East Lyme― The proposed $86 million budget for 2023-24 is on its way to a referendum where voters will be able to weigh in on a projected 4.3% tax increase.
A largely procedural town meeting was held .
East Lyme ― Finance director Kevin Gervais will be returning to the western part of the state after a one-year layover in town.
Gervais worked as the deputy controller for the town of Brookfield when.
East Lyme – Local officials have chosen two Niantic parking lots for the town’s first public electric vehicle charging stations as they test the waters of environmental sustainability.
Town engineer A.
East Lyme ― There is a legion of older adults in East Lyme who will remain forever grateful to Cathy Wilson, the senior center director retiring at the end of the month after 28 years.
Mary Bollman, 8.
East Lyme ― The Water and Sewer Commission in the course of its regular duties is being asked to answer a question crucial to the town development.
Will the town remain open for business or will it cl.