Riprende l agridiaro dell assessore regionale Caputo. Dopo la pausa estiva di Ferragosto Nicola Caputo fa il punto sul fenomeno cinghiali sempre più deleterio .
aimed at an airplane s cockpit. it s a senatoria that cenario t times throughout the country. listen as a plane is coming into jfk airport last year. we encountered a laser up here into the cockpit. it caught the first officer s eye. reporter: in new york city the fbi says incidents targeting planes have jumped 17%. we don t have an idea why, it has been a 17 increase over last year regarding these incidents. so are they concerning to us? it will not physically hurt the airplane t. laser can blind the pilot, can temporarily blind the pilot and also the effect of this startling burst of light into the cockpit. reporter: a dangerous distraction for pilots. according to faa the laser incidents is 13 times higher now than previous years. compare more than 350 incidents