Three Montclair High School students were selected by Kean University as recipients of the prestigious Joy Prescott Humanitarian Award for Student Leadership and Dedication: seniors Sofia Batres, Justin Comini, and Aidan Cummins.
On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, after 93 years of a full life, Dr. Jim Bob Brame peacefully died surrounded by his family in San Angelo, Texas. Jim Bob was born a member of the “Greatest Generation” on February 7, 1929, at his home in Goose Creek, Texas to mother Frankie Edwards Brame and father Richard Arthur Brame. It would take volumes to describe his life story. He was an Eagle Scout at age 15 and then graduated from Robert E. Lee high school in Baytown, Texas in 1947, and soon graduated from the University of Houston three years later with a BS in Psychology.
When it comes to content that could offend people with certain religious or ethnocultural identities, directors need to consider whether their choices serve a purpose or just perpetuate harmful stereotypes.