Conversando a Sampieri: 10 appuntamenti tra agosto e settembre
Nomi di grande prestigio e opere nuove sulla battigia del PataPata
Conversando a Sampieri: 10 appuntamenti tra agosto e settembre
Ritorna con dieci appuntamenti tra agosto e settembre e tante ricche novità editoriali “Autori & Libri - Conversando a Sampieri”, la rassegna letteraria a due passi dal mare del PataPata.Il primo appuntamento venerdì 6 agosto 2021 con una grande e collaudata scrittrice siciliana. Cristina Cassar Scalia presenterà “L’uomo del Porto” (Ed. Einaudi) e converserà con Peppe Pitrolo, critico letterario. Mercoledì 18 agosto altro appuntamento con una delle migliori espressioni della letteratura siciliana. Tea Ranno converserà con la giornalista Viviana Sammito sulla sua ultima fatica letteraria: “Terramarina” (Ed. Mondadori).Giovedì 19 agosto è la volta di uno dei più prestigiosi e rinomati giornalisti sportivi italiani. Sulla pedana del PataPata, Maurizio Crosetti
fox news that william taylor told congressional investigators there were two channels for policymaking on ukraine. one regular and one highly irregular. he described himself as a career diplomat and said the regular channel went through traditional state department avenues and the irregular channel went through the presidents people naming ambassador gordon sondland, former special envoy kurt volker, the president s personal attorney rudy giuliani, and energy secretary rick perry. according to prepared remarks, he had significant into the last presidential election as well as the ukrainian energy firm where by sat on the board. zelensky into investigations into it burisma showed how the official foreign policy of the united states was undercut by the irregular efforts led by mr. giuliani. taylor went further relating secondhand information about what he described as a september
people. naming ambassador gordon sondland, former special envoy kurt volker, the president s personal attorney rudy giuliani and energy secretary rick perry. according to his prepared remarks, taylor explained the significance to president trump of ukrainian probes into the last presidential election. as well as the ukraine energy firm where hunter biden sat on the board. quote: the push to make president zelensky publicly commit to investigations of burisma and the alleged interference in the 2016 election showed how the official foreign policy of the united states was undercut by ther rig efforts led by mr. giuliani. taylor went further relaying second hand information about what he described as a september conversation between mr. trump and the administration s point manafort european union. quote: president trump told ambassador sondland that he was not asking for a quid pro quo. but president trump did insist that president zelensky go to a microphone and say he is opening investi