But trust levels have improved substantially among younger customers since the crash. By Ian Curran Monday 17 May 2021, 2:19 PM 2 hours ago 5,359 Views 8 Comments
Image: /Photocall Ireland
Image: /Photocall Ireland
TWO NEW SURVEYS by the Irish Banking Culture Board (IBCB) suggest that while public trust in the Irish banking sector remains low, bank staff members believe industry cultures are improving.
The IBCB is an industry initiative funded by the five main retail banks Bank of Ireland, AIB, Permanent TSB, Ulster Bank and KBC Bank which aims to improve banking culture in Ireland.
Of over 1,000 members of the public surveyed as part of the IBCB’s éist Public Trust in Banking survey, a plurality of respondents (46%) said they had low levels of trust in the banking sector.