It follows the story of Kumara, a young boy from Veeranur village, who on a fateful day, is struck by lightning that puts him in a coma. Seeking better treatment for Kumara, his father decides to send him abroad.But
Ark Saravanan, the writer and director of the Tamil fantasy-action streaming film, 'Veeran', has said that the film touches upon the fine line between superstition and faith. 'Veeran' stars Hiphop Tamizha Adhi, Chella, Munishkanth, Vinay Rai, .
Veeran Movie Twitter Review: Hiphop Tamizha starrer supernatural thriller directed by ARK Saravanan, Veeran, hit the screens all over the world on June 2. Here are some tweets from the netizens who have watched the movie already and shared their views on it.
Veeran Box Office Collection: Veeran is the latest Tamil superhero film written and directed by ARK Saravanan. The movie features Hiphop Tamizha Adhi in the lead role. The action drama was met with a lukewarm response at the box office.