During their joint presentation, Jim Gotsch and Christy Hollander gave the St. Mary’s County commissioners and the Metropolitan Commission a recap of what overlaying means when it comes to paving
The Commissioners of St. Mary's County (CSMC) held their regular business meeting on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, beginning with the invocation and pledge, followed by approval of the consent agenda.
LEONARDTOWN, MD – The Commissioners of St. Mary's County (CSMC) held their regular business meeting on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, beginning with the invocation and pledge, followed by approval of the consent agenda.
The Commissioners then presented proclamations for National Travel and Tourism Week, Small Business Month, Law Day, and National Historic Preservation Month. The Department of Land Use and Growth Management then presented their annual Historic Preservation Awards selected by the Historic Preservation Commission.
During the Main Agenda items, the Commissioners took the following action:
Approved the Department of Land Use and Growth Management’s amendment to the Comprehensive Water and Sewerage Plan for the property located at 23836 Mervell Dean Road Hollywood, MD. Approved the Department of Finances’ request to adopt an ordinance to establish an Excise Tax. Approved the
The Commissioners of St. Mary's County (CSMC) held their regular business meeting on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, beginning with the invocation and pledge, followed by approval of the consent agenda.
January 6, 2021
The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County held their first regular business meeting of 2021 Tuesday, Jan. 5, in the Chesapeake Building in Leonardtown.
The first item on the agenda was a request from Bill Hunt, Director of Land Use and Growth Management, for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, the Comprehensive Water and Sewerage Plan and the Resolution to allow Sewer Service in the Sewer Service Area of the Expanded St. Clements Shores Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Commissioners approved the amendments.
The Commissioners also held two public hearings during the meeting, first soliciting community input on the disposition of county-owned surplus real property. County Attorney David Weiskopf briefed the Commissioners on the status of recommendations associated with the request. The Commissioners received no public input during the Hearing but will continue to accept input via email, phone or video submission until Jan. 12, 2021.