2012 For PC Users
With expected component shortages and the consequent rise in hard‑drive prices, what can the PC musician expect from 2012?
Are you lost without VU meters? Klanghelm s VUMT is a versatile bargain with plenty of different applications.
In the current economic climate, punters are, perhaps understandably, more cautious about splashing out on a new PC so, in the UK at least, some distributors have ended up with high inventory levels (although perhaps not quite the PC mountain that some industry pundits have suggested). Sadly, some of these distributors are probably now relieved that they do still have plenty of stock, since the dreadful flooding in Thailand has caused hard-drive prices to skyrocket (Western Digital and Toshiba have been hit particularly hard by the floods). There are warnings of possible PC and associated component shortages at Christmas, as well as going into 2012.