Is scheduled for next week. Good morning, everyone. This is bloomberg surveillance. Good afternoon, good evening depending on where you are watching the world. Gdp is a good sign of things to come. It is a little bit backward looking, which is why we tend to look at other indicators. Certainly when you look at eurodollar, it is probably moving on the back of it. German economy shrinking some 2. 2 in the First Quarter. Now to your bigger asset classes. European stocks are actually jumping. U. S. Equity futures pretty much unchanged. The one thing that we need to watch out for is basically the second wave of infections, but also the simmering tension between america and china. Oil climbed, treasuries edging higher lets get to the bloomberg first word news in new there is in the u. S. , no guidance from the centers for Disease Control and prevention on how to reopen bars, restaurants, and workplaces. It includes social distancing, limiting group sizes, and encouraging drivethrough and del