Judge Overturns Deal To Allow Teen Treatment Facilities In Fairfield - Fairfield, CT - Newport Academy and the town settled to allow the company to open teen mental health facilities in Greenfield Hill. Neighbors opposed them.
Fairfield First Selectman Bill Gerber Sworn Into Office By Gov. Lamont - Fairfield, CT - The Oath of Office ceremony was held Monday night in Fairfield Warde High School, which featured performances by three student music groups.
2 Selectpersons Not Yet On Board With Draft Fairfield POCD - Fairfield, CT - The two are not entirely against the draft of the town's Plan of Conservation and Development, but had concerns.
Penfield Pavilion Remediation Project On Pace For Fall Start - Fairfield, CT - The project has yet to go out to bid, but officials are optimistic about beginning construction in September.
Officials say they are unsure of what to do with the venue, as it is the subject of frequent noise complaints and the RTM is considering a new noise ordinance.