The federal for reserve to stabilize the economy. And matthew of the Wilson Center discusses resident putin and the unrest in ukraine. We will take your calls and conversations you can join the conversation on twitter. Washington journal live at cspan. I love doing and i am a loyal duke alumn. I did not do this to hurt duke. I did this to figure out what had happened in a dispassionate way. There is a tremendous amount of passion about the story, even to this day. All one has to do is going to haven and see, already, i amassed 20 51 star reviews. The work because not been out a week. Im guessing not many of those review writers have read the book. The last book was about goldman sachs. It will have a lot of stuff passion about goldman sachs. Author and duke alum wayne d cohan looks at the duke scandal. Scaliaeme Court Justices and ginsburg were guests. They talked about the freedoms that define the First Amendment. The conversations part of the kalb series. This is one hour and 15 minu