Introduction For decades, China has made systematic efforts to internationally isolate Taiwan through a mix of coercion and diplomatic enticement. Taiwan, however, has broken through this isolation by engaging with other nations through robust parliamentary diplomacy in order to expand its international space and legitimacy. It is indeed an irony of contemporary history that although Taiwan fulfills the main requisites …
Taipei, Sept. 8 (CNA) French Senator Cyril Pellevat's visit with a parliamentarian delegation is a demonstration of the group's support for Taiwan, Pellevat said during a meeting with Legislative Yuan speaker You Si-kun (游錫堃) in Taipei on Thursday.
Taiwan is confident it can sign a trade deal with Washington, its leader told visiting US lawmakers Thursday, adding that the island “will not back down”
Chinese envoy chided at meeting with FrenchINDO-PACIFIC SUPPORT: France has frequently dispatched its navy and air force to aid freedom of navigation, making the country indispensable to security in the region