How you doing bro. Dang. Thank you. Definitely me. And thats how it is in savannah, just random people saying whats up . I cannot wait to show you why savannah is the most beautiful city in the world. Dont you guys agree . Yeah. Hey, yeah, me too. Let me show yall why. Come on. [music playing] singing gonna give up and be mine, bbbe mine. In the heart of americas south, situated on the banks of the ogeechee river, youll find savannah the oldest city in georgia, dating back to 1733. Today, savannah is a destination for good times and good weather, where you come for the drinks, but stay for the history, which savannah has plenty of. History has its place. Were georgias first city, georgias first capital. Phillip calvert its hard to find a starting point for this towns story. But if anyone can give context to where the past and the present collide, its mayor van johnson. Pleasure to have you here in the worlds greatest city. This is the worlds greatest city. It is the worlds greatest cit
Readers choice: Nola Jane Restaurant & Bar
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