waters where it is much more safe to do so and to bring an end to the small boats crossings crisis. the people smugglers do not care about the lives they are putting at risk. and further it will be heard there it has been confirmed in at least 31 people have drowned it from this capsizing. also from the french interior minister, a search party will continue to look for any survivors of this migrant boat that sank in the english channel. while the death toll currently stands at 31, we do not have a confirmed total for the number of people who were on this boat and the french authorities are confirming that that search will go on. also to reiterate in the last few minutes of the french interior minister has said that for traffickers linked to the incident today have been arrested. and on the french side, let s hear from jean marc puissesseau, the head of the ports of calais and boulogne, speaking
pull everybody out of there. martha: florida governor ron desantis joins us from surfside. our hearts go out to everybody in florida who is part of this tragedy. we listened moments ago from the scene there. what is your message today from this terrible scene to the families and how long the search will go on, sir? i can tell you, martha, since the early morning hours of thursday morning when the towers came down, until the present, it s been a nonstop effort. we have the best search and rescue people in this country that are immediately on the scene ands have been. we have all of our task forces from throughout florida mobilized for the first time in florida history outside of a hurricane context. we have people from international like israel. they ve been on the pile. they ve been helping out. the outpouring has been incredible. what i told the families, everything that could be done is done and being done.
reporter: but the signal fades before the black box is located. autonomous underwater vehicles, which map the ocean floor, are also used. 22 planes and 19 ships on the hunt, still no answers. more than 16 months since the disappearance, authorities are still looking for the missing plane, but with much fewer resources. it can t go on forever. but as long as there are reasonable leads the search will go on. reporter: the latest discovery perhaps the lead they were waiting for. randi kaye, cnn, new york. live to david in hong kong who is following these developments. is there a time frame yet. do we know how long it will take before authorities can identify this piece as belonging to mh370? john, a lot of stakeholders here. a lot of countries involved
finally win something? i beat her so badly. she is a vicious, horrible person. because you are not a politician, we don t have your voting record to go on. we have your experience as a businessman and part of your experience are legal issues. i guess so many people are on television that don t know me and they are like experts on me. when michael jackson died, i knew him very well and everybody was talking about michael jackson. they didn t know him. they knew nothing. some of them never met him. i laughed to myself, here they are talking about michael jackson, they never met him. but she i don t think that anyone is saying she an expert on donald trump. she claims to be. she is somebody who is recounting an experience she had. my question is she lost. right. people are looking at that thinking okay, if he blows up at a lawyer in a deposition.
search efforts there. anna, it seems officials there, we ve heard from the airline s ceo and the malaysian president saying the search will go on. is that correct? yeah that s what we are hearing from malaysia the search will go on in the priority zone. that of course is a thousand nautical miles off the coast of western australia, in an area that initially was the size of half the united states that s been narrowed down to 23,000 square miles. they have covered more than 40% of it. they are hoping to complete this priority area by may. and they believe that if the plane is there, they will find it. remember they ve been coming up against enormous challenges under the water and beneath. bee neath, there are mountains underwater volcanoes, frenchs. where the sonar is it s 4,000