Space the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship enterprise. Its fiveyear mission to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. Kirk captains log stardate 3113. 2. Began to drag us toward it. It required all warp power in reverse to pull us away from the star. But, like snapping a rubber band, the breakaway sent us plunging through space, out of control, to stop here. Wherever we are. Mr. Spock. Except for secondary systems, everything is out, sir. Were on impulse power only. Auxiliaries. N momentarily. Are you all right, lieutenant . If mr. Scott is still with us. This is the captain. Damage control parties on all decks, check in. All departments, tiein with the record computer. Report casualties kirk out. Lieutenant uhura, contact starfleet control. I want them alerted to the position of that black star thats in the area of starbase 9. Yes, sir. Captain. Casualty reports indicate only minor injuries. Engineering reports warp engines nonoper