The 37-year-old filmmaking twins selected the Irish 19-year-old to portray Vickie, a cool, fast-talking band nerd who catches the eye of one of our beloved heroes
Eliza Paradis
Wiscasset Middle High School is immensely pleased to announce that nine seniors in the Class of 2021 have earned the distinction of being a “Top Scholar.” To be recognized as a “Top Scholar,” a senior must hold a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
Valedictorian Gwenyth C. Webber is the daughter of Heather and Chris Webber of Westport Island. Her many accomplishments at WMHS include the Wesleyan College Book Award for demonstrating academic leadership; the St. Michael s College Book Award for Academic Achievement and Social Conscience; attending the Maine Youth Leadership Seminar her sophomore year; participating in the Keller BLOOM Program at Bigelow Laboratories for Ocean Sciences and she was the class president her freshman through senior years.
me to support you. now joining me is sarah easter fluoresce. thanks for being here. thanks for having me. dana laid out well everything that happened in the 1980s, people are becoming familiar if they know it already with how his desire to become a federal judge was tor pea doed by democrats, who felt he had done racially insensitive things. what s changed since then? we know that one of the main witnesses had to recant under oath. another had been discredited. arlen specter says he regrets voting against senator sessions. what you will hear is how false the allegations were at the time and why they remain false today. that s why tim scott endorsed him this morning and condoleezza rice, we ll have a number of leaders, african-american leaders who have worked with him over the years, both as a
prosecutor, state attorney general, 20 years in the senate, who will speak to his character and record. yet, you ll also have something unprecedented happening and that is two of his congressional colleagues, african-americans who will basically be testifying against him. you have congressman john lewis and you have senator cory booker who could not support his nomination or confirmation. let me play for you what senator booker has said about this. we ve seen consistently jeff sessions as senator jeff sessions voting against everything from the matthew shepherd act, voting against or speaking out against key ideals of the voting rights acts. taking measures to block criminal justice reform. he has a posture and positioning that i think represent a real danger to our country and even nations. so there you heard, senator booker say he s a danger to the country because of some of his positions on gray rights gay rights, civil rights. what s your response, sarah? i think some of