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Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20131214

it heists been exactly one year since the shooting of sandy hook elementary where 26 were killed. we are learning more about the most recent school shooting in colorado. the shooter may have had a fight with a teacher. the 18-year-old arrived with a rifle, ammunition and malatov cocktails. he wounded a 17-year-old girl before wounding himself -- teacher, and then had these malatov-style devices. one of them. the library, he killed himself with a single shot now, this all played out and -- of the victim? >> our beautiful daughter, claire davis, has severe head trauma as a result of the gunshots. she needs your continued prayers we would like to thank our family, friends be, community and the community for outpouring of love and support as well as the school for their continued support of the students and teachers. we would also like to express our gratitude to the first responders and the trauma team at littleton adventist hospital for saving our daughter's life and quickly getting her into surgery. claire is still i condition. one of the thing that sheriff robinson emphasized again and again was that there was no time for anyone to flee or run: originally we had heard it was 20 minutes then down to five minutes. now sheriff robinson mentioned the security video and a minute and 20 seconds of this high school. >> thank you for that update there. the shooting in newtown, connecticut. church bells toed in heart first offed, a 20-year-old loan gunman killed 26 people, most of young children. those living in newton asked for privacy. it was marked by private ceremonies. president obama and the first lady lit a candle at the whitehouse, one for each of the 20 children and the adults killed today. they also offer condolences. >> a quite peaceful town was shattered by unspeakable violence. six dedicated school workers and 20 beautiful children were taken from our lives forever. as parents, as americans, we still remember. newton is a town like so many of our home towns, where he had indicators and kids could have been any of our own. our hearts were broken for the families who lost a piece of their heart. >> after the shooting at sandy hook, many demanded stronger gun controls. chicago officials say cracking down ol illegal guns is called for. >> chicago police blame illegal guns for most of the 900 murders in the city over the last two years the sheriff said his department is making the city safer. >> we are making process it is getting safer. just two months ago, their 19-year-old son was gunned down on the porch of his home. the atwaters say he wasn't in a gang and may have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. >> guns here. you can for $500. >> chicago complied with court rulings. he said legal guns aren't the problem. it's unregistered illegal guns that often go from one gang mer to another. he is trying to combat high crime neighborhoods and work closely with community groups but said those efforts can only go so far. he wants tougher penalties for people carrying illegal weapons. >> even the best policemen in the world without laws to keep illegal guns off of the streets will and laws that will punish dangerous criminals who carry them, we will continue to face an uphill battle. >> atwater wonders whether tougher gun laws will make a difference. >> people are being killed. >> not far from the atwater's house is a memorial that bears the names of some of the children murdered in chicago over the past five years. to the atwaters, it's a constant reminder of the violence that has cost them and other families so much. diane eastabrook, chicago. >> teenagers and the second amendment. one says individuals have the right to the bear arms and says a well-regulated militia and the rights of the people to bear arms shall not be restrained. that was talking about forces like the national guard and not necessarily the difference, some say. >> the second amendment gun advocacy group joins us. thank you for being with us. we appreciate it? >> thank you. good to be with you. >> do you think there should be any limits to the second amendment, any weapons that oooooooooooooooo question here. over the last few years, it's a polarized environment right now. it's hard to get proposals through when one side wants their proposal tooooo the whole thing. >> so what are some initiatives that your group supports that you think actually will make a difference ingggggggggg guidelines for those crimes and also better mental health services out there. those type of proposals review. we keep hearing terms like a salt weapons ban f magazine clips. why not restrict some of these specific types of guns that are they want to ban it and they can create whatever kind of verbiage they want to the create, assault weapon, which they made up out of thin air, the weapons are in common circulation are not actually assault weapons. those have been banned for a long time now. so there is some semantics going on here: i don't think the other >> when we are talking about some of these high-powered rifles, magazine clips, sometimes 30 rounds, do you think think there maybe could be more restrictions put on those types of weapons? >> what do you mean? "high powered"? they are not high-powered. actually, hunting rifles are more high-powered than some of the -- some of the weapons that have been involved in some of the recent shootings. so, the verbiage there just doesn't add up with what a lot disagreement about what these are called but you know what i @ perspective tonight. >> okay. thank you. >> nelson mandela said he wanted to be buried near where his-began. tomorrow, he will get his wish. the body was taken to south africa today to a small village. nick sheevelin. >> for the last week, a lot of people here have been celebrating nelson mandela's life and the sacrifices that he made for his country. today, it is about mourning. a man who sacrificed so much, he took one final journey home. they remembered man del al al *- >> 20 miles, some waiting an hour called mandela. they say they are forever gre grateful. one mandela release. so happy. the body finally, arrived. all cher issue this last trip. >> 2-year-old kaelynn, with her family. >> i mean my daughter will not see racism because of things he did in our country. and lots of other people i know. and then after the body left, a final song, the language mandela first spoke. it trans lates to mad i have a, man d mandela. sunday's burial will combine the new with only tribal traditions. we will see animal-skinned coffin and a family member telepathically communicating with mandela. it will be the most poignant moment in the emotional 10 days saying good by to nelson mandela. south africa. >> you can watchful coverage of nelson mandela's funeral here on al jazeera america. that starts at 1:00 a.m. eastern, 10:00 p.m. pacific. confusion over whether desmond tu tutu had been invited was cleared up. the bishop said he had no intention of crashing the funeral of his lodge front end. officials said it was mistake. he is definitely invited. >> confirming that the bishop will atind the funeral of his old friend. he has preached at the services of most major anti-apartheid leaders. >> the growing humanitarian crisis in the central africans republic is being criticized. >> snow and more on the weathercast coming up next. >> an al jazeera america exclusive... former president jimmy carter reflects on the life and legacy of nelson mandela. >> that spirit of nelson mandela is embedded deeply in the heart and soul of the south africans... >> they worked side by side for freedom, now president carter talks about mandela's global impact. a revealing interview you won't see anywhere else. >> i've never heard him say, that he was grateful to the united states... >> talk to al jazeera with jimmy carter only on al jazeera america commanded a king's ransom, 62-year-old nick saban says, "i'm too darn old to start over", he did not adarn, he used the other word. he agreed to a multi year extension remain the coach of crimson tide. >> not one day during the school year goes by where a navy pleeb doesn't hollar beat army, or a cadet, "beat navy." the two oldest dismiss meet for the 114th time. michael eaves has more. >> on paper this game doesn't figure to be much of a battle. 7 and 4 navy against a team posting three wins. the games are not played on paper. the long-standing rivalry is more than a contest. >> i'm phil torres coming up this week on techknow... for some soldiersknow... the war never ends. watch as a battle once fought in a warzone, comes to life on a video screen. >> he was doused in deisel fuel and he was just in a lot of pain. >> can re-living trauma lead to a cure for ptsd? technow on al jazeera america >> the african central aftrica public, the nation. >> these people are waiting for a doctor to see them doctors without borders has criticized them for not doing more. >> i think everything here wants to go home for a reason. they are here today. they are trying to operate here to see the conditions 200 meters. the minister of the country, nicholas shangai. he works at the african military base. like almost every politician here, he has no control over what is happening. situate asked why tens of thousands of people are having these issues. >> i don't even have a car. what do you want me to do? go on foot? i don't have an answer. how do you expect me to go somewhere where my safety is not guaranteed. >> this is what he fears, close to the airport, another victim of sectarian violence. rebellion in general. here, this woman named her son franco francois, born the day the french president came in. >> what will i do? how will i see bring a child up? his father is not here they pillaged my house. they have taken everything. i have nothing right now. people have lost all hope. this is a country that has all about collapsed. they are almost totally reliant on outside help. >> egyptians will vote on a new constitution next month. a vote being held january 14th and 15th. the con at this timetution will replace the one from the ousted morsi. he said it will set path for a democratic straight. he and turning to tunisia. minister jamal has an agreement to end deadlock following anti-government protests. >> an unusual spell of wintry weather. snow in ver montgomery for the third straight day. the same system brought snow to israel, turkey and lebanon. a lot of snow there. we are seeing snow in the northeast as well. >> we are. getting several storms all coming together at the same time. and you have the storms set just right to bring in that cold, dry air and bring the moisture right over. we are just getting rolling in parts of vermont and connecticut. we have more on the way. right now, we are seeing most of the snow skirt right up on michigan and, also, towards pennsylvania and into new york. so we will continue to get some bands of heavier snow. total so far, chicago, in that darker blue area, parts of southern chicago, three to four inches of snowfall. farther over, into the south, you've got en that area of purple is about 10 to 12 inches of snow in illinois. champaign, pennsylvania, five inches. one inch for west virginia. now, we will get concerned about windchill factors and, also, icing. here is what we have in the way of wind gusts. notice the blustery cold air, about 20 miles. there, and we have got wind gusts elsewhere. a lot of rainfall and that rain has been heavy with tornados in parts of pensacola up into georgia. now we will see closer to sunset, the temperatures, you can see, a big difference. very cold in the north. this weekend, we will still have the snow up the northeast. so while we get to a better place tonight, around new york, manhattan and harlem, it's going to get more touch-and-go as you get up into vermont and connecticut and maine as well. here is our storm system, four areas of low pressure, one that get the great lakes snow, lake effect snow tomorrow. the other snow, we are getting wrapping around for the northeast. but then the one in the south, it has been dumping rainfall on florida and the forecast again will be for snow showers for overnight. boy, sunday looks stormy in the northeast but it will be quiter, jonathan for areas in the west. >> some good news there. thanks, rebecca. still ahead on al jazeera america, off to space, the third nation now says they have landed on the moon. coming up in sports, the highest award in college ball. the heisman trophy presentation. the europe? >> reporter: it does look, welcome back to al jazeera america. here is a look at the top stories today. news about the teen gunman who killed himself after critically wounding another student. he legally purchased a shotgun. one year since 20s children and six educators were killed at sandy cook. newton has asked for privacy. president obama observed a moment of silence and lit 26 candles to honor each of the victims. >> mandela's body has arrived at the place of his birth. the funeral services are set for 1:00 a.m. eastern. nelson mandel a had a special place in the hearts of many in northern california. many felt a close connection to the anti-apartheid leader strength and hope, and continue to struggle. >> 1990, an end of an 8-city tour of the united states for nelson mandela. he chose to thank the people of the san francisco bay area. [ music ] >> commemorating him this past week, city leaders invoked their own contribution to the anti-apartheid movement. back in the 1980s, musical and instilltutional investments involving billions of dollars. >> san francisco, the university of camera and the state of california played a leading role in initiating the movement in south africa. >> anti-apartheid student protests took place here in the 1980s at u.c. berkeley including a 100-day sit-in and brought together thousands of students. >> police and more than 150 people were arrested. >> students, here, again, overnight, in the solidarity. >> now, a state assembly woman was then a graduate student who led the campus divestment committee. we felt we were morally implicated in the regime that basically was denying the majority of people in south africa their freedom, ability to participate in government or any democracy. >> many others took, not only students. in 1984, larry wright was a long shoreman unloading ships at ports. he recalls how will union members refused to move south african cargo off ships. >> the ship set there for 11 days. every day there was a demonstration, every day the longshoremen refused to go. they tried to negotiate to get the ship unloaded but we refused. >> the movement changed momentum. >> until the world stood with south africa, their struggle would never have reached its peaceful conclusion. >> so at city hall, it was a dual honor for nelson mandela and politics in the bay area. decades ago, 10,000 miles away from south africa could make a difference. melissa chan, san francisco, california. >> another accident at the royal construction in brazil. a death from a worker falling from the roof. >> early saturday morning, a construction worker died in the city while building the stadium there. that was one the cities hosting the world cup event here in brazil that will begin in june. this is the third city to have suffered a fatality related to the construction of the stadium. as brazil gets closer and closer to the opening day of the world cup, there is more pressure and more eyes on the country which make people here skeptical it will be ready in time. last week, we visited the city of portich i have a, a city that will host the game. that stadium is also very far behind and will make the december deadline. as we get closer to the opening of the world cup, the pressure will continue to rise and people will continue to have all eyes on this country as it hosts this major world event. >> the college football's highest award will be handed out mark morgan is here with more on the heisman. >> john, just saying, florida state, windston is the favorite to win the heisman trophy. if his name is not called, it will be a shock. he is among six players vying for college football's most prestigious award. >> i am looking forward to be in new york. my family is here. everybody is smiling. i am going to walk in and show my face. >> to be able to see everything for the second time. everybody with the heisman here and all of the past winners, starting to run in to. it's a great feeling. my family back here, to be able to spend time with th,ome of these guys i now can call my brothers out there, it is awesome. >> i think all of these, you know, they are labeled as individual award but you are not here unless you have great teammates and unless your team brings you this far. so, you know, i am honored to represent the university of alabama at all of these awards but at the same time, i know my teammates and i thank them every day i see them for allowing me this opportunity. >> here, you have a chance to win no matter, no matter what, what other people have to say or what. you are here and you have a chance to win a trophy. >> i am very excited. if i win, i am going to be so excited, i may say anything up here. >> now, earlier, i asked our college football analyst graham watson with yahoo sports if there was any chance winston could lose tonight? >> no. absolutely not. i think the only player that could win it would be alabama's quarterback, ajay mckaren. he won the max well award, the best college football player. it's kind of the mini heisman if you will but no freshman has ever won that award to date. so, there is a precedent there. winston has shown he is the best player and since the sexual assault charges have been cleared, it was done all before the voting on december 9th, i don't see any way he doesn't win. >> last year johnny manziel became the first red shirt freshman to win the award. army navy, just complete, navy wins 34 to 7. 12 straight games. >> holy cow. they are on a roll. >> they are. >> thanks, morgan -- martin. excuse me mark morgan. michigan lawmakers pass add controversial bill, women who want to buy abortion coverage have to buy a policy specifically for that purpose. >> sometimes politics gets personal, very personal. >> i am about to tell you something that i have not shared with many people in my life. but over 20 years ago, i was a victim of rape. and thank god, it didn't result in a pressugnancy. >> gretchen whitmeyer in the republican state senate tried to convince her colleagues to vote against a law forbidding insurance companies from covering abortions in their standard policies. >> the thought and the memory of that still haunts me. if the this were law then and i had become pregnant, i would not be able to have the coverage because of this. >> her emotional appeal didn't work. the law passed in both houses. >> i don't believe that the argument about rape is valid. i am a former police officer for 31 years. rape is a horrible crime. there is no need for an abortion. >> to put the measure in the legislature, those known as right to life for michigan gathered more than 300,000 petition 60s, about four % of the state's voters. >> abortion is not healthcare. a lot of people feel strongly about it. you don't have to be religious to be against abortion. it takes the life of an innocent child. >> michigan's republican governor, rick snyder vetoed similar legislation last year because it didn't include exceptions to rape, incest or cases where a pregnant woman's life is in danger. under michigan state law, once approved by the legislature, it's veto proof. >> what we have seen here is one extreme group, right to life, with a loophole to circumvent a veto of the governor, a vote of the people. >> it's unclear how many people will actually be affected by the legislature. about 22,000 abortions performed in michigan last year, fewer than 800 were covered with insurance. >> this is a political loser for republicans and people. and women are watching. they will have a very longview. >> democrats and pro-choice advocates say they will try to overturn the law before it takes effect in march to exact revenge at the ballot box. al jazeera. >> next week, the senate will take up a defense spending bill with new rules about how the military handles sexual assault cases. we have heard about women who have been sexuctionly assaulted >> lower jane. >> . >> a place to reflect. a place to escape my anxious little world for 15 minutes or an hour. >> debilitating memories of his time in the united states military haunt him more than a decade after his honorable is charge. he said another soldier sexually assaulted him in 1998. ? >> in the military. >> there are nearly six times more men than women in the military. females are more likely to be targeted. according to a 2012 department of defense survey, approximately 14,000 active duty servicemen said they faced unwanted sexual contact in the last year compared to 12,000 women. the numbers don't reflect how many decades of assaults have been kept secret kamando javier stayed silent for 15 years. >> i thought about it and came forward. >> the first va treatment center for male victims of military sexual assault. >> it takes a lot for men to be willing to report. >> men are over, if they were sexually assaulted by another woman, they think their wife will say you musting gay. >> many say the macho military prevents them from coming forward. >> there are a lot of people who think it was good to have it because it makes the military tough. >> the department of defense told al jazeera it rejects the claim and is working toward a military culture where sexist behaviors, sexual harassment and sexual assault are not tolerated, ignored or condoned? >> i threw almost everything away. >> mike said the military must undergo dramatic changes to prevent future assaults. meanwhile, he is undergoing his own transformation on the road to wellness. >> al jazeera, new mexico. >> the leaders of tie land's protest movement had a chance to put it to the powerful military today. military leaders hosted a forum where protesters were able to present their case. they want the prime minister to step down and his interim government appointed until elections are held in february. the military supreme commander declined to take sides publicly. secretary of state john kerry arrived at vietnam. he spoke with the business community about the from the pacific partnership being negotiated by the u.s. and vietnam. farming projects in the river delta where he commanded a boat during the vietnam war. china's first lunar rover has arrived on the moon. it will patrol the circus over the next 3 months. the latest from beijing. >> president rabbit has landed. called u2 or j rabbit, this was the moment the rover touched down on board its lander, the chatsler 3, arriving right on target in an area known as the bay of rainbows, and once live across -- watched on t.v., it marks another milestone in the chinese space program, me methodically following in the footsteps of the russian and american exploits of years ago. >> i am so happy to see the way the space program has developed. i am very proud. >> yeah. i had never expected to see this. i am very happy my country has done this. >> a tangible the display display to the world. technical expertise and economic might. it's space program is a priority for the country's leadership. it looks to build the first space station on the moon in the 2020s. for ordinary chinese citizens, a source of national pride. at this store, the scaled modeled of the j rabbit and its lander are selling fast. >> in recent years as the space program has developed, there is more and mosh attention being paid to the chinese spacecraft. models are becoming more and more popular. >> the next challenge, the rover still has to venture out to begin its work, conducting the number of tests including the use of ground penetrating radar to reveal more about what's below the moon's surface. so far, so good. >> it may be decades since the russians and the americans were roving the moon, but as scientists point out, the instruments on board the u decision 2 are far more so far fist indicated than predecessors. people of china point out there is only one working rover on the surface of the moon tonight and it's chinese. burks. >> china on the moon. china is the third country to land on the moon following the united states and the former soviet union. this may have broader implications. china is researching what it could mine on the moon. it hopes to build the first space station there within 10 years. international law says no country can claim ownership of the celestial body, that includes the moon but laws governing mining are less clear. >> jill stewart is a fellow at the london school of economics who studies the politics of space. she joins us from orange, california. thank you for being with us today. >> my pleasure. >> my first question for you is, frankly, any of this even really possible? can china actually build up a hard space program like this and it may be mine the on the other but they have been -- have been quite impressive with the speed they are developing their technology. the issue regarding mining, it is certainly possible and there are medtals and other resources that could be desirable on the mage, also, and on other celestial bodies such as asteroids. it's whether or not the costs would outweigh what you would get back for what you managed to mine. and there are also legal issues that make it complicated. under the outer space treaty, which was established in 1967, it's sometimes called the constitution for outer space, it says that outer space is a common heritage of man kind, soe still up in the air. >> still up in the air. there is a lot of really undiscovered land here. >> yes. >> a lot of new frontier when it comes to mining the moon. but, i mean, let's talk about frankly, china's space program here. should nasa be worried about china investing so much into the space program and into returning to the moon? >> "worried" is probably too strong of a word. there is definitely a demonstration of power going on here, of prestige, having the space program indicates that a country has economic wealth, that they have technological prowess. there is also an issue that so much of the infrastructure is dual use. so things that can be used for benign purposes such as monitoring the surface. earth for global warming, for example, could also be used for spying purposes. also, if you can demonstrate the capability of putti they shot down but that means in theory they could shoot down another country's. >> looking at china, space program and how long it has grown, larged in 2003, the first astronaut 10 years ago. could they accomplish a space station on the moon, plan. >> well, it was just getting interesting. oh, well, that's okay. jill stewart with the london school of economics. we want to thank her for her time. we thank her for that. move on to other news right now. thousands of supporters of the ukrainian president staged a counter rally as anti-government protests continue. ukrainians have open investigations against four top officials and suspending two of them from. more now from al jazeera at the protest in kiev. >> itcalled the saint ukraine rally, the implication behind the barricades less than 200 meters away, the opposition is threatening to break ukraine at the heart. the governing party succeeded in filling european square. ironic given the prime minister warned of the dangers of european integration. you have to fulfill certain conditions. do you know what kind of conditions are these? wo we have to legalize same-sex marriages. >> you can see thousands of people that have been brought in t the, special trains and buses, we understand but the reaction of the crowd so far has been relatively subdued. >> workers from ukraine's struggling industries, teachers on government salaries. i spoke to a pensioner off camera. >> we hate to be here -- we are paid to be here, he admits. >> how much, i does? >> very little. >> many couldn't say why they were there. there were some afraid of what europe has to offer. >> europe says we need same-sex marriage. i am against that. >> why isn't ukraine allowed to choose its own way? why are they interfering with us? >> the governing party has pledged supporters will stay on. the opposition are worried. >> we understand. one can be very dangerous for the future. >> so close are the two sides gathered, but so far apart are their feelings. al jazeera, kiev. >> still ahead on al jazeera america, vertical farming, high-end produce all year around and financing art for public places. i'm going to pay the last respect for my president. >> he was a global symbol of hope, courage and freedom. >> the world thanks you for sharing nelson mandela with us. >> today was declared a day of reflection and prayer. >> now al jazeera america commemorates nelson mandela from the people who knew him. >> i think all of those people who were inside that stadium were very lucky to be there. >> an emotional look at the life and legacy of nelson mandela. >> only on al jazeera america. >> in chicago, a new organization is farming food inside an old meat packing building, using only renewable energy to do it. here is more. >> beneath the fluorescentsun in a former meat packing plant is the latest trim in farming. they call it "vertical farming." these fields grow on floors on at industrial park and farmer john adel and his staff agrees the most celebrated restaurant user. >> my shipping proceed did you say 1500, 2,000 miles to get something >>, we need to go where jobs are. >> the plant of the indoor -- as the indoor formers call it doesn't grow corn or soybeans but mustard, high end micro greens on the plates of white-napkin restaurants. these fish supply the vert liser that number issues theproduce. farmers rent space to join the urban farming movement. >> 365 days a year, we can control our environment. this is the best environment to grow in the middle of winter. we like to say we provide june 21st sunlight every day of the year, the longest day of the year. >> another advantage quality? >> it tastes right from your own hands versus being shipped from california. >> at a time meat packing plant, huge 18-wheeler trucks would load the meat and carry it hundreds of miles across the u.s. now, they are being torn down. they don't need them because they carry the proceduce out th back, on small trucks on by silks a few miles away to downtown championship. >> this is designed to make the plant energy neutral for local restaurants and breweries. >> using things that other people think are waste or should be thrown away, you can save energy and find good workers and all of these things. and put them to productive use. >> economies like that could encourage other farmers to make more indoors. al jazeera, chicago. >> seattle has contributed 1% of its budget to funneled public art works for nearly 40 years. some of this money has been well spent. here is more >> reporter: armed with an exacto knife, swaths of delicate paper, seattle artist celeste begins what will be a tedious but rewarding night of creating her latest work. her latest masterpiece, a skull tour at one of the public parks. >> my first legacy to the city. >> since 1973, consult tours turn into murals and have been sprouting up all over seattle for street corners and bus stops to high atop seattle's most s n seenic overlook, the hallways of city hall. >> art directors public art is the city's character. >> the art is about the city. there are benefits to making people feel what it is. >> 1% of funding for city roadways and infrastructure is spent on seattle's public art. the goal is to add another element for tourists and conventioners to enjoy, enriching the lives of locals. the city has evolved and so has the type of art. >> about 20 years ago, the city decided to try something new: functional art like these benches here even still, some critics believe the entire program is a waste of money. >> i think it's a ridiculous waste of money. >> for years, seattle radio personality has complained about the art program. 2012, the -- >> the stream is uniquely interactive television.


Transcripts For MSNBCW The Place For Politics 2016 20160421

a lot of politics ahead to cover. steve kornacki picks it up right now. good morning to you. i'm steve kornacki. topping the agenda this hour, donald trump calling for both john kasich and ted cruz to get out of the race. this as his campaign promises a brand-new tone and more presidential candidate. >> in the case of lyin' ted cruz. he lies, oh, he lies. ted brings the bible, holds it high, puts it down and lies. >> donald trump still refusing to let go of the lyin' ted rhetoric. his new moves show a campaign that is trying to get ready for the general election. all of the details on what's going on inside the trump campaign coming up. also on our agenda, ted cruz vowing to force an open convention this summer. he says this race nowhere near finished. >> the final state to vote will be the state of california. 172 delegates. the big enchilada. california is going to decide this race. and i'm very encouraged by how we're going to do in california. >> the leader of the stop trump movement in florida yesterday making his case to republicans that a contested convention should swing in their favor away from donald trump. and donald trump's team is going to be there today. we are live in florida with the latest rounding out our agenda this morning. what is next for the bernie sanders campaign? >> bernie's made a commitment to go through until the end. millions of people are part of this campaign. >> sanders' campaign strategist laying out his case of where the campaign goes from here on the rachel maddow show last night. we'll talk to a top u.s. senator on whether the prolonged battle is hurting the democratic party. and we'll ask her about who hillary clinton might pick as a vice presidential candidate if hillary clinton gets the nomination. all that and much more still ahead. we begin with our top story. a changing tone for donald trump. within a few days, he's expected to hire his first speechwriter and a teleprompter may find its way on to the campaign trail with donald trump. this is a story first report by t"the wall street journal," now confirmed by nbc news. it's a new look for the donald trump campaign and it appears imminent as they try to lock up the nomination before june 7th. the trump family arriving on the "today" show plaza for a campaign town hall. we'll show you that interview in just a moment. let's go first to jacob rascon in indiana for details we're hearing about donald trump. new donald trump. what does that mean? what can we expect here? >> a couple of things to keep in mind when we talk about tone. we've gotten a taste of what kind of tone he might take going toward during the aipac speech. he used a teleprompter. prepared with a speech. he had help from a sort of speechwriter. we've heard him like in his victory speech, be more presidential. notution lyin' ted for example. maybe we'll see more of it. we also see at his rallies, no change in tone. last night and the night before, at his rallies he does the same thing. still talks about lyin' ted. still goes on talking about how dishonest the media are, saying they're disgusting and telling the crowd to turn around. we're seeing no change in tone in the rallies but when he's making policy speeches. he's going to make his first a week from now tying together economics and foreign policy. we'll do that in washington. he's hired a speechwriter and is practice with teleprompters. we're here at a popular cafe in indianapolis. it's been around 30 years or so. we're talking to trump voters and anti-trump folks as well. we're here with this group of folks. and they work together. this is joanne. you were telling me you are not a trump fan. >> no. >> let me ask you, though. he has a plan to change his tone to sound more presidential and give his policy speeches. would that sway you at all? >> no, because it's not authentic. he has a history. we know what he stands for. we know how little information he has about the world we live in. when he can stand there and say the things he says about the wall he wants to build, about 7/11 rather than 9/11, he does not have any credibility. it's astonishing to me that he's come as far as he has. >> thank you, joanne, for that. he does have a chance to get real support here, steve. indiana leads the nation in manufacturing. carrier, the air conditioning plant that moved to mexico that he loves to talk about is here. we know he's going to be back. he really wants to win indiana and might need to win indiana. >> indiana probably the biggest single wild card left on the board in the republican race. jacob rascon in indiana. welcome to the msnbc sweater club. i like that look today. like to see that spread on our airwaves. >> i've worn it before. i wore it first. >> we'll give you half credit for that. >> just kidding. donald trump about that reboots. he and his wife melania and his children all appearing on the "today" show this morning. for a behind the scenes look at family man donald trump. look at that. >> one word to describe this campaign. >> leadership. >> incredible. >> inspiring. >> energetic. >> motivational. >> when you think about what's happened so far, is there a favorite moment, a best moment that comes to mind? ivanka? >> i think for me seeing the actual rallies and seeing him interact with people all over this country has been the most amazing thing. we see it now materializing in terms of the actual votes but seeing iminspiring so many people, seeing his message resonate, seeing the passion and love and enthusiasm and many of the ads jecti adjectives used a minutes ago. i've watched him inspire thousands of executives over the years as a leader of a large company. to see him do it on a much larger stage. >> some of the other family members might say 3 1/2 weeks ago when you had a baby was one of the best moments on the campaign. >> i don't really consider that a campaign moment. >> this family has grown up in a very high-profile way. you're used to the spotlights. but this is different. the crowds, secret service. are there moments when you wish you could put the genie back in the bottle? >> no. it's time. when you look at this country and what's happened, it's time to get someone who is not the typical politician, not beholden to special interest. they tell you what they want to hear and then go do whatever the people writing their checks do. i think it's time. you can see by their reaction. i've had people come up to me all over the country. some of them in tears. thank you for letting your father do this. yeah, as if i had any control. thank you for letting him do this. it means so much to us. and it really is time. i think people believe that. >> melania, you've told the story before about when he talked about running you said, i kind of hope you don't, but if you do run, you will win. do you think as far as he's gotten has surprised even donald, that it's really gotten this close where he's about to clinch the republican nomination? >> it's unbelievable what is going on. and for so long he's number one for now ten months, and i never thought about it. i know his energy. i know how people love him and connect to him. he's telling the truth. if you run, you will win. >> did he believe that then? >> i don't know. >> i'm not so sure. she believed it. i'm not so sure. i have confidence. i know the people of the country. they want to see things happen and happen quickly. >> let me ask you all this question personally, not politically. you've been through a wild ride over this last year. you've watched the ups and downs of this campaign. the great moments, difficult moments. you are getting to a point where it looks like he's going to get the most votes of any candidate on the republican side. you're going to go to cleveland. how is it going to feel personally if the rest of the republican party does whatever they can to prevent him from getting the nomination? personally? >> we're proud of him. we could not be more proud of him. we've worked next to our father every day for the last ten years. but we're proud of him. he's done something no one has ever done before. and they've tried to hold him back the entire time. >> but when you get to cleveland, what's is it going to feel like in your gut to watch what happens there? >> we're going to win in cleveland. there's just so question about it. >> tiffany? how about you? >> i think that truly we need to look at what an amazing thing he's done for all of us. he was doing this for our family, for the country. he really believes in making america great again. and let's hope that what happened in cleveland is positive and luckily he's continuing to excel. we're just very proud. >> we know that mr. trump values his children, not just his children but his advisers. ivanka, you are one of his top advisers. what's a piece of advice you've given him about running a general election against hillary clinton? >> i think he values our advice all equally. but i tend not to provide my advice on topics political like that. i think his instincts are incredible. i think he will do incredibly well, as he's done incredibly well to date. and really, you know, my role as his daughter is to support him. i'm obviously his advocate. i've seen what he's done as a parent, on a personal level, and as a leader who has grown an enormous business and succeeded in many businesses, building many businesses and setting the vision for them. i have no doubt he can apply that to this country and fix the many problems we have. i am his daughter and supporter. that's the extend of it. >> you mentioned him as a parent. melania and kids, jump in on these. the potpourri section of the interview. we watch him on the campaign trail. he's extremely intense. what makes him emotional? when is the last time you saw him cry? >> i don't know that we've seen him cry all that's often. now that he's a granfather as well and i have five kids, ivanka has three. watching him play with them you see another side of donald trump. there's the business guy. when you see him around a family table, the sense of humor, the love, playing dolls with my 20-year-old, watching them swing a golf club. it's a different side nobody gets to see. >> i agree with that's. he's amazing with my children as well, and i see trumpisms picked up by each of them from spending time with him especially during the summer. he's remarkable in that capacity. i think, though, he has tremendous empathy. and that's a side people don't see. my whole life i've watched as he's ripped stories out of newspapers that he's read about something that's happened to somebody or adversity that somebody is being faced with often, put in a situation where they don't have the power to effect change and were unfairly put there. he'll proactively reach out to that person and bring them into the office and help them. and that's not reported. that's not seen but i've witnessed it my whole life. he's incredibly empathetic to what's happening to other people. >> mrs. trump, everyone wants to answer this question. what's the one habit you wish he'd give up? >> let's see. retweeting. >> that's the quietest donald trump has ever been for seven minutes in his life. >> i can verify that. >> the quietest donald trump has ever been. that was donald trump and his family. his family the stars there on the "today" show earlier. out on the "today" show plaza. as that town hall played out, the stop trump movement is focusing on the state of florida where the republican national committee is holding their spring meeting and the topic of a contested convention undoubtedly in the air there. ted cruz and john kasich appearing in front of republicans there yesterday. donald trump's team expected to show up there today. we're joined now. casey hunt is in florida. obviously, the topic of what's to come for this republican primary fight on the agenda down there in florida. what's going on. what are you hearing down there? >> a couple of things here, steve. first of all, the battle between cruz and kasich heating up with cruz calling kasich a spoiler. kasich turning around saying he has just as good of a shot at the nomination. the up shot of that back and forth, though, with both of those men relying on an open convention to have any hope of winning the nomination when all is said and done, that could ultimately help donald trump. there are a lot of insiders in the halls here starting to wonder. this is sick luckal. it goes back and forth. the idea donald trump won so strongly in new york that he now, of course, is more likely to end up with that hard 1,237 number. there's broad agreement he has to hit that on this first ballot or he'll not be the republican party's nominee. now his top staff, paul manafort and others are going to make a 90-minute presentation to the members down here. these are the people donald trump has been out and about essentially criticizing, saying they are rigging the system. so he's got an uphill climb. there's a couple of questions that some of those members are going to have for manafort. first of all, if they can't rangel all these delegates together, how are they going to organize a campaign that can beat hillary clinton? second of all, it's going to take a billion, maybe $1.5 billion to run this campaign. donald trump has no financing infrastructure to speak of. he's been talking so much about how he's self-funding. so questions from these folks who understand what it takes to run against a democrat. how are you going to get that together? what are you going to do to make sure you can keep pace in the fall and ultimately beat her? and what is donald trump going to do to stay out of the way or to help republicans down ballot to make sure the party keeps the house and the senate, steve. >> casey, in terms of where the party will go from here, they are gathered down there in florida. is there a next step? anything concrete that will come out of this? >> there's a rules committee meeting later today. you have to keep in mind that all they are doing here is recommending potential changes to that all-important rules committee that will be created for the week before the convention. there may be some fireworks there. some discussion about whether to change the procedure for how things go on the convention floor. but everyone i've talked to says most of those proposals are going to be rejected. the rnc doesn't want to be perceived as changing the rules before the game. keep an eye on what reince priebus decides to do about who should run that rules committee in cleveland. that's up to him. there's discussion about who might be on the short list. they can't pick anybody that's either put their fing or ter on scale for trump or cruz. there aren't that many people who fit the bill, steve. >> casey hunt in hollywood, florida. thanks for that. and halle jackson is in frederick, maryland. she's covering the cruz campaign. i've heard ted cruz out there saying, well, it's a done deal. we're going to a contested convention. no one is getting 1,237. not sure that's etched in stone, however. >> it's not etched in stone. ted cruz wants to say it's virtually impossible for him to get the math. donald trump still has a shot. he has to win greater than half of the delegates moving forward in order to do so but it's not a mathematical impossibility though way it almost is for ted cruz who still needs about 98% to lock tup. one of his arguments is trump cannot get a majority of republican voters, a majority of conservatives to back him. here's what cruz had to say about that yesterday. >> donald consistently has been a fringe and marginal candidate getting about one-third of the vote. he can't earn a majority and won't earn a majority in cleveland. >> he won in new york. >> he won in his own home state but he cannot earn a majority across the country. the only way you become the republican nominee is to earn a mair majority. that's what's i believe we're going to do in cleveland. >> reporter: here's the problem for ted cruz. he and john kasich are splitting to a degree that anti-trump vote and that's frustrating to the cruz campaign. what's frustrating to the kasich campaign is the idea that he keeps calling on john kasich to suspend his campaign or come on board with the cruz team. that said, the kasich team is visibly annoyed by that and are increasingly concerned with this stop trump movement. that idea is bubbling over. some can't believe the anti-trump folks are backing cruz over kasich, even though they believe kasich has the better shot in the general election. a stop trump superpac is firing back. make america awesome has been one of the leaders of this movement saying that's not the case. it's up to the candidates to take the lead in the movement and the never trump movement is there to support them and back them up. >> halle jackson on the cruz beat in frederick, maryland. thanks for that. going to squeeze a quick break in. when we come back, you'll want to see this. pennsylvania's key on the republican side not so much for the republican primary we always talk about but the unbound delegates. a huge group of them coming out of that state. they could be the deciding factor in this republican race. guess what? our delegate hunter is going to sit down with four of them and find out what are on their minds. four of the most important delegates in america. also hillary clinton releasing a new ad in connecticut and rhode island feet aring te i featuring the da sandy hook victim. your loving touch stimulates his senses and nurtures his mind. the johnson's scent, lather, and bubbles help enhance the experience. so why just clean your baby, when you can give him so much more? and i can't wait to startlanta telling people how switching to geico could save them hundreds of dollars on car insurance. but first, my luggage. ahh, there it is. uh, excuse me, sir? i think you've got the wrong bag. sorry, they all look alike, you know? no worries. well, car's here, i can't save people money chatting at the baggage claim all day. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. i've been blind since birth. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit my mom was the principal of sandy hook school. she was murdered trying to protect the children in her care from the gunman. no one is fighting harder to reform our gun laws than hillary clinton. she is the only candidate that has what it takes to take on the gun lobby. she reminds me of my mother. she isn't scared of anything. >> that a new ad from the clinton campaign now running in connecticut. that's where the sandy cook massacre took place in 2012. also next door in rhode island. both states holding primaries next tuesday on the democratic and republican sides. clinton has been relentlessly hammering bernie sanders in her pursuit to try to finish him off. it could go a long way to doing just that. the clinton campaign arguing that sanders faces insurmountable odds. she'd need to clinch just 29% more. sanders needs to win more than 70%. clinton has nearly 2,000 delegates. that number is if you are adding in the superdelegates. the sanders people suggest if they could win the pledge delegate, the superdelegates will flip. clinton could reach the magic number by may 17th. the sanders campaign would not want you to do that. scranton, pennsylvania, the home of dunder miflin and the long running series" the office." what is the path forward? realistically what is the sanders campaign telling you about where they go from here? >> i'm sorry. they're just shouting bernie, bernie, bernie. tell me again? >> the path forward, the clinton campaign is saying there is no path forward for bernie. what are they saying? >> i just talked to jeff weaver. and i asked him whether or not when bernie sanders went home to vermont whether or not there were conversations about getting out of the race. and he said zero. and i said none? he said zero. there were no comments about changing the message. they think they have a situation where they're just going to keep with the game plan. that means a place like pennsylvania, they're going to keep pounding away and looking for crowds like this. if we sort of zoom in, this is a very long block. this line goes all the way down the block. it goes around. the problem for bernie sanders is exactly what you see in this crowd, though. there's a lot of college students. there are a lot of the demographics of the people, frankly, who have been good to his campaign. but he has not been able to expand in many of the places. they'll be focussed on areas where they think they can run up some of the vote. keep hillary clinton's numbers down. a place like scranton, they think, will be good for him because they think there's a lot of working class voters where his message is going to resonate here. >> i got that theme song from "the office" in my head now. thanks for the report from scranton, pennsylvania. still ahead -- we'll call it our most important number of the day. we're looking ahead to the next state where the stop trump movement says it can actually beat trump and why the rules in that state make it one of the most important ones left. but first, how about this? 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ask your rheumatologist about humira. humira. this is my body of proof! myand a partly sunny and an outside to inside mode. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. ask for transitions xtractive lenses. extra protection from light... outdoors, indoors and in the car. trolling for a gig with can't blame you. it's a drone you control with your brain, which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. no, i'm actually over at the ge booth. we're creating the operating system for industry. it's called predix. it's gonna change the way the world works. ok, i'm telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume. umm, maybe keep your hands on the controller. look out!! ohhhhhhhhhh... yoknow what, i'm just gonna email it to you. yeah that's probably safer. ok, cool. here it is. my favorite part of every one of these shows. the most important number of the day. today that number is nine. why nine? nine congressional districts in the state of indiana. and indiana is the next state that the stop trump forces think they can actually stop trump in. i'll explain the details in a minute. here's the map. these are the states still to come in this republican race. next week it's going to be in here. the miss atlantic and in new england. five different states voting next week. the question for the stop trump people isn't can you beat trump. it's can you squeeze some delegates out of there. then comes indiana, tuesday, may 3rd. it's the only contest that day. that's the one where ted cruz thinks he can knock off donald trump. it's so important. that question we've been talking about of whether donald trump can hit 1,237. that's because of the rules in indiana. that's where the 9 comes in. there are 57 delegates up for grabs. if you win the state. if you even win it by one vote you'll get 30 delegates just for winning the state. then those nine districts, those nine districts come into play. each district that's you win, you get three delegates for. that adds up to 27. 30 and 27 gets you 57. if this is a close race, you can make an argument that ted cruz should win the state of indiana. donald trump can win indiana. this looks like friendly territory for both of them. if it's a close race, if trump wins by a couple of points over ted cruz, think about this. he'll get the 30 delegates for winning the state and if he's winning the state he's probably winning about six of these congressional districts. so 30 plus 18. with a small win in this state, trump could walk away with 48 delegates or more than 48. flip it around. if it's really, really close but trump comes up just short of ted cruz, a two or three-point ted cruz win, that's reverses. trump loses those 30 delegates. maybe only walks away with nine. maybe less than nine. look at that. that's a swing of like 40 delegates. so we're talking about donald trump trying to get to 1,237. that is key right there. so our most important number of the day is 9. coming jacob catches up with unbound delegates at a diner in philadelphia and joins me next. every mom is a working mom... and it's working moms everywhere who inspired us to work harder. that's why we are putting more food in our salisbury steak dinners and making chicken strips with 100% natural chicken breast. now serving... a better banquet. r...on every plate - and we're about to keep it going. yeah, you've got one more week to try the largest variety of lobster dishes of the year... lobster lover's dream... and new dueling lobster tails. this party can't last so hurry in. so we've been talking about the potential new look of the presidential campaign. also the stop trump forces trying to keep him from that magic number of 1,237, trying to force an open convention. a contested convention in cleveland. to talk more about the state of this race, the prospects of that open convention, let's turn to hugh hewitt, the host of the hugh hewitt show. now a morning radio program. do you like getting up -- i hate it. do you like getting up in the mornings? >> i have done three hours of radio already this morning and i'm energized and awake and two pots of coffee later, my day is open. i like the morning. >> i've been trying the coffee kick. still hasn't kicked in for me. i've been looking at the numbers. i feel i do see a path for donald trump to get to the primaries. take me through why you think it's not going to happen. >> sure. i did this a lot this morning. there are 15 states left on the republican side. donald trump needs 392 delegates to reach 1,237. i went through state by state and was very generous. i gave him 51 of the 57 delegates in indiana. most people don't do things like that. he's not going to win any in nebraska orred is respond he needs 392. he only gets to 273. that means he needs 117 delegates coming out of -- 119 delegates coming out of all the other primaries except california. california has 171 available. it's very hard for me seeing donald trump getting more than 100 of the california delegates. even under the rosiest of scenarios when you sit down and do the math under the rules. rhode island is purporroportiop. he can't get to 1,237 unless a political asteroid hits california. i don't see it happening. >> in california it's such a wild card. 53 congressional districts. you get three delegates for every one you win. so many districts, it's like new york. very blue democratic districts where it's a total wild card in terms of who is going to be out there. let me start with this. donald trump, he got the big win in new york. it's his home state. looks like a big week shaping up for him next tuesday. then you go to indiana. you are penciling indiana for him. do you think if he puts that's string of wins together, new york, the northeast, indiana and does start to show a different side of himself like his campaign is trying to talk about, more mature, more presidential, do you think the race changes in a way where when you get to california, republicans are, okay, we're ready to nominate this guy? >> i've lived here 25 years. i'm not never trump. i'm not endorsing anyone, but i've been following the race closely. ted cruz has organized those congressional districts. the 34th congressional district. about 20,000 republicans voted in the presidential race in 2012. maybe 8,000 republicans will vote in that june 7th. ted cruz is all over it. i think the pennsylvania delegates are all high-profile pro ted cruz people. even though donald trump was very good on the town hall, very exceptional. ivanka and the boys were exceptional. in the middle he said he wants to change the republican party platform on the life issue and immediately twitter lit up with people who matter in indiana, a very pro-life state. they are very upset with that statement that he wants to change the pro-life platform in the republican party. so he remains very charismatic and dominating figure. the front-runner by far, but prone to missteps on issues unfamiliar and people haven't been in the pro-life movement. therefore, i just don't think any realistic -- it's possible he might get to 1,237. realistically, i wouldn't bet a g dollar on it. i think we go to a second ballot. >> hugh hewitt, thanks for joining us from the west coast. >> thank you, steve. we've been talking a lot about pennsylvania. that's one of those states that's going to be key to that question of 1,237. and the really interesting thing about pennsylvania is the unbound delegates. free agent delegates. they can vote for whoever they want at the national convention. and pennsylvania is going to send 54 unbound delegates. they are spread out among that state's congressional districts. they'll be elected in that primary next week. when you get to cleveland, they aren't locked into anything. they can show up and vote for whoever they want to. that's a big chunk of free agent delegates. who better to send to pennsylvania than msnbc's delegate hunter jacob soboroff. i guess you have a group of those potential -- they have to get elected in this primary next week but a group of potential unbound delegates with you there. >> i am in delegate hunting heaven, steve. we're in andy's diner in a suburb right outside of philadelphia in the philadelphia area. what's happening here, why all these delegates are here at this location today is there's a radio broadcast going on. this is dom giordano live on the air talking to three of the unbound delegates. they just wrapped it up for 1210 a.m. there's delegates all over the place. i am not kidding. i'm in delegate hunting heaven. this is mary wurt and bob wurt. and get this. they are a married couple competing against each other for delegates. let me ask you straight up, are you committed, and who are you committed for? >> we're both committed for ted cruz. >> why ted cruz? >> our interests and how we feel about policy issues just seem to coincide with what ted cruz is hoping to achieve for this country. and that's the way we're going to go. >> have you signed a declaration telling ted cruz when you get there you're going to definitely go for him. >> we don't have to, but we chose to. we agree with what ted cruz has to say. that's why we're lined up for him. >> do you feel some sort of extra power here because you have this role that it's outsized. over 20 million republican voters have come to the polls to vote in the primary. in reality, here in the state of pennsylvania, the popular vote only goes for 17 delegates. you have so much power compared to the average voter here, right? >> i don't feel that way. i'll just an average american trying to do my duty for my country. >> are you never trumpers? >> i am not a never anything. >> but you're leaning cruz? >> we're leaning cruz. >> mary and bob. married couple competing to be delegates to the republican national convention in july. delegates all over the place. i'm going to send it back to you in new york. >> i've seen, i think it was the pittsburgh tribune review newspaper out there did this interesting survey of all the people running for these unbound slots. they lot of them are not saying what they are saying. a lot of them are saying i'm going to go with whatever the voters say in this primary. if trump wins the state big or their district big that's who they're going to be with. >> that's right. you sent me that article. i printed out every delegate on that list. one of the guys in here, if you give me ten seconds. this gentleman is larry stoler who has said he's going to go with that strategy. whatever the voters say in his district, he's going to do. we'll talk to him later on the day. >> jacob soboroff, that is the place to be at andy's diner in philadelphia. we'll be seeing you throughout the day. coming up in our show, senator amy klobuchar is going to join me. could she be part of the first all-female presidential ticket in american history. some buzz about that today. why do so many businesses rely on the us postal service? 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>> it's very clear that decision is up to bernie's and he's run an extraordinary campaign, gotten so many people involved. i think he's said from the beginning he's going to continue on and i think that everyone expects that. and i think you see such a different tone in the democratic race. yeah, there were some back and forth when they were in new york. but overall, it's been an incredibly positive race with people having some differences of opinion, two front-runners and does it look good for secretary clinton now? yes, it does. she's gotten 10 million votes, more than any other candidate, republican or democrat and running a strong campaign and is making it clear what she wants to do as president. i think that people are hearing that. >> we also have as hillary clinton may be emerging on the democratic side, some polling numbers from the nbc news wall street journal poll. the positive/negative rating, a donald trump, his numbers terrible on this his hillary clinton clinton's numbers have fallen. our newest poll, a 32% positive, 56% negative rating. i know you can tell me trump's numbers are worse but those aren't that good eerng. what's going on? >> you've seen the negative attacks for her for years most pointedly the last year fro the republican side. what i want to see is a general election. that is going to occur very shortly. and we're going to be able to see her matched against another candidate. right now the numbers look like it could be trump. matched against someone and then that will be the opportunity to really make the case, not only for her and everything that she's done but also with these incredibly different portraits of where they want to go with the country and building on the progress that president obama has made and her plans. you haven't been able to do that now with all of the noise and the fact that trump has gotten over a billion dollars of free time because every day says something that you guys cover. that's what's been happening and that will be much more equal once we get into a general election. >> also a headline from the boston globe, you may have seen this one, getting a little buzz today, women will be on hillary clinton's vice presidential list and there will come a day that nobody blinks but we still haven't reached a point where a woman has won a presidential nomination from a major party. the idea of having an all female ticket, do you think that's realistic this year? >> i was pleased that her campaign made it clear that they are going to be looking at everyone. i can tell you there are 14 democratic women in the senate, every one of them would bring something to the ticket. i think it's really healthy she looks at the number of people. ultimately it will be her decision. right now she is focused on pennsylvania and connecticut and rhode island and delaware and maryland and then on to indiana and california. have i forgotten anyone? steve, you're the map guy. she is focused on this endorsement and everything she needs to do to get the delegates to move ahead to the general election. >> let me ask you, if her campaign called and asked, are you interested in maybe being on a ticket. would you say yes? >> i'm not speculating on any of that. i love my job right now. but we have all of of the women in the senate, the democratic women as well as a number of the men would be qualified to be on that ticket as well as governors and others throughout the country and she's going to make the decision of who she calls. >> amy klobuchar. thanks for being on. >> we'll squeeze in a break and be right back. there's only one egg that just tastes better. so fresh from the farm. delicious. perfect. only one egg with more great nutrition... like 4 times more vitamin d and 10 times more vitamin e. and 25% less saturated fat. only one egg good enough for my family. because why have ordinary when you can have the best. eggland's best. the only egg that gives you so much more: better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. a bit of news in the town hall with savannah guthrie and matt lauer on the "today" show. he said he would change the republican party's platform on theish why of abortion, would add into the platform exceptions for rape, incest and danger to the mother's life, allow abortion and ask the platform allow for abortion in those circumstances. that is something the republican platform for decades hasn't had. they have been anti-abortion in its platform since 1980. coming up, we'll show you that entire trump town hall including that news making minute with jose diaz-ballart next that's weird. you want to work for ge too. hahaha, what? 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