The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S.2611), which recently passed the Senate, provides amnesty to illegal immigrants and creates a massive "guest worker" for life program. Earlier this month, The Heritage Foundation released an analysis calculating that the bill, if enacted, likely would result in 103 million immigrants obtaining legal status or entering in the U.S.
Congress should provide individuals with the ability to controltheir own health care decisions. The Tax Equity and AffordabilityAct, by giving individuals who do not fit into the current healthcare system an alternative way to secure private health carecoverage, embodies sound public policy and is based on free-marketprinciples that promote fairness, choice, and personalownership.
By a ratio of three to one, Americans prefer to decrease rather than increase immigration into the U.S.[1] But the immigration bill passed by the Senate ("The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act," S.2611) contained a vast increase in legal immigration. This enormous increase in legal immigration has been effectively concealed from the public.