N. Oregon Coast s Seaside Promenade Celebrates Centennial With Contests, Experiences
Published 03/03/21 at 4:20 PM PDT
By Oregon Coast Beach Connection staff
(Seaside, Oregon) – On the north Oregon coast, the stalwart, legendary attraction of the Seaside Promenade turns 100 years old this year. It was on August 7, 1921 that the Prom was officially dedicated, after starting construction about a year before.
(Above: the wooden walkway just before the Prom existed, prior to 1921; courtesy Seaside Visitors Bureau)
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Now, Seaside is celebrating throughout the entire year, with a big contest to win a night’s stay in town (actually a few of these contests), along with a book that points you to all kinds of experiences you can have diving into history here.