The pedal to the metal with bethany frankel. What an amazing week whatever had at the bahamar resort. Were here with thany. Im so thankful for you having me. Weve been doing in the bahamas. You were here in september he out with theictims of first Whitney Houstons frnd is telling about whitneys drug abuse. She was havingifficulty stopping. I makeoo much money to smoke crack. Crack is whack. Robin crawford said she tried to get whitney to go to rehab, but i canee her face when she said im not ready to go. I dont want to go. Wh fueled whitneys drug problem, according to robin memoire touringnd family life took a toll. The pressure on whitney was like a big machine andt never stopped. As for bobby bro you might be surprised wha robin say about him. You know, bobby he didt inoduc her to cocaine. People looked at you like the villain. For a long time they we like bobby came in and he wrecked her. Im not a villain. I appreciate the truth being to. Could whitney have been saved. Diane warren