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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Sandra Smith 20190612

around, treat us badly, treat our country with no respect. you see that with biden. >> i believe that the president is literally a threat to america. >> president trump: sleepy joe. he was someplace in iowa today and said my name so many times. >> he said let's make america america again. time and time again on issue after issue trump makes the wrong choices. >> president trump: with biden we would never be treated with respect because people don't respect him. >> bill: that was yesterday. now today there is this poll that shows biden with a 13 point lead over the president in a head-to-head contest. >> shannon: peter doocy is live in des moines, iowa with all of this. good morning from iowa. >> good morning. joe biden made three stops in iowa yesterday but he did not make it above the fold on the front page of the des moines register. president trump did the morning after he did something very surprising and that is attend a republican party fundraiser late last night without ever mentioning biden by name. >> president trump: every day the democrat party is becoming more and more unhinged and more and more extreme. they are going crazy. do you love it? i sort of love it. >> joe biden, who had the president's attention earlier in the day is in a strong position in a new poll leading president trump 53 to 40%. the attention is paying attention because he tweeted 40 minutes ago the fake news has never been more dishonest than today. thank goodness we can fight back on social media. theirs is fake polling sometimes referred to as suppression polls. this is worse than 2016. and this is as close to agreement as you'll see president trump and joe biden at least so far. biden also blowing off the importance of polls. >> this is a critical state. iowa is a critical, critical state. the fact of the matter is i see these polls. they don't mean a thing right now. this is a marathon. a marathon is just beginning. but at the end of the day if you can't cross the line in iowa, you don't win the marathon. >> biden has one more event in iowa today. if it's anything like his stops yesterday he will try to diminish president trump's capabilities as commander-in-chief. >> we have to clearly and fully reject for our own safety's sake his view of the presidency. quote, i have complete power. no you don't, donald trump. [applause] quotes from donald trump. i have absolute power. no, you don't, donald trump. >> but a lot can happen in 7 1/2 months. that's how long it is before anybody in any early state can actually support joe biden. he has to beat 20 plus other democrats if he wants a chance on a ballot to beat trump, sandra. >> shannon: interesting stuff. peter doocy, thank you. >> bill: let's bring in matt schlapp, chairman of the american conservative union. feels like a campaign already. what was your view of yesterday? >> an awfully early start and i think it's interesting that joe biden is saying polls don't mean anything. this poor guy when he gets off script he says things that aren't too wise. i think when it comes to iowa president trump won it big last time. this is a nice place for a head-to-head kind of little bit of a smack down between trump and biden. >> bill: head-to-head contest you think. the national number from the poll. the other numbers in the head-to-head contests. biden versus trump national numbers 13, sanders up 9, harris 8, warren 7, buttigieg 5 and booker 5. your take on that. >> this poll, the bottom line the worst wols have him at 42%, rasmussen and others have him at 50%. when you have head-to-head poll numbers where the president isn't even matching his average approval rating. it tells you this poll is too skewed by several points. these are national numbers, bill. as we know we elect presidents through battleground states. encourage your viewers as the race moves forward look at the head-to-head match-ups in the battleground states. where are we in michigan and pennsylvania. >> bill: do you know where they are in those states? >> i think many of these democratic candidates look to be strong. the problem is it's a bit peer -- underneath donald trump is several points in these polls lower than reality. why? because you had this word approval, right? that's a tough word in polling. it almost means that you bless everything about the person and donald trump is aggressive enough and in your face enough there is always aspects about him that will cause those numbers to lag. on election day he will overperform those polls like he did last time. >> bill: trump bump 42% approval. the economy is excellent or good by 70% of americans. >> that's how we elect president. they'll reelect the incumbent and that's what the analysts shows. >> bill: what about the lead for women of biden, significant. you saw "the new york times" suggesting that perhaps the white house has some concern over this. what are you hearing? >> the problem with the polls. the president is doing sometimes 10 points worse in this poll than he did in 2016. here is what i know, bill. i talk to experts in maine and pennsylvania, i talked to experts in michigan. they tell me the president is a stronger case today for reelection than in 2016. when you see polls them show him in the key demographics doing 7, 8, 9, 10 points worse you know the poll is garbage. >> bill: if you read joe biden's speech as delivered yesterday it sounded as if it could have been written by mitt romney a few years ago. the point to be made there is many have tried that strategy against president trump and they have failed. what was your take on biden walking on that stage? >> i think biden is trying to figure out what his case is. he is the guy they've known for five decades. he has been around democratic politics a long time. he is trying to both be an attack dog and lap dog. what i think is interesting about biden when you get honest joe biden is when he throws the script away and starts to talk. that's when you get the flip-flops like we just had on abortion. that's when you get the flip-flop on china. that's the real joe biden. when you go to iowa and new hampshire you can't read speeches. you have to talk to people. >> bill: you have a debate in two weeks in miami, florida. thank you for your analysis. eight minutes past now, sandra. >> shannon: new details on the shooting of david ortiz. poll iltion in the dominican republic arresting a second suspect overnight. so far no word how that man may have been recovered. ortiz recovers from a second surgery in boston. a growing mystery over the deaths of six american tourists in the dominican republic and new concerns about americans traveling there. steve harrigan is live in the dominican republic with the latest. i think his shot is frozen for the time being. these are two stories we're watching closely, the deaths of those six americans in the dominican republic raising a lot of safety concerns and now there is concern about traveling to the region as the investigations over those deaths continue and as far as david ortiz, unbelievable these two stories are happening there right now. a second surgery happening in boston. we're waiting on an update on all that. a second suspect arrested overnight. still waiting to hear what exactly -- what part he may have played in the shooting of david ortiz. >> bill: good news for ortiz after the second surgery in boston, massachusetts. the team sent a plane down there. quite a call for a legend -- made his living in boston, massachusetts. ortiz is resting comfortably. if you look at the grainy video of the gunman from behind you see that and wonder shot at point blank range in the back how you survive that. you have to be a strong person. >> shannon: players present and past spaoeng out in support of him and everybody praying and hoping for the best. >> bill: emotional response of jon stewart after a few lawmakers missed a hearing on the 9/11 victims compensation fund. stewart said this. >> it's an emotion bar'sment to the country and a stain on this institution. you should be ashamed of yourselves. >> bill: so today we're getting new reaction as that judiciary committee starts marking up a bill to help responders one hour from now. we'll bring that to you shortly. >> shannon: donald trump junior, son of the president back on the hill today meeting with the senate intelligence committee behind closed doors again. what lawmakers expect to ask him. >> bill: 2020 contender bernie sanders set to deliver what is considered a major speech today on socialism and his agenda for america. things like medicare for all and free college. republican congressman greg walden with respond to that next. >> president trump: but the democrat party is now the socialist party. the democrats have never been more out of touch with the mainstream. they are totally out of touch. the first survivor of alzheimer's disease is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. going back to the doctor just for a shot. with neulasta onpro... ...patients get their day back... be with... ... family... ...or just to sleep in. strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. in a key study... ...neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17%... 1%... ...a 94% decrease. neulasta onpro is designed to deliver... ...neulasta the day after chemo... ...and is used by most patients today. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you're allergic to it or neupogen (filgrastim). an incomplete dose could increase infection risk. ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome... ...have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing... ... or allergic reactions to your doctor right away in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes... ...fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect... is bone and muscle ache. ask your doctor... ...about neulasta onpro. pay no more than $5 per dose with copay card. >> shannon: all right. donald trump junior arriving a short time ago on capitol hill giving closed door testimony on the hill today yet again in front of the senate intel committee. what do they want to ask him? a lot of questions over what happened in trump tower. it has been already limited to the scope of the questions that he can be asked in that room but donald trump junior, the president's son, will be questioned before lawmakers behyped closed doors as you can see in the video he arrived a short time ago. we'll monitor that for you. don't know how long it will go on. we'll be watching it. >> bill: heard about president trump and joe biden ramping up hits on each other. senator bernie sanders today makes the case for socialism and what is considered a major policy speech. he has some proposals expected to include medicare for all, free public college, $15 per hour minimum wage. oregon republican greg walden. welcome back to our program. what is the price tag? >> when government takes things over it seldom gets less expensive. there is no such thing as a free lunch as we know. what concerns me most is about people's access to healthcare. we know in country's where there is a complete government takeover there is a budget crunch, you wait in the hospital line and wait to get diagnosed for cancer and treatment. you've covered it. everybody covers it. why would we want the abolish the health insurance at 158 million people including union workers who negotiated for good plans. why abolish all that and have the government run it like the dmv? >> bill: he is not the only one who supports that on the democratic side as you know. >> they say that, they campaign on that and i'm the top republican on the energy and commerce committee the committee of jurisdiction and months since i asked for a hearing on medicare for all. if we go down this path. if nancy pelosi and bernie sanders and aoc will take us down this path of complete socialism shouldn't we have a hearing in the committee of jurisdiction? the energy and commerce committee. i don't think they're as serious about this from a policy standpoint as from a political standpoint. i hope that's the case. if they abolish health insurance and abolish medicare advantage policies and rip away the health insurance 158 million americans have and replace it with a government-run system do you think it will get less affordable and healthcare more available? i don't think so. >> bill: here is what he will say. we must take the next step forward and guarantee every man, woman and child in our country basic economic rights, right to healthcare, secure retirement and right to live in a clean environment. it will be a campaign issue. quite clear on that. you don't think they're serious? >> we'll see. think they're serious when they're out campaigning. if they were serious in congress they would have a hearing in the committee of jurisdiction, the energy and commerce committee. where why aren't they doing more about the costs of healthcare? that's what's driving me and my colleagues on the republican sides and americans crazy. after obamacare got in place nobody's premiums went down by co-pays went up. president trump has led to effort to try to bring drug and prescription prices down. we've never had a chief executive lean in more. they've tried to force down the cost of prescription drugs. they're on our side trying to drive down the cost of care, the bill you end up paying. that's what we should be focused on and rein in the out of control costs nobody can explain why things cost the way they do. we need to do more in that effort not government run system and it will be more expensive. >> bill: you want to bring it up for vote. i don't know if that will happen with speaker pelosi, do you? >> it's interesting. she had a hearing in the rules committee and the ways and means committee. they aren't having a hearing in the committee of jurisdiction. i don't know where they're headed with this thing. if they go down this path, then i think we just risk access to care in a timely basis. >> bill: you saw the vote yesterday on contempt with bill barr right along party lines. what do you think the vote would be if this came to the floor? >> i think it would pass. i think all the democrats would vote for it. i don't think you would see republicans going down that path. we know what healthcare costs, we know what it would do to access and all that. they control the levers of power in the house and could bring it up to a vote any day and have a hearing any day they wanted and they haven't done it. >> bill: why won't they? >> i don't think they can figure out how to pay $32 billion which liberal and conservative think tanks say it will cost taxpayers. they lose their political talking point. >> bill: you have a hearing today on surprise medical billing. what do you hope to get done with that? >> when patients follow the rules, buy their insurance companies and go in to get healthcare they shouldn't get stuck with an unexpected bill because let's say somebody got sick that was in the approved list and you got substitute somebody else. the president weighed in on this. i'm glad we're working on this issue. you shouldn't get stuck with an unexpected bill of tens of thousands of dollars if you played by the rules as the patient. we're putting customer and consumers first. i think we'll make progress and i'm glad president trump has strongly supported this. >> bill: hard to disagree with that. as long as you are playing by the rules. >> that's right. >> bill: thank you for your time. greg walden, the republican from oregon. >> shannon: massive street fights between police and thousands of demonstrators and hong kong. police fired rubber bullets and tear gas. we'll tell you what they're protesting sparking the violent clashes on the ground. >> bill: also 25 years ago today the murder of nicole simpson and ron goldman shocked the country. a look back at the case with one of the lead investigators. mark fuhrman is live coming up. . liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ that's ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it's a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist! i'm tryin'! keep it up. you'll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein. be go[ laughing ] gone. woo hoo. ♪ welcome to my house mmm, mmm, mmmmm. ball. ball. ball. awww, who's a good boy? 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[ dogs howling ] seriously? embrace the mischief. say "get pets tickets" into your x1 voice remote to see it in theaters. >> behind me a filled room of 9/11 first responders and in front of me a nearly empty congress. sick and dying, they brought themselves down here to speak and no one -- shameful. >> shannon: very passionate jon stewart there calling out congress after some lawmakers missed a sub committee hearing yesterday. the full panel is expected to start writing a bill to renew the fund. what to expect. >> the testimony on that hearing was raw, emotional and riveting and at times the majority of the committee wasn't there to hear it. the room was packed with first responders and family members of the seriously ill suffering from cancer after breathing the air at ground zero after the 9/11 terror attacks. health benefits are scheduled to expire in december 2020 and the fund is running out of money cutting pay-outs 50 to 75%. there was one man who spent weeks on the smoking pile and is about to undergo his 69th round of chemotherapy. >> this fund is not a ticket to paradise but to provide for our families when we can't. >> an emotional jon stewart what hob advocateing with them for years chastised the congressmen and women. 10 of the 14 subcommittee members were not in the room at one point. >> there is not an empty chair on that stage that didn't tweet out never forget the heroes of 9/11, never forget their bravery. never forget what they did and what they gave to this country. well, here they are. >> they appeared live on shepherd smith reporting. >> i feel like i can never repay the debt these men and women gave to the country. they brought a stability. by their moral courage and their actions, they showed us what was so worthy of our country. why it was so important for us to fight back. >> the bill is scheduled for mark-up by the full committee today and on to a house vote that could take weeks. republican mike johnson from louisiana told stewart it should pass with a unanimous vote and has to make it to the senate and be signed by the president to become law. >> shannon: rick leventhal, thank you for your reporting. what a day yesterday. very emotional testimony from jon stewart. >> bill: it close to home in new york city. we'll see how it goes. brand-new reaction from the family of that missing connecticut mother jennifer dulos and what they're saying today as both her estranged husband and his girlfriend enter not guilty pleas. we're live on the scene for that. >> shannon: dueling rallies across iowa yesterday as the president and joe biden repeatedly rip into each other. former senator joe lieberman will join us next in studio with his reaction. >> president trump: despite our amazing success the democrat party has never been angrier. every day the democrat party is becoming more and more unhinged and more and more extreme. jill has entresto, a heart failure medicine that helps her heart so she can keep on doing what she 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family we know senior living. together we'll make the right choice. >> bill: mentioned this a moment ago. washington, d.c. here is the video tox news alert. donald trump junior arriving a moment ago for the senate intel committee. they are behind closed doors. it has been negotiated back and forth for some time. catherine herridge live on the hill to bring us up to date on what we could learn today or not, good morning. >> this is a closed door session we expect to last somewhere between 3 and 4 hours breaking midday here in washington heading into the session donald trump junior was asked by reporters if he was here to correct the record and he said quote there is nothing to correct. that's because this closed door session is not looking for new evidence of a conspiracy with the russians and it is not looking for new evidence of obstruction that's already been litigated. it is doing a deep dive on discrepancies in witness testimony and if further action is warranted. principal area has to do with the testimony of the president's former personal attorney michael cohen. he testified that when he briefed members of the trump family specifically the president's son that he told him about a moscow real estate project in 2016 on a dozen occasion. the president's son testified he was vaguely or peripherally aware of the project that never went forward. the basket of questions will focus on the june 2016 trump tower meeting in new york brokered with the russian lawyer who offered dirt on the hillary clinton campaign. again, the question is to what extent knowledge of that meeting was shared beforehand with members of the trump campaign or whether it was on a very close hold as the president's son has testified. those are the basket of issues they will be looking at here this morning. >> bill: what's the latest on the house and civil contempt? >> the position of justice department officials is that if you take a close look at this resolution the word contempt is never used and the resolution which passed 229 to 191 along strict party lines allows house democrats to go to court and sue for the enforcement of the subpoena against the attorney general and former white house counsel don mcgahn. the republican spin is that the use of contempt is democratic talking points. nonetheless, both sides are using this word freely and they did so when they took to the house floor yesterday. >> democrats say we're on a constitutional crisis. they're right. but not because of attorney general barr, the true constitutional crisis is this, when democrats can't win, they change the rules. >> no one is above the law. everyone will be held accountable including the president of the united states. >> how democrats are saying at this point they do not intend to go to court unless they feel the justice department is stalling them out on some of these key records. republicans counter they don't think the house democrats can actually per veil in court because they are seeking information such as grand jury material that can't be provided unless there is a court order, bill. >> bill: we shall watch all of that. well done, catherine herridge on the hill. >> shannon: former vice president appeared to change his earlier stance on china. >> you bet i'm worried about china. when it comes to taking on china let's invest in america. let's build a united front of our allies to challenge chinese abusive behavior. >> just over a month ago he held a very different view. here is what he said at a rally in may. >> china is going to eat our lunch, come on, man, they aren't bad folks, folks. guess what? they're competition for us. >> joe lieberman is here with his reaction and chairman of the united against nuclear iran and ran for vice president on a ticket with al gore back in 2000. great to have you here. what did you think of that flip on the part of joe biden? it's a big one. >> well, i've seen a lot of flip-flops in my day. i would say that one just is low down on the scale. here is what i mean. in the earlier comment he was kind of mr. pro american. yesterday he said they're a challenge but not a threat. i think in a way he clarified what he was trying to say earlier which seemed to be almost like don't worry about china, but we do have the worry about china. it is a growing power and we have to worry not only about the challenge it represents to us, but that we make sure if we possibly can we not get into some kind of cold war with china because that would hurt us as well as them. >> you've been tasked with working with a chinese company who wants to know why they're viewed as such a threat and they want to continue to do business in the united states and do more business with us. how big of a threat in china? what do you see? >> this is really an interesting assignment and it says a lot about the u.s./china relationship right now which is this telecom company gte which is a smaller version of what huawei does worried there is still opposition to it doing business in the united states. so they asked me not to lobby for them but to find out what's on people's minds and what can we do to reassure people in american government, american business, american consumers that it's safe to buy cte products. so there is a lot of concerns here. some of it is about historic patterns of china where there is some evidence that it has happened. for instance, some chinese companies have stolen trade secrets from american companies. >> the president is taking this head on. he sees china as a huge threat and big competition. do you agree with the president's stance on china? >> i do on the substance of it which is that these negotiations with the chinese which are described as trade or tariff negotiations are really more than that. if it was just tariffs i think we already would have had a deal. but the president is raising another kind of issue and it really is an important one to raise, which is the kind of structural differences between our two countries. it is time for china. it is a great economy now. stop stealing our trade secrets and stop forcing american companies when they do business in china to share their technology with chinese companies and reassure us if we buy chain's products you aren't going to use them in some day of conflict between our two countries to compromise america. >> president trump said china ate our country alive during the obama and biden years. a flip going back to biden's stance on china and flipped on his chance on abortion. >> he definitely changed his position on that. >> with the hyde amendment. how does that play for him? donna brazile was on fox news earlier this morning saying presidential candidates evolve. you were one. >> well, presidential candidates do evolve but joe biden -- look, it's no sin to say you made a mistake. but as a candidate for president, one of the things you are trying to convince the public of is that they can trust you, that they will get what they see. and that means that you can't change positions that you've had for a long time. you can't change more than one or two positions you've had for a long time or the public will begin to lose confidence in you. so i think joe biden is doing pretty well head-to-head with president trump. >> throw it up on the screen. for the democratic primary top five biden still way up there polling 30%, sanders 19%. biden has been slipping a bit. the others struggling to find footing. is biden the best shot the democrats have? >> sure looks like it now. campaign is a long road and it is organic, it is alive and changes from day-to-day. right now what the polls show biden is the strongest candidate against president trump for the democratic side. in the democratic primary biden seems to be slipping a little. bernie sanders seems to be slipping a little. elizabeth warren and pete buttigieg coming up a bit. very interesting. >> japan's abe is hoping to ease tensions with iran. there is hope japan could be a mediator here. what about the growing very serious threat that iran poses? >> i think with all the challenges that china and russia represent to the united states, the biggest threat to our security is iran. this is a country that has been taken over by a terrorist group. the previous administration, obama administration made a very bad deal on nuclear weapons with iran. president trump had the guts to do exactly what he promised he would do, break out of the agreement. he squeezed the iranian economy. now with sanctions. we've got iran on the ropes and while i always welcome mediation, particularly from a friendly prime minister abe of japan, i think we have to be careful not to let up the pressure on iran before it really changes its way. maybe comes back to negotiations as president trump has invited them and negotiate a better deal which ends their nuclear program, stops their support of terrorism. >> are you optimistic that's going to happen? >> i'm not. this regime in tehran in my opinion has to feel that its survival depends on it changing. right now it does not feel that. >> what option does that leave us? >> we have to continue to be tough with them. there is a lot of unsettlement among the iranian people and not surprised to see massive protests and the threat to the regime that it deserves. this regime really does not represent a majority of the people of iran. >> very interesting. nice to have you here. thank you very much, sir. >> bill: 18 before the hour now. here we go. women's national team breaking records. first game at the world cup from france. >> another one here, she got it. 13-0. >> bill: this was a blow-out like the harlem globetrotters, the u.s. beating thailand 13-0 breaking the all time record for biggest win in women's world cup history. morgan scored five times. she was awesome. >> what did you think when you saw it playing out? >> bill: i thought they would win for sure but not this dramatic. they played the thailand team 2 1/2 years ago and beat them 7-0. i told you yesterday they would win 6-0. i was wrong by twice, right? they did that well. >> give you credit for the call. >> bill: some heat they're feeling not because they scored so many goals but reacting to the goals scored so late in the game. the coach was explaining that in group play you need a certain amount of goals, sometimes when they're tiebreakers to advance and that's where the question comes in. you can argue one way or the other. the women did great. they're defending champs. the odds-on favorite to win. on sunday on fox they play chile at high noon. >> what a kickoff game. the acting chief of homeland security with an urgent call to congress as the department releases stunning new details on how many asylum seekers never even show for their hearings. a live report coming up top of the hour. >> bill: it's been 25 years since the murders of o.j. simpson's ex-wife nicole and ron goldman. years later we reflect on the investigation and the trial of the century. >> just as she tried to break free o.j. simpson took her very life in what amounted to his final and ultimate act of control. ronald goldman, an innocent bystander, was viciously and senselessly murdered. employees need more than just a paycheck. you definitely want to take advantage of all the benefits you can get. 2/3 of employees said that the workplace is an important source for personal savings and protection solutions. the workplace should be a source of financial security. keeping your people happy is what keeps your people. that's financial wellness. put your employees on a path to financial wellness with prudential. who used expedia to book the vacation rental that led to the ride ♪ which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. ♪ flights, hotels, cars, activities, vacation rentals. expedia. everything you need to go. intand ux f sport,rst of its kind lexus ux also available in hybrid all-wheel 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saw today. >> it's really been a very remarkable day in so many ways ending as you described in violence with those police officers using the tear gas and the rubber bullets. perhaps the more significant development here was earlier in the day when the protestors got a victory of their own. what was supposed to happen was the legislature here in hong kong was to have debated that extradition bill. they weren't able to do it. the protestors blocked off the building where the debate was supposed to take place. the authorities have decided to delay it. we're not quite sure what will happen next. we did have a chance to visit with many of these protestors, spent a number of hours with them earlier in the day. to a man or woman they told us this place, hong kong, known for its economic freedom for so many years, they just don't want this place to change. >> we are hoping to stay for hong kong. we don't have freedom in china. hong kong is not like china. so we are making a big difference today. >> what is so special about hong kong? >> it is an administrative region with high integrity and we have our own power. we are not exactly under the chinese government's rule. so we are hoping to keep the high integrity in hong kong. >> no response to your earlier question from the central government in beijing to all of this. we have a late statement this evening from the chief executive in hong kong who is backed by beijing and the highest ranking political official here saying she strongly condemns the violence and adds that she urges the restoration of order as soon as possible. we just don't know when that will happen. we'll continue to monitor it. we're here in hong kong for the next few days. >> bill: the world is holding its breath watching with you. good to have you there on the ground in hong kong. >> sandra: new action in the college admissions scandal as the first sentences are handed down. a former stan ford coach will be the first to learn his fate. will he go to jail? we're live at the courthouse. when did you see the sign? when i needed to create a better visitor experience. improve our workflow. attract new customers. that's when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. yeah, and now business is rolling in. get started at take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. so you don't have to stash antacids here... here... or, here. kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. >> sandra: the mystery surrounding the deaths of six american tourists in the dominican republic is getting more puzzling by the hour. we have our reporter from the dominican republic there. >> a lot of bad news coming out of the dominican republic and some concerns that the bad news could hurt tourism. first an update on david ortiz, the red sox slugger who was shot in the back in the bar in santo domingo sunday. they've arrested an accomplice. he was beaten without mercy and kicked in the head before being turned over to police. they have a second suspect in custody but still no word on the motive. ortiz is still in intensive care but is in stable condition and walking in boston. he underwent a second surgery. in the meantime the mystery of the six americans who died here all with similar symptoms over the past year is still unfolding. more families coming forward including a 67-year-old from california. symptoms all the say. a drink from the mini bar and difficulty breathing. authorities are pushing back hard saying the six deaths are a coincidence. this country depends on u.s. tourism. back to you. >> sandra: we appreciate you calling in from there. problems with the shot earlier. good to get the update on two horrific stories we continue to follow out of the dominican republic. steve harrigan. thank you. >> bill: war of words getting more heated by the day, trump and biden going at it. biden has a lead over the president according to a poll. moments from now a house committee in washington starts work on renewing the 9/11 victims compensation fund. why congress is taking some heat from survivors and first responders. >> i will not stand by and watch as my friends with cancer from 9/11, like me, are valued less than anyone else because of when they get sick and die. we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. we're the tenney's and we're usaa members for life. call usaa to start saving on insurance today. who got an awful skin condition. with uncontrolled moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, you feel like you're itching all the time. and you never know how your skin will look. because deep within your skin an overly sensitive immune system could be the cause. so help heal your skin from within, with dupixent. dupixent is not a steroid, and it continuously treats your eczema even when you can't see it. at 16 weeks, nearly four times more patients taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin compared to those not taking it, and patients saw a significant reduction in itch. do not use if you are allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, a severe reaction. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening eye problems, including eye pain or changes in vision. if you are taking asthma medicines, do not change or stop your asthma medicine without talking to your doctor. help heal your skin from within. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. >> sandra: fox news alert. a full blown emergency at the border as the crisis nears a breaking point. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm sandra smith. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning. 60,000 children taken into custody in the last six weeks alone at the border. now we're learning from homeland security that 90% of asylum seekers are skipping their court date after being released into the u.s. the acting secretary kevin mcleanian during a hearing yesterday. >> it has been over 18 months since the administration asked for the legislative fixes that would have prevented the current crisis and 40 days since we asked for the emergency funding necessary to manage it. we did an expedited pilot with family units and ice and the immigration courts. 90% received orders for removal. >> 90% did not show up? >> correct. >> bill: the facilities are bursting at the seams. casey stiegel, let's start with you. >> as we have been reporting from the border and talking to all of the players for months now that the immigration enforcement system the way it is now is really broken and they're limping along. agents on the ground warned that they reached a crisis level long ago and as we've said, there is just really not much room for people to be placed. there is not enough room for the detentions and the housing of people. not enough staff to process cases in a timely manner and not enough money to keep it all afloat. enunciation house in el paso has been working around the clock, a nonprofit group, trying to reunite children who had been separated from families or do things like linking immigrants up with resources they might need like immigration lawyers. but the el paso border sector has been slammed with large groups in recent months and at one time the detention center there was more than 200% over capacity. so to help out a dallas interfaith group has volunteered. buses of migrants are being sent here to north texas where volunteers from faith forward dallas will help them get back on their feet as they remain here to await their court dates. total the big d is expected to take in about 100 migrants for now with potentially more on the way. >> all of these families that are coming here have been vetted by the customs and border patrol. >> we do all we can to work for compassion and justice in the city and so to be a city that is about compassion and justice it only makes sense for us to open the doors of our city. >> a similar group in denver is also opening its doors welcoming some of these migrants and taking some of the pressure off enunciation house and some of the crowded sectors and then reports of potentially migrants going to a facility in oklahoma as well. so, bill, i think it's safe to say we could start seeing this type of situation where groups in other states step up and say we can help take some of the pressure off the system. >> bill: they need the help. thank you, casey stiegel, live in dallas there. thank you. >> president trump: i would rather run against biden than anybody. i think he is the weakest mentally. i like running against people that are weak mentally. >> ladies and gentlemen, if he is in the white house for eight years he will forever change and fundamentally altar the character of this nation. i really mean it. this is beyond the issues. i believe that trump poses a fundamental threat to america. first -- >> sandra: president trump and joe biden trading jabs as they held dueling events in iowa yesterday. is this a potential preview for the 2020 general election race? the perfect starting point for our a-team this morning. mo elleithee, executive director of georgetown university's institute of politics and public service. brad blakeman former deputy assistant to george w. bush and a.b. stoddard from real clear politics. brad, how did things go yesterday? >> i think things went well for the president. i think he has been on offense. when he is attacked he is going to return fire. and joe biden is trying to find his place in a democratic party that has long since passed him. >> sandra: do you see it the same way, a.b. >> what biden supporters, i think they think he is the best person to beat donald trump. he had a bad week the week before. he threw out the bait. president trump took it and the entire day was about how freaked out joe biden makes trump. that's what joe biden wanted to remind the democratic primary voters. >> i couldn't agree with that assessment more. joe biden skipped the big democratic party con fab in iowa where five or six candidates spoke over the weekend and got grief from inside the beltway crowd. it was smart. now he went into iowa yesterday on his own terms and go toe-to-toe with the president of the united states. that's the image he wants to portray. he did two things while there. one, he threw out a lot of red meat to the base. the clip we just aired but he also spoke -- went right at president trump's perceived strength, which is his ability to connect with rural voters. the way he went into iowa and talked about the president's trade policies hurting rural voters, hurting iowa voters, flipped the script a little bit on an issue the president is trying to own himself. >> bill: poll is getting a lot of attention, a national poll now. joe biden with a 13-point lead over president trump. we'll see where that goes. before leaving the white house the president had to lot to say about joe biden. there is a copy of the remarks that joe biden was set to deliver released early in the morning and the president was responding directly to them. roll this now and here we go. >> president trump: america must never again be held hostage to foreign suppliers of energy as we were under the obama/biden -- sleepy joe -- group. sleepy joe. he was someplace in iowa today and said my names so many times people couldn't stand it anymore. >> bill: if you look at the transcript for the biden speech it was delivered in a way that many republican opponents during the primary of 2016 were going after donald trump at that time. you wonder if those same notes can work. in the past they have not. >> right. for a president he has the power of the incumbency that's a good thing but also the power of delivering on his promises. when you talk about the people in iowa, yes, short term pain will be long term gain. they've been taken advantage of for so many years. the president has begun already relief to take pressure off the effects that tariffs might have had on our farmers. so what the president is doing is giving tough love to people who have common sense. the people out in the heartland understand when they're being snowed and when they're being talked to honestly. the president has delivered to these. >> sandra: he had to respond. biden very directly took on the president and his tariffs hurting farmers. here is joe biden. >> he thinks that being tough he is being tough. well it's easy to be tough when someone else is feeling the pain and taking the hit. how many farmers across this state and across the nation have had to face the prospects of losing their business, losing their farm because of these trump tariffs? >> brad's point is that the president has a long stretch of time where their patience is going to continue. that's not what the farmers are saying. they've been at it a year and flooded, livestock dead, can't plant, no markets, no certainty. they don't want bail-outs. if the election was held tomorrow maybe they think the deal is coming. if it takes a year, he is really testing their patients. >> sandra: mo, bloomberg put out a piece asking a very critical question about the upcoming election, how democrats can win back obama/trump voters in 2020. those who made the shift in the last election voted according to their economic interests. and that is not about to change. it says the message for both parties is very clear. very clearly lays out president trump's plan. he has managed to talk through on immigration, start a trade war without destabilizing the economy, democrats need to spend more energy on figuring out how to do it better. are democrats putting their focus there on where voters voted last time and likely will this time? >> i agree with the argument of the piece that we are living in a populist era. that's the common thread between folks who voted for donald trump and barack obama and go back to bill clinton and even ronald reagan or jimmy carter in 1976. people have been saying this system isn't working for me and we need to take on the system. they put their hopes in someone. they don't feel like it is catching up quick enough to them. i actually think what you saw joe biden do there is a way to get at that, right? going to people and saying he promised you something. he promised you that he would have your interests at heart. he promised that he was going to get your back and you are about to lose your farm, right? go right at that from a real authentic populist perspective is a way to do it. other candidates in the field are dancing around that and taking it on. >> sandra: you have to be careful. a lot of farmers support the president's toughness on this issue. >> a.b.'s point is 100% right. will they feel a year from now. >> bill: rush limbaugh has a suggestion. president trump should campaign in california. >> i think trump out to go to california once a month. i think the republican national committee needs to schedule a debate in california. i think the campaign should have ads showing and highlighting the homelessness in downtown los angeles and pointing out that this is what happens when democrats run things with no opposition, no checks, no balances. >> bill: brad? >> i love it. i think it's brilliant. we may never win the state of california but california is the petri dish and laboratory of what democrats are going to do to the country. what they've done in california and what they're doing here in new york. go to a sanctuary city. show the plight of los angeles, of the homeless. they can't even take care of citizens who are homeless and needy and now we're taking in people who have crossed our border illegally? rush is on to something. go to the enemy and show exactly what we can expect if democrats control everything. >> well, i have think that's a good galvanizing, mobilize your base strategy. i don't know that it swings the swing voters back who supported donald trump in 2016 and swung by 24 points in the mid-term elections and supporting biden by 30 points over trump in the poll yesterday. you will really have to get people on the margins. the democrats who think climate change is our greatest threat love what california has done without the help of the federal government. economy only 41% give him credit so they give biden and obama credit. it is really about what kind of issues. i imagine that would get people out of their chair that already supported the president and thought every democrat was a socialist. i don't know if it moves people at the margins. >> bill: thank you, a.b. and brad and mo. nice to see you. from the hill right now. this is happening as we speak. the house oversight reform committee is taking a potential vote on holding the a.g. bill barr and commerce secretary wilbur ross in contempt of congress for not following a subpoena for the investigation into the trump decision to add a citizenship question on the census for 2020. the story has been out there for some time. not quite sure how it will play out but we know what wilbur ross thinks about that and we'll see what house democrats do on that. watching that from the hill. >> we don't know where jennifer is and we don't think the state knows where jennifer is. there is no body and no confirmation that jennifer is, in fact, dead. >> defense attorney norm pattis representing fotis dulos the estranged husband of jennifer dulos missing for nearly three weeks. prosecutors have found dna from fotis mixed in with jennifer's blood on a faucet in their home in new canaan. both of them pled not guilty in the courtroom yesterday and are both now out on bond. laura engel live in new canaan, connecticut where the case goes from here. good morning. >> good morning, sandra. the state's attorney revealing that new information found on the faucet here at jennifer dulos's rental home. fotis did not live here and the way they brought out the new evidence to try to increase the bond for fotis dulos by $350,000 and keep him in custody. instead the judge allowed the release on the original bond of $500,000 with conditions of surrendering his passport and staying in the state of connecticut after spending 10 nights behind bars fotis duly os was seen on a morning run in his neighborhood with a court ordered gps tracking device on his leg before meeting with his probation officer this morning. yesterday he was spotted at a local grocery store. he is seemingly going about his regular routine, the family and friends of jennifer dulos released a new photo of her along with a statement last night about the estranged couple's five young children's which reads we must not lose sight of the enormous human cost of this tragedy. five young children haven't seen their mother in 18 days. jennifer is the constant presence in their lives. fotis's girlfriend also appeared in court yesterday entered her not guilty pleas and they were in the same courtroom at the same time just for a moment but neither of them saw each other. we also attended a family court hearing yesterday regarding the custody of the five dulos children. fotis dulos attended before he was released. a lawyer for jennifer's mother working on obtaining temporary custody. the judge said she wouldn't issue a ruling yesterday and said she would issue a written ruling. we're waiting for that. fotis dulos will not be able to see or have contact with his children and be back in court on august 2. michelle back in court july 18th. the search goes on. >> sandra: that is jennifer dulos's home behind you where they lived with her five children. we'll watch all that. thank you. >> bill: house judd i shall' committee is considering reauthorizing the 9/11 victim compensation fund a day after emotional testimony on the hill. we'll bring that vote to you when it begins and lets you know how it turns out. >> sandra: bernie sanders getting ready to give a big speech on his socialist plan. money man charles payne has a lot to say about that. >> a democratic party that creates a government and an economy that works for all of us, not just the 1%. a migfrom aimovig. to be there for the good... and not so good. for the mundane. the awe-inspiring. the heart-racing. the heartbreaking. that's what life is all about... showing up. unless migraine steals your chance to say... 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"i am here." aim to be there more. talk to your doctor about aimovig. give our veterans is eligibility cfor a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. thank you, admiral. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. need cash? at newday, veteran homeowners can get $54,000 dollars or more to consolidate high rate credit card debt and lower their payments by $600 every month. >> bill: listen to democraty elijah cummings address the hill. this house committee is about to take action again against the a.g. bill barr and commerce secretary wilbur ross. the issue is contempt of congress for not complying with subpoenas issued as part of the committee's investigation. the trump team wants to include a question about citizenship in the all-important census in 2020. democrats don't like that and want more information on that. we'll see whether or not they get their contempt wish as that continues on capitol hill now. 21 past now. have a listen here. >> democratic socialism to me is creating a government and an economy and society which works for all rather than just the top 1%. >> sandra: vermont senator bernie sanders defending what he calls democratic socialism during a fox news town hall in april. that's to be the focus of a speech the two-time presidential candidate will give later today at george washington university hoping to win over younger voters. let's bring in charles payne from the fox business network and the hose of making money with charles payne. he is expected to argue it is time to complete the unfinished business of the new deal and insure economic rights for all americans >> he is trying to say i'm the grandfather of all this stuff. his rivals have cherry picked as parts of his plan. some want medicare for all. somewhat different parts but few are stepping up to the plate and saying yeah, democratic socialism. they're trying to have their cake and eat it, too. bernie is trying to put them on notice at a time he is starting to fade in the bigger democratic picture. what will be really compelling about this speech is when he talks about corporate socialism which he says is going on now with president trump. i think one thing that resonates with a lot of people, forgetting about political identity, the big wall street bank bail-out. when people make mistakes in their lives they pay for it. they lose their homes, they lose their jobs, they lose the college fund. that's going to resonate if he can make a connection. why do they pay such taxes for billionaires. many people think no one has taken this on because they have so much money and power it makes a lot of people angry. i don't care what political party. not just younger but older. anyone paying taxes why would a billionaire who has private jets which also get tax breaks need a lower tax rate? >> bill: his ideas will cost how many trillions of dollars? >> i'm not advocating for the ideas. what i am saying if he presents it in a certain way it will resonate with more people. there was a recent harris poll that said 40% of americans prefer socialism over capitalism already. it was 47% of women. so this is something i take very seriously because there are certainly things that we can do better in this country. if he can galvanize this sort of argument he will get more people than just young folks to listen to this. it's something that you have -- >> green new deal. >> we know the economic damage but i felt there would be a certain amount of economic damage by other previous presidential candidates and they were voted in. to just ignore it and say that the american public is going to say it costs too much. i don't know if that will be the case. >> bill: trump on china. comments from him yesterday. >> president trump: we had a deal with china and then they went back on the deal. they said we don't want to have four major points, five major points. we had a deal with china. and unless they go back to that deal i have no interest. right now we're taking in billions and billions of dollars. >> we send over the deal. they talked about it. everyone was feeling good, 150 pages, sent it over, take a look at this real quick and you get it back and i always say looks like one of my high school term papers, all red ink. they crossed out there. they wrote in the margins, are you nuts? >> bill: good line. >> listen, i.t. trade secrets have to stop the forced transfer of technology and need competition policies and access to their financial markets. currency manipulation is on there. more than anything else the ability to monitor and make sure they stay to their word this time. they can send one back like that we're okay. >> sandra: interesting to hear joe lieberman earlier applauding the president for his tough stance on china. something needs to be done. >> bill: they will talk at the end of june at the g20 summit. two weeks out. what are your expectations? >> a resetting of the negotiating process and start moving towards a deal. china took a shot saying hey, why not? let's take a shot and see what they object to. we've gotten away with it for so long and president trump called them out on it. i think it will be a positive reset. >> sandra: a market rally? >> i think it would be a signal we could get an honest to goodness deal. >> sandra: charles payne, thank you. see this afternoon at 2:00. >> bill: in a moment here remembering the trial of the century 25 years ago today the brutal murders of o.j. simpson's wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman shocked the nation. the trial of o.j. simpson charged with their murders kept the country riveted for a year. >> we the jury in the action find o.j. simpson not guilty of murder. >> bill: they acquitted him. how are the families of the victims doing today? >> sandra: a growing border crisis putting a renewed focus on sanctuary cities. senator pat toomey offering a solution to end these policies. he will join us on that straight ahead. >> president trump: nowhere has the democrat party become more dangerous or more radical than on border security. right now mexico is doing more for border security than the democrats. do you believe this? there's brushing...and there's oral-b power brushing. oral-b just cleans better. even my hygienist said going electric could lead to way cleaner teeth. and unlike sonicare, oral-b is the first electric toothbrush brand accepted by the ada. oral-b. brush like a pro. is this ride safe? i assembled it myself last night. i think i did an ok job. just ok? what if something bad happens? we just move to the next town. just ok is not ok. especially when it comes to your network. at&t is america's best wireless network according to america's biggest test. now with 5g evolution. the first step to 5g. more for your thing. that's our thing. >> bill: committee on the hill. a moment ago the 9/11 victim compensation fund has been reauthorized in the house judiciary committee. the chairman jerry nadler out of new york and the daily show host jon stewart brought so much attention to yesterday with his plea on capitol hill. this fund was set up about nine years ago to provide healthcare benefits to first responders and others in the new york city area with illnesses related to the attacks of 9/11. running short on money and they want to make sure it doesn't run out of money and hence it has passed out of committee. expect the full mark-up on the floor shortly. more coming up here. >> president trump: this really is a defining issue of 2020. when it comes to immigration, democrats no longer represent american citizens. where are they coming from? a vote for democrats is a vote for totally open borders. but when you look at sanctuary cities and you look at the tremendous problems, they want to get rid of ice. >> bill: president trump in a plea in iowa directly addressing the border crisis and blasting democrats for pushing open borders and sanctuary cities. the 2020 campaign sounds like it is underway already. here is our headliner pat toomey who comes from a state that will get a lot of attention. let's talk about the campaign in a moment. what is your position on sanctuary cities right now that you are trying to get done, sir? >> i've been the tip of the spear in the senate trying to bring an end to sanctuary cities. it is an outrageous policy in which city governments choose to confer a special legal protection on criminals provided that they came here illegally. it is madness. it endangers all of us. philadelphia is one of the most egregious sanctuary cities in america in my state. the fact is by becoming a magnet for dangerous criminals who are here illegally, it jeopardizes all of our safety. i have reintroduced my legislation that would withhold important categories of federal funding for cities that choose to endanger all of us this way and i'm going to insist on a vote and take another run at getting this done. >> sandra: what about this becoming a defining issue for 2020 and seeing where republicans and where you stand on this issue? >> it is a defining issue. there are elements of the immigration debate where reasonable people can disagree but i'm sorry. i don't see how reasonable people can come to the conclusion that we should all be endangered by allowing criminals to roam our streets because they came here illegally. the president has been right on this. republicans have been right on this. it is about our security. people get that. if democrats want to continue to defend the proposition that violent criminals should be turned loose on our streets as they as they got here illegally good luck with that. it makes no sense. >> bill: it is the stop dangerous cities act. you have two fellow senators working with you on that. to your home state. poll now in pennsylvania is what a head-to-head match-up apparently looks like. biden 54%, president 43%. what is going on in your state today? >> pennsylvania is always a competitive state and volatile state. it will be competitive right until the end. at the end of the day let's be clear. what joe biden represents is a return to the failed policies of the previous regime. low growth, relatively high unemployment, stagnant wages. what president trump and republicans in congress did we created an environment for the best economy of my adult lifetime. record unemployment. record number of job creation and surging wage gains. this is great for my constituents. i don't think they'll want to throw that away by returning to the past which is what joe biden represents. >> sandra: is that the key issue, senator, all about the economy again this time around? >> honestly, i think it's mostly about the economy but i think it is also about security. people realize we have a crisis at our southern border. we have a president and republicans who want to do something about it. and we've got democrats who want to refuse and have actually refused to do anything meaningful about it. so the combination of the security of the people of pennsylvania and the prosperity it doesn't get much more fundamental than that. prosperity and security are i think always the important things. >> bill: joe biden started in pittsburgh, second stop philadelphia. axios has a story. they had a small focus group come together of trump supporters who voted for barack obama, switched to donald trump and apparently during this focus group they are sticking with the president. just give us some sort of anecdotal evidence about what you are seeing on that. >> yeah, i think that's true. i think president trump's supporters will stick with him. there are swing voters in the middle who could come down either way. i'm first to acknowledge. both sides will have to be in pennsylvania. at the end of the day when voters stop and say what's really important to me? prosperity for my family going forward and the security of my family are always at the top of the list. that's where it is not a close contest. >> sandra: when it comes to the issue of north korea, here is the president. i want to ask you a follow-up on this. president trump on north korea. >> president trump: in the meantime he has kept his word. no nuclear testing. no large long-range missiles going up. the only thing he sent up with short-range and again the letter he sent was a beautiful letter, a warm letter. that's a very nice thing. >> sandra: talked about a beautiful letter he received from kim jong-un. talks about their relationship. senator, how do you want the president to proceed with north korea? >> i would say very, very cautiously. this is a brutal dictator who murders his own people with abandon. and he may be capable of writing a lovely letter but we shouldn't be under any illusions about what he is all about. it's a ruthless grip on power and the ability to intimidate and threaten other countries, including the united states, because he has a basket case of an economy and he would love to be able to extort money from other countries to make up for the incredibly miserable conditions that he has inflicted on his people. that's been the mode of multiple generations of the kim family as they have ruthlessly ruled that country. as long as we're all wide open eyed going into this and we remember the history of both this dictator and his father and grandfather, that's my message to the president. let's just be really clear eyed about what's going on here. >> bill: thank you for your time. pat toomey from pennsylvania. come on back. have a lot to talk about. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> sandra: the trial of the century 25 years later june 12, 1994 o.j. simpson's wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman were found murdered outside of her los angeles murder. how the victims' families are doing today. jonathan. >> sandra, we all remember the news of the murders and everything that followed but only a handful of people still have to live with the consequences. the other victims, the families of nicole brown and ron goldman. families who have woken up every day for 25 years with a hole in their heart. we choose not to talk about o.j. simpson but the talk about those families. fred goldman who sat down with maria bartiromo with an interview you can see in full on maria's show tomorrow morning. here is fred goldman. >> ron isn't there on a day-to-day basis to share in our share in miss life and he share in ours. my daughter, who had the most unbelievable relationship with her brother, has lost that. they had talked often about having a time in which their kids could play together. gone, not possible. didn't have a chance to share ron's dreams and watch him grow. >> fred's daughter kim is channeling her still raw emotions into a podcast launching today called confronting o.j. simpson. here is a clip. >> confronting this part of my life is something i still need to do. i want to confront the fear, the grief, the anger, the loss, the shame. i want to ask questions that have never been answered not only of o.j. simpson but of everyone involved. because this crime, this case, this trial, has changed us forever. >> for anyone who is interested in o.j. simpson's well-being he told the associated press in an interview this week, sandra, he is doing, quote, just fine. something the families of ron goldman and nicole brown will likely never be able to say. >> sandra: 25 years later, jonathan hunt, thank you. >> bill: the f.b.i. looking into the mysterious deaths of six americans in the dominican republic. are all the deaths connected? what we're learning or just coincidence? >> sandra: the disappearance of that connecticut mother of five young children still missing after nearly three weeks. why the attorney for her estranged husband says he doubts the state has much of a case next. >> from our perspective there are real and substantial questions of the strength of state's case. ners who need money for their family. with our service, veterans like us earned the powerful va home loan benefit that lets us borrow up to 100 percent of our home's value, instead of just 80 percent like other loans. at newday usa, that can mean a lot more money, especially if your home has gone up in value. on average, our veterans take out 54,000 dollars. the newday 100 va loan lets you refinance your mortgage, consolidate your high rate credit card debt, get cash and lower your payments by over 600 dollars a month. so if you're a veteran and need money for your family, call newday usa. at newday usa veterans can buy a home with no down payment. at newday, your service is your down payment. today's senior living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. and there's never been an easier way to get great advice. a place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. a place for mom. you know your family we know senior living. together we'll make the right choice. we're on the move. hey rick, all good? 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coincidence? >> no way you can have something so similar in close proximity in close time that is an absolute coincidence. these people are dying from causes that are completely similar. something is connected here. we just have to figure out what before anymore people drop dead. >> sandra: the problem is there is so much room for speculation because there is so much we don't know. >> that's what the folks are doing on the ground as we speak. f.b.i. has offices all over the world. working with the local partners looking for the common thread that links all these deaths. >> bill: toxicology is important. how long to get the results back? >> the tests they need to run could take up to 30 days to get back. the collection, analysis and the testimony is key. >> bill: for those dead already you have the information at the moment, correct? >> we do. the f.b.i. is in possession of that. >> sandra: it's going to linger for some time and who knows how many more people will come forward to say they had similar circumstances. jennifer dulos in connecticut. we learned a lot in the courtroom yesterday. both the estranged husband and his girlfriend have walked free and pled not guilty at this point. what happens next? >> they aren't exactly free. they are out on bond, great. they have to remain available and show up in court at the various court appearances. however, the biggest thing now is this investigation, because look, everybody i think knows in their heart of hearts that jennifer dulos is dead. she isn't hold up with a boyfriend leaving her five kids to fend for themselves. the question is how much circumstantial evidence is going to need to be collected without a body before they are actually charged with murder, if that is going to happen. >> bill: what do you think we learned? >> there are some strong evidence in the obstruction case as we speak. you go where the evidence takes you. we have clothing being disposed of. bloody clothing, dna on the faucet mixed with blood. finding it on that sink would indicate -- >> bill: motive and opportunity. how do you gauge both of those? >> when you have a couple in a contentious family court battle which they were. obviously the husband had motive. he had opportunity. so you are always going to look at him first. the fact remains, though, did he do it himself? if he did it at all? how strong is his alibi evidence? that's another thing. my phone could be here, guys, but i could be someplace else. if you use cell phone pings to prove your client couldn't have committed a murder. >> sandra: dna evidence was something new in the court yesterday. the state attorney on what we learned. >> the lab was able to confirm that the defendant's dna was found in a mixture on the faucet inside of jennifer's kitchen in the house where she went missing from. >> sandra: what were you able to conclude from that? >> as i say it places him in the kitchen with her blood. >> sandra: does his dna get there even if he was not? >> what is his point right now? look at his motivation. the guy is a million dollars in the hole and looking at financial difficulties. you have to look at him, look where the evidence takes you. the evidence takes you right to him. >> i agree although i do think his dna could have gotten into the kitchen from another way, from an innocent source. he has contacts with his kids. his kids live in the house. >> bill: a good defense attorney will be all over that point. >> we're definitely -- he is not completely guilty yet but they are step-by-step trying to build a circumstantial case here. >> it is like look, they're building the alibi, he may be somewhere else but not to say he didn't have someone else do it. >> sandra: the u.s. women's national soccer team kicking off its first world cup game with a big 13-0 win against thailand. but now how they celebrated running on the field and jumping into each other's arms is sparking a big debate. a live report from france next. you're headed down the highway when the guy in front slams on his brakes out of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you've got a good record and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges. how mature of them! for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise their rates because their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> bill: quick update. house committee voting on contempt. delay until this afternoon. at the same time the president has exerted executive privilege over the documents they want. stay tuned. this is going back and forth. more from the hill. in the meantime. >> sandra: on to france. usa's report win against thailand kicking off yesterday. it is not sitting so well with some. carley shimkus with fox news headlines is live in france with more on this. a lot of celebration on that field. >> yes, there was, sandra. i am at a champagne vineyard in france to celebrate team usa's historic win. they beat thailand 13-0. not everybody thinks they deserve praise. the team is being criticized of poor sportsmanship for celebrating after every single goal. some people even saying they should have implemented the mercy rule or stopped scoring all together. head coach jill ellis says no chance. >> it is about mentality. it is also about confidence. and so getting off on the right foot is important. but the reality is, yeah, we also believe we've got more to do. >> now forward alex morgan points out every goal count counts. while the controversy is getting all the headlines there was a lot of sportsmanship on display last night as well. veteran player carli lloyd gave a big hug to the goalie of thailand's team right after the game and offered words of encouragement as well. i think that should be highlighted. as for what's next, though, they will be playing chile in paris on sunday and sweden on the 20th. >> bill: it is chilly in paris. alex morgan said we knew every goal could matter. when it comes to celebration a really good team performance. meaning all the goals added up toward the end of the tournament could be a big deal. breaking news now. dominican republic police arresting a second suspect in the shooting of former red sox star david ortiz. what we're learning about that coming up shortly. come on back. i was on the fence about changing from a manual to an electric toothbrush. but my hygienist said going electric could lead to way cleaner teeth. she said, get the one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's gentle rounded brush head removes more plaque along the gum line. for cleaner teeth and healthier gums. and unlike sonicare, oral-b is the first electric toothbrush brand accepted by the ada for its effectiveness and safety. what an amazing clean! i'll only use an oral-b! oral-b. brush like a pro. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. i wanted to consolidate my credit cards in to a personal loan to pay them off faster. lending tree made lenders compete for my business and i ended up with a loan that saved me over $9000 and no more credit card debt. i mean $9000! >> sandra: moments ago the house oversight committee delaying and expected vote to hold attorney general william barr and commerce secretary wilbur ross in contempt for failing to comply with subpoenas. democrats trying to get ahold of documents related to a citizenship question. the white house wants to add it to the 2020 census. president trump experted privilege over those documents. ocasio-cortez is speaking at the hearing. more on all of this as it develops. meanwhile police arresting a second suspect in the shooting of red sox legend david ortiz, this as authorities charge the first person as an accomplice to the attempted murder. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." it is wednesday morning. i'm sandra smith. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. no indication from investigators that either of the suspects is believed to be the shooter. surveillance footage shows the gunman ambushing ortiz sunday night shooting him at point blank range in the back at a nightclub in his native dominican republic. >> sandra: and there were the deaths of six american tourists under mysterious circumstances. the f.b.i. now helping to investigate these cases. steve harrigan is reporting live from the dominican republic city of la romana. are we seeing any more progress first with the ortiz case? >> sandra, police say they are making progress in the case of david ortiz. the former red sox slugger who was shot through the back on sunday in a bar. they have one man they've named as an accomplice in that shooting. eddie garcia, he is 25 years old. his mother claims he is innocent and just a taxi driver. motorcycle taxi driver. the crowd in the car beat him without mercy. as far as ortiz goes, he is in stable condition right now in boston. the red sox team plane flew him up there. he has had two surgeries and is stable and speaking and walking. >> sandra: in light of everything that is happening there, are you hearing fear from tourists? >> we came down on a full plane last night. you could hear people talk and they are definitely concerned. they are concerned about six mysterious deaths of americans within the past year and as these stories get out, more stories coming forward including robert wallace, a 67-year-old from california. he died here in april. the same symptoms as the other five. a drink from the mini bar and then three days later dead in the hospital. this country is pushing back hard. officials say it is just a coincidence. they depend on tourism here. two million american tourists and year and it could certainly be cut by this bad news. >> sandra: we appreciate your reporting on the ground there in the dominican republic. thank you. >> bill: 2020 frontrunner joe biden campaigning in iowa. second day today. set to hold an event in 45 minutes. you'll see it later this hour. biden and president trump both stumping in the hawkeye state yesterday and opening fire on each other and taking some shots. >> this is beyond the issues. i believe that trump poses a fundamental threat to america. first -- [applause] first the core values. what we stand for. who we are. what we believe. we saw in charlottesville, i never thought i would see that coming as a kid out of the civil rights movement. >> president trump: joe was someplace in iowa today and he said my name so many times people couldn't stand it anymore. no, don't keep saying it. sleepy guy. >> bill: peter doocy picks up coverage live in des moines, iowa. good morning. >> joe biden right now is on his way to a place that coincidentally shares a name with the last democratic nominee, clinton, iowa. he and his staffers stopped on their way to the speech in eldridge where he is sitting with potential caucus goers. biden has been ignoring the other democratic candidates he needs to beat in caucuses and primaries to get the nomination and treating this trip like he already has a head-to-head match-up with the president. >> we have to clearly and fully reject for our own safety's sake his view of the presidency. quote, i have complete power. no, you don't, donald trump. [cheering and applause] >> the president has been leveling personal attacks on biden, too. and trying to boost his own reelection odds by exploiting biden's record which is as long as anybody's in washington, particularly his eight years at obama's v.p. >> president trump: we're also restoring american power abroad. the eight-year apology tour is over. we don't apologize. [cheering and applause] we don't apologize for america, we stand up for america. >> last night president trump said polls don't mean anything but certain head-to-head match-ups that show him trailing have his attention especially internal polls leaked to the "new york times." he references those in a tweet. the fake corrupt news media said they had a leak in the polling done by my campaign. they're the best numbers we've ever had. they reported fake numbers that they made up and don't even exist. we will win again. missing from most of the conversation for the last two days here in iowa are the names of the other 20 plus democrats running for president. but that will not last for long because 20 of them do have an opportunity to make waves in the first debate in two weeks. bill. >> bill: thank you, peter. that will be very interesting. thank you, sir, from des moines, iowa. >> sandra: a lot to work with there. let's bring in martha maccallum joining us early today anchor of "the story". >> it's fascinating, isn't it? you can feel that joe biden very much like hillary clinton did in the early going wants to carve out the space for himself. i think whenever anyone comes in at that elevated level in the race they want to go head-to-head rather than get bogged down in some of the politics that ensue with 20 something candidates out there. however, i think there is some interesting dynamics going on when you look at the polling. there is a big wake-up call here for president trump in these numbers. >> sandra: here is the poll. biden leading the charge there. the potential general election match-ups. it has all of those 2020 democratic contenders, martha, beating the president if it were held today. >> there is a report from axios that says the president isn't wanting to focus on the numbers right now and perhaps it's wise to some extent. the race is a full year away but you have to look at that if you're on the trump team and say there are some messages here and perhaps the messages go to things like style. some people love the president's style but some of the people who are perhaps persuadeable voters in the middle are a little put off by it. joe biden brought up interesting points about the d-day things that he talked about at d-day and the choices he made of things to discuss when he was there that perhaps are vulnerabilities. i have think it will extremely difficult to run against this president. he is an incumbent. the economy is going gang busters. he has a good story to tell on a number of fronts. shaking it up on foreign policy whether you like the tactics or not. getting somewhere with mexico potentially china. that will be significant moving forward. anybody on the trump campaign would be wrong not to take notice of these numbers and asks what's going on. >> sandra: shifting positions on a couple key issues. china was a big one. yesterday wanting to challenge them and just a month ago biden was talking about they aren't even competition and also the abortion issues as well. senator joe lieberman joined us earlier and we asked him about that. he also was a former presidential candidate himself about flipping on these issues early on and what it means for joe biden. here is senator lieberman. >> it is no sin to say you made a mistake. but as a candidate for president, one of the things you are trying to convince the public of is that they can trust you that they will get what they see. and that means that you can't change positions you've had for a long time. >> sandra: that was specifically after we talking about flipping on the hyde amendment in the federal dollars used in abortions. >> you have a majority of americans who are pro-life in the country. politically biden has to look at whether or not he should have stayed in his lane on this issue. there is -- there are legs to stand on here that could be very strong for him to differentiate himself from the rest of the pack on that. he got a lot of pressure from people who wanted him to come out in favor of this given the pressure that's on these issues as you look at the states and they are taking some very strong pro-life and pro-choice chances in some of these areas. it is very interesting to hear joe lieberman talking about joe biden. they are friends. they go a long way back. one of the most interesting things right now is the rumblings in the obama camp. david axelrod wrote a piece called bad week or ominous omen. these are people who worked closely with him over those eight years in the white house and i think it's just worth noting that there is pushback on his candidacy from these individuals. what signal are they sending to joe biden right now? >> sandra: it is early on but it is on. no doubt. some of those jabs being thrown yesterday. we'll see you tonight. tomorrow night martha and bret are hosting a town hall with presidential candidate julian castro. we'll be watching. >> bill: waiting for the alert there. missed it. nice to see you. the war of words heating up between nancy pelosi and president trump while she says her stock goes up whenever he talks about her. also coming up here, sandra. >> sandra: fox news alert, bill. the house oversight committee set to vote this afternoon to hold william barr and wilbur ross in contempt. this as a white house exerts executive privilege over documents related to that proposed citizenship question on the census. >> this is just what they'll do and it is wrong and the american people understand it. and need money for your family, call newday usa. a newday va home loan lets you refinance your home and take out 54,000 dollars or more to pay credit card debt, or just put money in the bank. it even lowers your payments by over 600 dollars a month. as a veteran, you've earned the powerful va home loan benefit that lets you refinance up to 100 percent of your home's value. we all know some of life's most important financial decisions are made right here at the kitchen table. so, if you're a veteran and need cash, calling newday usa could be one of the best decisions you'll ever make. at newday usa veterans can buy a home with no down payment. at newday, your service is your down payment i have heart disease, watch what i eat, take statins, but still struggle to lower my ldl bad cholesterol. which means a heart attack or stroke. could strike without warning, pulling me away from everything that matters most. 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the democrats will focus on continuing to do what mueller has already done. >> sandra: they're set to vote on this. what do you think of jim jordan's reaction? >> i agree with them and it shouldn't be -- it shouldn't be about politics, though. using the incredible force of the government to do investigations shouldn't be about republican or democrat. he is right. we had someone who spent two years, 35 million of taxpayer money looking into everything from president trump, children and russia and didn't indict anyone else. it is still going on. it is even going on today with donald trump junior on the senate side. >> sandra: he is behind closed doors right now. we were told about three hours, the types of questions, the topics that those questions pertain to was worked out ahead of time. what do you expect happening right now with done junior and lawmakers? >> i think it's extremely -- i used to do those interviews doing investigations. you have republican staff and democratic staff sit across the table and question him. who is simply by definition the fact he is there in jeopardy if he says something that even making a mistake. i think it's peculiar after all these investigations the senate wants to talk to donald trump junior after mueller went through all this. the senate intel wants to talk to him again rather than looking at what led up to the investigation. i would think people are just as interested in comey and mccabe and strzok and how we got there in the first place especially in light of the fact that mueller looked into all this. >> sandra: why do this? what do you think they hope to get? don junior was asked as he walked into the hearing room is there anything to correct? i'm paraphrasing. i believe he responded there is nothing to correct. >> normally what happens in these investigations. it is anybody's guess. what they are referring to they probably think when donald trump junior testified previously and when they looked at the mueller report or other statements they may be suspicious he misspoke or made a misleading statement. you don't have to bring him back in person to do that frankly. it's really odd that the senate intel is doing this. >> sandra: we haven't seen him walk out. we were told the interview would be relatively brief. a source told fox news it isn't going to go for three years. we appreciate your time on all that this morning. >> bill: 25 years ago did the murders of o.j. simpson's ex-wife and her friend goldman shocked the country. dr. michael baden joins us later to discuss that. >> your indifference cost these men and women their most valuable commodity, time. the one thing they're running out of. >> bill: an emotional jon stewart calling on congress to pass a bill renewing the compensation fund for 9/11. it is passed committee. a full house vote could be next. what it means for first responders. we'll talk to one of them next. wanna take your xfi to the next level? now you can with xfi advantage. giving you enhanced performance and protection. when devices are connected to your home's wifi, they're protected. helping keep outsiders from getting inside. and if someone tries, we'll let you know. so you can stream, surf and game all you want, with confidence you can get coverage where you need it most. that's xfi advantage. make your xfi even better. upgrade today. call, click or visit a store. >> bill: house judiciary committee approving a piece of legislation that would reauthorize the 9/11 victims compensation fund that covers the health benefits of ground zero first responders and their families. this was debated. the president of the unformed fire officers association from the hill. tell us and our viewers what happened last hour. >> good morning. yes. the bill was in committee and it was in committee for mark-up and there was no amendments to the bill and it was voted unanimously out of committee to the floor of the house. >> bill: do you expect it to pass on the floor of the house is the obvious question next, sir? >> we have tremendous support for this bill. never forget the heroes act which funds the victims compensation fund. we have tremendous support from our new york delegation and from our elected officials across the country. >> bill: how many people need help and how much money do you need? >> literally there are thousands of people that have applied to the victims compensation fund. the special master has done a terrific job in dispensing these funds but it is running out of money. the exactly how much money is needed, that all depends on how many more people -- how many more first responders, how many more civilians become sick from the hazardous environment. >> bill: do they have to prove they were there on the pile or how does that work? >> as far as new york city firefighters and fire officers are concerned, we have -- if you were there, you filed a notice of participation which documents that you were down at the site for at least 40 hours. >> bill: you wonder why that has to be debated. a couple of things here chuck schumer said the following a few moments ago. >> even in a divided congress and country, this issue is an absolute issue of moral clarity and just as we don't leave soldiers on the battlefields behind, we must not leave the brave first responders behind when it comes to their healthcare. and yet shamefully it has always been a struggle here in this congress to abide by that principle. >> bill: i want to ask you a question on that and one more point here. was this ever really in doubt? >> as far as we're concerned, it is not in doubt. we will continue to walk the halls of congress until this legislation -- >> bill: understood. was congress about to turn tail on this ultimately? >> well, again, you know, we're optimistic that on the day our nation was attacked this station was not divided and we stood as domestic soldiers and we expect that when it comes for a full vote, that we will be a nation as one and we will signal to the people who had attacked us that we cannot -- we can be knocked down but we cannot be knocked out. >> bill: one more thing. jon stewart yesterday got a lot of attention. you were there as well. this is part of what he said. >> behind me a filled room of 9/11 first responders. and in front of me, a nearly empty congress. sick and dying, they brought themselves down here to speak. and no one, it's shameful. an embarrassment to the country and a stain on this institution. and you should be ashamed of yourselves. >> bill: some members of that committee were pushing back saying it was moved to a bigger room and only two members were missing. did jon stewart turn the tide on this issue for you yesterday? >> jon stewart is phenomenal and has been a champion of this cause for the new york city fire officers, new york city firefighters and all first responders and victims. obviously he is very passionate about this. and he is very emotional. and i believe he has brought insurmountable attention to this issue. >> bill: you might have needed his voice. thank you so much for your time. we'll see what happens in the full house. thank you, sir. >> sandra: a judge is now set to hand down the first sentence today in that sweeping college admissions scandal. how much prison time the former sailing coach at stanford will get and what it could mean for the dozens of other defendants, plus this. >> time and time again, on issue after issue, trump makes the wrong choices. >> president trump: with biden we would never be treated with respect because people don't respect him. >> sandra: president trump and democratic frontrunner joe biden getting into back and forth in iowa as new poll numbers show one of them with a big advantage in the early going, bret baier will be here to weigh in next. i've booked your shower, sir. ♪ ♪ how far you travel is up to you. how comfortable you travel is up to us. fly emirates. fly better. >> sandra: fox news alert on the protests happening in hong kong. police firing rubber bullets and tear gas. thousands blocked entry to the city's government offices forcing the delay of the legislative debate over the proposed measure. the proposal would allow criminal suspects there to be sent to mainland china for trial. critics argue this would lead to political persecution. >> i just consider the source. >> what do you mean by that? >> my stock goes up every time he attacks me. what can i say? let's not spend too much time on that. that's his victory. the diverter of attention in chief. >> bill: speaker pelosi addressing her feud with the president suggesting the tariff threat against mexico was meant to distract from the mueller matter. that point could be debated. here to talk about is bret baier in washington good morning to you. she called him the diverter of attention in chief. how is that relationship shaping up? >> not too well by what she said about she would like to see president trump in jail, by what he said in that interview calling her vile after she had said that. so no, there is not a lot of love lost right now between the two. i think the challenge for nancy pelosi is to herd the cats. she continues to say that president trump is trying to goad democrats into impeachment for a political process but she is trying to say enough tough things, i think, to calm down some of the calls for impeachment in her own caucus and it is getting tougher and tougher as jerry nadler and others are saying we need to open the door to this -- to starting this impeachment hearing. >> bill: quickly on the joe biden appearance in iowa. want to get your reflections. a national poll came out that showed joe biden nationally up 13 points and we have reaction from the president on that by way of twitter. there is the poll there. donna brazile framed it the following way on joe biden's candidacy this morning on "fox & friends." watch here. >> the president had a larger crowd clearly in council bluffs and des moines, a fundraiser. the vice president was going back to an area of the state where obama and biden did well in 2012 and hillary clinton do so well. >> bill: starting low, going slow. david axelrod was on cnn last night and he is advising joe biden publicly don't play into the stereotype the president has given you as sleepy joe. be out there more often. so often we haven't seen that. how do you view that at the moment? >> i agree. he is trying to be nominee in waiting and sometimes that works and sometimes it does not as we saw last time. and like president trump did with jeb bush he is trying to label him as low energy, sleepy, however you want to call it. biden has to push back against that. he did have yesterday the one-on-one and a lot of coverage just because of that. and he is looking for more, i think, of those days to happen so he can appear to be the one candidate who is going head-to-head. one thing about the polls early on, the head-to-head polls. if you go back in history to really any incumbent that is facing a challenge, about this time you can see that the polls are 10, 11, 12 points for the opponent. and when push comes to shove to the election it doesn't turn out that way. we'll see what happens this time. >> bill: kirsten gillibrand was in des moines talking about this about pro-life and racism in america. her comment. >> there is no moral equivalence see when you come to racism. i don't believe there is a moral -- we have decided the other side is not acceptable. >> looking at the polling numbers as we mentioned polls, i think she is at zero percent within the democratic field. how will a message like that go over in a state like iowa? >> she is playing to the progressive pro-choice side saying i have your back 100%. she is not going after independents. some of whom may be pro-life or don't think this issue rises to the level of calling it racism to believe the other side. she should talk to senator bob casey from pennsylvania, or any other pro-life democrat. by saying what she is saying, she is excluding those folks from the umbrella of the democratic party. >> bill: fair point. we'll see you tomorrow night with martha. arizona? >> you got it. castro, it should be good. >> sandra: we'll be watching. former stanford sailing coach was caught in that college admissions scandal and he will be sentenced today. we'll find out to the first of dozens penalized in operation varsity blues. molly line is in boston awaiting what happens next. >> that's right. former stanford coach will see what his sentence is. prosecutors are asking for 13 months behind bar. he didn't personally or profit money he secretly sold recruitment slots in exchange for payments used to benefit the sailing program he ran and also enhanced his own career prospects. he cooperated creating a falsified sailing profile from one student from china and then another student as a sailing recruit. though his actions didn't result in either student attending the school singer funded more than $600,000 to the sailing program through his fake charity. the man's lawyers are arguing for probation noting his regret. lack of criminal history and pointing out he did not pocket a dime. others did keep cash and they argue this defendant's intent was to help the sailing program he loved. stanford fired him on the day he pled guilty. the university takes no position on his potential sentence but says of him and singer, their actions undermined public confidence in the public admissions system and -- his conduct also was wholly opposite of stanford's core values. it included highlights from a variety of letters written on his behalf from the interim head sailing coach and students, parents and letter from his wife who appeals to the judge on her behalf and on behalf of their two children ages 3 and 1 at 2:00 this afternoon. >> sandra: we'll watch for that. molly line, thank you. >> bill: there is nothing better than a game seven, right, smitty? and that's what we'll get tonight. boston bruins face off at home against the st. louis blues. stanley cup is on the line. series is three games each. back in 2011 the bruins defeated the canucks. that isn't on fox. the one thing not on fox. women's world cup on fox, u.s. open pebble beach starting tomorrow round one in california. that's on fox, too. check it out. by the way, an awesome weekend. saturday and sunday coverage on the east coast goes to 10:00 at night. how great is that? 10:00 p.m. the coverage on fox of the u.s. open pebble beach. >> sandra: who is going? >> we'll be there. i'll be there for a day or two. >> sandra: i'll be here. all right. it was 25 years ago today when a brutal crime captivated the nation. o.j. simpson's wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman were found murdered outside her los angeles home. simpson charged with the murders but later acquitted. dr. michael baden was a key witness in the case and he will join us live next. a migfrom aimovig. to be there for the good... and not so good. for the mundane. the awe-inspiring. the heart-racing. the heartbreaking. that's what life is all about... showing up. unless migraine steals your chance to say... 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"i am here." aim to be there more. talk to your doctor about aimovig. >> the jury find the defendant o.j. simpson not guilty of the crime of murder. >> sandra: that is how the o.j. simpson trial ended with simpson found not guilty of murdering his ex-wife and her friend. it was 25 years ago today when nicole brown simpson and ron goldman were found brutally murdered outside her home. braden was a witness for the defense in the trial. good morning. what is it like for you 25 years later to look back and reflect on that moment? >> well, it is interesting because that moment when the verdict was announced led to such a huge split in the white and black communities that were being covered by television. 95 million people watched that trial and there was -- and that split thinking about it is still with us today. the whole issue of criminal justice involving racial aspects. >> sandra: relive this moment. >> that is when i was being cross-examined and 25 years ago has gone very quickly. and it's amazing how one reflects backwards, but it was a long time ago. it happened quickly. >> sandra: o.j. simpson was asked the same question, who has gone on to live was described as a simple, quiet life to look back 25 years later and his answer, we don't need to go back and relive the worst day of our lives. >> it's an interesting answer. it was the worst day of his life, of the family's lives, and his life has gotten a little better and theirs hasn't, will never be the same. there are 50 murders a day in the united states in which families go on never the same as before the murder happened. >> sandra: what was it like inside that courtroom? >> it was amazing. really the first time that television cameras were used in the way it was with o.j. simpson. they had a court tv channel that was just on that. people followed it for months, for nine months they would listen to it every day. >> sandra: how did that affect your job? >> it affected my job just that i had to be there sometimes as a forensic pathologist. what was interesting is the prosecution showed repeatedly many of the scene and autopsy photographs that were kept from the public. it was only shown to the jury, as a forensic pathologist had to go up each time and watch the same photos that the jury was looking at. but the public didn't see, bloody, awful photographs. and so that kept me busy for quite a while and it was very depressing to see the two families and all their people in the courtroom and still to this day when i look at the goldman family and the brown family, very much like it was 25 years ago. >> sandra: described as the trial of the century. you were a huge part of that and 25 years goes by fast. >> it goes by fast. and the problems that it demonstrated, much of it hasn't been dealt with properly. like the reason i think that the not guilty verdict came in is because there had to be improvement of the police and prosecution investigations at that time it showed some deficits in the prosecution and police and that is still with us. we have to improve even with all of the forensic science and the dna that we have today. it was introduced with that case. the dna testimony was a big part of it but the jury didn't understand it because it hadn't come into general use at that time. >> sandra: would it have played out differently? >> i think it might have if the dna evidence had been more firmly described to the jury. remember, the jurors were not professors, they were -- >> sandra: it's an amazing story to look back and it captivated a nation for quite some time. dr. baden, appreciate you coming in this morning. >> bill: amazing history right there. quick check of "outnumbered" what is coming you up with harris and dagan. >> the president and frontrunner caucusing the state of iowa at the same time yesterday. the attacks were flying. whether that's a good strategy for either and both and new polling on potential head-to-head 2020 match-ups all next hour. >> what do you call it? spicy? bernie sanders let to lay out -- really lay out his case for democratic socialism, of course, with plenty of hits on president trump. can he sell socialism in any real way or is he just firing up the base? >> all that plus our guy in the middle. wait until you see who it is at the top of the hour. >> bill: we'll see in 10 minutes. have a great day. facebook wants to pay you for permission to track you on your phone. would you do it? 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[ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. >> bill: facebook wants the pay users to track how they use their phones. bret larson, the tech guru here. it's an app called study. how does it work or would it work? >> it is voluntary, so you have to sign up for it and they will pay you. they are going to be tracking everything you do. this isn't just tracking what you're doing on facebook. they know that already. they'll be tracking what apps you are using, other things that you're doing on your phone. they are not also going to be accessing things like your address book or photos. so there is some restrictions on it. they got in trouble for this a couple of months ago. we did the story here. they were paying teenagers 13 to 18 years old $20 a month to monitor their behavior. when you use a vpn whoever the service provider is they see every single thing you do. a lot of privacy advocates were not happy with facebook. >> bill: study only available to those 18 years and only and only available on android. >> that was an odd move. it is more open than apple's operating system and ways to get deeper under the hood of that operating system and get a better idea of what people are doing. apple has clamped down on privacy. they haven't said how much to pay you. keep your eyes out. you'll see and ad in your facebook feed if you're able to do it. click on the ad and sign up and remind you they are tracking you throughout. >> bill: related matter. the "wall street journal" story is reporting that they have unearthed emails that appear to show the ceo mark zuckerberg knew of potentially problematic issues. >> a troubling find. it surprises me when you get caught with your email down. caught having a conversation over email that someone unearths. email never goes away. it goes to a million places before your in box. it seems as though he was aware that they had some privacy problems and it seems as though he wanted to know how far it went. but that's pretty much the extent of what we know now. >> bill: do we know when, the content of it? >> i'm not finding the year it may have happened. facebook is facing a mountain of problems and i think it's a lot of what has to do with here is all of this stuff has just caught up with them. a lot of what they were doing and realizing oh my gosh, we have mountains of data that our developers are able to access. we should do something about this. those kind of conversations will face renewed scrutiny no matter when they were happening. >> bill: we'll see how the company responds. >> sandra: a live look at the white house where we're awaiting the arrival of the president of poland. the president will be meeting with him at the white house, he and his wife. they will join the president and first lady at any moment. when it begins we'll bring you back to the white house live. crt into one monthly payment. and get your interest rate right. so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. ... thanksno problem.. -you're welcome. this is the durabed of the all new chevy silverado. it looks real sturdy. -the bed is huge. it has available led cargo area lighting. lights up the entire bed. it even offers a built in 120 volt outlet. wow. plug that in for me. whoa! -holy smokes! -oh wow! and the all new silverado has more trim levels than any other pickup. whoa! oh wow! -very cool. there's something for all of us. absolutely. it's time to upgrade. (laughter) >> we've arrived at that moment. >> do you have a sense of jealousy i'm heading to pebble beach? >> enjoy yourself. >> we shall. >> join us on t.v. >> absolutely. >> we'll be back tomorrow morning, "outnumbered" starts right now. >> we begin with an alert, new reaction to preview of potential general election match up or showdown. as president trump and democratic front-runner joe biden rip into each other during a campaign series of events in iowa yesterday. this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here is dagen mcdowell, fox news contributor, lisa boothe, fox and friends julian and get ready, former new mexico governor and former 2008 democratic presidential candidate bill richardson. the gov is in the house. >>


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