athletes wear. it's got to be the suits. u.s. speed skating apparently thinks so, announcing it's ditching the suits once touted as revolutionary, made by under armour with the help of lockheed martin, maker of fighter jets and rockets. after six long track events, the u.s., a team that had dominated, so far has come out empty-handed with zero olympic medals. >> there will be no three-peat. >> reporter: shaan yni davis, t world's best, finished a shocking eighth. >> richards will have to keep the tempo up a little bit. >> reporter: heather richardson and the american women altered the new suits for thursday's race. >> a patch to cover up the vent that was originally on the suits when the team arrived here at sochi. >> reporter: that vent is supposed to reduce body heat, but it's suspected of creating drag and slowing the racers down. now it's back to the old racing suits, also made by under arm r armour, the same ones the team wore during the world cup competition. so, is the path to the podium in the suit? with shani davis competing in the 1500 meters today, we may soon have a better idea. >> he's got another gold medal! >> reporter: now, after the initial concerns were raised on thursday, under armour's senior vice president of innovation, kevin haley, said that the company would move heaven and earth to make those suits better. team usa says that the change of suits will not affect its relationship with under armour. lester? >> and anne, as you know, there's been a lot of buzz about this. what's the word -- what's the rest of the speed skating community saying about these suits and whether they're to blame? >> reporter: well, people seem to be divided into two camps. the dutch team says they tried suits like these that have that vent down the spine and found that they did create a drag, but there are others in the speed skating world who say, look, it's not a matter of the suits, but it's just the fact the u.s. is getting beat on the track by better athletes. and i think the real test will come today in the 1500 meters, lester. >> we'll all be watching that, certainly. anne thompson, thanks very much. natalie? all right, well, back at home, the big story, of course, continues to be the weather. and today there is a bit of a warm-up, which could cause new problems, because all of that new snow from the past few days is now starting to melt, and there are still thousands of flight delays that people are dealing with this morning. let's start you off with dylan dreyer. she's at new york's laguardia airport with more. dylan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. yeah, the temperatures are up to about 36 degrees right now. it actually feels pretty good, but melting snow is a heavy snow. we still have about 2,500 flight delays and about 700 flight cancellations, but here at laguardia, things are running just fine for now. we do have more snow in the forecast later on today, so obviously, that will back things up again in northeastern airports. now, down in pennsylvania, it was the roads that were an absolute mess. actually, after the snow stopped, it could have been solar glare that caused this massive pileup on the pennsylvania turnpike. that was cleared up all day long yesterday, and then eventually, the road was reopened. and you can see that roof collapse at a sports facility in new jersey. we also saw a lot of problems with cleanup in new york, where a snowplow actually tossed a lot of the snow right into a restaurant, which knocked some people over. so, it's the cleanup that's been a huge issue. and of course, now we're talking about more snow moving into the northeast. it's inching closer to new york city, although skies are just starting to cloud up right now, but we are going to see things deteriorate throughout the day with some pockets of heavier snow. but this is going to be more of a new england snowstorm as we go through the rest of this afternoon and into tonight as well. so, if we look at some of the maps with what we're expecting with this next snowstorm, you can see it's another area of low pressure that is going to make for all of these winter weather advisories and even blizzard warnings right along the coast of massachusetts, stretching down into cape cod, where it's not just the snow, it's the wind that is going to make things very, very tricky up that way and reduce visibility. it turns into a nor'easter when it strengthens off the mid-atlantic coast, and it's that northeast wind that could gust at times up to 55 miles per hour. visibility will be extremely reduced. driving is not recommended once this snow starts. but in the new york area, we're looking at about 4 inches or so. but it's up across parts of massachusetts, especially in plymouth, massachusetts, where we could easily pick up a foot of snow, and parts of cape cod could see about 8 to 10 inches. then you go up into maine, and that's where it's going to be measured in perhaps feet. we could see a foot to a foot and a half, close to 2 feet of snow with those northeast winds keeping all that moisture coming onshore. so, it is going to be brutal later on today. but in the northeast, again, we're looking at about 2 to 4 inches, which is just enough to slow things down on the roads and at the airports, too. natalie? >> yeah, add insult to injury there. dylan dreyer at laguardia airport in new york. thank you. and we want to get a look at some of the rest of the morning's top stories. >> and we go back to new york and erica is standing by. good morning. >> good morning, guys. nice to see you. parts of south carolina and georgia rattled by an earthquake on friday night. emergency management officials say the 4.5-magnitude quake was the strongest to hit south carolina since 2002. it was centered seven miles west of edgefield, south carolina, but was felt as far west as atlanta. that's about 150 miles away. the good news here, no injuries reported. the investigation into the miami dolphins bullying scandal reveals a pattern of harassment in the team's locker room. a newly released report finds there were more victims and bullies than originally thought. gabe gutierrez explains. >> reporter: the independent investigation concludes miami dolphins offensive lineman jonathan martin was the target of a pattern of harassment by three teammates. the 144-page report calls lineman richie incognito the main instigator, but also blames teammates john jerry and mike pouncey for the reported abuse, which included racial slurs and sexual taunts against not just martin, but an unnamed offensive lineman and an assistant trainer. >> this report looks a lot worse than any of us expected. >> reporter: the revelations come more than three months after martin abruptly left the dolphins. >> i felt trapped, like i didn't have a way to make it right. >> reporter: that launched a national debate about bullying. >> no matter how bad and how vulgar it sounds, that's how we communicate, that's how our friendship was. >> reporter: just a few days ago, incognito vented on twitter -- "dear jon martin, the truth is going to bury you." but on friday, a different tone -- "please stop the hate. happy valentine's day." his attorney is saying the report is full of errors and that "martin was never bullied by richie incognito or any member of the dolphins offensive line." the report concludes that incognito didn't intend to cause lasting emotional injury. >> i hope the lesson is for not only football but for all of us in the country, that we've got to be a little more sensitive. >> reporter: late friday, the dolphins owner insisted "this situation must never happen again." martin's agent says his client feels vindicated. gabe gutierrez, nbc news, atlanta. a major blow to union organizers in the south. workers at the volkswagen plant in chattanooga, tennessee, voted against being represented by the united autoworkers on friday night. that vote is seen as a major setback for the union's efforts to make its way into the south, where foreign automakers have more than a dozen assembly plants. expect to see a noticeable increase in gas prices in the coming weeks. oil analysts say the price at the pump will spike as spring approaches, but it won't be as high as the annual rise seen in years past. right now, the national average is $3.34 a gallon. aaa predicts a peak of between $3.55 and $3.75 a gallon. and an underwater encounter of the eight-armed variety. take a look at this video. here you go. a pair of scuba divers in carmel, california, they were about 80 feet down in the water when they came across this guy, a giant pacific octopus, which as you can see here, swam up, gave the camera a little hug there, and then didn't let go, trying to pull their camera away. the octopus latched on for a good few moments before one of the divers then flashed, as you can see there, flashed the camera's lights. that scared the big guy away. the giant pacific octopus is said to be rather shy. this one's perhaps not. lester, you may remember, i met a giant pacific octopus at the national aquarium in baltimore last year, and they'll reach out and touch you. so. >> always bring your flash along, right? >> there you go. >> erica, thanks very much. >> that is a look at the news. i think dylan may have a look for us at the rest of the country's forecast. >> i think she does. >> good morning, guys. i would love to see the pictures an octopus would take, you know, going way down deep? we are looking at cold temperatures on the east coast, but out west it's a whole different story. we ended up with near record temperatures in some parts of the southwest. you can see we made it into the 80s yesterday. 89 degrees in parts of california, 79 down through southern texas. so, it was a nice, warm day yesterday, and they are the ones getting a break from the winter weather. today it's going to be another warm one, too, but in the pacific northwest, especially along the coast of oregon. that's where we're seeing some heavy rain and mountain snow. it's that stream of moisture, but that is good news for northern and central california as well. but look at some of the rain totals. we could see inches of rain and feet of snow. flood warnings are in effect as well as high wind warnings, so it's going to be a nasty day out that way, but they certainly do need the rain and the mountains do need the snow. so, once it all melts come summertime, that will certainly help with the drought situation out that way. that's a loo and we'll see the outer fringe of that weather system bring us a chance of rain later. high clouds in the bay area and 50s outside and nothing on the radar for the moment. let's zoom you out across the rest of the state and the pacific northwest and there come the rain-producing clouds that will drop in as you approach the evening today. rain moving into the north bay as early as this afternoon. mid-60s around san jose and low 60s in the peninsula, warmest in the south bay and coolest in the north bay where the showers will get started for the afternoon moving into the rest of the bay area tonight. >> and that is your latest forecast. now back over to lester in sochi, where it is so much warmer than it is here. >> i didn't even want to mention, it's actually warmer today than yesterday, but -- oh, i did mention that. sorry, that came out of my mouth. dylan, thanks very much. the men from team usa didn't win a medal in the men's figure skating competition, but you wouldn't know that based on the smile on 19-year-old jason brown's face when the event was over. he finished ninth, and teammate jeremy abbott finished twelfth. jason brown and jeremy abbott, good morning to you guys. nice to have you both here. >> thank you. >> good morning. thank you for having us. >> and the crowd says hi as well. [ cheers and applause ] jason, you told reporters, i'm just happy to finish in the top ten, but the truth of the matter is it wasn't really a great night for the men. so, you were really in position for the bronze when you stepped out there. were you feeling the pressure? >> for sure! it's always exciting to go last after everything unfolds in front of you, and i wanted to go out and put out the best performance i could. and you know, it was a little bit disappointing. i wanted to skate better, but i enjoyed every moment and i just had a blast out there. >> the crowd loved your performance. as we know, we've seen that it went viral on youtube, previous performances of "the riverdance" routine. but in technical scores, though, you know, you had a few falters there. what are you doing mentally at that point? you just go for it? >> yeah, you just keep going. you train the program so much, so you just put whatever happens, you know, what happens and just move on and keep focused and go on to the next thing. >> jeremy, you skated a clean program last night, which a lot of the skaters can't say they did. first of all, were you in any pain from the wipeout the day before? >> yeah, i was in a lot of pain yesterday. basically, i was seized up from my hip up to my shoulder, like all the muscles. and i had full range of motion, but when i went to engage the muscles, it was excruciating. so, like, i couldn't do any, like, triple loop jumps, so we had to kind of scale back my program a little bit yesterday. like, my combination was supposed to be triple lutz, double loop, and i had to do double toe. and at the end, i was supposed to do the loop and i did the double axel because of the pain, i couldn't take off. but you know, i came here to compete, and i wasn't going to let some draescrash, you know, of derail that. >> you also weren't going to let the haters derail it. someone asked you a question -- [ cheers and applause ] there you go. someone asked you, in clutch moments, falling and something, and you were pretty pointed that, this is hard. this is more than hard what you guys are asked to do. >> absolutely. you know, i've been called a head case for many, many years, and it's just, you know, you start to buy into it for a while. and i've come to learn that i am so much stronger than people give me credit for and that i give my own self credit for, and i was fed up with it. i just wanted to be like, look, you guys haven't been in this position and it's very, very difficult. >> good for you. seriously, good for you. jason, you're 19 years old. you finished in the top ten here in the olympics. what's the -- it's been said that you don't have a quad yet in your program. is that next, you've got to work on that? >> it's definitely next. i'm working on it every day. when it is ready, it's going to be put in that program, and i can't wait to see, you know, when it is in the program, what unfolds. you know, to put out a clean skate with a quad, i really do feel like the possibilities are endless in the future. >> you guys made a lot of people proud. thanks for stopping by. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good to have you here. all right, still to come from sochi, a russian history lesson about the vikings on the high seas. and keir simmons finds out that the job is not as easy as it looks. first, this is "today" on nbc. [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. delicious, but say i press a few out flat, add some beef, sloppy joe sauce and cheese, fold it all up and boom! delicious unsloppy joes perfect for a school night. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. [ angelic music plays ] ♪ toaster strudel! best morning ever! [ hans ] warm, flaky, gooey. toaster strudel! [ female announcer ] try new pillsbury heat-n-go mini pancakes. ♪ if you close your eyes welcome back to sochi. now, when you think of the vikings, places like norway and denmark probably come to mind, but as our keir simmons has found out, the russians actually had a big influence here in russia, more than you might imagine. keir, good morning. >> hi, natalie, good morning. have you enjoyed the week? >> i've loved it! it's amazing. >> wonderful country. >> it's a great country. >> people enjoyed these sporting competitions through the ages, including the vikings, who, it turns out, sailed the black sea right beside us here and have a deeper connection to russia than you might think. >> who sails with me? >> reporter: vikings, warlords of the sea. in northern europe, they still celebrate their viking roots. but few realize the vikings got as far as russia, too. they came in long ships built for long distances, like this one in the viking museum in denmark. and i am about to find out how they traveled so far. what does it take to be a viking? >> they're all over the world. it was bound to happen. i'm sorry, everyone. >> reporter: but i soon got the hang of it. well, sort of. my flame-headed viking friend in front of me is making me look pretty shabby, to be honest. >> yeah. >> reporter: centuries ago, viking warships like "the sea stallion" sailed across the atlantic. >> the vikings were the first europeans to travel to north america. >> reporter: and they sailed east, reaching as far as what's now called st. petersburg. ♪ centuries before peter the great built this magnificent city, the vikings were here, rowing these very rivers, taking their viking boats across this vast land. they settled and traveled on south, past where sochi now is on the black sea to get to the caspian sea. and because they were rowers, some historians claim they became known as the rus. >> these people living here called rus, that part lived on into the word we have for the country, russia, rusland today. some people think that rus means the people who are rowing. >> reporter: back on "the sea stallion," it's time to stop rowing and start sailing. >> it's just so amazing to be able to experience history in such a way. >> reporter: a history that stretched as far as russia, perhaps giving the country its name, and lending russians some of their fiery spirit. >> how are we doing, vikings? [ cheering ] >> it's amazing to think, isn't it, the going way that the vikings sailed to both russia and the usa. and guys, there are still some vikings around. we posted this picture of a wanna be viking watching the curling. he doesn't look like the fiercest viking, i have to say. >> no. i think you needed a hat for that when you were rowing. >> that's actually me, there, to be honest. >> you always hate when the captain says, i want to go water skiing. >> yeah. faster, faster, faster! seer simmons, thank you. good to see you. still to come this morning on "today", we're going to check in with the young girl whose parents fought to get her a lung transplant. all that and more from sochi, including one of the nhl's best players on home ice in russia preparing for a matchup for the ages. >> that's going on right now, 5:26 on your saturday morning, the bay bridge lit up while it is still dark outside, good morning, we begin this morning with meteorologist rob mayeda with a look at your weekend forecast, rob? >> the forecast looks pretty good. we've got high clouds overhead, temperatures not too chilly frills and gills outside but the clouds will thicken up going towards the afternoon. the radar dry for now but it will not be staying this way. heading into the afternoon the rain-producing clouds dropping down the coast will bring us rain at times for the north bay as early as this afternoon and by the evening you're starting to see the rain get into san francisco. by 11:00 moving quickly through san jose and tomorrow we'll be drying out with some clearing skies to wrap up the weekend. today's high temperatures low 60s around san jose and low 60s around the peninsula. notice as you move toward san francisco northward into the north bay could see some rain drops as early as this afternoon and highs in santa rosa near the upper 50s before the rain arrives, though, highs in the mid-60s in the tri-valley. instead of getting ready for horse riding competition, a group of bay area girls are now working with the east bay regional park police, they're hoping to track down thousands of dollars worth of stolen equipment. now, somebody broke into the stables equipment room in san ramon stealing 11 saddles and all kinds of riding equipment. instead of practicing the gymkhana team showed police and nbc bay area news pictures of their missing saddles, hoping somebody would find them and return them. all the girls would need more than $1,000 to pay for the stolen equipment, most of them worked to pay for. stunned and shocked that is how parishioners at a san jose catholic choichl are reacting this morning. this man mario enrique questa is accused of sexually abusing a 17-year-old boy and selling meth online. he is a 20-year veteran of the san jose fire department. a tip to the california department of justice sparked this investigation. which started as a narcotics case turned into allegations of sexual abuse. doj agents arrested him at the fire administration building where he worked. parishioners say it's taken so long for the catholic church to make amends from previous sex abuse scandals and now this. new details this morning the feds are helping banks how to figure out with legal marijuana clubs and it's not easy to do especially when medical marijuana use is legal in california but it's illegal under federal law. dave hodges is the manager and founder of the all-american cannabis club in san jose. he's been in business for five years and he says the simple things like opening up a bank account for his business pretty much impossible. the new federal guidelines include avoiding dealers who sell marijuana to minors. coming up later this morning on "today in the bay" we're going to be going live to sochi. janelle wang will join us and take us on a tour of the international broadcast center. that plus all of your top stories coming up at 7:00. for the time being, we send you back to the "today" show. we'll see you soon 3 is this the bacon and cheese diet? this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant ♪ we're back on this saturday morning. it's february 15th, 2014, a gorgeous day here in sochi. those unseasonably warm temperatures holding steady in the middle of what is supposed to be winter. although it's important to point out that average winter temperatures here are in the 50s in sochi. >> yeah, this is the warmest place for winter olympics. >> so it's unseasonably warm, but it's not necessarily a cold-weather place to be. i'm lester holt alongside natalie morales. erica and dylan are keeping on top of everything non-olympic back in new york. that's right, and coming up in this half hour, he is called alexander the great. for alex ovechkin, this is one of the biggest days of his life as he faces off against the united states right here in his home country. we're going to catch up with him. then, figure skating turns to the ladies very soon. gold medalist scott hamilton will tell us who has a chance at bringing home the gold. and later, the woman who gave up her coveted spot on the biathlon team for her twin sister got to see her compete here in sochi. we're going to talk with them live about their emotional reunion. but let's begin this half hour in new york and an update on a little girl who captured a lot of our hearts last year. yaerk? >> all right, lester, thanks. you may remember sarah murnaghan's story. she's the 11-year-old girl whose parents fought a very public battle to change the rules on who could receive donor organs. sarah did receive a double lung transplant this summer. kristen dahlgren spoke with her about how she's doing now. kristen, good morning. >> good morning, erica. what a remarkable little girl. now, some eight months after two transplants, sarah is doing great. she still has challenges, but she also has a message of hope. >> can i swim? >> no. >> reporter: for 11-year-old sarah murnaghan, a snow day spent playing inside with her siblings is a miracle. >> am i brown? >> reporter: less than a year ago, she was in a hospital, her lungs riddled with cystic fibrosis. >> out of breath. >> reporter: given just weeks to live. >> i thought she was going to die. >> reporter: sarah was just 10. but in a case that drew national attention, her parents had to go to court to have sarah put on a transplant list for patients 12 and up. >> she told me to never, ever give up on her. >> reporter: sarah is still a fighter. when a judge ruled the guidelines should change for her, she received two double lung transplants. the first set failed. the second surgery worked. now back home with her family, sarah showed me the tough physical therapy she does every day. >> all right! all right, show me your muscles. can i see them? huge! you got strong. >> i guess. >> whoa! >> reporter: she still needs to be careful. her immune system is weak and her bones brittle and fractured from the medication and so much time on bed rest, but every day brings improvements. she now breathes on her own, can get up and downstairs. and friday night, the girl who wants to be a rock star got a hero's welcome at a cystic fibrosis benefit. and the little girl who's been through so much brought this message to others who are suffering. >> whatever you are dealing with, young or old, just to be yourself. look deep inside yourself for that bravery and reason to fight. >> isn't she amazing? her mom tells me she feels like what sarah's been through has saved lives. she's still fighting, though. she wants a temporary stay to transplant rules to become permanent. she says, whenever possible, the sickest patients should get organs first. erica. >> thanks. great to see her making such a good improvement. want to get another check of your weather from dylan. hey, dylan. hey, erica. good morning, everyone. things are okay right now, but we are going to see some snow move into the new york city area. but by the time we get into next week, we will finally be talking about a warm-up around here. it's all about the jet stream. we have been stuck in this pattern with the jet stream sitting well down south, and that drags that cold air from the north. teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, all the way down into the southeast. but as it flattens out by wednesday, temperatures start to moderate. but then watch what happens as we go into friday. you get a ridge in the jet stream along the east coast, and that's going to allow some warmer temperatures. so, instead of 20s, we're looking at 40s. not too bad in the northeast. we'll take it after the winter we've had. and speaking of winter, we are going to see more snow, especially up across parts of new england where there are blizzard warnings up and down the coast of massachusetts. we could end up with a foot and a half of snow in parts of maine. that is really going to start to get cranking as we go into this afternoon and especially into tonight. but it pulls away pretty quickly, and we should start to see some improvements as we go into sunday, especially across massachusetts, and then eventually, it pulls away to starting to see more clouds coming in and eventually we'll see rain moving into the bay area. hour by hour going through the day, you can see showers dropping in across san francisco as we go through the evening and things will turn quieter by tomorrow morning and another perspective of the heaviest rain in the north bay and south bay by 11:00 and drier tomorrow. rain totals pretty light most places due to the fast-moving nature of the system less than a quarter inch of rain. and highs, upper 60s in the north bay and mid-60s in san francisco. >> all right, dylan, thanks. now to the winter games' most famous rivalry, the u.s. versus russia in men's ice hockey. they're playing right now, but these aren't the nameless, faceless russian hockey players from those miracle on ice days. russia's biggest star is a fan favorite in the u.s., washington capitals superstar alex ovechkin. he spoke with kevin tibbles before leaving for sochi. >> ovechkin, score! >> reporter: they call this scoring machine alexander the great. and while he hails from moscow and stars on the russian olympic team -- >> one city to another city. >> reporter: -- it's in the u.s. capital where alexander ovechkin reigns supreme. >> ovechkin, he scores! >> reporter: when you meet him -- [ speaking foreign language ] -- this 28-year-old superstar comes across as a big, likable kid, whose first task was to learn english. >> hello, how are you, all that, nice to meet you, all that kind of stuff. >> reporter: with the washington capita capitals, ovi speaks hockey. an nhl all-star, most valuable player, most outstanding player, most goals, most points. i'm out of breath. ovechkin was even selected to be the first russian athlete to carry the torch. he credits his mom and dad, star athletes themselves, with mentoring him every step of the way. to introduce me to his olympic homeland, we went to washington's marivana russian restaurant. let's go. after helping translate the menu, his favorite soup, forst. can't beat that! how do you say bon appetit in russian? [ speaking russian ] >> reporter: off the ice, he chills with fiancee tennis star meira kirilenko. >> when she saw me the first time, she fall in love with me right away. >> immediately? >> immediately, yeah. >> reporter: and you? >> it took me -- >> reporter: what, 15 seconds? >> 25. >> he was just, you know, off doing the point, come on, maria, let's go! and they'd be like, shhh. can't you just be quiet, please? >> reporter: meanwhile, the main course, beef stroganoff, arrives. >> this is good, huh? >> uh huh. >> reporter: and what's alexander the great's dream? olympic gold and the stanley cup in the same year. that's a big dream. >> yeah. i'm probably done with hockey right away. >> reporter: well, then you could take up tennis. when he's on the ice, russian fans will be calling shaybu, a shaybu. what is that? >> like score a goal, score a goal. >> reporter: and if anybody knows how to do that, it's this guy. kevin tibbles, nbc news, washington. >> we actually may be hearing that because we're just about 50 feet from the stadium where they're playing right now. just ahead, gold medalist scott hamilton on the men's figure skating this week and what to watch for in the week ahead. later, silver medalist noelle pikus-pace on her big win and how she's made the winter games a family affair. but first these messages. "top nbc sochi moments" presented by chevrolet. tonight in prime time, it's a short track sprint in the men's 1000 meters. two-time vancouver bronze medalist j.r. celski of the u.s. races in one of his signature events, in a field featuring three-time olympic champion viktor ahn of russia and charles hann of canada. for mow, go to [ girl ] what if i race so fast, the world stopped for a minute? [ girl #2 ] what if i had a sled and all my friends got in it? [ boy ] what if i took a shot and scored the winning goal? [ boy #2 ] what if i cut through the winter air and didn't feel the cold? [ boy #3 ] what if i could fly and soared like i had wings? [ girl #3 ] what if i stood up on the winner's stand and heard my country sing? [ female announcer ] nourish every dream with the fresh roasted peanut taste of jif, proud sponsor of team usa and dreamers everywhere. do you really think brushing is enough to keep it clean? while brushing misses germs in 75% of your mouth, listerine® cleans virtually your entire mouth. so take your oral health to a whole new level. listerin®... power to your mouth™. so take your oral health to a whole new level. (announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) introducing tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. [ male announcer ] your heart. it powers your body to walk enough stairs in a lifetime to climb the empire state building. and then climb it again 1,000 times. your heart is amazing. take care of it with centrum silver. multivitamins with b vitamins and lycopene to help support your heart and packed with key nutrients to help support your eyes and brain, too. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. ♪ welcome back to "today" on a saturday morning in sochi. a dramatic night last night on the ice for the men. japan's yuzuru hanyu won the first gold medal ever for his nation in figure skating. team usa's jason brown and jeremy abbott put on a strong showing as well, but neither finished in the top three. nbc olympics figure skating analyst scott hamilton is going to take us through last night's highlights and look ahead to the next week of figure skating. good morning to you, scott! >> good morning. >> kind of a disappointing night last night. i mean, the gold medal winner and the silver medal winner, yuzuru hanyu and patrick chan both stumbled. is that -- >> well, they're both going for the gold medal and it's going to be one of those two, and i think they had that in mind. if they could just navigate the long program, they'd be able to win a medal. and you have to think after hanyu went down once and then tripped out of the double flip right here, the next time, you'd think that, well, okay, now it's all chan. >> right. >> chan's got it. and when you heard the score, you know, he had to think, okay, i've got this. but then he went out and he had his own mistakes, and it was just a tragic night. when you're looking at what's going to represent this four years in this olympic games, and to think that the top two men skated as poorly as they can skate, it just, you know, it's just not a great night for the sport. >> yeah, well, team usa was hoping that jason brown could make that leap from sixth. >> that was a lot to ask. that was a lot to ask. >> was that because he doesn't have a quad in his routine? >> well, you know, he doesn't have a quad, and you know, he's young. i mean, he's brand new. we tend to forget that skate america in october was his first senior international competition. >> mm-hmm. >> and he was freaking out there, that it was like he was living the dream of his life just being in his first senior international competition. so, to make the olympics? i mean, i can only imagine, you know, his brain's about to explode with all the great, good fortune that he had. and you know, it's just a learning experience, you know. for him to be mathematically in it, it wasn't -- it was kind of about that, but for me it was more about the fact that we've got this amazing talent in this incredible kid that's got a lot of public interest. and you can build on that. he can build on that and so can figure skating. >> maybe four years from now, we'll be seeing a lot of him. >> yeah. >> let's look ahead to monday and tuesday. of course, meryl davis, charlie white, is that our best shot or best hope for gold, in the ice dance? >> easily. meryl and charlie, they've won two world championships, and their only competition or their training with tessa virtue and scott moir, and it's going to be between those two. they were the best in vancouver and they've maintained that quality all the way through this olympics period. and now here, it's going to be one of those two. but to see what happened in the team event with the canadians, it really, it kind of elevated charlie and meryl to another level. and so, it's going to be a lot for the canadians to kind of close that gap now. >> and really quickly, gracie gold and ashley wagner, what do you think their shot is here and who's their competition? >> the ladies' event is compelling. you've got yuna kim coming back, you've got, you know, lut skia, who's become this international sensation. we have two american ladies that are incredible, but watch out for polina edmunds. i mean, she was second at nationals. first-year senior, she's got all the qualities in the world. she's very much like her in a way that she's young and good technically. we have a lot to look forward to. >> scott hamilton, thanks so much. you can catch all of the olympic action in prime time at 8:00/7:00 central right here on nbc. up next, some very unlikely volunteers at the sochi olympic games. we'll explain right after this. life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis is a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? 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[ female announcer ] new dove advanced care. the first antiperspirant with nutrium moisture. so you can be a softer, smoother, more beautiful little armpit. you deserve our best care ever. and don't you ever forget that. ♪ so i figured hey, i get it, kids get stains. but we have these three beautiful little girls, and they make us look like amateurs. so i'm living in a world of tiny sweaters and dolphins and weird greasy mystery stains. i'm gonna get you. but this new tide ultra stain release has a crazy amount of cleaning power and a pre-treat zap! cap that helps me get out pretty much any stain. can i help? aww. just kidding. she got me. [ female announcer ] now with new tide ultra stain release you can help remove 99% of everyday stains. ♪ an american girl we're back on a saturday morning from olympic park in sochi. the games have been running smoothly so far, and that's due in a very large part to the tens of thousands of volunteers who are here. >> yeah, they're from all over the world, including more than 100 from the united states. and tamara smith is originally from connecticut, but she has lived in moscow for the last ten years. hi, tamara! >> hi! >> so, you came to russia ten years ago, and now you love this country so much. but this right here is your dream come true, right, being here for the olympics and being able to volunteer? >> absolutely. absolutely, in so many ways, it's a dream come true. >> you speak five different languages. what is it like now when an american visitor comes up to you, and suddenly, they hear your english, american accent and english. you probably have to tell this story over and over again, don't you? >> the americans aren't very surprised when they hear me speaking english, but they're surprised when they hear me speaking other languages. and the team i'm helping was quite surprised to find out i'm american. >> you help the french team, right? >> yeah, the french team here dealing with ice fork. >> what is your duties? like what is a typical day for you? >> every day is completely different. some days i'm greeting athletes at the airport, taking themaccr them to their krenn ven as you. other times i'm driving athletes or team officials up to the mountain clusters, helping them get to where they need to go. >> and i love you took on some other duties that were not assigned to you. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> you delivered valentine's day balloons to some of the american athletes. >> yeah. i managed to get through security, being treated as a car, with 48 helium balloons that i gave out to all the athletes that i'm assigned to and to american team members and some other countries. >> aww. and jason and jeremy said they got your balloons. >> yeah when i saw them before we came on, they were like, oh, the balloon lady! >> can i just say, you guys have been a delight and all of you incredible. >> so helpful. >> when i got into moscow, missed my connection, you were the volunteers right there -- >> you can't miss us! >> i know, and you got me through the airport. >> take you right here, exactly. it's a joy seeing people like you who have really come out and helped so much. >> thank you. it's a lot of fun. >> job well done. people are proud of you back home, too. just ahead, the biathlete who competed here thanks to her twin's sacrifice. an amazing story. they're going to join us both live. first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ [ female announcer ] wherever morning brings you, bring the energy you need. nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. softly baked, made with hearty oatmeal and a drizzle of cinnamon. they're nature valley's take on a morning classic. because when you keep going, the morning can bring you to brand-new places. ♪ nature valley. nature at its most delicious. still to come on "today," the east coast trying to get back on track after this week's massive winter storm. plus, olympic glory for skeleton silver medalist noelle pikus-pace, making the very best out of her last olympic run ever. out of her last olympic run ever. wi saw this red, blistery, rash and i felt this horrible pain on one side of my back. i had 16 magic shows to do. i didn't know how i was going to be able to do these shows with this kind of pain that i was in. i told my wife what i had. she went on the internet and said "i think you have shingles." i could feel the shock in my back and it was like "wow its got to get better than this or i'm in big trouble." eat right. not less. this looks interesting. [ female announcer ] special k nourish hot cereal. made with superfoods. special k? yum. i can definitely taste the quinoa. i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. [ female announcer ] nurturing yourself. what will you gain when you lose? [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® little karen debuted a haircut she did all by herself, a couple on their first date agreed to a second date next week, and roomates filled up before their final leg to yellowstone, and that was just at one table in one day at one chili's. more life happens here. instead of paying too much for an ipad, i got the surface 2. first of all, it comes with office and outlook. then, with free skype calls to phones in over 60 countries, i can talk to my cousins any time. and then, i got 200 gigs of cloud storage -- free -- so i can get my photos and stuff almost anywhere. others charge for that. surface is such a great deal. i feel like i should tell somebody. hey! ♪ honestly ♪ i want to see you be brave 5:56 on your saturday morning a live picture right now from emeryville looking out at, of course, the bay bridge on a day where there is rain in the forecast. good morning, meteorologist rob mayeda has a look at your weekend forecast. rob, is it starting to become thematic? >> it seems to be getting rain for the weekend. we'll see something later on. nothing this morning. 40s and 50s outside. nor the north bay your temperatures may not leave the 50s this afternoon as the clouds spill in. clear lake is seeing light rain but the real moderate rain will start to show up as we head towards the evening as the rain line moves from north to south and the north bay will start to see the rain come in, around the evening in the pe nine sue la and the system will move quickly and by sunday clearing skies and second half of the weekend does look drier and because the system is moving through quickly rain totals no where near the categories we had last weekend. most places picking up less than a quarter inch of rain and locally higher in the hilltops in the north bay. highs mid-60s in san jose and upper 50s from san francisco up towards santa rosa where the rain will get started early and temperatures today in the mid-60s around the tri-valley 64 in pleasanton and 65 in livermore, sam? >> thank you very much, rob. instead of gearing up for horse riding competitions a group of bay area girls are now collaborating with the east bay regional park police. they are hoping to track down thousands of dollars worth of stolen equipment. somebody broke into their stables equipment room in san ramon stealing 11 saddles and all other kinds of riding equipment. instead of practicing the gymkhana team showed police and nbc bay area new pictures of their missing saddles hoping somebody will find them and return them. all of the girls would need more than $1,000 to replace the equipment that they bought, equipment that they spent a lot of their hard-earned money on. competition season begins march the 1st. stunned and shocked is how parishioners at a san jose catholic church are reacting this morning, this man mario questas is facing charges of sexually abusing a 17-year-old boy and selling methamphetamine to children online. he's one of the main singers at sunday mass at st. leo the great pair riciris parish. a trip to the california department of justice actually sparked this investigation. what began as a nar cot technar case turned into this investigation. parishioners say it's taken so long for the catholic church to shed the reputation from previous sexual abuse scandals and now this. new details the feds are helping banks to help figure out how to deal with legal marijuana clubs and it's not an easy thing to do especially when medical marijuana use is legal in california but illegal under federal law. dave hodges is the founder of the all-american cannabis club in san jose and he's been in business five years and says simple things like opening up a bank account for his business pretty much impossible. the new federal guidelines include avoiding dealers who sell marijuana to minors. coming up later this morning we'll be going live to sochi and checking in with janelle wang who will take us on a tour of the international broadcast center and much more. in the meantime we send you back to the "today" show. remix! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ ♪ you got that medley crunch ♪ go! go! buzz! ♪ go! go! go! buzz! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ clusters, flakes ♪ that medley crunch, crunch! ♪ clusters, flakes ♪ that medley crunch, crunch! go! ♪ ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! you got that medley crunch ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ good morning. it's saturday, february 15th, 2014. here's a look at today's top stories. wardrobe malfunction? some controversy this morning over the speed skating suits worn by team usa after some of america's best failed to win medals earlier this week, as shani davis gets on the ice today, he'll be wearing a different suit. will that help him get the gold? the new cold war. a packed house with a huge home crowd for the hockey game that's under way right now. it's team usa versus russia in a matchup that comes more than three decades after the "miracle on ice" at the lake placid winter olympics. and the power of love. an awesome celebration from noelle pikus-pace after her silver medal-winning run on the skeleton. she couldn't wait to find her family and give them all a great big hug. this morning she is with us live to talk about that special moment. and i can confirm, she's been dancing, she's so happy this morning. >> oh, she is. she said her celebratory retirement dance. >> i'm lester holt alongside natalie morales. erica hill and dylan dreyer in new york city where weather continues to be the problem. we'll check in with them in minutes. meanwhile, behind us a huge crowd is behind us. they have filed into the hockey arena where the crowd will go wild. usa and russia going head to head, but keir simmons is following all of the highlights right now. what's going on? >> that's right, natalie, happening as we speak, the usa versus russia in a showdown set to remind people of the most memorable hockey clashes of all time. >> the road to gold starts tonight. >> reporter: hot ticket for the meeting of two hockey nations. >> we've been waiting since 1980 for this game! >> reporter: whose rivalry stretches back decades. >> go, u.s.! >> big game tonight. >> reporter: back more than 30 years to the "miracle on ice," when team usa, a bunch of young kids, beat the sure favorites, the then soviet union. times have changed, of course, and friday, president putin even visited team usa house, as the nhl's finest prepared to take on a russian team hungry to win on home soil. today, no medal for american julia mancuso in the women's super-g. she finished eighth. the winner, austrian anna fenninger. >> olympic medal! >> reporter: there was inspiration from noelle pikus-pace taking silver in her skeleton comeback with wild celebrations. >> we did it! >> reporter: and from jeremy abbott, who, despite falls that put him out of contention, skated for his life. >> his instinct to get up and keep on trying after that bad fall was truly courageous. >> reporter: japan's yuzuru hanyu fell twice. >> oh, no. >> oh, no. >> reporter: but his first skate had been so good, he took gold. at just 19 and suffering from asthma. team usa's skaters struggling in the long track, will be changing their suits over fears that vents in the back are slowing them down. while up in the mountains, the controversy continued over conditions, ted ligety couldn't cope with the warm weather. >> you see how soft that snow is. this is not holding up at all. he cannot take the line he wants to. >> reporter: then bode miller. >> whoa! holding on there just barely. >> reporter: both failing to medal. today, more training sessions in halfpipe, aerial and cross-country were canceled or rescheduled as the snow melts. now, they did stockpile a lot of snow for exactly this kind of weather, so the olympics goes on, but the warm temperatures are clearly having a detrimental effect across a range of sports. meantime, also today, in men's short track speed skating, russia's viktor ahn won the gold in the men's 1000-meter race. he won three golds in south korea in 2006, but later became a russian citizen, which is okay, right, guys? pick a country, any country. >> right, sure. i guess if it's allowed in the rules, let him. that's fantastic. keir, thank you so much. >> let's look at the medal count. russia just jumped into the lead with the win on the short track. the usa, norway and netherlands are right behind, each with 13 medals. let's send it back to erica in new york for more on the cleanup from this week's storm and the rest of the news headlines. hey, again, erica. >> hey, lester. nice to see you again. there are still hundreds of flight cancellations people are dealing with this morning. nearly 150,000 people remain without power as the east coast does its very best to dig out from that storm. dylan dreyer is at new york's laguardia airport this morning. dylan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. you know, we have dealt with storm after storm. we have seen thousands of flight delays and cancellations. driving have been absolutely treacherous. hundreds of thousands of people have been in the dark. and the shoveling, forget about it! it is really testing americans' endurance in this winter that just won't quit. adding insult to injury, fresh snow overnight in parts of the eastern seaboard. many places haven't finished digging out from a fierce winter storm earlier this week. >> clean off all the cars again, shovel the driveway, again. >> reporter: the airlines are still recovering. more than 8,000 flights canceled and 11,000 delayed in the u.s. thursday and friday. so far this winter, the numbers are staggering -- nearly 100,000 flights canceled. economists say the cost of that to the economy is somewhere between $15 and $50 billion. back on the ground, it's still far from business as usual on the roads, but the pennsylvania turnpike is open again after a huge pileup friday. nearly 350,000 customers are still waiting for the power to come back on in georgia and in the carolinas. >> could be several days before we have some kind of normality. >> reporter: all of this snow has taken on roofs in new jersey. the snow-laden dome of this sports facility came down with workers still inside. >> right there along the 5 yard line, the snow just fell down through there and the sunlight came through as the snow was falling. >> reporter: and the new york city sanitation department is taking disciplinary action days after one of its trucks plowed heavy snow across a sidewalk and into a restaurant, knocking over customers. now a sudden warm-up could bring dangers of its own, especially if all that snow melts too quickly and there's flash flooding. but more cold is just too much for some people to think about. >> i'm done with winter. officially. >> reporter: and the last thing you want to hear is more snow, but it is getting closer as the next storm system ramps up. a little clipper system that's actually going to strengthen by the time it gets up into the new england area. so, this is going to be more of a massachusetts, up into maine snowstorm with very strong, gusty winds as well. the storm right now has already prompted the national weather service to issue these winter weather advisories and even blizzard warnings along the coast of massachusetts, especially cape cod, where we could see very intense wind gusts. here's where it is right now. it's a lot of rain down through virginia. again, all of that snow down there is soaking up that water. it's going to really weigh down on anything it's still coating, but it turns into this nor'easter, where we could end up with wind gusts up near 55 miles per hour as it makes its way up across new england, especially by the time get into tonight. that's when it's going to be most intense. visibilities will reduce down to a quarter of a mile. but then by 7:00 sunday morning, it already exits massachusetts and makes its way up into maine. now, we are looking perhaps in parts of southeastern mass to end up with about 10 to 12 inches of snow, but then you get that ocean enhancement, and we could see even some higher amounts. all across maine, though, we could end up easily with a foot and a half as that storm really ramps up and intensifies as we go into tonight and early tomorrow morning. meantime, a look at the morning's other headlines. we begin in indonesia where rescuers believe they found a body of a japanese diver that went missing off the report island of bali. one of seven women who hired a boat for a friday morning dive in crystal bay but then a storm hit the area. crews are still searching for the other six divers. in florida, jurors now moving into their third day of deliberations in the murder trial of michael dunn. dung is charged in shooting death of 17-year-old jordan davis following an argument over the teen's loud music. the jury deliberated all day on friday before sending a message to the judge saying they had, quote, reached a wall for the evening. after months of investigation, a report commissioned by the nfl reveals there was widespread harassment in the miami dolphins locker room. that 144-page report concluded offensive lineman jonathan martin was bullied by three teammates but richie incognito was the main instigator. the racial slurs and sexual taunts did not stop with martin, an assistant coach was also targeted. if you've ever taken your child to the doctor to wind up sick not long after your suspicions about how and why that happens, they may be right. researchers found kids and their family had a 3% increase of flus and infections in the two weeks following a well visit. while that may sound like a small percentage it amounts to 700,000 cases of preventable threwlike infections each year. this is your chance, hundreds of millions of dollars are up for grabs but here's the thing. as you know, you can't win if you don't play. tonight's powerball drawing up to $330 million. that makes it the tenth largest annuity jackpot ever. so if you don't have a ticket yet, you've been warned and there's still time to go get one today and if you win, you could share it with the girl who told you about it. just a thought. let's get a check now of the rest of the forecast with dylan. >> you know, i always play and i never win. so i guess you just keep trying. we are looking at snow in the northeast, but rain in the northwest. we've got heavy rain in parts of oregon. you can see it is just streaming in off the pacific ocean. it'll stretch into parts of california where we could see flood warnings through the weekend. it's the wind that could create serious issues with the power outages, possible and landslides are possible too as all of that mud soaks up all of that rain. we could end up with inches of rain and feet of snow up through the cascades. in the northeast, though, again looking at blizzard conditions along the coast of massachusetts. later on this afternoon and into to and we're watching the clouds spilling in and a few sprinkles in the northern end of napa county heading out towards solano county and the real rain-producing clouds still offshore that will sweep in through the evening for the north bay and at about 11:00 tonight into san jose and by sunday skies will clear out pretty quickly, so the rain increasing first from north to south right around sundown tonight, mid-60s in san jose and upper 50s around san francisco and the north bay with mid-60s around the tri-valley. >> and that is your latest forecast. lester? >> all right, dylan. thanks! now to a woman who is, no doubt, thrilled that she didn't retire four years ago after the vancouver olympics. noelle pikus-pace placed fourth then and was going to hang up her skeleton, but was encouraged to come back to the sport one more time by her husband. last night, she picked up the silver medal and celebrated by climbing into the stands to hug her family that's been by her side every step of the way. what a great moment. noelle, her husband, janson, childrenlacee and traycen are with us. good morning. >> hi. >> congratulations! it is so great to have you guys. we've got seating arrangements out. lacee actually wanted my chair a moment ago. >> trying to kick you out. >> trying to kick me out. hey, a future anchor. how great do you feel? i saw you dancing a minute ago. >> oh, man, i feel ecstatic. this is absolutely an incredible moment for me and our family and we just couldn't do it without each other. >> let's talk about the run, because as you're, i guess, around curve five, you kind of hit the edge. >> i did. >> did you think you lost it? >> i did. around that bend, i fell off, i was a little high, came off, hit the side. and i thought there goes my medal, i'm going to finish fourth again. and i just tried to hold my form, and once i crossed that finish line, i was just hoping to see a number two next to my name, hoping for the bronze medal and when i saw him holding up the number one, meaning the silver medal, i couldn't contain my emotions. and i immediately thought i want to be with the most important people in my life, share this moment with them, and all i could see was this block, this barricade and a wall between me and them and i just immediately jumped into the stands. >> if you knew anything about you, you would think this is just a happy athlete who won a medal, but if you know your backstory, you appreciate this all the more. you came in barely fourth in vancouver, you got out of the skeleton, you suffered a miscarriage. >> yeah. >> a lot's gone on in your life, you had an injury even before all that. to have gone through all that, to have your family here, just how cool is that? >> it's absolutely incredible. this is -- this hasn't just been me by myself. i mean, janson, he's been there all along the way, our kids, our family, we've been traveling. we just want people to know that as a family, we're better, we're stronger and this dream couldn't come true without any one of us here. >> i love the story, and i'm going to let you tell it, how you tried to sit down here with lacee and explaining to her what an olympian and winning a medal means. tell the folks that story. >> i was having, on lacee, having this moment with her, i went i'm going to compete in the olympics and i'm going for a medal. how do you feel about that? this is a big deal. and she said, "cool. so, are we going to have some chicken nuggets for lunch"? and i'm like, chicken nuggets trumping the olympics. >> that's a great story. we ran a story about, janson, how you've held your life together while your wife was competing. what was it like for you as she ran up into the stands? >> at first i was just watching her, like what's she doing? we were in the second row, so i couldn't just run up to her. i'm like, wait a minute, she's climbing up the fence now. maybe i should go meet her. i don't know what she's doing. >> and you share some of this victory, not only, obviously, from being so supportive, but as an engineer, you helped work and make some design changes on the sled, right? >> right, yeah. we spent a good summer, troy and i spent a good summer building the sled, designing it, working it all together in 2009 for the vancouver olympics. and she old slid on it for that one year, and we wanted a little more time for her to work into it and do what she did these last couple of years, which was awesome. >> well, noelle was a little tied up yesterday, so i'm guessing there was no valentine's day dinner, right? >> that was the best date ever! that's all we could ask for, you know? >> that was the date. now, retirement? official? done? >> you are not asking me again -- >> no, it's time now. >> you are not asking me to come back. we got it, silver medal. >> what do you do when vancouver says you should go back? >> i'm thinking looking back, fourth place, for the rest of my life, i'll tell everybody i got fourth place in the olympics. now i get to come away saying i am a silver medalist. i am walking away with something. so, it's pretty incredible we've made this journey through all the sacrifices. it's been worth it. >> by the way, you have a date to get your medal later on, so we'll let you get to it. >> thank you. >> every day i say this is my favorite olympic moment! this is my current favorite olympic moment, watching you. noelle, janson, kids, thanks so much for coming on. you guys have fun. you can have my chair next time, sweetie, i promise. still to come, a tour of some of sochi's finest foods. if you like pickled anything, you'll feel right at home after these messages. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] it's easy to choose the perfect bath update for your family. wow. ♪ this is the one. 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[ laughter ] and get back up again. ladies, thanks very much. >> let the hair go. >> there we go. >> i think somebody said i can't unsee that, lester holt, right? >> probably couldn't unsee it, but it was mostly a fun -- you know, kate is so cute. they're both so cute. >> kate is so great. >> and she is so genuine. i said i'd do it if you do it. >> what do you think, a little redemption, erica? >> i think he needs a little redemption dance. let's see those moves. >> i need my ipod. well, it's kind of her. she gets like the little -- >> she gets the head bop. >> yeah. >> and the shoulder moves. >> not the same without the music, you know what i mean? but i've got to get the he headphones on. >> we can pretend we're listening to beyonce. she's fantastic. the head bop, the moves. we're going to keep dancing for you here. still ahead, we're talking about sisters. see, look, he's got the groove! sisters in sacrifice. come on, do the moonwalk! we'll talk sisters and sacrifice with the woman who gave up her spot at the olympics to her twinster. we're going to talk to them both live. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ still to come on "today," jamaica's hopes for a repeat performance for a cool run reminiscent of 20 years ago. but first these messages. what does everything mean to you? with the quicksilver cash back card from capital one, it means unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. it doesn't mean, "everything... as long as you buy it at the gas station." it doesn't mean, "everything... until you hit your cash back limit." it means earn 1.5% cash back on every purchase, every place, every occasion, all over creation. that's what everything should mean. so consider... what's in your wallet? i've quit for 75 days. 15 days, but not in a row. for the first time, you can use nicorette... even if you slip up... so you can reach your goal. [ male announcer ] now, quit on your own terms with nicorette or nicoderm cq. of "looking for a good deal" and "sheesh, i should've looked some more." ♪ that's why walgreens makes it easy to save even more on your medicare part d prescriptions. ♪ just stop on by and leave all the legwork to us. switch to walgreens today where you could save with copays as low as zero dollars on select medicare part d plans. at the corner of happy and healthy. 6:26 this saturday morning a live image right there on your screen of the bay bridge on a day that we are expected possibly to get some rain. good morning, i'm sam brock, let's find out more about that and check in with meteorologist rob mayeda who has a look at your weekend forecast. >> light rain perhaps way up in the north bay, northern end of napa county north of vacaville starting to see the clouds thicken up and eventually the real rain-producing clouds will drom down the coast and approach the bay area. it should be a dry start and a few sprinkles during the afternoon and san francisco northward and the north bay you are looking at the rain after midnight, the rain band pushes to the south and sunday it looks dry but a little cooler and cooler air will sweep in and tomorrow's temperatures running a few degrees cooler than the mid-60s we'll see for highs today around the south bay. 64 in san jose, closer to the low 60s around the peninsula and upper 60s in san francisco with misty skies in the morning and rain coming in late in the evening and the north bay, upper 50s, and rain starting off in santa rosa and heading towards santa rosa around midnight and we'll see the highs today reaching the 60s. sam? >> thank you very much, rob. instead of getting ready for horse riding competitions, a group of bay area girls are now collaborating with the east bay regional park police hoping to track down thousands of dollars worth of stolen equipment. somebody broke into the stables equipment room in sa ramon recently stealing 11 saddles and all other kinds of riding equipment, expensive equipment. instead of practicing the gymkhana team showed police and nbc bay area news pictures of their missing saddles, all the girls would need more than $1,000 to replace the stolen equipment, equipment most of them worked very hard to pay for. competition season officially begins on march the 1st. stunned and shocked that is how parishioners at a san jose catholic choichl are reacting this morning. this man mario enrique cuestas is accused of sexually molesting a 17-year-old boy. he's also a 20-year veteran of the san jose fire department. the california department of justice sparked this investigation which started out as a narcotics case quickly evolved into allegations of sexual abuse. doj agents arrested the suspect at the fire administration building where he worked. in the meantime, parishioners say it has taken so long to mend wounds from previous sex abuse scandals and shed its reputation and now this. new details this morning, the feds are helping banks out try to figure out how to deal with legal marijuana clubs and it's not an easy thing to do especially when medical marijuana use is legal in california but illegal under federal law. dave hodges is the manager and founder of the all-american cannabis club in san jose. he's been in business for five years and says simple things like opening up a bank account for his business, pretty much impossible. the new federal guidelines include avoiding dealers who sell marijuana to minors. much more in store this morning on "today in the bay." we'll go live to sochi with the latest on curling and u.s. hockey and all sorts of sports. stay tuned for that. ♪ a perfect day we're back on a saturday morning, february 15th, 2014. the sun will be setting soon here in sochi, and the warm weather still holding on. >> perfect. we're not going to complain. >> not going to complain. so, our crowd is here, a great group of people making "today" part of their saturday. delighted to have them. by the way, they're from the usa. i'm lester holt along with natalie morales. erica and dylan keeping an eye on things back home. and still to come this half hour on "today," there are still plenty of big olympic events in this second week of the winter games. olympic correspondent mary carillo will tell us who we should be keeping an eye on. all right, and then, the story of their first trip to the olympics inspired a movie 20 years ago. well, now the men of the jamaican bobsled team are hoping for a repeat performance here in sochi, despite the uphill battle to get here. >> i watched that movie again yesterday. i love that film. >> i love it. also ahead, have you guys had a chance to sample some of sochi's signature food is the question? >> no, not so much. >> let me tell you, there's like a lot of pickled things. there's a lot of other great food i found on my trip to the central market in sochi. and we brought some of it back. >> i'm hoping to get there, but yes, i'm glad you brought us some treats to try. >> some samples. let's begin this half hour with the emotional reunion for twin sisters right here in sochi, just moments before one of them took on the biathlon event. and lanny barnes would not even be here in sochi if it wasn't for her sister, tracy, giving up her spot on team usa, a gesture that was surprising to anyone who doesn't know the barnes twins, but it made perfect sense to those who do. teammates and best friends, identical twins lanny and tracy barnes have trained side by side for 15 years, devoting their lives to the biathlon, an event that combines cross-country skiing and shooting. so, it was an utter disappointment when lanny fell ill during qualifying races last month. something she talked about with matt lauer. >> you know, it was brutal. i just -- it's hard to explain how you can train so hard for something and just, luck just wouldn't have it. >> reporter: but then a shocking gesture by tracy, who trained just as hard and made the team. she gave up her spot for her sister. >> she's having a great year, and i think when you care enough about someone, you're willing to make that kind of sacrifice. >> it was one of those moments that i think changed my life forever. >> the sisters have been to the games before. both went to torino in 2006. and lanny also competed in vancouver, with the best showing in the 15-kilometer event for a u.s. woman in 20 years. >> and now there she is, number 81, lanny barnes. >> she wowed if she won a medal in sochi, she'd give it to her sister. and while lanny's performance friday wasn't medal-winning, the sisters' story of selfless love has touched the hearts of many around the world. and lanny and tracy barnes joining us here. welcome! >> thanks for having us. >> good to have you. lanny, maybe it wasn't the finish you wanted here. you came in 64th, butter sister, tracy, surprised you here in sochi. were you expecting her to be here at all? >> you know, there was a lot of talk before the games, people trying to scramble and see if she can make it here, and it was kind of last minute, but she made it, and i was so happy to see her. >> aww. so, to have her there to see you finish, what was that moment like? >> you know, it was incredible having her out there. and you know, i think in order to honor her sacrifice that she made to me, i was going for my best out there. and you know, it didn't work out. i went out too hard, ended up dying in the end, but i felt like i deserved to give tracy that effort. >> tracy, i know a lot of people came through for you. you were just thinking you were going to watch her compete at home in colorado, but people really came through and got you here because they wanted you to be here to share this moment with your sister, and i know that was really emotional for you to be here. i think you were almost crying, for the most part, throughout the day. >> oh, yeah, it was -- i was just holding back tears. it was so exciting to watch her. i was so proud of her, you know. i knew she went out there and gave it everything. it was awesome. it was such a great experience. >> yeah, and i know that, lanny, you've said you compete basically with your sister in your heart and your mind always. when you were competing, were you thinking about her there? was she right there on your shoulder, by your side? >> yeah. i was thinking about her every second of the race. and you know, i went out as hard as i could, you know. i wanted to give her my best effort, and thought about her all the way to the finish. >> have you been able to wrap your head around what your sister did for you? i mean -- >> you know. >> an incredible act of selflessness. >> yeah, you know sh it's incredible. i still, it's hard for me to believe that she would do that for me. and you know, i mean, we'd do anything for each other, but still, i mean, this is, you know, for her to give up her dream like that, it's just amazing. i just can't believe it. >> aww. tracy, was there a little part of you -- i hate to ask the question -- at all while she was competing thinking, yeah, i could have been out there, too? >> oh, yeah, it's hard to watch. all of us athletes, we want to be out there, you know. that's what we do, we get excited, but watching her be able to do what she loves, that was just as exciting. and yeah, it was a thrill for me. >> pyeongchang, are you guys going to be there? >> we'll see. >> we hope. >> we're going to make our decision after the season, and yeah, as long as we're having fun, you know. we do everything together, so it's a team effort. >> well, tracy and lanny barnes, you two are just such an incredible story, and to see your love and what you've achieved taught us all a huge lesson in life. thank you. >> thanks. >> thanks. >> and right now let's get a check of the weather with dylan in new york. dylan? good morning, natalie, and good morning, everyone. we are talking so much about the cold and the snow in the northeast. let's talk about the heat in the southwest. we broke some records yesterday in some areas, and other areas were real close to at least tying a record. all this warm southwest wind getting temperatures up to 89 degrees in palm springs. the record there is 92. 85 in phoenix. that's a tie for the record. and today it's going to be just as warm. san diego 81 degrees, phoenix 88 degrees. this is all about 15 to 20 degrees above average. share some with the east coast. that would be great. we are looking at some snow to develop across the northeast as we go especially into late morning and early this afternoon. and then it really intensifies later on tonight across parts of massachusetts up into maine, especially overnight where we could end up with a foot, a foot and a half of snow. blizzard warnings in effect with the winds there, too. and then it races away. some lingering snow early in the morning in maine tomorrow, but then it will start to pull away and the sunshine returns. 40s and 50s outside right now on our way to upper 50s to mid-60s later on and you'll notice the clouds thickening up. some rain dropping into the north bay and peninsula by after sundown tonight and by midnight passing out of san jose and we'll see drying conditions as we head into sunday. rain totals because the system is moving so quickly not expected to see a whole lot. generally less than a quarter inch of rain especially on the hilltops of the north bay. highs upper 50s in san francisco and into the north bay. >> and that is your latest forecast. back to you, lester. >> all right, dylan. thanks. as we enter week two of the olympics, there are still a lot of athletes and events to look forward to. mary carillo is an olympic correspondent with nbc sports. mary, nice to see you. >> it is nice to be here. >> i'm nervous about saying gold xhek tasions, because we see that doesn't always come true in these games, but scott hamilton earlier previewed figure skating. what do you see on the horizon? >> well, scott talked about the fact that there are still americans who can get up on the podium, and we have to talk about gracie gold. she's certainly a terrific skater. she looked really good in the team event. then she went to austria for a couple days to relax and train and maybe feel a little more winterlike than it is here. you know, there are a couple skaters ahead of her, perhaps, but she's got a beautiful long program, "sleeping beauty." mao asada, if she can land the triple axel, you've got to give her some props, but this kid, considering she doesn't have a big, international reputation, she is very self-possessed and very confident. >> we've got the pair of free dance. that is on monday. meryl davis/charlie white. >> yes. they seem like the mortal lock. everybody talks about the fact that they're so solid. >> fun to watch. >> they're so beautiful to watch, you know. and not a lot can go wrong in their program. so, it's not like they both have to land quads, like we saw a lot of the guys miss yesterday. they've been together for so long. i think it will be a big surprise if these two didn't win the gold. >> all right, up on the ski slope, michaela schiffer is going to compete for the first time. what's her shot at the medal platform or going? >> she has the giant slalom, mikaela shiffrin, and then the giant slalom on friday. but it's so slushy up in the mountains, and they treat the courses with chemicals and salt. they've run out of salt in sochi. they had to get on the blower this morning and call switzerland and ask to borrow salt. >> really? >> yes! so, all these beautiful events that are coming up now, mikaela shiffrin, julia mancuso, who's already won the bronze, she's going to be skating as well. she didn't medal today in the super-g, but we're going to see ted ligety. bode miller is still around. >> ted has another chance? >> he absolutely has another chance. >> okay. let's talk men's hockey. the game to watch is going on just a few feet from us right now, usa versus russia, old rivals. what's riding on this game? >> a lot. i mean -- >> a lot. >> it's so much, but you know, u.s. hasn't won gold since the "miracle on ice" in 1980. so you know, they would love to show that they can be world powers again, and the russians, too. they've gone a long time without coming through. this is going to be a tremendous rivalry, but you know, in vancouver, it came down to u.s. and canada in the gold medal match, and you know, that could -- it's going to be amazing. and then talking women's hockey. >> yeah, women's hockey could come down to usa/canada. i went to their first matchup earlier this past week. >> i saw you there. >> the u.s., what did they beat them, four times in a row? >> yes, and lost last year. >> and lost last time. do we still think that will be the gold medal match? >> that's my guess. and when they mix it up, it can get very physical. and it would be something to see these two go at it. you know, they really don't like each other. >> yeah. >> they really make each other crabby and cranky, so that's always kind of -- >> they are a lot of fun to watch. >> chicks and sticks. you have to pay attention. >> you can say that i can't say that. mary carillo, thank you very much. you can watch olympics in prime time starting at 8:00/7 o:00 central on nbc. up next, we'll check in with the jamaican bobsledders who almost didn't make it to sochi. first, these messages. ♪ ♪ ♪ ben! ♪ [ train whistle blows ] oh, that was close. you ain't lying. let quicken loans help you save your money with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze. (announcer) from the company that invented litter, help you save your money comes litter re-invented. (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) introducing tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® pore refining cleanser. alpha-hydroxy and exfoliating beads work to clean and tighten pores so they can look half their size. pores...shrink 'em down to size! [ female announcer ] pore refining cleanser. neutrogena®. ♪ well, it's hard to forget the early '90s movie "cool runnings," inspired by the real-life story of an unlikely bobsled team competing from a place that was far out of their comfort zone. >> this week i caught up with the two-man team from jamaica, who after a long-fought battle to get to sochi, are ready to take on that icy bobsled track once again. it was questionable whether the jamaican bobsled team would qualify for these games. and barely a month ago, it was an open question whether they could even afford to fly here. >> a long flight, you know? >> they arrived here hours late. a missed flight connection and missing luggage, including some critical equipment, apt metaphors for the perpetually uphill story from this team from a sunny climate that in the 1998 calgary olympics delighted the world and later became the basis for a comedy film classic. >> gentlemen, this is a bobsled, sort of. >> but it hasn't necessarily all been cool runnings for the real jamaican team. they failed to qualify for the last two olympics, and they've struggled to find sponsors. when i caught up with the team in december during qualifications, times were lean. >> the thing is, we are one of the most famous teams to tour the world but the most poorest team ever. >> after clinching a spot in sochi, the team revealed they didn't have enough cash to afford the trip. the reaction was immediate. within days, fans and supporters raised more than $100,000 for the jamaicans. the outpouring was incredible, how much money was raised in a very short amount of time. what do you think was behind that? >> there's so much behind it. it's people want to see jamaica team out there, you know, and they miss the jamaican team. >> finally, after a 12-year absence, the jamaican flag was raised above the athletes village. to be clear, this is not the bobsled team that took calgary by storm. for one thing, they only managed to qualify a two-man sled this time. driver winston watts' first olympics was 1994. and at 28, brakeman marvin dixon has a better memory of the movie than the actual '88 team. >> i can't get my helmet on. >> for me, to be from jamaica, to come here and do this, i always think, you know, that's crazy, you know what i mean? ice? we are a tropical country. >> and while here in sochi they're soaking up the smiles and fame that comes from their "cool runnings" legacy, they don't want their appearance here to be seen as some sort of movie nostalgia tour. >> cool runnings! >> and at 46 years old, winston came out of retirement to lead the team. >> i'm not just coming to sochi because i want to be here, but i'm here to compete as serious as just like the germans, the russia. >> the jamaicans have climbed a lot of mountains to earn their place back in the olympics, hoping it's all downhill from here. and there's the jamaican flag, flying in russia. >> it is. prettiest color here. >> bobsled competition kicks off tomorrow. and up next here, one of my favorite assignments so far in sochi, tasting. that's always my favorite assignment anyway. >> yeah, eating. >> tasting food, the food that makes this place so great. but first, this is "today" on nbc. one of the best things about covered california is that millions of people will qualify for financial assistance. for example, if you're a single person making less than $46,000 a year, or a family of four, earning up to $94,200, you may be eligible for premium assistance. the lower your annual income, the greater financial assistance you will receive. get answers, and get covered. find out if you're eligible and enroll now. at delicious, but say i press a few out flat, add some beef, sloppy joe sauce and cheese, fold it all up and boom! delicious unsloppy joes perfect for a school night. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. and we're back now on a saturday from sochi with a lesson in one of the most important parts of any new culture, and that is the food. >> this is my favorite kind of assignment. >> yeah. >> the kind of assignment where they just, hey, go out and eat some stuff. i went to the central market in downtown sochi for a little taste of everything this area has to offer. take a look. ♪ can i try this? here in the sochi market, you can buy everything from seafood to tea to pickles. the russians love pickles. they're all quite different. ooh, i like this one. very good. ♪ shrimp. mm-mmm. bamboo? pickled bamboo? smokey cheese? it's smokey and it almost reminds me of bacon. >> yes. >> tastes like bacon. >> people traditionally eat it with beer, for example. >> i want a beer. ♪ may i try? it's not beer, but it's a whole lot healthier. it's pomegranate juice from azerbaijan, freshly squeezed, as you just saw. really, really good. we have things very similar in the united states. fruit roll-ups, but not, just not as sweet. mm-mmm. i like this. sochi is known for its teas, but these particular teas come from apprazzia. it's a breakaway, tiny republic that used to be part of georgia, and it's only about two miles from the olympic park. so, we're going to try some of this. oh, this is very pleasing. it's very, very fruity. i taste the strawberry. ♪ >> all right, i have got to go there. haven't been there yet. >> did you notice a theme, though, like, ooh, this is good, this is good. i like everything. >> you're a good eater. so, this is everything with pickle. so, what is that? >> pickled bamboo. >> okay. that looks really good, actually. >> it really is. >> i like the pickled foods, you know? >> love pickled foods. and -- >> good. a strong pickled flavor, though. >> yeah, it is. we didn't bring anything to wash it down. you have to try this. this is the string cheese. it's really smokey cheese. i think it originally comes from armenia, but they sell a lot of it here. i like it. >> it tastes like bacon. >> doesn't it make you want a beer? that's what i said. >> very salty. wow. >> how about something sweet now? >> i'm in for something sweet. >> chirchella. >> this is like snickers? >> they call it the dry snickers. it's like grapes and nuts. >> and the inside. all the different colors, i guess different flavors? >> i don't know. >> mm-mmm, that's good! >> isn't that good? a lot of nuts in there, though. if you're not a nut person, you wouldn't like that. >> i do like it. very good. now -- >> i said this is like a fruit roll-up. this is -- >> dried fruit? >> dried fruit puree. it's not as sweet. >> this is like our eating tour. this is the most russian food i've eaten here. >> lester, whatever you can bring back through customs, bring us a sampling. >> well -- >> there may be some good bottles of vodka -- >> the cheese may be stinking up the airplane by the time we get to new york, but i'll take a shot. >> this is good. i like the fruit roll-ups. >> i'll send you good stuff back. >> i'm intrigued by the pickled bamboo, too. >> yeah. when i first looked at that, i thought well, it's going to be woody and stuff, but it's worth it. >> i'm not such a fan of that. what's this one down at the end? >> you're going to love this. this is dried per simny. your tongue will throw a party for your mouth. >> my tongue will throw a party for my mouth? >> yeah. >> there's a party going on in my mouth right now. that's really good! >> i could eat these all day. >> it's like a fig. >> anyway, we're back in a moment from sochi. >> not so easy to do when you're eating, right? >> but first these messages. [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. of fast is good and faster is better. good thing walgreens gets you in and out in no time. so you get the relief you need with new fast acting advil. at the corner of happy and healthy. and the people who choose to pursue them, like gwen, a machine engineer from new york. she's a real person, with a real dream of starting her very own business. and she's got a message for her boss, ted. hi, ted. i quit! wow! just like that, a puppet dream is born. [ turturro ] build your dream online at godaddy. it's go time. bananas... rice cakes... raspberries... toast! [ kelly ] jif hazelnut spread makes anything your new favorite thing. spoons! which is why this choosy mom chooses jif. for aveeno® positively radiant face moisturizer. [ female announcer ] aveeno® with soy helps reduce the look of brown spots in 4 weeks. for healthy radiant skin. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results. eat right. not less. this looks interesting. [ female announcer ] special k nourish hot cereal. made with superfoods. special k? yum. i can definitely taste the quinoa. i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. [ female announcer ] nurturing yourself. what will you gain when you lose? that does it for us on this saturday morning. erica and dylan, stay warm in new york. tell me it's going to be above freezing today? >> dylan? >> no. story about that, no. >> rub it in a little bit more, you two. >> i'm sorry. >> sorry. >> it is getting a little cooler here, if that makes you feel better. tomorrow on "today," what it's like to be a mom of an olympian. i'll talk to the moms behind meryl davis and charlie white. >> that's right, and vodka. >> ooh. ♪ we are looking at a live picture right now, of course, of the bay bridge on this saturday morning. much more in store for you. coming up a live report from the olympics. the latest on the action and some harrowing news here in the bay area where a number of girls had their riding equipment stolen, dashing their hopes and crushing their dreams of competing. we'll have all of this information coming up for you in just a couple of minutes. this is "today in the bay." almost 7:00 on your saturday morning. a live picture right now of the bay bridge. a nice blue haze there as well as a live image from palo alto. good saturday morning. thank you so much for joining us, i'm sam brock in for kris sanchez this morning. as we know rain has mostly been hard to come by in these parts but not lately. let's check your forecast with meteorologist rob mayeda. >> yeah, especially last weekend we had all that heavy rain in the north bay. right now we've got cloudy skies across the bay area. no rain just yet as we're looking at the temperatures climbing into the afternoon that will eventually get into the upper 50s and 60s. the real action is up on the north coast. you can see the clouds spilling over the bay area right now and later on today the significant rain band is going to drop from north to south as we approach the evening. but notice the rain totals. unlike last weekend where we were adding things up by the inch for parts of the north bay. today maybe up to about a half inch in santa rosa. so, despite all that moisture on the satellite, rain totals not looking that impressive and we'll explain why and walk you that through the timing of today's rain and the full forecast come up in a few


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