Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) lashed out at the Narendra Modi government Tuesday over the suspension 19 Opposition members from Rajya Sabha, alleging Parliament has been turned into a "deep, dark chamber". India News | Democracy Suspended: TMC Leader Derek O Brien on Suspension of RS Members.
Pune (Maharashtra) [India], June 1 (ANI/PRNewswire): Bentley Acceleration Initiatives, the internal incubator for strategic investments of Bentley Systems (Nasdaq: BSY), the infrastructure engineering software company, today announced the launch of ConstructHelix, a digital construction technology solutions group that caters to the unique and specific needs of the Indian construction sector.
KUWAIT CITY, May 29: On 29th May 2002, Toastmaster (TM) Peter Banerjee, TM Santanu Das and Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Anil Lobo founded Kuwait Challengers Clubs as a corporate club under the sponsorship of Al Mulla Group of Companies, and soon opened its doors to the community at large. The cl
KUWAIT CITY, May 29: On 29th May 2002, Toastmaster (TM) Peter Banerjee, TM Santanu Das and Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Anil Lobo founded Kuwait Challengers Clubs as a corporate club under the sponsorship of Al Mulla Group of Companies, and soon opened its doors to the community at large. The club thrived with a membership of