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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180402 18:00:00

eighty one after a long illness while the news was announced by her personal assistant when mandela was the ex-wife of the late president and anti apartheid icon nelson mandela her legacy in south africa was mixed for decades she was long admired as a determined fighter against white minority rule in south africa but women to his reputation began to suffer and later years due to a number of controversy still she does remain one of south africa's most of fining figures and tributes have been pouring in for her this is what one member of the current government had to say she was really it was. solved in african names. is the sea deep our evolutionary pain. of this great i call of regimes drug. serfontein is a south african journalist author and documentary filmmaker she has reported extensively on her country thank you so much mr serfontein for being here with us who was winnie mandela well she's obviously in the former wife of nelson mandela but she was so sort of a very strong figure in a own right she was a social worker one of the street to go and study in the united states in the nineteen fifties and married to mandela. and then off to he went to prison and she became the voice. of nelson mandela because he was in prison and with twenty seven years she kept his legacy alive and i strongly believe without him he would have not have been that i can he became my so it's about that because she's been so tainted in the past couple of years but this is a very interesting point you think that well everyone was in prison the a.n.c. was in exile his organization he was in prison his comrades when prison and she was still there and they slammed her with banning orders but she kept on breaking her book banning old is she kept on speaking up she was beautiful she was well spoken and she was not scared of anyone she was really feeling and that got into trouble in later because no one could control her not to watch apartheid government the nato not to see that she was when he was one of the most fearless people have ever met fearless woman fearless activist you know her personally what kind of impression that should make on you know well she was incredibly charming on a one to one and you know like if you would speak to her you had the full attention and she was just the sort of very charismatic person more so than when they're lively she just had. this charm and with charm people but then when she was angry she just always have vicious as one is seen in the townships and that when she confronted the security police right so where did it all go wrong i mean you refer to it already shared this fierceness which couldn't couldn't be bound i think when they benish ten nine hundred seventy seven to bring forward to an area which she didn't speak the language where people would politicised and she was very very isolated and she did start to have a drinking problem and i think that broke in addition to have early as sort of spells in detention which she was sort of kept without trial for eighteen months and raped in that time and that must have broken her just when the people were not treated for post-traumatic stress syndrome in those days so she was a very lonely person when she was invented and she spent about nine years. she was also been active being a social worker she started like feeding. feeding the people. organizing them getting sort of activities for the trold wron getting foreign governments to fund have projects so she was also very eco active but she was very lonely in that time and i think that broken in she went back to see a way to she was surrounded by the wrong people she was not a with the judge the best judge of people's character a very complex history of a complex woman what will her legacy be i think her legacy would be that at the time when everyone was in prison or when exiled she kept the legacy of the anti-apartheid struggle alive for many many years all to great extent be aren't only answer from time south african journalist talking to us about the legacy of the now late winnie mandela thank you. all right and other news reports are coming in from see. that rebel fighters are leaving their last stronghold in isa hotel syrian media showed us is said to be carrying militants and their families leaving the area persian forces say they've cut a deal with the largest rebel group the army of islam but some members of the group deny that sources also tell the news that hundreds of wounded fighters from a different group have been bussed out of the area it's on now an anti government and activist and citizen journalist nor adam has sent news exclusive footage of video diaries showing the final days of rebel control in the besieged area. different species. you can. see it for us they force us to leave that's our goal. that's where we are. they destroy our. our goal how do you conceive that suction this terrible. thing to now there are families. that are of going to have this thing. going now we are actually. we don't know really getting back to that what we were what he was doing. our city is how we fight i would do if i didn't know what happened to the feeling like oh. i was being arrested for any of this and jane and oh exactly it's going to be done there i should and the us and them to see our we know we've. got three countries feel the power of all the court going to the fight. and russia . as. my mrs. did you. instead of. yes if i write. my dad he. said simply. i've been lost like more than twenty five or twenty six right. and right now. a lot of them is going. for nothing but it is my life i want to sponsor the taliban for the sick winds. and to say it's a. window that is going for nothing. personnel a video diary out of some hotel there all right now to some of the other stories making news around the world. israel says it has agreed to deal with the united nations on resettling thousands of african asylum seekers israel had faced criticism for previous plans to send the migrants back to africa and mass forty one percent then in the previous presidential election critics also argue as sisi had just one opponent a token candidate to give the election the appearance of a genuine contest opposition groups that called for a boycott of the vote. well with voters handing a second term to president have to have sisi what does this mean for the arab world's most populous nation going forward ruth michaelson is a correspondent based in cairo and she will be able to provide us with some contacts was this a vote by egyptians for a sisi or for stability in the country. well government and c.c. himself bill this vote as a vote as a vote for civility a vote for the country a kind of vote for egyptian patriotism as a whole but of course high turnout for turnout of any kind benefits he says will he wanted a strong mandate going into his second term in office to be able to push through further reforms perhaps even constitutional little ones we saw that there was forty why i'm just on forty one percent turnout which is about a four percent dip from cc's last victory in twenty forty but he got roughly the same amount of votes ninety six point nine percent in twenty fourteen and this time around ninety seven point zero eight percent of the vote so roughly the same between twenty forty and now alone of course we have no way of knowing if these figures are correct all right now let's talk a little bit about what is ahead of him now egypt's economy is in dire straits inflation is pretty bad ordinary people are in area the gypsies are suffering many many hardships what has he promised to do to turn the economy around for his people . well we see that season at some. economic reforms following. egypt's acceptance of a twelve billion dollars loan from the international monetary fund twenty six and this led to the cutting of subsidies. to a subsidy there are. then widespread contemplation that he's going to cut subsidies including natural gas subsidies when we see a new budget. that there's no clear confirmation of that yet and c.d.c. is also frequently lent on the mega projects that egypt has enacted over the past couple of years and new capital city a second series cannot have a saying that these are going to bring prosperity to the country but that hasn't necessarily been the case just yet and there are a lot of people who are worst a whole society who say they're not seeing the benefits of any of these reforms just feeling the pinch. michael some reporting off from a cairo thank you. because presidential election has resulted in a resoundingly victory for the governing party the winner is also being seen as a victory for gay rights carlos over otto of the ruling citizen after party has vowed to legalize same sex marriage his opponent an evangelical pastor campaigned against gay marriage polls had predicted the runoff would be taped but in the end it wasn't even close. the crowd went wild when carlos alvarado was announced the winner. my responsibility is to unite all the people in our country move the country forward and enable it to become a leading nation in the twenty first century. carlos alvarado the candidate of the ruling citizen action party had come in second in the first round of voting behind fabricio alvarado of the national restoration party the two men are not related fabricio alvarado ran on a platform of opposition to same sex marriage that became the main issue in the avocados are destined for the chinese market but they might not sell so well anymore now that china has imposed tariffs on fruit and meat while steel pipes and scores of other imports from the usa the rates of fifteen percent on one hundred twenty items and twenty five percent on eight others. the chinese government says that people support its move some in china regret the ensuing rise in prices. can you it's definitely going to have an impact many fruits that kids love only grow in foreign countries we don't have them in china that is a direct impact. it's absolutely right to impose tariffs because i've seen the news about the us crapping trade deals with us it's right to fight back. the new tariffs are china's initial response to the u.s. move to slap tariffs on steel and alimony i'm imports the u.s. is also threatening to impose further tariffs on sixty billion dollars worth of other chinese imports a year over what it terms the theft of intellectual property china by contrast is raising tariffs on about three billion dollars worth of u.s. imports. beijing says it will never submit if the u.s. launches a trade war and says that tariff increases are in line with world trade organization rules to protect its interests still the scale of china's new tariffs is modest the move looks more like a warning shot than a major counterattack the u.s. is china's largest single market a full blown trade war is the last thing china would want. now when it comes to rolling up its sleeves and doing some serious hard work portugal is a country that know something about that the financial crisis hurt austerity even mall. but the country pulled through and started spending again well before everything looks rosy growth is now two point seven percent so we took a trip to a warmer and brighter looking part of europe. business is going pretty well for eva organized his co-operative has been making wine since nine hundred fifty seven but sales haven't been this good for years. in the beginning there were only this part and then you have to upgrade it to increase the capacity then we. will double the capacity we've put. just side by side because we are in the maximum capacity of production and we have more demand than with what can you produce around thirty people work on the cover where a cooperative. working conditions have improved for most portuguese in the past two years thanks to a raft of reforms including a higher minimum wage instead of starting economic growth it's accelerated it at least that's how the portuguese finance minister sees it we have done some profiting from the new wave of tourism rising property values are changing neighborhoods low income locals are being forced out like fernando tex era he grew up in boulder on the banks of the river he can only afford to keep the studio as the new bars and restaurants drive up the prices. bought a new one to me there are no portuguese people that can afford to pay rent in this area not one i was born here and i was thrown out so a hotel could be built and i have to move way back. probably even things the government should make sure everyone benefits from the economic upswing but he remains optimistic that portugal can find prosperity without the need for staring. the gulf nation as battering has discovered its biggest oil fields since one thousand nine hundred thirty two it's located off the country's west coast and will dwarf back rains current reserves that's according to the country's government now the oil ministry will release details about exactly how big this site is and how easy it will be to extract the oil later this week is a major oil producer is only right fifty seventh annual oil production pumped out about forty five thousand barrels of oil a day. and out thank you hello today marks the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of a traumatic shock turn germany's post-war history on april second one thousand nine hundred eighty eight bombs went off into frankfurt department stores one of the perpetrators was andreas bader who went on to found the left wing terror group known in germany as the red army facts on it's also known as the bottom line hall after carrying out deadly attacks spanning three decades the organization disbanded in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight the bottom i have going may have broken up but police believe that three suspected former members are still active. police are searching for this trio in hiding for two decades they were last seen by surveillance cameras june a robbery in northern germany in twenty sixteen they thought to be the remaining members of the so-called red army faction and stop both cut and daniella cleta. they belong to the factions third generation they're pretty says a spot to national crisis in the one nine hundred seventy s. with attacks government blackmail murders and kidnappings terrorist activities peaked in one thousand nine hundred ninety seven with the murders of germany's federal prosecutor general secret blueback bank manager yogen panto and the kidnapping of the president of the german employers association hands martin the terrorist shot him dead germans clearly remember that wave of terror. despise what they believe the main topic on t.v. and in the newspapers it was as distressing as the islamic state activities are now the fashion it was a shock you just didn't think they would become as radicalized as they did about the student protests of nine hundred sixty eight defined germany's political climate at the time extreme left wing violence also took shape that year two department stores in frankfurt was set ablaze symbolic acts to protest against capitalism and dress but and could written ensley in took part in the crime they would later found lead the red army faction hans christian scribbler was an active member of the student movement who yelled apollo back then a.p.o. the non-governmental opposition students movement wasn't just a movement for revolutionary change in germany i also wanted that it was an international movement was. wrong and the left at the time sought self in that context. but some people a minute percentage said that we should not simply accept things that we had to take up arms. of. the buddah mine health group officially disbanded twenty years ago it's believed the trio's recent robberies were more likely carried out for the money than for political reasons discussions about the factions still divide germany today former conservative parliamentarian votes gangbuster worries that they may still hold a fascination for some up to us and no one can seriously claim that the end of the red army faction would also be the end of all if we need stream of lift to six trimix who are prepared to be violent so you should never say that chapter is closed forever on its. shriven of pleads for a more differentiated discussion. it would help us work through this history and a discussion about it today if people debated these incidents more calmly without blinders and without prejudice or do it for a laugh and laugh and. the red army factions wave of terror a shocked germany during that era the country was an agent ideologically divided even now the group's actions of the subject of passionate debate throughout the country. are now to something altogether different a very insidious puzzle in the southeastern corner of germany is experiencing it for a city the world's first museum devoted to ducks and they're known as the sausage dog opens its doors to the public while the museum's a founder says about time that sausage dog fans had a shrine dedicated to their beloved breed. excitement has been growing ahead of the museum's opening. man's best friend has already been having a sniff around the premises which is filled with some two thousand objects inspired by the sausage dog. museum founder and director is. a proud but very and can hardly believe no one came up with the idea before him. but often the world needs a sausage dog museum once captured the essence of bavaria you know the dog in the world enjoys the same kind of recognition or popularity here as a sausage dog. some of the pieces on display might be considered kitsch by most people but probably not for ducks and lovers. one of the more serious exhibit pays tribute to famous sausage dog lovers among them nobel physicist albert einstein and actor leonard nimoy better known as spock from star trek. there's even a drawing of the sausage dog sketched by none other than pablo picasso. and of course no museum would be complete without a gift shop visitors searching for the perfect souvenir for themselves or others and purchase a gift box that's sure to bring a smile to any sausage dog lover. i must say ok you're watching you have unusual still have a lot more to tell you about including life as an immigrant in saudi arabia some foreign workers are facing new arches because of country's ambitious reform program and frankish our files a rebel court of the kingdom on the cusp of change. that coming up and a whole lot more in just a few will be right back. meaning that it's connected to being realistic martin luther king jr. just legendary speech for our area. this edition of a society free of racism. was written in one dramatically good night on the fiftieth anniversary of his death the dream of martin luther king jr to. close up in forty five minutes to tell the truth. we may come over a week or times of office that found out that if we are the civil service or. the want to shape the continent's future or to. be part of it and join african youngsters of testing share their stories their dreams and their challenges. to seventy seven percent of the platform africa is charging. one hundred million tonnes of. devastating interest in its. mission to the consequences. the storm. coming to america two frequencies. one spin stuart. no stopping them. just starting to pull something d.w. . great to see you again you're watching the news these are main headlines right now sells the africa and the apartheid campaign when he mandela has died at the age of eighty one the ex-wife of the late president nelson mandela was seen by many as the mother of the nation but only years her legacy was tarnished by a number of controversies she died peacefully in a hospital after a long period of illness syrian state media says the rebel fighters have agreed to a deal to give up their last stronghold in near damascus eastern who took has been in rebel hands since the start of the conflict. china has slapped import tariffs on ports and a whole range of other u.s. imports the move comes after president trump imposed punitive terrorism on china u.s. stocks are down intriguing amid fears of a possible change for. saudi arabia is known as one of the world's most conservative societies but falling oil prices have hit the kingdom hard and that is triggering change his wallet was home on has unveiled an ambitious program of economical for known as vision twenty thirty thirty eight and our reporter funny for sure travel to saudi arabia to find out what his vision really me. riyadh is an international city a third of the population comes from abroad many of them manual workers they helped to build the saudi capital but the wall khan they once enjoyed is starting to fade . saudis first know that the saudi government's plan to reduce unemployment among native saudis employers who hire none so ds will have to pay higher fees and jobs in shops like this one selling electronics for example will be restricted to saudis only. foreigners will be banned from at least jobs. stores selling instruments has already put up a sign for saudis only be looking for a salesperson male or. how does asian is a good idea there are more job opportunities here for saudis than for foreigners. but he and a lot of service return from the u.s. and germany with degrees only to find many jobs already filled by foreigners after their own country should benefit from them as saudi arabia should benefit from saudis. we are in a neighborhood in the south of the city it's a tough area most of the people here are foreign workers want to here is from bangladesh here i've got a month ago to work in this shop learning how to assemble picture frames everything is getting more expensive in the salaries aren't enough for everyone it's hard to it's if that had to survive for the person's life for manual row course was never easy in saudi arabia just as in many parts of the world but falling oil prices have made it more difficult and as your prices doubled in a year pushing up prices and recently new taxes on basic goods added an extra burden it's even more to here has just finished his shift how many hours did you work today i swear words sixteen hours that's a lot. maybe it's a lot better and i need to do that for the salary he makes one thousand three hundred saudi ryall a month that's about three hundred fifty u.s. dollars on the way home he tells me he used to have a good life until his father got very sick. you know we lost our almost all of our money in his treatment so i just thought that i should come here to. keep them alive being the eldest in the family he border responsibility he dropped out of engineering studies and came to saudi arabia to earn money but it wasn't as easy as he had expected life is becoming more difficult for foreigners most of the people of other countries. and even here here's the cause. because there are now just and they can't live like that maybe my boss gave me a place to live. there was a not like that even some people don't have a job sometimes the slaves near the road don't have time money to buy food. i want to hear chooses not to show me the room he lives in with three others he doesn't want to get into trouble and be sent home he wants to stay as long as he can to make money for his family he's just one of millions of foreign workers in saudi arabia they are realizing though that the future here belongs to the saudis. some examples there of the work of iran the artist is surely in the shots who is the subject of our culture for our parts twenty one this week and there on your own mail is here from our culture desk i mean i have to disclaimer here she's one of my favorite artists i'm so happy that we're talking about her today she lives in the u.s. how did she end up there tells us that well she went to study in nine hundred seventy five at the university of berkeley in california and in nine hundred seventy nine islamic revolution happened and this was a real shock and it obviously changed the role of women in iran. immensely i mean overnight they became almost second class citizens the shots prevented her from going from britney and then in one thousand nine hundred she went back to iran eleven years later and that was actually what sparked it and you know how to create evictee as an artist and ever since it's her art that prevents her from returning because she often focus on the injustices especially of women in iran anyway let's find out more about this wonderful woman. in this truthful. it deals with contrasts between islam and the west men and women light and dark where reality segues into train. and sure enough shots work always uses the female voice. it's always this the ballots here in extremely fragile and vulnerable and yet extremely strong and defiant the female experience in iran was the subject of her first feature film women without men about four women seeking to escape their lives . that i. guess is that if i have. yes. in twenty seventeen nesha turned her focus to the world of opera when she directed aida for the salt spec festival. was an art are. sure initiates work is constantly evolving mirroring the trajectory of her life. werman tell us about her new film love that's coming out about a legendary egyptian the singer known as star of the orient yeah i'd starve the audience just where you know she is better than me. i now i mean wonderful. was legendary in the twentieth century is even legendary to this day is the greatest singer ready of the middle east and apart from the film telling us about this extraordinary musician it shows the major sacrifices a woman had to make in islamic society if you want to be an artist of any car and. own cultural by the way is not outside the middle east by certain musicians bob dylan evidently is a big fan as is maria callas kind of even called her the woman with the in comparable voice let's hear it now this is an actress actually in the film but the voice is the of the original voice that she. was. some wonderful way of saying and i must say old it's only songs i'm told a about unrequited love with a very sad or happy yes i've seen some with trans i just love it it's really not sort of long and yeah. let's talk about the other movie that's coming up that she's also making about iranian women in us in the us in exile this is a quite a change that shuttles come out next year meanwhile if people are interested as you are you can see an entire program on a program outs twenty one about it's running up this week or it's available on our website at d.w. dot com slash culture yes awesome we're going to definitely to you know i definitely well thank you so much ellen greatly appreciate it all right and i'm going to hand you over now to helena. shares in emerson fellow shopper monday off the us president donald trump renewed his attack on its relationship with the united states postal service dragging the dow down almost three percent natural claims that u.s.p.s. is losing money on delivering for amazon and taxpayers he says off financing the losses will analysts point out that the online retailing giants payments actually support the postal services other money losing businesses and it's not says pension obligations they say amazon is helping the u.s.p.s. stay afloat but estimates say amazon pays the u.s.p.s. roughly hope of what rival postle services would be charging. now twenty five years after the end of apartheid in south africa white farmers still own most commercial farmland to fast track land reform the governing a.n.c. party had adopted a policy of land exploring creation without compensation but a closer look reveals it has less to do with correcting historic injustice and more to do with winning back voters ahead of elections. the northern part of free state province is one of the most fertile areas of south africa it's here that yucca owns a large farm he's one of about thirty five thousand commercial farmers in the country for me about three an authentic this is my new my soybean sunflowers and from. produce about fifteen thousand tons of grains per year four hundred days of cattle. twenty five people permanently and all those helping south africa being the only food secure country in africa white farmers like me are the backbone of south africa laggard culture but the original black owners of many white owned farms were pushed off their land during the colonial and apartheid periods after the end of apartheid the government addressed this injustice and created a land reform program on a willing buyer willing seller basis but only around ten percent of white farm land has been transferred back into black ownership. many like julius malema and his left wing economic freedom fighters all find that this is not enough. to know what all this is why it is so hard to know. if you are why you're. so. well it's real really we are we. are only since such demands have proven popular with many voters the governing n.c. has recently adopted a policy of land expropriation without compensation and wants to amend the constitution accordingly. so south africa is headed for national and provincial elections in twenty nineteen and the debate about land an expropriation is entirely situated within that issue between the a.n.c. and the year if if if for making this their number one election issue but i don't think we are ever going to see land express expropriation without compensation in south africa the constitution provides ample scope for government to implement responsible land reform without having an impact on the investor confidence or indeed on challenges with regard to food security in south africa but given the heated debate about expropriation and uncertainty as to what the future may bring farmers like you are holding on to their money rather than investing it. because we run a big farming into process we need to constantly put capital into the business and that this moment we're not sure we will that we are going to do it because of all these procreation thing i'm still very positive about the future and i think there's a great future of the eight of us if we can all work together in this country economic growth in south africa is slow and the country faces many financial challenges so the government needs to consider carefully if it can afford to lose farmers like minnaar and foreign investors who fear instability. well did you know this month kicks off frankincense season in oman in the middle east resins harvested this time of year to create your own bed that many may associate with christmas and the trade has survived the centuries but modern life is now taking its toll. frankincense is using essential oils in french perkins and that has partly helped drive global demand you know eskil declared part of the deal for region it's not a no man's land of frankincense a weld heritage site. but if you go. to what frankincense is still considered a precious well the trees are rare in order to protect them we collected trees from many places in the door for products we protect them at this reserve for natural frankincense trees. you need to look. you've got but you. efforts here could help protect the bones will your trees that produce the resin for frankincense for trade in the future demand is so high that the trees here do not have enough time to regenerate. but there's more to the you know school site here this area was also an important stop on the ancient silk road which runs all the way to china in those days frankincense was traded in exchange for spices textiles and silk. from ancient frankincense to new technology of course tech usually comes with a few teething problems and drones in a different russia's postal service has been taking them for a spin to deliver apostles but things didn't go quite as planned during the day. a russian drone was supposed to deliver its first parcel from one remote village to a neighboring want. the postal service wanted to celebrate the occasion. you know it you but i'm very happy that we're launching this project here today which would undoubtedly be successful. however the drone didn't get far. crashed after just a few seconds in the air. nobody was injured. but the dream won't be flying again any time soon. all over the firm date of us forces here to talk us through the soccer weekend action all the things are starting to crystallize some things are leyla certainly by and for example they inched a little closer to the title but a lot of things are up in the air to especially the race for the champions league places all right well sunday's big game saw frankfurt to travel to brainless take a look. craven's florian cofield has been working to emulate the kind of success nico kovach has had in frankfurt unlike the former croatia international though cofield builds his team around attack thomas delaney with a pinpoint cross not to lose of its. one nil to brain in the twenty eighth minute a high quality goal you know high tempo game. in the second half frankfurt struck back with some style as well. kevin prince boating with a snappy back heel assist for a look at your age. three minutes later the eagles nearly soared into the elite your bitch threw on the republican who pulled a crucial kicks in how crucial this crucial use of it is crossed deflected high into the air by dabdoub around. and into the net. lucas with its key tried and failed to control the ball perhaps down by the sun. frame and walked off to one winners the trend under cofield just keeps going up. right to all the fifty dollars first here still with me how big of a blow is this for frankfurt it's a pretty bad weekend from frank first point of view you know that was fourth at the start of the weekend in the champions league places they finished it six out of the champions league places as we say here but you know the good news for them is that it is very tight as i said at the top that by an obviously way out of and shall kill i think an album for a champions league place now but below that dortmund down to six by frankfurt you've only got three points gap between them and it's only another three points further down to hoffenheim in sevens so there still could be a lot of movement there you know and i think the head to heads are going to be really important also saying that they're allegations i'm braman i think after that when i now saif i think they can stop worrying so they say and i think the head to heads are going to be really important in the champions league rights and next week as early as next week with one of those levees and playing leipsic fourth against. those are the games that people really need to watch out for now i can't help looking at that sherry look at byron my god that gap couldn't even get wider just how did i say bye and you know just on another planet compared to every other team in germany right now for years we've been talking up dortmund is that being the big rivals and you know every time the two meet we call it deck classic you know the classic and and we try and drum up this rivalry because we want it to be true that there are these two titans in german football facing each other on saturday that now this season that is just the fast it's not the case anymore that being said it wasn't the perfect weekend for buy and they were hoping to win the league at home for the first time since two thousand and one eleven leads final since then always away from home that was confirmed the title away from home so a bit of a disappointment and we've heard from some of the let's hear what muscles the defender were here to say. yes i think most of the fans and most of us would like it to ruin the retired lads home. but of course you know we won't try to win it in our school kids to close this game to home so maybe that's ok. all right not too bad not too shabby ali but what about dortmund can their coach survive this i think it's the end of the season probably you because it's very late in the day to change coaches now but beyond that i don't think goldman have been anywhere near good enough and i think it's been mediocre at best he did steady the ship after the disastrous baseball but it certainly doesn't look good enough to really build on what they've done this season and in fact dillman do have a couple of really big games coming up the next three games are against the shock of the big rivals and late because none of the champions league contend and like i was saying this head to head games they're going to be what's really important the rest of the season if they lose all of those then it could be gone even before the end of the season for whole of britain's mind out there thank you so much ali for talking to us about this thank you art and i'm going to head to some surfing now because australia's surfing great mick fanning is in fine form in his final event before retiring the thirty six year old who famously fought off a shark while competing in twenty fifteen progress to the fourth round of the world surf league event at bell's beach in australia the three times world champion produced a near long list performance in front of his home crowd you'll hope to secure a fair well victory later this week. are the defunct chinese space station has really entered the earth's atmosphere years after scientists lost contact with it this young one was launched in two thousand and eleven and serviced china's first space station astronomers say it mostly disintegrated upon their entry but people were fortunate not to have been hit by the remaining debris. after orbiting over a year and asia the chiang gong one disintegrated above the remote south pacific far away from human settlements astronomers a calling it a lucky escape. launched in two thousand and eleven the station had mocked a giant leap for china's celestial ambitions astronauts on board conducted experiments and practiced space dockings but the vessel stopped working in two thousand and sixteen and began orbiting closer and closer to earth west in space experts think china had lost control of the station something beijing denies. astronomers say the spacecraft mostly burn top upon re-entry but ditched some debris to the north of tahiti. they say the fear is over where the station would reenter the sammis fear point to an issue that needs into tension. sincerity as i'm honored to have something like a degree removed because we are more than a force of five hundred set of lights in orbit only once are far from it are you that means we have three solid objects or bigger stars which may later already into the atmosphere and i think we have to do it. with space junk only likely to increase the question is to whom does it full to regulate the outer reaches of our world. they're watching the revenues from iraq more coming at the top of the hour now we've heard about museums first sausage dogs that to pails of biggest annual pet fair has something for all creatures great and small healthy through fancy clothing and even massage techniques so i'll sign off with some pictures from tokyo as these pets have apparently. and. blah blah blah blah. blah. blah blah. blah blah blah blah the biggest mistake the business the books you and the guy that cut me off stop the bad. news. the begin . to get. the book. the book book. the . to be realistic nothing to do with the. legendary. car every. society free of racism. was written in. the lines on the fiftieth anniversary of his death the dream of martin luther king jr. close up to fifteen minutes d.w. . the fast pace of life in the digital. shift has the lowdown on the way that you chose it new developments useful information and anything else worth knowing. prisms the. good looks over the shoulders of makers and users. should. be five minutes. and i think one day this war will be considered cruel and unjust war. and 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