the point of the slogan is that the world needs more people with the cowboy spirit. that s the spirit of hard work, determination, self-reliance and integrity. ainsley: it seems the students love it though when the t-shirts with that slogan were on the shelves in your bookstore they sold out within a week. yeah. you are exactly right. my roommate actually works at the school bookstore and she was telling me just yesterday they cannot keep the slogan merchandise on the shelves. ainsley: wow. so tell me about these faculty members. there are about two dozen faculty members that complained saying that the term cowboy is racist, sexist. hetero sexist it stands for genocide or represents genocide. what else your reaction to that? i just think it s silly. i know that, you know, i was born and raised in wyoming. i was born and raised wyoming s largest city. and aye never once related the words cowboy with genocide, screen phobia, anything like that. and, again, guy back to what the slogan