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poised to return to power except paul's in israel show former prime minister benjamin netanyahu ahead with a slim lead. ah, hello there, i'm laura kyle: this is out. is there a live from doha also coming up brazilian breast, enjoyable. sanara speaks in public for the 1st time since losing his election, but stopped short of admitting defeat the man accused of trying to kill us. how speaker nancy pelosi, husband is remanded in custody off the. he pleads not guilty. and indian prime minister visits the size of a bridge collapse that killed more than a 140 people. 9 people are under arrest. ah, it be given israel. what post fallen prime minister benjamin netanyahu is poised to return to power with a slim majority into israel, longest serving prime minister and left off in 16 months ago. now he's strong showing comes despite being on trial for corruption. well, exit polls have benjamin s. now his right wing coalition, securing either 6162 of the can, if it's 120 seats far right leader. if my ben givea and his religious line is a blog, will be key to securing netanyahu's majority. he's promised to join the coalition and is projected to win 15 seats. is there any appointments? a yell, a pizza party is full cost when between $22.24 seats. he's been the head of a can take a government since last year. the official results are expected on thursday is bring in eli ko. it's in that hell of a visa, independent middle east, unless great to have you with a so nation. yahoo seems to remain incredibly popular in israel despite having 3 corruption cases against him. yes, melanie still has a large, large contingent of support and we thought we thought that israelis were tired of elections. remember the auction in less than 2 years, but we actually had the greatest but it turned out today of those 5 elections. netanyahu him himself, as you mentioned, under indicted for fraud, breach of trust, corruption. and he has performed well. but i think the story of the selection, we really have to think. and again, i want to caution people because as it pulls in, israel are notoriously inaccurate. in the previous selection, we had a scenario where an area party were under the threshold at about 2.7 percent when the supposed where announced the next morning. they were in fact over the threshold. and that is what allowed for the latest government with the look the caretaker prime minister to be to be formed so. so those are all things that are still i play. but if the as opposed to do do stand true. nathan, yahoo has a pretty clear path to coalition that would be probably the most right. when coalition in israel history comprised of lee could the party, the 2 or 3 parties, shots, and united tory to them. and of course, the religious time as party led by extremist jewish nationalists. the to mar, been here was to talk about it may have been given. why has he proved to be so popular? so it's marvelle, we are a, has brought in new crowds to be israeli. right, i mean, just to talk of you had israeli left, this even voting. i'm for him really something astonishing and either my bandwidth was a figure that was beyond really beyond the pale in terms of the israeli political consensus for years. this is someone who was charged with supporting jewish terrorism. there is a i conic video of him. actually dealing prime minister reviews and the symbol of this car and holding it up and saying, just as we got to the symbol, we can get to robin. and obviously you talked for being with the staff and they did later that year. so this is the super controversial figure and i think it just shows how far the israeli public has turned to the right. and this is getting 15 or 14 feet is really an indication of that. and why has the where the public tend so far to the right? i think in this election in particular, we can look as to what happened last last night where there was a lot of violence. i'm in cities where there are mixed population between the arabs and jews in wad. there were massive riots. we had an operation. i mean gas as well, and there was also a recent wave of care and you tomorrow been beer would show up whenever there was a, a stabbing or a shooting by, by a palestinian. he wouldn't be the 1st one on the scene. he wouldn't make noise if you would even wave his gun in the air and he spoke to israelis. right wing israelis. and all israel isn't a very israeli jews in a very honest way. he offered solutions for a ton of problems, probably many of which that he cannot solve. but it message clearly resonated and created a situation where nathan, yahoo could find immunity for and, and he could rid himself of these corruption charges. i'm in return for giving ben beer and his religious sinus party, some very, very powerful ministerial portfolios that can make that can have some serious policy impact on israel next government. you know, how is great to speak to thanks very much taking the time to join us that from television. thank you, laura. now polls have closed in denmark's parliamentary elections exit polls. the center left policy left by a current prime minister met a federal weeks and is set to take the most seats, but there is no clear path to a majority. this selection comes as energy prices saw and danes faced the highest cost of living. and more than 40 years and in other election news, brazil presidents is broken 2 days of silence following his defeat in a presidential vote. on sunday, chapel scenario suggested that his supporters have been blocking roads across the country should not impede transit, but he refused to congratulate his rival, president, elect, luna, to silver or admit that he lost the election is anymore reports from sal palo after 2 days president jade bull sonata finally came out to speak in public, but he did not use his address to the nation to clearly and unambiguously concede defeat. rather, he talked about the protests that have blocked. many of brazil's roads was affordable roof was the current popular movements are the result of indignation and the feeling of injustice about the electoral process. in his short address, he said nothing about losing the election. although his authorized his chief of staff to initiate the transition process as the law demands or through, i will continue to fulfill all the commandments of our constitution. as he spoke for the 2nd day in a row, brazil's main thoroughfares remained blocked by truck drivers who support him. radical very well. i support this movement because we need to get lula out. we need to do something even military intervention. the highway police whose director is close to full sonata has been slow to enforce. the supreme court ordered to clear the roads. and so thousands of cars and trucks remain stuck. oh, good store, but wouldn't some of us are in favor. others not well, i'm not. but i'm trapped here trying to deliver my cargo, and there's a growing belief that the paralyzed zation of brazil's main roads or highways was not spontaneous. and that the hope was that it would trigger hundreds of thousands if not millions of brazilians to take to the streets, to demand a new election that has not happened. but it is a clear challenge to this country's democratic institutions. and it doesn't bode well for a peaceful transition of power. president elect lula. the silva has named vice president intellect had, i'll go out mean to head his transition team, but there is concern. after him, there was a good morning and his other. these more so now supporters will remain very organized with the ability to create chaos and not respect the law. that's for your son. here in brazil, we are going to have to co exist with this offense for some time. and judging by both sort of hurdles vowed to keep his dreams more alive than ever. it will be a rocky road for the next government to see a newman al jazeera sao paolo in his prime minister, nor andrew moody has been to the site of a bridge collapse that killed more than a 140 people in his home state of good you're at, it also met with some survivors who affiliated hospital 9 people have been arrested including employees at the firm contract had to maintain the pedestrian bridge. really challenge has more from what little remains of the ruined bridge marines remedy could see across the mash river. and how far the victims felt more than 100 people died on sunday when a century and a half old suspension bridge collapsed into the river. in the prime minister visited more of a goudrow at to see for himself. below rescuers and in faithful things were still looking for bodies. a job made more difficult or dense vegetation growing on the river surface. after visiting the site of the disaster modi travel to the hospital, he spoke with some of the hundreds of people who been on the bridge when the cables gave way, and thank the doctors and nurses looking after them as anger among survivors. they say negligence was partly to blame. all are located with the company managing the bridge is responsible for this mishap. the public is also responsible, as they were deliberately swinging the bridge. so many together shouldn't have been allowed. there was 500 to 600 people on the bridge. on the dining room deck and on the bridge we were 3 friends. the bridge collapsed for rose. one of our friends died because of this incident. in the capital, new delhi protest is demanded increase compensation for all victims injured and families of those killed several people would attain. the footage shows a crowded bridge just before it collapsed. the bridge only reopened last week. after months of renovation, 9 people including ticketing clocks and contractors, were arrested on monday. good route is no render modi's home state. it's announced a day of mourning for wednesday, where we talents how to 0. fled hair on our to sarah lang. loved ones to rec, devastated families grieve, and the off them off of tropical storm now gave and the league meets face to face for the 1st time into years. internal tensions. i'm the crane war. talk the agenda . ah big thunderstorms in texas are on their way out. what's happening on the pacific coast is probably rather more welcome to be honest. we will drive conditions all the way from western canada, answered california, the mountain states. well that's all about change completely is a very active frontal system and that's what it produces. snow for mid to high levels, but all the mountain states and right up into a good part of candor, temperatures, the maximum now sub 0, calgary minus 5. just think couple of weeks back and we'll talk about plus 25. there's a huge change back back down to where it should be. most of the states are fairly warm, plane states up into middle twenties and when he picks also more than that should be. so that is still a mom was coming out of the caribbean, a tropical depression, strengthened into a hurricane, is on its way just skirting honduras to hit belize. we think wednesday evening be land full of the strongest wind. so it'll be a hurricane, probably up that category one, but rain is still pretty fairly heavy, and this is damaging winds, obviously, big sharon, prompting warnings of potential flash flooding in amazonia. but also you'll notice it's moving further north of columbia and ecuador. and if you're in rio, it could be rather nice. ah, ah, [000:00:00;00] ah . oh, the me. there again, you're watching out there. a reminder our top story, our brazil's outgoing president, job both scenario has spoken publicly for the 1st time since his election defeat on sunday. he didn't appear to concede, but that he would follow the constitution and exit polls indicate the former is already prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is poised to return to power lines including fall right parties look to secure a live majority of at least $61.00 of the can. i says 120 seats join bernard smith. he's at the could party headquarters in west jerusalem, and it may be a slim majority, bernadette and not the final official results yet. but it does seem that yahoo is back. yes, baby is back after 16 and opposition clock thing is returned to office. it seems that netanyahu has pulled it off. i'm what happened, what really mattered in this election was getting out the vote. netanyahu campaigned very hard in the last couple of weeks in the rock to the elections, really trying to get people out to vote because in israeli behalf preston to find anyone who haven't already formed an opinion on that. and yahoo, they love him, or they, lo them new or no votes. switching either side to what netanyahu was looking for was voters who hadn't voted last time round. and he thought maybe 85220300000 boats . with that to be tapped, and it seems you have quite a high turn out. it seems he's managed to get those people out to vote other parties. i've done it as well. but of course if you heard earlier on, he'll be in power with jewish power. one of the fall, right ultra nationalists parties religious zion is part is that. busy code they will be the 3rd party in power, the king makers. he'll need them to make to form a coalition government and in return they will expect the seats in capitan's turn. you say, bennett, this is looking likely to be a far right coalition. if we seen any reaction yet from the palestinians. yeah, well the palestinian prime ministers put out a stave in this evening. he said that it shows the rising extremism in the jewish state. he says, he says, the rise of extreme religious right wing parties is a result of growing extremism and racism, israeli society. and he says that he proves we have no peace partner in israel. so a very down beat assessment from the palestinians. remember, sharing power with the extreme right wing part is in israel. it's a mob been given the leader of the party. he's got a 2007 conviction for inciting racial hatred against the arab, palestinian israeli minority israel. the occupation of be peachy, the policy just barely touched on in this election is not an issue in the the election, which was about benjamin netanyahu. a little bit about the economy, a little bit about security law for electron before it was all around yahoo. the need to resolve the policy initiative and meet the meet the teacher, the policies that are joining us that from and it could party headquarters in west series. and thanks very much now the man accused of attacking the husband of us house because nancy pelosi has stated not guilty. david to pop was reminded in custody. he's charged with attempting to murder pull pelosi by beating him with a hammer inside the council of san francisco. home on friday, a 2 year old is recovering from surgery. let's get the latest from rob reynolds. he's standing by foot in los angeles and what, what did we hear in the courtroom today? well we heard the defendant david de pap plead not guilty to numerous charges state charges brought by the state of california in connection with the alleged attack on 82 year old paul pelosi in his home. last friday. the defendant has been now sent to jail, where he's being held without bail or bond. his court appointed attorney david lip . some public defender came out and spoke to reporters briefly after the, the short hearing. he said he'd only been able to chat with his his client twice briefly at that. and that his defense team was going to delve into as he put it up the what he called the pap vulnerability to misinformation. that's a reference, no doubt, to voluminous writings. mister de pap allegedly posted online endorsing conspiracy theories, election, denial of anti semitic tropes and holocaust denial among many other conspiracy theories. a preliminary hearing has been set for friday. the pap has been speaking to investigators and they are saying that he's told them admitted to them that he did plan to cold speaker nancy pelosi hostage and to torture her by breaking her knee caps to pap allegedly brought with him to the close the residence a backpack containing zip ties, rope gloves, and other for their paraphernalia, including the hammer that he allegedly use to attack for low. see the court filing today also alleges that the pap was on a, quote, suicide mission unquote. and plan to target california and federal politicians. the pap also faces a variety of federal charges separately. those include attempted kidnapping, as for paul pelosi, as you mentioned, the 82 year old is still in the hospital, is recovering from surgery to repair a fractured skull and has numerous injuries on his farm and hands. doctors say he should recover fully, but his family, the floating family says that it's going to be a long process day for rentals. thanks very much for the update. well, brenda doing is that from los angeles? well the midterm elections are just over a week away, inflation, abortion, and police violence of the main issues for voters. but divisions on what matters run that most most run deep between democrats and republicans. i was there a spoke to people from both sides. hi, i'm andy semen ello from poughkeepsie, new york, and i am a democratic voter. hi, my name is deb brown and i am a registered republican here in auster county new york. i live in a small city of kingston. i'm some i retired. i'm in the health care fields, i'm actually retired. but i spent a career in corporate development and also a small business owner. in recent years, we have noticed which is unusual for our city crime. the riots did not help and the, and the yelling of defending the police who you think protects them even when you're doing your protest. here in your days, we have faith in legal access to all reproductive health care services, including abortion. that is not the case across the country. it should not be something that is decided on by the, by the supreme court or by any legislator. it should be just freedom of choice. i'm semi retired and i'm starting to look at our investments, the salary. every time i go to the grocery store here and kingston, i'm using kicked up $3.00 more. we took a step in terms of gordon safety in this, in this last term. but it's not enough. if children are still being gunned down in classrooms, what we need is a ban on assault weapons. i have an issue with immigration, the bus is coming through must have been a real good wake up call because they were at which and i don't blame them. what do you think was going on at the texas border? climate change is, is something that we all have to recognize. i live in this beautiful hudson valley along the hudson river and i want to know that these resources will always be available for my children, for my grandchildren and my great grandchildren. if you want things changed in your neighborhood in your state, you vote, i do a lot of canvassing here in poughkeepsie. and for the most part, i'm hearing about a very motivated electorate. several to xyzzy groups in haiti have listened to the us president, concerned about plans to deploy military forces to the country. they said, well, only strengthen prime minister ariel on the grip on power and little to address nationwide on rest violence in the capital project. for instance, for tens of thousands of people from their homes, a journalist has been killed off to a police open fire on a group of reports of water and pallet supplies have been restored in cave off. the equating capital of hit by dozens of russian missiles on monday. your questions are being to use as little power as possible. during peak hours. they use energy commissioner has promised support saying russia is purposely targeting energy and worst applies as winter approaches. vladimir fusions as russia may consider, we joining a grain export deal with ukraine once an investigation into a tax on ships, ships and crimea is completed. the russian president held a phone call with the tucker president jeff type one on tuesday to discuss the deal must go suspended its participation on saturday in response. what it said was ukrainian dro attacks on its fleet search and rescue teams. and the philippines are still looking for bodies in the aftermath of tropical storm naggie, least a 110 people have died with dozens more still missing. down south and entire community of 200 houses is buried in mud bottom below reports from the village of crew. shown the stench of death. oh, in the sound of free with master muriel for a dozen picked him sir for landslide in the village of crucial in the southern philippines. this is ground 0 of the disaster left by tropical storm naggie. the trauma is still visible on join must look at his face. she recalls very vividly what happened when the storm caused a landslide here now i've been a bit though, and i got stuck in barbed wires and that's when i accidentally let the girl i baby in it. if that's then i wasn't able to save her. i tried, i tried to untangle myself from the wire, so i could stretch out my hand to catch her. nicholas and but i was unable to. ah, her husband and 6 year old boy also survived, but many relatives did not. 3 years ago, residents here were relocated from their original coastal settlement to keep them safe on storm surges. they couldn't imagine a landslide would kill their loved ones. now they wonder where they can be. say. jerry, anton is jones cousin. he was it near by caught about the city when the landslide happened. but he was one of the few members of their family who laid their loved ones to rest gardening for him quite a young bar. it hurts so much. it was like sleeping and then waking up to a nightmare. we don't know how we'll be able to start all the thing now. on tuesday, president ferdinand marcus visited survivors who were staying temporarily in an elementary school. he assured them his government is willing to help in instructional non gonna, i already instructed social went for a 2nd tardy. edwin thoughtful to hand out a 100 or $200.00 to each of you. so you can buy construction materials. she began to rebuild your homes. the question, however, is where to fill those hopes. both survivors and local officials agreed it would be unbearable to have to re live this trauma warner below al jazeera cushion, southern philippines. emergency crews are struggling to put out a file which began more than 10 days ago on mount kilimanjaro and tons and in the government thought it was under control last week. but high winds have since spread the flames to 3 new locations. come and jo is africa, tallest mountain, and surrounded by a national park. as the states and foreman says, are in l. jerry as council for a 2 day league summit. the opening ceremony thought eunice in president said hand over the council's presidency to the al jerry and leader delegates will discuss regional, political and security issues in light of the war in ukraine as the 1st face to face arab league summit since 2019 because of the pandemic. now, we are living in a fierce war against those who want to overthrow our arab countries. we can win the crises through unity and solidarity between arab countries. we are going through an exceptional international situation in terms of the magnitude and multiplicity of challenges. we need new concepts, new methods for all humanity that are harder has more from algiers. the al terry and president making it very clear that the summit is being held amid exceptional and complex regional and international circumstances. there are a lot of pressing issues that our leaders need to deal with. the region is plagued by conflict by economic crises and the food insecurity. one of the toughest challenges, rushes recent decision to suspend its participation in an internationally broker deal to allow grain exports from u. crane will harm the middle east and north africa region. many of the arab countries rely on wheat from ukraine and weight, of course bread being the main staple, the arab league secretary general, calling on arab countries to unite to come up with a joint strategy. but it's not just the economy. our leaders have has to make political calculations really caught up in the east, west pensions over the ukraine war. so far, arab countries have opted for a neutral stance. we're going to have to see whether or not the unanimous decision will be taken on, you know, on, on this neutrality in the ukranian war would, which would be in one way or another, a diplomatic win for russia, due to its isolation. a lot of divisions, differences among our of states, uneasy relationships, and this is really manifested by the fact that you've had quite a relatively low level representation. we've heard the speakers talk about the need for unity. the need to overcome the differences. it's easier said than done because in the last 3 years the arab world has been very much polarized because of a decision by some arab states to normalize relations with israel. other states, a sound against this. so a lot on the agenda and


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