Humanity faces an "unprecedented" risk from tipping points that could unleash a domino effect of irreversible catastrophes across the planet, researchers warned Wednesday.
Pro: the Greenland Ice Melting Will Cause Disastrous Sea Level Rise. From early 2003 to mid-2013, the total mass of ice in Greenland declined at a progressively increasing rate. In mid-2013, an abrupt reversal occurred, and very little net ice loss occurred in the next 12–18 months. Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and global
The Woods Hole Film Festival will take place July 30 through August 6, with 45 feature-length and 72 short films—nearly half directed by women and from both first-time and veteran
The Woods Hole Film Festival will take place July 30 through August 6, with 45 feature-length and 72 short films—nearly half directed by women and from both first-time and veteran