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Transcripts For DW Eco Africa 20190330 21:30:00

she sees him as a colleague hold on. to. the bit. to scream for. your link to exceptional stories and discussion from the news of easy and what i would say to debbie that comes from. joining us on facebook. for. a. while down so you could africa the environment magazine brought to you by channels t.v. here in nigeria cuisine south africa and in germany young people i especially in the battle to slow down all stop the effects of climate change and today will present a few impressive examples of what song kids already doing but first another impressive one here i mean to use my co-presenting zealand global reporting from south africa waiting to see you from lagos. thanks n.t. hi there everyone. and i'm joining you from johannesburg south africa it's great to be part of the eco africa team and have the opportunity to present this wonderful show let's take a look at what's in store this week. will see how an app helps herdsman in kenya locate grazing land for their livestock and discover how farmers in these air have learned to co-exist with one of nature's most elegant creatures. the first reports takes us to kampala uganda is a densely populated capital just like in many urban centers green areas are in short supply but that doesn't mean it's impossible to grow fresh produce even schools are getting in on the act by encouraging their students to use space in school yards but for farming the kids not only learn valuable lessons and skills they're also repulse and tasty rewards. harvesting spinach. chooses to do. in the ugandan capital kampala. linked to the schools an area of land just a hundred square meters in size where the students can grow vegetables angel uses old plastic containers for plant pots as a way of recycling waste so most of these and then by the video but they did not become poised so instead old either binding them and producing smoke and that you must via or maybe buying them in the ground that is going to destroy the shell of the museum's cutting cycle them and use them to grow crops showing through which. angel and her classmates mostly grow cabbage spinach and spring on. the boarding school will be outskirts of compiler is a pioneer in urban farming and encourages students to take their schools home with them. got the lessons take place once a week. where i work but it would be like. buying a christmas gift as we are back to the judges all consumed at school also to members of the public on visits and doing he's the head teacher says the project is a huge success maybe ninety percent of the girls i have raised in the auburn area and this is critical for us because they have to be active somewhat ican and money in. place is a small place and money regardless of how small a place can be. the initiative is paying off angel has even inspired the parents to grow vegetables with whom they retired so they have enough time to take care of the plants. because it's days if i'm preparing my breakfast i think if you if your lives and then i cut and put in my ford. a lot. you find that every day i spend our own toso than three saw that you vaguely like if you have them around home city a lot. of and farming is still in its infancy and you. the students hope to get financial support from the government as the initiative is rolled out to other schools the minister of education is already full of praise for the project. feeding the children would not become a problem is saving the environment will be very important i mean it would be very we would be down because we have seen the the weather using the polythene and the older teens and so on so we shall not be polluting the environment there will be a two lazing those very things the users that is on the verandah. whatever they don't consume the students on visiting days one large cabbage and the school around one us dollar ok the money's pulled together and used to help playful seafood at boarding school on a larger scale urban farming has the potential cycle food insecurity and unemployment but for the students growing their own crops is first and foremost a lot of fun. there's nothing quite as infectious as youthful enthusiasm here in africa and in europe too exactly when it comes to doing something good for the environment at several schools in the german capital berlin students have been appointed energy managers if their job to ensure energy savings the kids quickly realise how easy it is to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment and it's just as much fun as growing vegetables. the kids love this solar module not least because it supplies the energy they need for break time disco. it's got enough energy stored for twenty minutes of music. vincent and oscar however are too busy during break time to shake a leg they need to inspect the thermostats in their classroom they've been appointed energy managers at their school. their tasks also include regulating the temperature in the classroom and checking the quality of the air. if it's bad we wouldn't be able to concentrate we get tired and end up with bad grades. they've learned how to make sure the air stays fresh without wasting energy by opening the doors and windows and airing the rooms during break time for example. it's a short blast of air we let in the fresh air unless how to stay. that's intermittent ventilation. the young technicians also keep a close eye on the central heating settings for all the classrooms. a total of eighteen schools participate in this project and the advantages are already obvious the fledgling energy managers have helped their schools reduce energy costs by an average of ten percent. the school is really big it's got loads of rooms and when all the heating is on it gets really hot in here. we have an i phone we never used to pay this sort of thing any attention. but now we have the work group we always thinking of ways to save energy and protect the environment. oh. this school janitor has had to get used to sharing his responsibilities with the students. the central heating system in the basement is still his realm but in the classrooms the children are in charge and. it's a bit funny now and then they check the computers to make sure everything's ok sometimes they need to intervene and make a small adjustment but on the whole they're doing it right. another school taking part is in the neighboring district the students here have a lot to contend with. the school's facade has been renovated but the building still isn't properly insulated this is thanks to the energy managers use a thermal imaging camera to identify where most energy is being wasted. energy agency donated the professional equipment and one of its experts tells them how it works and. i could see from the thermal imaging camera that some of the windows aren't at tight which means that heat can escape. by as we've had a lot of energy is being wasted and that's what we're trying to prevent. and that means we're also helping the school because we're helping it reduce the money it spends on energy. in the long run the young energy managers are hoping the school will be completely renovated in the meantime they're planning to photograph the entire building and gather as much data as possible that's relevant to its energy consumption it's been this is nonsense we see i think it's important to take the students seriously in terms of fostering their autonomy and not to think oh they're just kids they have no clue because in fact lots of children are incredibly motivated and interested. and that needs to be encouraged children need to be involved in these issues. until the school is renovated the students have to make the best of the situation. the school gym is pretty rundown and there's no way of regulating the radiators in winter they're turned up high and cannot be adjusted. them and that's it would be cheaper to buy new thermostats than to have the windows open and that just wastes energy per day from. a minor investment with a major payoff. it's such a simple solution but adults would probably never have come up with it. that's the kind of spirit we need if we're going to right some of the wrong we've inflicted on our planet we're returning to africa now where we'll hear about a woman in lagos who has devoted her life to caring for the environment is a work from area to n.t. indeed it is the days along do a lot to protect marine life and keep a section of the beach here we cleared of waste on daybreak when i initiate it wouldn't be as successful as it sees without the assistance of many young help us let's go take a look. they call themselves the climate warriors of lagos their mission to restore the beach to its natural state. today most of what they find doesn't belong here all of it left by humans. flip flops plastic bottles it with things like two brushes. environmental activist. has been battling the onslaught of plastic waste since she was a student now a qualified lawyer just shows that to devote her life to saving the environment. it takes everything from you physically mentally you know you have to be one hundred percent in this if not you just well unfortunately children are the ones that are most affected. that the nonprofit the kids speech gone several years ago in an area of over seven hecht is stretching along the coast children can learn about my real life at waste recycling bin. hopes the time this spend here will inspire in them the same passion she herself feels for the environment to make the day at the beach more fun. divides the group into teams that compete against each other the first challenge collect as many bottles as possible in five minutes every week with a group collect around fifty bags of trash that waste is then sold to scrap buyers and recycling companies the money earned is used to finance other environmental projects but more importantly the time spends clean and the beach gets to young volunteers to get a change in my lifestyle farming fans i don't you think will use plastic and i have my water bottle that you know take to work and then buy a recyclable. bag to market plastic waste is one of the biggest problems facing the world today and in places like lagos in particular with single use plastic bags and all of the items not prohibited like in rwanda or kenya but children in nigeria are increasingly becoming aware that it is their future that's at stake it's really bad that we have too many plastic that come from the ocean to this should. i come here most subsidies to and yet doing can of outranking of. cleaning up the beach is just one task plan for today another is planting a coconut palms they grow well in sandy soil and can help reduce the impact of coastal erosion the more than twenty million people living legacy generate about fourteen metric tons of waste every day and while finding ways to manage it all c don't include. and dozens of young environmentalist every little bit counts. so they are in our hands on the beaches plastics even so many products that we use every day it can be really hard to know just what it is you're buying a lot of cosmetic for instance contain micro plastics how can you avoid that well this week's doing your bit introduces an app that allows consumers to check the counter productive before they buy. the shelves of shops and supermarkets are lined with products packaged in plastic but there are micro transfix hidden inside some audits too especially cosmetics so how can consume and stay clear of products containing the chinee bits of plastic health is now at hand with an. a barcode scanner and reveals a complete list of a quarter of its contents as well as an overall rating of its friend in a. great even the courts are actually based on experts like greenpeace w w f are friends of the earth also we have our own scientific team who writes products based on latest type of research available since two thousand and sixteen the sweet startup develops the up in cooperation with the environmental group friends of the year. and in addition to const metrics they can also be used to examining gradients in processed foods and cleaning products giving health conscious shoppers more confidence in their purchasing choices. and how about you. if you're also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send his or tweet. doing your best. we share your stories. inventions and technology can often be immensely helpful even in the most more of places that's certainly the case with some herders in kenya they roam the country to find food and water for their livestock but an app has maybe a work a whole lot easier leaving them with enough time to do other things. camels on their way to graze until recently that's involved a lot of usually random searching but now a new app helps her to locate the best pasture. the average scout app uses real time satellite images. now we can get to cross without walking long distances. and we're leaving the water point and going home early and now because we knew where the better posture was. a little. further north close to the kenya ethiopia border conflicts have long reached over grazing land here. now the pastoralist have come up with a joint grazing plan and the app has helped them to coordinate better. to reduce livestock mortality officially during that racism. because they have got access to information which will help them make decisions before. to move to a place maybe just look at all times past so you know we go to a new climbing the after scout app was created by the international ngo project concern international for p.c.i. things say their digital assistant has reduced livestock mortality by almost fifty percent. of. the messiah in southern kenya also benefit from the app as they move their large herds through this advantage there. pastoralist have traditionally griese their livestock in regions where wild animals live global warming and an increase in human populations have made conflicts with wildlife even more intense for pastoralists joel the new app has helped to reduce dangerous encounters by mapping areas that are risky for us animals. lions in any particular area we move to a safer place where there are no lions. they are even shows us where there's a lot of green grass as well as areas where there is no grass at all. and helps us identify good spots just by using a phone and without leaving home. the costs alone now everything's more convenient . it's helped us a lot by. p.c.i. you're sending instructors into messiah villages to explain how to best use the app by encouraging planned grazing patterns the system helps protect the land from overgrazing. so it threw off the efforts go to application. to see how did enjoy looking like i mean that they can only move the let's talk to places where the forage has rejuvenating enough and avoid the areas that have been degraded and bad voiding the areas that have been degraded they give the spaces a time to rejuvenate. the for scout app is also being tested in ethiopia and tanzania helping herdsmen there to better care for their animals and the environment. another example of technologies are both peoples lives and decreases the burden on the environment. also demonstrate that it is possible for humans. exist without making much. that's right careful planning and a few adjustments can sometimes make big difference we now go to eric country where people and animals often struggle to feed themselves but in the core reserve any of the capsule to offer of all things offering hope to the locals. and his colleagues have been on the lookout for giraffes for almost two hours shy by nature the majestic animals quickly dart for cover but eventually they emerge again. been working as a tour guide for an ngo for several years giraffes are his livelihood. i'm very pleased with giraffes allows me to feed my family. in west africa giraffes are a threatened species twenty years ago there were only fifty left here in asia the locals hunted them and their habitat grew smaller and smaller another problem was drought which made food scarce. they consume up to thirty kilograms of leaves per day. they love occasionally on melons. they're always wondering through people spiegel's and eating among those in their gardens. angered by the giraffes feasting on their crops locals intensified their hunting. draft meat was a welcome change from a diet composed mainly of millet corn and vegetables. life here is difficult. but village leader who describes how climate change has affected people's lives. and less and less rain everything has dried out. that's made life harder for us and the village harvests are smaller we're being squeezed on all sides. despite those hardships the giraffe's have actually proven an unexpected boon for the villagers they're now under protection enabling locals to benefit financially from their preservation. of the giraffes steal from us from our garden for instance. and there's little we can do about it. but we still like them and don't hunt them anymore because they're providing a new source of income. environment ministry and the nongovernmental agency pays the villagers not the giraffes authorities have also established a protected area the ten head tear reserve features trees and shrubs which provide the giraffes. with a food source as well as a breeding ground so if you need a lot of it we're here to help people out there of course this is their land but we want to improve us you know. for the giraffes are an important part of that cause you're not as you know when we protect their habitat like food sources are preserving that which is beneficial to the villagers livestock. planting grasses and shrubs helps slow down the destruction of the landscape it decreases soil erosion and improves the soils ability to absorb rainwater bad allows the giraffes to enjoy more melons their favorite treat. even created the protected area eighteen years ago and it's paid off the giraffe population has rebounded to more than six hundred this in turn has attracted more tourists the n.-g. o. now employs eight hundred two or guides to meet the demands of increasing tourism. homma mooney describes how the measures have improved people's lives. so it is important giraffes are very important animals not only in asia but all around the world a very important. thing to help improve our villages quality of life. more places are now being supplied with water as well as other commodities. school facilities have been improved our nurses have access to better equipment. there are certainly help there's a great deal. this is all down to the giraffe's. another result of the program is that fewer people have been moving to other parts of the country instead they're staying put happy to be able to make a living off the land. when i want to look like. i used to grow beans but the giraffes would. it's better now with peanuts the giraffes want to touch them and i can even sell some of them. one hunted nearly to extinction the return of the giraffe is now welcomed by communities here. well that seems to be working out just fine i'm afraid that's all we have for today i hope you enjoy the program and be sure to cheating again and next week for now it's babai for me the third of all right here in johannesburg south africa take care and that goes for you too auntie thank you z. and we do look forward to seeing you again same time next week one of addition of equal africa but in the meantime you want to find out more about the show the reports of current on other reports just check out our website even our social media pages over chewing on the end credits that would come your way again i'm now in taipei from lagos by. john. i'm going to. call it same as never before. monitor it carnally get. more comfortable never. up to twenty million teen summer fashion. will be achievements for a season as high as it is colorful on. the moment it's limited. oh. 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Transcripts For DW Eco Africa 20190405 19:30:00

extravagant. posts really know their stuff. with me and stephanie. hardy and checked with sition from all around the world. groups every week doubling. hello and welcome to a new edition of eco africa my name is but my friends call me z. and i'm coming to you from johannesburg and south africa if you want to find out what a national park into for the people who live in it stay tuned and of course to meet my lovely colleague in nigeria hi this is the yes i'm now tag me here in lagos nigeria are you ready for new episodes here's what's coming up on the show. i'll start something looking up muscle dot com lining up with vegetable farming. a woman from south africa who's fighting against food waste. now solar energy changing rival farmers in the mountains of morocco. now rwanda is of the most densely populated countries in africa and that can trigger conflicts over resources when entire areas are declared to be national parks and many residents worry about their livelihoods the solution is to involve them more in wildlife protection one example the endangered mountain gorillas in the wonders volcanoes national park the tourism they generate can benefit the local community as well as the environment. we value every dance. tents tourists around the volcanoes national park it covers a hundred and sixty square kilometers and it's the oldest consumption in africa. it's home to a range of species including some that are considered to be in danger of extinction such as thing called in. this law or any other place you find these monkeys apart from southwest of wonder where you find a different species of monkeys but in of o'connell's only you find only caught in mind. so that's why the hobbit went to the monkeys many people. don't know about you can have it with you there. these monkeys are not shy and don't seem to mind being stared that. each group of visitors is allowed to spend one hour of surfing down. they leave in the past tense forest and like to eat bum believes and shoots the trouble is people illegally come into the passage. to make sure the month of habitat and the main source of food. so that's why we have a planted outside a park for the local community we have those a bumper project also not only being being used for one across but also for protection of the sawyer of erosion control in general that was one way to avoid those people who are targeting the trees in the park. and wonder if the mess to densely populated country in mainland africa and population growth remains high. because. every inch of arable land is now tapped for farming including mountainsides fields and grazing land stretch a great up to the age of the pack the mountain forests you know of egypt ations on has already been stripped. the for must of new season just a few hundred metres from the conservation area. most people believe the pack used would be a stall feel free to have established the protections on iran the path in which the residents are allowed to obtain and limited amount of food could be a question and humans but only from certain species of tree it is also a feedback process whereby residents share with the authorities the needs and wishes. each district all six all these local people who park the seat and city priorities what they need like water like schools like different frustrated. public clinics so they said their priority that would give them money in order to make sure that today. what they need. ten percent of the money the pac makes goes towards community projects last year that amounted to more than six hundred sixty thousand dollars which is a lot of money in one day many families and extra money as porters for tourists. and. this is one of the new plans will be legends we have big can meet and make you trust to reach involving local people in caring for the national park appears to be kamal the idea is that if it also benefits them they are more likely to help conserve it it is already the case that fewer trees have been cut down so things are looking up for the golden monkeys as well. chicken fish and salad three distinct species all growing and breeding in perfect harmony in a small space that's an innovation our young entrepreneur has brought to book in our fossil karen do on bond. causes you need the vice pyramid after months of testing on troubles he's finally been able to turn his ideas into a system that works like others out there is doing his bit for the environment. the agri pyramid is a hydroponic device that combines plant production with aquaculture and poultry farming. the circular system was designed by kevin in book you know fossils capital we're going to call. his prototype is designed for up to six hundred plants two hundred fish and two hundred birds poultry production is located on the top level. the fish eat waste from the birds it falls directly into the tanks at the bottom of the pyramid the water the fish swim and also nourishes plants like tomatoes or lettuce. the device runs on solar energy no chemicals have to be added to the system. preparing it doesn't require large amounts of fresh water since its design limits evaporation dramatically. of. the system doesn't depend on the climate over quality of the local soil. electric hydroponic agriculture is one way for us to adapt to the phenomenon of climate change because we can no longer rely on brain because just another problem is that much of the soil in burkina faso has depleted. the agri pyramid can be easily installed in courtyards because it takes up little space. kevin hopes to set up at least two hundred more of the devices in book enough gas so. you know like that. if you're doing your job you tell us about. visit our website or send us a tweet. cash doing your bit we share your story. many farmers in africa still employ. one frequent problem is a habit that on forcing changes in the weather on the harvest can anything be done about it. that's a good question auntie but if you are instance you could drive the grain you've grown directly on the fields sometimes a harvest could be saved that might otherwise be a total loss one company in germany is providing the right tools and techniques to do it. it's a very simple piece of equipment. and. appreciate just how useful it can be for smallville to farm and. there are no grains remaining over the grains and you can also see that we don't have breakage is this is pretty healthy enough to produce it especially for the african market just because my cereals are still often fresh the way they were fifty or sixty years ago which means a lot is wasted if you can use this waste to far less fuel for those two and no food enough that comes from a. karl-heinz claude grew up on a farm and has spent much of his working life making machinery for post-harvest processing of crops these days he spends a lot of time in africa being there reminds him of his childhood. probably more and i paid for my first bike with the money. because i'm smart after working on the fiance we've got a wonderful meal but i never forgotten it because we were going to follow you and i wasn't always the case there for a good reason this. godfrey morongo is from zimbabwe he wants to help secure harvests in his home country and elsewhere in africa with the help of modern technology. mobile dryers like this one can prevent cereal crops from spoiling. morongo is setting up a network of technicians able to service the equipment across africa. he's a technology if you see asked himself and that helps. i've done this project to where. the service goes wrong turns on you know we came here so we had our drawings and our parts and we'll put this up together within three weeks. also makes a smaller trial it can be used directly in the field to prepare a crop for storage a farmer could buy one or a service provider it could go from farm to farm with it. just keep track of it if you don't prepare and dry the grain properly it goes mostly and eating food that's my only unspoiled makes you sick of them and get diarrhea many other illnesses and to be conquered. it's estimated that up to twenty percent of cereals and forty percent of fruits and vegetables in sub-saharan africa including here in a last spoilage smallholders rarely have the technical means to drive a crow they leave their nays to dry slowly in the fields as it does so it's a sceptical to pest some fungus what's more the fields are occupied and the next sowing of seeds has to wait canopus only sold a few dry is in africa so far but wants to sell more equipment can also be porters the kit with detailed assembly instructions provided the components are screwed together no soldiering is required which makes it much easier if need be serviced technicians are available to help. fight the customer can put the machine together with his own staff or in the process they all learn how it works so it's useful training to hear that each try it comes with key spare parts to achieve the likelihood that if it breaks it remains out of service for. length of time waiting for replacement components means costly downtime misting time it's a race so that's raised should be one meaning you should have become a big company since these guys become punts karl-heinz fizzing is started small and has grown and grown he says many farmers could aim to do the same. you know in school facilities in germany and eastern europe. he hopes to the next one in africa. hopefully that initiative will be helpful for african farmers to make the most of what they grow but in other parts of the world farmers have the opposite problem they produce more than they can eat estimates say a third of all food will die and are being dumped on the list of food waste as our north america australia and new zealand with europe are not far behind generally in sub-saharan africa very little food is wasted but there is one big exception south africa the told. touch on the front form on regular visits to the garbage dumps around to keep. every year give us a chance to see thousands of tonnes wished it comes from restaurants tractors local farms which. really is to make that a surge of food is dumped in south africa every year this has significant ecological impacts because all that food has compounded water and energy and from a train a change perspective in the landfill it emits harmful greenhouse. yes there's both neat thing and carbon dioxide. producing russia has years looking at ways of reducing food waste here in the western. he works for the regional department of agriculture from bahman it's come to visit one of his projects which he believes could provide a model for the rest of the country. has managed to persuade farmers to donate their few surplus instead of plowing it back into the ground lizette kloppers farm is the collection point. seven million farmers bring their access programs here. you know as you can see if you should see the quality not thrown away food it's nice export quality that they just deliver. these same me anything even if they sit at the mall on the spot do something though that's not good enough they want to deliver the based so yes they want to give up some time several tons of food arrive here in a single day it's a government sponsored vehicles then transported to soup kitchens in nearby townships like a theme park which is home to twenty thousand people. poverty is right here as our gang violence and drug crime and it's often the children who suffer most. most people in the township live from state benefits the soup kitchens may be a lifesaver for some but they're still not the ideal solution long term. handouts are not going to put us on a sustainable chick tree we need to look at the whole system and we need to put that leave us for change to tip the system into a positive states. for looking at issue of farming both on a commercial level how better farming practices can be implemented but also for small hole the foremost so that they are both environmentally and economically sustainable. another example or maybe in part shows just. what small farming can do that a few years ago some of the residents teamed up with the department of agriculture to begin a growing their own food yet the township now has forty five food gardens where members plant fresh vegetables for the beginning of may those in need can come and collect for free the garden project has been running since twenty fifteen dollars would instead of getting paid to their members get a share of the harvest those people who get sick of that who wish to start it in a good book as they were sent up the fog of a culture to create food gods and i could pour community who have to purpose to live in the community to back down food and produce own vegetables but we should realize that it's will not be enough to address the food security problem and they can park. major food retailers are now joining the initiative to instead of disposing of food that is past its sell by date the retail chain woolworths donates it to charitable organizations that work with the poor. all the food is still within the use by date and to ensure it remains refrigerated at all times woolworths issues it directly from the shop's cold storage room. and this notice given me great hope for the future there will no longer have the absurd situation of wasting a third to see all the environmental and time it impacts that go along with that and actually work together through the value chain to ensure that all edible fee is eaten and i did eat reaches those who need it the most. today the unsold food is going to a homeless shelter in cape town it's a practice that could work for the whole of south africa in a country where twelve million people regularly go hungry at least a part of the surplus food could be put to good use. from the south of the continent we had back up to the north and next report council morocco. wayne initiative is bringing light to remote villages in the atlas mountains a single bottle in places like that can change the lives of entire families and in this project it's being done in a sustainable way that's why they need to be setting up simple solar pa systems but the country wants to set an example in the region and he's also trying. on a wider scale to do it morrocco has build one of the biggest solar power plants that uses and the rate of seven thousand five hundred. clean energy comes they're the reliable source the sun would shine said least three thousand oh yeah. the drive into the atlas mountains takes us hours for technician. the journeys like this one into far flung villages part of the job and yet there's still something special because the work he does in installing solar panels changes people's lives . to work to see how real the family when they get electric for the first time. it's just really nice. the mountain village of todd has no running water no electricity and no telephones mohammad saeed family can hardly wait for his colleague to arrive and install a solar panel on their rooftop. they look on eagerly as the work gets underway to look at the solar panel will cost the family a few hundred euros that's a lot of money here it's a pretty quick job the technology is relatively simple but maintenance and the batteries longevity are still problematic the system has to be wired up in a somewhat unorthodox way but nevertheless it works joad connects the module to the battery and it starts charging. feet up the mess it doesn't take long to install our technology is the time consuming part is getting to these villages so if i see . the farmer's entire livelihood lies in these fields suffer on. just one gram of the red spice can earn him up to a euro then saves family has financed their solar powered system with a crop. top solar panel is expensive and we don't have much money. but we hope this panel will improve our lives. that. the moment of truth has almost become invalid runs the battery cables into the house and screws in the light bulb well first. it's an exciting moment for the entire family for the first time ever the house has artificial light and. already this is the great thing i could never see at night sometimes coltrane just crashed into couldn't part with so happy no. digital you can't imagine not a great feeling it is to see people you know. and they marched in. this evening and had droughts the lights are on for the first time for the pencil you family it's a to remove come true. the next morning joe wood and his colleague make their way home they're heading to the city of was and the south of morocco. it's strategically placed on the edge of the sun haro and is known as the doorway to the desert. this is where joe wood small business is based morocco gets some three thousand hours of sunshine every year twenty eight year old job has four employees and he says business is booming. and that's partly because morocco his government has been investing in sustainable energy for years and was assad is now home to one of the world's largest solar power plants. or do you mean what is out is the world in capital solar energy because of this new large power plant. in order to get. even from far away you can see the plants main tower that's been names nor which in arabic means life. until recently local relied on imported fuel for almost all of its energy needs now the country is changing that by developing projects like this one there is some seven and a half thousand mirrors surrounding the tower and a fast feel the mirrors reflect the sunlight focusing it on to the top of the tower which eats up to more than one family some degrees celsius. the moroccan manager of the project tariq vertical workers is meeting with marcos fresh you know from the german development bank k.f. gallagher in germany is once more than eight hundred million euros for the projects of the biggest single contributor to the rocco couldn't have financed the project alone it's gone up but then you see for supermodel. it was no fossil fuels did at the mall did it pass the same time our energy needs i have a single. that is the reason our government is banking renewables to do the bulk of it was an issue of lobbying. in just a few years more than forty percent of morocco's electricity will be generated from the sun and wind there are plans to build five large plants like this one meaning the country could soon be a global leader for solar power. from the high tech energy projects back to the mountains a donkey is being loaded up and and his team are heading off to the next tom. although morocco has expanded at select tricity gretta mentally and recent years some villages are simply too remote to reach them which is why these solar technicians are sorely needed. last night bella and his wife speak of the hardships they experienced last december that's one reason why they too finding a balance of electrocutions. again they can we used to just use candles when it's stormy out sunny doesn't make it right of langley. no you don't have anything on here life's a very difficult. tells us that moments like these are the reason he does well because he says the long tracks out of town are worth a every time. morocco is often referred to as the place where the sun sets but the sun is certainly rising on the energy revolution taking place in. time to wrap things up on today's show and to say goodbye from here in johannesburg south africa but would love to see you again next week thank you z. also sign of for now from here but don't forget that you can always be sure went into our show by checking out the content on our website on our social media platforms from the hole in co africa team thanks for joining us goodbye from lagos . absolutely i'm going to. hold. you know that seventy seven percent blockage are younger than six o'clock. that's me and me and. you know what time off boy says i was hard on the seventy seven percent talk about the issue. from the toilet to flash from housing boom boom town this is where they are. welcome to the seventy seven percent. of the team six d. w. . her first day of school. in the jungle. first including listen to. ben doris crane the moment arrives. join during a take on her journey back to freedom. in our interest in documentary. bringing tame returns home on d w dot com a ring a tank. in a bus and yourself it's not easy to go to another country you know nothing about why i only do this because we can't stay on venezuela that way that. closely global news that matters d. w. made for mines. i'm scared that of a war that's hard and in the end there's a me you're not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. are you familiar with this. with the smugglers what alliances. what's your story. i'm a woman i was a women especially a victims of violence. take part and send us your story we are trying always to understand this new culture. not of a little not the guests you want to become citizens. in for migrants your platform for reliable information. this is v.w. newswire but from berlin tonight a plan that could take it into a major over time the e.u. proposes a flexible twelve month delay for the u.k. but british prime minister theresa may she wants it sooner by june thirtieth also coming up tonight a power struggle in libya the capital under threat from militia groups from the east and the u.n.


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