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mine. a big heart. >> reporter: the stabbing is the sixth homicide in san jose this year, including several in this area. >> it's not the first time it happened in this area, so i'm not that surprised. it's really a bad area. >> reporter: bernie owned a commercial building on santa clara for more than 20 years and says crime is getting worse here. others who work downtown agree. >> i definitely think it's getting worse. during the day i'm fine and in the evenings, not at all. i wouldn't walk from my office down the street to have dinner. >> reporter: officers say it does not appear today's homicide is related to other stabbing deaths in the downtown area this year. police arrested one man in connection with today's attack but have not released his name. the arrest does little to help frank cope with the loss of a good friend. >> he's going to be missed by a lot of people. >> reporter: to give you some perspective, this time last year san jose police, they reported four home sieicides but so far year, we're already at six. reporting live, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. it's a concern for downtown businesses. more details on what police are doing to reduce violence and crime in downtown san jose. as we first reported in december, the department added foot patrols, five officers work the beat. a big part of their job is simply being visible and checking in with shop owners. a recent national study found that about 80% of people feel unsafe in the city's downtown area after dark. new at 6:00 tonight, a city employee on the peninsula retires with a package worthy of a silicon valley executive. a half million dollar check to the city manager and perfectly legal. kris sanchez joins us live with why some people are outraged and how it could impact the next city manager, kris? >> reporter: hi, there, jess. no one questions her commitment to the city. she worked here for nearly 30 years and credited with getting the city through one of the bleakest financial times, for the $500,000 retirement package, some feel differently. >> i was surprised and disappointed. >> reporter: many council members are outraged after finding out how golden the former city managers golden parachute is. when she retired she got her base pay $196,000 plus unused vacation pay to the tune of 8 0,00 and sick time. the only council member in office when the deal was made. this is the october 2008 contract that allowed the city manager to accrue unlimited vacation and sick time. a staff report reads this recognizes long hours required to perform the duties of this position. >> it's the deal we made. >> reporter: david limb says the city manager helped get the city through a recession and an $8 million deficit which is why he finds unlimited sick and vacation time perk upsetting. >> our city executive, our city leader preaching fiscal conservative and prudence and asking and receiving huge concessions from the very dedicated rank and file workers did not see fit to make those concessions herself. >> reporter: as the contract is negotiated for the next hmayor, the manager says it will be different for the next one, which isn't the city standard. >> honestly and i've been with the city for 33 years now, to me it is unusual. >> reporter: the there is nothing illegal but she's the only city employee allowed to accrue limited pay and cashing out of that sick pay and vacation pay. tomorrow night the city counsel will gather to talk about their search for the next scity manager, no doubt compensation will come up. to the latest on that developing story of the east bay where within the last two hours, the all out hunt for a kidnapping suspect has abruptly ended, and it is not because the suspect was caught. nbc bay area jodi hernandez joins us live from oakland police headquarters to explain what has changed. >> reporter: jessica, oakland police are inside police headquarters right now briefing reporters on what led to this major shift in their investigation. they have confirmed that they do not believe a carjacking or kidnapping ever took place. they also say they do not believe a teenage girl was ever involved. now that amber alert was in effect for more than 24 hours after a shoplifting suspect police believed a shoplifting suspect carjacked and kidnapped an elderly man and teenage girl yesterday afternoon. police tell us a citizen came forward this afternoon and identified the elderry man who was the driver of the car. this man is still being interviewed by police at this hour. he has told investigators that the female in the car was not a teenager, at all but a woman at least 18 years old, that woman has not yet been located but police do not believe that she is in any danger. now police also tell us that all three people apparently knew each other, but again, they do not believe anybody is in danger at this hour, and shoppers are relieved. >> i'm really glad to hear that, i know that we were all actually getting alerts like on our iphones and amber alerts, so i was worried. >> i was at work overnight and i got some more alerts from the amber alert like at 3:00 something in the morning to my iphone. it's been weighing on my mind. i seen the helicopters. >> i have an 18 month old daughter at home. i can't imagine her being missing, to an elderly person, i can't imagine someone i care about being missing. >> police are trying to locate the suspect seen in surveillance video taken from inside the safeway store. police say that he was shown taking some items that we have been told were lobster tails and meat products. tonight they are still looking for a person of interest. that person is named as 54-year-old roy mccame. he is a person of interest and police are looking for him. they are looking for the female but they have located the driver. they believe the kidnapping and carjacking never took place. it's unclear what the charges may be. certainly perhaps shoplifting and perhaps something to do with a car. they are trying to sort it out. details are sketchy. they are thanking the community for being on alert, again, a citizen is the one that recognized the driver of the car and called police. reporting live from oakland, i'm jodi hernandez, n brbc bay area news. >> it's a tangled web. thank you. police are thankful -- for the public's help that a predator is behind bars. santa clara county sheriff arrested hugo last night. he's accused of flashing a fake police badge to a woman earlier this month. investigators told her -- said that he told her to get in the car, drove to a parking lot and sexual assaulted her. detectives circulated this sketch and that's when tips began pouring in. >> many of the tips were about one person in particular. when we found that we had a person whose vehicle and who looked very similar, we began surveilling him. >> investigators say he worked as a security guard nearby. newark police are asking for your help finding this man. he broke into a car, stole a purse and used the victim's atm card to withdraw cash. the suspects driving a dark green toyota with green em bonb. >> we're tracking rainfall to the north. we'll let you know our chances of getting this in a few minutes. history was made here ten years ago. i'll tell you what that is and why city hall is decked out in rainbow colors. surfed every day and partied every night, and just on repeat. from party boy to family man, skier and bay area legend johnny mosley opens up about life after olympic glory. legs up! legs up? legs up! legs up! legs up! verizon has free tablets and free phones. get here anyway you can. good job! free tablets. free phones. on the best network. only at verizon. get tablets like the verizon ellipsis 7 free. and when you trade in your old smartphone, you can get the samsung galaxy s4 free. or the droid maxx by motorola free. plus get a data plan with unlimited talk and text for as low as $45. this week only. getting free tablets and phones on the best network. that's powerful. verizon. >> happening now, a celebration in san francisco where ten years ago history was made. same-sex couples tied the knot for the first time and a nation-wide movement began. cheryl hurd joins us from san fan. lots of people marking this occasion again. >> reporter: that's right, jessica. you can see city hall decked out in rainbow colors. inside there are about 200 people celebrating a move that made history. john louis and steward gaffney have been fighting for marriage equality their entire adult lives. they were part of a rally ten years ago and have the picture to prove it. they ended up being one of the first ten same-sex couples to tie the knot in san francisco. >> we knew that this day was going to come when every loving committed couple has the freedom to marry here in san francisco city hall, the state of california, we know that the day will come soon when all 50 states in the united states have the freedom to marry for all loving couples. >> reporter: lieutenant governor gavin says he knew the day for marriage equality will come and he wanted to make sure he was on the right side of history. >> of course, we saw maryland in new york and the vice president and president and now you have people walking into the nfl combine before the draft and saying this is who i am, no one could imagine that ten years ago. >> reporter: in 2004 he opened the flood gates that led to a supreme court showdown last june. ultimately the supreme court legalized same sex march rig in california. couples like mythis are celebrating the ruling and making history of their own. >> we were here to be joined together for the rest of our live and we're here being part of something bigger than us it's amazing. >> reporter: mayor lee gave the lieutenant governor a key to the city. that gave a huge round of applause and a big laugh. phillis lion, she was the first married here. her wife died in 2008. >> so much has changed since that day and opinions about legalizing same-sex march significant shifted since 2004. back then a majority opposed same-sex marriage but last year when gallop asked the same question, the number shifted 10%. 50% of americans support same-sex marriage now and state laws reflect the shift. in 2004 only massachusetts had legalized same sex unions. this map shows how things changed. you can see in red the 16 states where gay marriage is legal. the states in yellow are the four where civil unions are allowed. a driver is behind bars in san francisco tonight after hitting and killing a pedestrian this morning. 27-year-old hussain was booked on charges of felony hit-and-run and felony vehicular manslaughter. police say he tried to walk away from the scene of the deadly crash. it happened near pacific in the pacific heights neighborhood. this is the fourth deadly pedestrian accident in san francisco this year. >> united. >> in san francisco, hundreds of angry protesters marched to the twitter headquarters, demonstrators are upset with the tax breaks the company has been getting. they are calling for an end to the sweet heart deal tech companies get from the city of san francisco. they say twitter's headquarters has raised housing prices and increased traffic congestion in the nearby neighborhoods. let's get to all the excitement, signs of the summer games at the winter games today. take a look. t-shirts and shorts for the spectators but as for the athletes, here comes the hot ticket, hockey. jock joins us live from russia 6:15 in the morning. >> reporter: i have to say i'm disappointed for not packing shorts to come to the winter olympics. one of the big stories for the u.s. today, dan the head coach of the hockey team decided on who his goal tender will be and results of the united states has not been nearly as nice as the weather. vancouver cold medalist landed finishing 31st in the ski jump and 24th in cross country. american flag tom lodwick did not perform due to an injured shoulder. the women's curlers are 0-4 to start the games but the men got in the winning column with a victory over denmark. women's hockey team renewed their rivalry with team canada, but came out on the losing end going down 3-2. the u.s. men start their side of the hockey draw tomorrow and coach dan named the starting goal tender, l.a.'s jonathan quick. >> we're dealing with a position, we have two very good guys to be in that and jonathan will be getting the nod. >> reporter: he gets that job over ryan miller, the buffalo saber goalie who was the mvp of the 2010 winter games in vancouver. raj? >> very good. we're looking forward to the hockey, especially with patrick and joe from the shacks, thank you. our very own janelle wang tweeted this picture from the speed skating finals. she said she's not going to give anything away until tonight at 11:00 but found herself sitting three rows away from "access hollywood" host billy bush, also raj's friend. we have gold medal fines in alpine skiing, figure skating, half pipe snow boarding and 1000 meter speed skating. >> stay with us for continuing olympics coverage. we're your exclusive home. you know that. we have an entire section dedicated to the sochi games at another powerful storm in the southeast causing headaches for people here in the bay area. more than a dozen flights have been cancelled to the local airports and maybe more in the next 24 hours. nationwide, it's a mess. more than 2,000 flights have been cancelled, stranding thousands of passengers, snow, freezing rain and sleet is to blame. seems like we've been doing this every few weeks for the last couple months. states from new jersey to north carolina have declared a state of emergency. atlanta, city paralyzed by the last storm a couple weeks ago planned ahead this time. emergency vehicles are on stand by and early warnings led to empty streets during rush hour. >> let's check in with our meteorologist, jeff ra -- ranieri. >> its been with us for over a week and continuing to produce rainfall to the north. eventually, we do think we'll get a slight chance for action. we'll take a look outside the sky camera network. temperatures in the 50s through san francisco and the north bay and a slight chance of showers in those locations, otherwise remains over cast with mid 50s. let's take you into that forecast for tomorrow. thursday is almost here. i can feel it. all right. let's get a look. what you'll find here as we do expect sun to build into the forecast for the south bay and east bay. likely cloudy here throughout san francisco and the north bay. that will be the best possibility of where we have showers in the forecast. so let's go ahead and get a look at that rain timeline. again, the way this storm is moving in, it will break up before it gets close to us. so tonight throughout thursday, it's mainly about the north bay to see that possibility of showers. santa rosa will have the greatest chance but you can see as we head throughout the early hours, it will go on and off between periods of showers and clouds and the best guess is by 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 in the morning, drizzle with clouds and temperatures in the upper 40s to near 50. that basically means in the south bay, we have little to no chance of picking up ain any kind of rainfall at this point from this storm system. but we all have a better chance of getting rainfall here in the bay area as we head throughout this upcoming weekend, the storm lines to the north and it looks like by the overnight hours, 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 on sunday morning we'll start to see showers move in across the bay. we'll have details how much some of this green could mean on the radar coming up later on, you guys. >> thank you, jeff. up next, the newest travel perk for a select group of tech workers. >> and last night the white house, today the bay area. why france's president paid a visit here today and we'll tell you about his high-profile lunch. [ sports announcer ] here's another one, alyson dudek. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ first it was google, now facebook is using a ferry to bring employees to work. the charter boat can fit 30 and has wi-fi, coffee and snacks. the workers can catch the boat near at&t park and ride a short ride to the campus. facebook is trying to ferry the service out for three months. goggle stopped after a trial period, no word on when and if it will be restarted rc. the president of france made a quick sweep. president francois hollande made the visit with a lunch. >> reporter: the usual politics of san france's city hall got a french flair today. visiting french president hollande was greeted by school children singing in french. on the last of his three-day u.s. visit hollande was talking technology and whose company makes a smart phone blood pressure monitor says france is the growing model. >> in comparison between the west coast and france to work and to build a much bigger. >> reporter: hollande met with lee and city leaders. >> he wanted to know why we are attracting talent in the city. >> reporter: afterward he told a city hall audience, 300 french companies settled. >> this is the place where tomorrow's world is being invented, the world of the 21st century. >> reporter: he was whisked off to a san francisco french restaurant where he dined with leaders from goggle, twitter and sales force. >> we want to be successful in san francisco. to do that, we have to be successful on the largest and most important markets in the world, which is the french software market. >> reporter: in the past, hollande expressed concerns about privacy and tax issue, but at least for today, he was among their biggest cheerleaders. up next, millions of dollars of the public's money misspent. allegations of a second set of books for a bay area transit agency. >> i'm damian trujillo live at the hall of justice where a grand jury indicts a suspect in the sarah lamar case as divers continue their search for sierra. that's coming up. this is the search we told you about, a search for evidence south bay authorities say wasn't happening. tonight nbc bay area not only gets confirmation but reaffirmation the search for sierra lamar isn't over. one day after a grand jury indicted torrez for the disappearance and murder of sierra lamar, the santa clara sheriff's department is making an admission saying that what the department last week called a training exercise was as we reported indeed a search for sierra lamar. damian trujillo is live at the hall of justice where torrez will face a new murder charge tomorrow for that special grand jury indictment. >> reporter: that's right, jessica. the divers themselves told me a week ago today and the sheriffs' spokesmen told me my sources were wrong, they were training. it turned out my sources were correct as the case against torrez was put on the fast track. he's walked into court for almost two years charged with killing 15-year-old sierra lamar but never entering a plea in that time. >> it's languished for awhile. i'm not happy but i hope it will speed it up. >> reporter: talking about the grand jury indictment of torrez which will eliminate a lengthy preliminary hearing. instead the prosecutor will ask the judge to set a trial date. >> the grand jury said there is enough evidence to take this case to a trial. that does not mean this case can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and that's the key at a jury trial. >> reporter: legal analyst stephen clark says prosecutors need to find sierra lamar's body to seal the case. our cameras caught divers looking for evidence last week at hidden farm lake in morgan hills. the sheriff's office said they were not looking for evidence but rather training. tonight, an admission from the sheriff. >> any time someone calls, we will followup on it. so we were out there. we were acting on a tip, and it was also really, really great training for the dive team. >> reporter: divers were using this new state of the art sonar that can detect a body. they said torrez used to fish at hidden farm lake which is a half mile from his mother's home but sheriffs said divers found nothing that day and will continue their search across the country. >> we continually look for sierra. we will react again to public information about where we should search. we would like to find sierra. >> reporter: a search that's lasted nearly two years with in sign of the 15-year-old. i spoke with the search volunteer organizer earlier today. she says every saturday they still get together about 25 of them and go out and search for sierra. that will continue again this coming saturday. also, she told me tomorrow at the arraignment here at the hall of justice expect a lot of supporters of sierra lamar to wear red converse sneakers, sierra's favorite shoes. harris is seeking a second term as california's attorney general. she filed her paperwork today at san francisco city hall. she's running unopposed at this time but the filing deadline is still a few weeks away. harris is the first woman and first african american to hold the office in the state of california. acquisitions of fake expensive, improper payments, the transit district in charge of buses and caltrain is under fire again for how its handling public money. >> we uncovered hundreds of thousands of dollars in errors last summer. tonight we find more money problems exposing a so-called second set of books at this agency. >> reporter: jess and raj, they sent over stacks of financial documents but it's what they didn't provide that's troubling, invoices, checks and backup for a list of expenses all missing. now we've uncovered the documents former employees say were used to hide how the district spent millions of your dollars. we went to the person in charge of the money to ask why. just wondering if we could ask you questions about the numbers. gigi is in charge of budgets for the buses and caltrain. why won't you answer these questions how you're spending public dollars, ma'am? we caught up with her before a public meeting. we wanted to ask about a second set of books used to create fake and inflated expenses. in september, we asked her boss about hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments made to consultants for insurance. errors the district first denied then called honest mistakes. you insist it's a mistake when the people who made these entries were told to do so? >> absolutely. >> reporter: you say this is intentional? >> yes. >> reporter: david ramirez was an accountant from 2001 to 2012 and says he quit after getting fed up with finance managers ordering him to log fake expenses and to inflate others. he says the district kept this second set of books to keep track of the money. >> so this is where the money really went? >> really is going. >> we're talking millions now. >> reporter: he says this allowed finance leaders to hide millions so they could later spend that money at their discretion and avoid public scrutiny. >> this is something the auditors never saw? >> no. >> reporter: he said the money went into secret buckets for the ceo and cfo. we filed a record's request asking to see invoices and checks for a list of expenses from 2011. while sam tran said it spent $50,000 in public funds and countless staff hours on our request, the district could not provide invoices or checks for expenses ramirez listed as fake or inflated and included a $118,000 expense for maze and associates, that's the aud kiting firm contracted to catch these mistakes. >> they did do additional testing on questions raised. >> reporter: in november, the cfo told board members not to worry. >> they verbally reported that everything is fine. >> reporter: sam tran insist audits have come back clean but after the first report, auditors took a second look where we found errors. this time, they did to. in a sample maze found more than a million dollars in expenses inflated by staff but did not deem the amount large enough to address. forensic auditor eugene has more than 30 years of accounting experience, 25 in government accounting. he reviewed sam tran's resports and responses. are those proper accounting procedures? >> if that is occurring, i would question whether it is proper. >> reporter: in a statement sam trans says the actions are appropriate and consistent with past practice and blamed inflated expenses on ramirez, calling it actionen taken unilaterally by an employee. >> a unilateral action shouldn't be possible in a big organization like this. >> i would be happy to have my chief financial officer go on air and on camera and explain if there was a mistake. >> reporter: when he asked the cfo to explain, the district said it would have no further comment. we asked you to sit down and explain how you're handling public dollars, will you sit down with us? meanwhile, sam trans silence speaks volumes he says. >> if these numbers are going out to the public and they cannot stand by them, there is something wrong. >> reporter: many questions remain about where this money went. the san mateo county launched a report in september. that's still on going. we posted a detailed break down of the expenses showing what sam trans reported compared to what the district provided evidence for. vicky nguyen, nbc bay area news. >> if you have a tip for our investigative unit call 888-996-tips. coming up, get your resume out. we'll let you know where hundreds of new jobs are opening up in the bay area. and a sink hole takes out some rare american cars. the scene that had some employees in tears. good evening. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. we're tracking rainfall on the radar now. as we get a closer look, it's going to be increasing over the next three to four days. we'll talk more about our chances on the way and emeryville, a beautiful evening. we'll be back in a few minutes. home depot hiring. the home improve the retailer says it will hire 80,000 people nationwide including 1500 in san francisco. company says it's getting ready for spring, the busiest selling season. students, retirees, veterans among those encouraged to apply. toyota is recalling one of the most popular cars, the prius hybrid. toyota recalled almost 2 million of these because of a software problem. 700,000 or more are here in north america. it includes priuses built between 2009 and 2014. corvette caving, sinkhole swallows several prized cars and caught on camera. watch the floor buckle and a few minutes later, there it goes. that kind of orange gold corvette vanishes and followed by the other cars, seven more cars at the national corvette museum ended up in the 30-foot sink hole. crews used a drone to scope out the damage. sinkholes are common in bowling green, kentucky where that museum is located. authorities say one of the damaged corvette is worth more than a million dollars. >> it had to be classic corvette, not any just junk cars. >> wow. >> oh my gosh. >> and caught on video. >> yeah. how we doing? heading toward the holiday weekend and rain in the forecast. >> we do. unfortunately, i know we like the weekends dry but with the drought, this will be good news. we take you outside from san bruno and you can see the clouds spilling in over the coastline. talk about chances of rain tonight, again, the bigger chance this weekend coming up in a few minutes. the 49ers gave the media a sneak peak of the almost complete levi stadium. pictures coming up and a huge night at or kill as the dubs go for a season sweep of the champion miami heat. we'll have a live report coming up in sports. well, the olympics is a time for amazing performances and extreme focus but there is plenty of parties and one bay area legend worked the party circuit like no other. that was then. how is he now? tonight the interview with gold medal skier jonny moseley. >> i'm proposing to jonny moseley today when he wins the gold. we're going home and getting married. >> reporter: there f there was one, jonny moseley was an olympic rock star. his stardom stretched from the stages of ""saturday night live"" and the streets of san francisco. but even rock stars grow up. >> surfed every day, partied every night, and just on repeat, and it was great, but after a few months, you know, you just start to like realize, man, this isn't really me. >> reporter: here is the man you don't know, 38 years old and married to his high school classmate and the father of two boys but for many of his adult years he was a boy. >> feel like you're kind of getting a little bit too out of control. you're attitude, your partying, you know, all this stuff, and, you know, and it's one thing when somebody else kind of whispers it, but when your family will, just give you that one little hey, take it easy, it's effective. >> what about your sons, they say hey dad we really want to get real competitive and go on the olympic path? >> that's tough. that's not a question i'm prepared to answer at this point with regards to my kids wanting to go down that path. i mean, it's -- i don't want to be hypocritical, but it's like i know too much already. it's like i'm jaded. i'll try to do what i felt i did, which is kind of hedge a little bit, you know, if you can like cover your bases at least early on and make sure that you at least are thinking about the possibility that it's not going to all be like, you know, rock star. >> one thing we haven't talked about in your career and now we would ask football players this is concussions in your sport and you personally. >> sure. >> how many did you suffer and is there something to be done to correct this? >> one of the reasons i stopped skiing, stopped competing, i had a variety of different kind of little ones but i definitely, the conclusions scared me the most. >> do you feel any impact now? >> i don't. i don't. i can't -- i couldn't tell. i don't. i really don't feel any symptoms. you feel them like right after you have them, you know, depending on how hard you rung your bell and what's interesting is we -- people -- i had a helmet on every concussion i had, too. so they don't stop you from ringing your bell inside your head. >> what's a big party night for you guys now? >> yeah, exactly. it's amazing how the definition of a party changes as you get married and have kids. a big night for us is to be able to like watch a niners game or giants game unabaded. that's huge. >> johnny most lee in bed by 10:00 p.m. nowadays. he's in sochi working for us as a commentator for ski events. >> very fun. >> all right. let's turn things over to jeff ranieri. >> we have rainfall we're tracking over the next three to four days here in the forecast, the stream of subtropical moisture is still hanging with us. the same area of wet weather that produced flooding rains this past weekend and we do think we'll get some to come our way. live radar, you can see most of it happening well to the north bone dry but again, increasing chances here of maybe a few showers tonight and also tomorrow morning. taking you to the live sky camera network, temperatures in the 50s, just a touch of humidity out there or you can feel from that subtropical most. currently 52 and the wind is on shore five to ten miles per hour and you can see the low-level moisture present on the camera. that's a sign that we will at least have that fog tonight at the coastline and north bay and areas of drizzle. as far as getting measurable rainfall down here throughout the next 24 hours, tough. the storm doors kind of cracked open at this point as we've been mentioning. so as we get a look, we'll see the first one arrive over the next 24 hours and it really is going to keep the bulk of the moisture way off to the north. so at this point, as that cold front gets close, it will break apart, we think the best chance of getting activity will be throughout the north bay possibly down to san francisco, again, for tonight and also into thursday. temperatures will also be cooling off into the row 60s. our better chance of rainfall to come our way will be this weekend. the cold front will sweep across stronger and we'll look at rainfall amounts from 1/10th to 3500ths. who will get the most? we'll get you covered on that. as we flip to the next element, the estimated forecast will show the north bay will have the most, from a quarter of an inch to possibly around .34 and .10 toward san jose. not a large storm, doesn't compare to anything last weekend, but it's something. micro climate forecast, wide-ranging. we will have sunshine by the afternoon inson s san jose. subtropical moisture, heat. likely warmest in morgan hill. s also a mix of micro climate weather here for the north bay, east bay and trivalley. what you will find is the best chance of showers in napa and santa rosa and staying cloudy and walnut creek mostly sunny and 68 and please season ton 68. 2014 sochi olympics continue and on the forecast, sunny, mild, well above average but the next snow is expected by this saturday and sunday. so finally some colder weather for sochi as we head throughout this upcoming weekend. >> they need it. >> yes. let's get to sports. jarrod joins us and he's keeping his eyes on lebron tonight. >> this is going to be a good one, big night at oracle. they have to pull it off short-handed again. let me explain, no andrew and no jermaine o'neil. more on them in a second. in the first matchup between the heat and warriors, seth curry out scored back on january the 2nd in south beach. if the warriors are to repeat another win over the heat, a lot will depend on how andre iguodala matches up tonight against king james. >> lock in a little bit more. you know, you got a tough matchup coming into the game. you know, some things aren't going to go your way. sometimeth a whistle. it's a great test for, you know, just the mental side of the game. you know, being able to bounce back from some situations that may not go your way, how you react and stay focused in the game, you know, how can i attack on the offensive end and throw him off balance and just a chess matchup. >> now andrew and his backup jermaine o'neil are on the bench in street clothes tonight. boget with a left shoulder bone bruce and oh kneel due to healing right wrist injury which returned, which he of course returned to action early after having that surgery. all right. now on to this, it looks like we have monte pool live at oracle arena and we'll hop into the inseeder monty pool with more on tonight's game. first up, this recent controversy between jackson and andre, are they good now? >> reporter: i'm not convinced they were ever bad. it was a misunderstanding and when you start delving into the facts, you can understand why there was a misunderstanding. andrew is sensitive, but i think it's all ironed out now and i think they are fine. >> and monty, real quick, what's the key to another repeat win for the warriors tonight? >> reporter: limit the turnoverers, miami dwells on them. >> monte pool, enjoy the game and highlights of the warriors and heat tonight after the olympics. all right. check this out, mindy balk and matt took part in the tour of levi stadium today. the 49ers say it's about 80% complete and the sod is expected to be laid around the end of march and it has to be exciting down there in santa clara. 49ers season in the that far away with a new stadium coming up. that's about it for sports now. more news after the break. hi, i'm scott budman with olympic notes from the web for those of you moving away from the television to your mobile device, here are sites to get olympic information. this is called nbc and if you go there, slash kntv you can find videos with bay area athletes and blogs written by them and from our own janelle wang in sochi. another place to find up to date information from olympics, our twitter feed at nbc bay area and we post all sorts of news, information and videos on twitter, a word of warning, a bit of a sopoiler alert, everything we post is live, before it hits tv. >> thank you, scott. our twitter feed is valuable for all things olympics but as scott said, we post real-time results. speed skating is part of prime time coverage and gold medal finals in skiing, half pipe snow boarding and yes, speed skating and the olympic zone starring jeff ranieri. >> after the olympics, the dea says it's a multi billion-dollar industry and hard to stop. investigative reporter steven stock goes undercover to expose a growing problem with synthetic drugs. that is tonight after the olympics. how are you doing with the "olympic zone"? >> good. i had too much coffee yesterday. i stayed away from the caffeine. >> i know you kind of take us behind the scenes there in sochi. >> yes, i was flying yesterday. today we have a lot more good moments coming your way. we'll look back in russian history and a lot of the rich history alive and we'll look at some of the fashion hits and misses throughout the games. >> now she's interested. >> which include athletes, so you'll be interested to see that and we'll talk about the jackets with color. >> not good. >> if you missed anything over the past 24 hours, we'll sum it up. >> see you at 7:30. watching the ocho limb plympics see you back here at 11:30. >> bye, bye. lights, camera, access. >> shawn is not stopping. >> i went for the win and it just wasn't my night. >> as if it didn't hurt enough, why the shaun white backlash. i'm billy bush in sochi. plus the pink panther strategy, the sexiest men of the game, a very rough start to bode miller's love story. >> i swear if you do this to me ever again -- >> and the ultimate fish out of water tale. johnny weir and i cast into the black sea. >> is why i don't go anywhere with him. >> light, camera, access. >> an olympic love story and why is shaun white being


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