The war between Russia and Ukraine is in its eighth month. In the middle of the conflict and suffering, Operation Blessing continues to support and help Ukrainian refugees in Poland and internally displaced Ukrainians in their country.
Folgenschwere Eruption: Der Ausbruch des Toba-Supervulkans vor 74.000 Jahren könnte einen drastischen Ozonschwund in der irdischen Stratosphäre verursacht
The Toba super-eruption of some 74,000 years ago has long intrigued scientists, who remain uncertain about how the event affected humans living at the time. Now, a team of researchers suggest that the real damage from Toba came from on high, in the form of a depleted ozone layer induced by a massive release of sulfur dioxide.
Ozone levels fell by half as a result of the eruption of the Toba supervolcano in Sumatra, experts from Germany s Max Planck Institute for Chemistry found.
Ozone depletion following the Toba eruption around 74,000 years ago compounded the ensuing volcanic winter and caused a human population bottleneck. A catastrophic drop in atmospheric ozone levels around the tropics is likely to have contributed.