are people comprehending the gravity of this. the president jokes about stuff. he says offensive things, the next day he was joking. it was funny. then, we realize how hitler wasn t just a pain in the butt. he was horrible. humor and satire didn t cut it. vict victor borga. he made a living making fun of the gnat nazis until he had to e europe. maybe we re covering up our own fears or legitimate fears or else we re denying them. i don t know. you can tell there s everyone is feeding the beast all the time. no one is get enough stories and coverage about this administration. everybody is on-edge about it. but the entertainment value of this is undeniable.
gravity of this. sometimes you don t sense the president kpree hencomprehends gravity. he made fun of that dictator. it was funny. but then hitler wasn t just a pain in the butt. he was horrible. humor and satire didn t cut it. victor, the great comedian i grew up jewish that escaped from nazis, made a living making fun of the nazis. but satire only goes so far. i wonder maybe you re suggesting that we re covering up our own fears or legitimate fears or else we re denying them. i don t know. you can tell that there is this everyone is feeding the beast. no one can get enough of stories and coverage about this administration. perhaps that s because everybody is kind of on edge about it. the entertainment value of this is undeniable.