95 Years Ago
May 27, 1926
He gave no platitudes on character building nor did he waste time repeating time honored stories of the achievements of the heroes of the past, but he did give the parents a straightforward talk on the best of modern methods for bringing the youth of today to a useful manhood and womanhood.
Howard Gilchrist, Grace Caldwell, Lee Grimes, Alta Nolan, Pauline Kidwell, Herbert Jonas, Ramon Arnold, Ila Johnson, Martha Houston, Kathleen Allen, Florence Holloway, Gordon McNely, Dorotha Rose, Katherine Elkins, Elizabeth Nicolai, Clyde McDaniel, Clare Carlson, Edna Slayton, Edna Lytle, Velia Stuart, Lorena Lithgow, Mildred Hendrickson, Harvey Evans, Arthur Foster, Bernice Barnard, George Roberts, Pansy Shown, Vivian Smith.
95 years ago
December 31, 1925
Schools throughout the county and Crook county high school will reopen again on Monday after the Christmas vacation. The grade schools opened Monday. The epidemic of scarlet fever and smallpox seems to have passed. No new cases have been reported of either disease and nearly all those previously reported have been released from quarantine.
75 years ago
January 3, 1945
Warm rains which melted snow in the hills sent McKay creek on a rampage last weekend, cutting the city of Prineville Railway and the Prineville-Madras highways near Pine Products mill. The creek reached the flood stage last Friday after three days of rain, breaking into an old channel and clogging culverts on the highways and railroad with debris.