Many celebrities have admitted to using new drugs such as Ozempic for off-label purposes, including weight loss. Saskia Pearl weighs up the pros and cons.
Saskia is 17, and currently studying for her A Levels: Biology, Geography and Maths, and her EPQ, which we discuss in more detail later. Saskia is passionate about Biology, which she applies particularly to plant biology and the environmental crises we face. However, this wasn’t always the case, she tells me: she began to enjoy it noticeably when she started the GCSE course and loved the content. Last year, she applied to be an Environment Captain at school, which meant becoming part of a GDST-wide Eco Society. She now uses this position to pursue real change, starting with preparing presentations for Junior Schools to spread awareness about four key areas within the climate crisis. Along with her scientific interests, Saskia enjoys finding out how biology relates to our everyday lives, and hopes to apply for Human Sciences at University. She therefore found choosing three A Levels tough, especially when she didn’t have room for History or Politics, which she also enjoys.